blob: 2288ef2d553fcd83d39549632d493a4b1a427ee4 [file] [log] [blame]
#import "LPStackTraceGenerator.h"
#include <execinfo.h>
#include <mach/mach.h>
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__arm64__)
// To get the FP_LINK_OFFSET and ISALIGNED for the new architecture,
// please check the lastest version of
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__arm64__)
#define FP_LINK_OFFSET 1
#if defined(__x86_64__)
#define ISALIGNED(a) ((((uintptr_t)(a)) & 0xf) == 0)
#elif defined(__arm64__)
#define ISALIGNED(a) ((((uintptr_t)(a)) & 0x1) == 0)
#define ISVALID(a) \
((a) >= stackbot && (a) <= stacktop && frame != NULL && (uintptr_t)a >= 4096 && ISALIGNED(a))
static _STRUCT_MCONTEXT GetContext(pthread_t pthread);
static void *GetFP(_STRUCT_MCONTEXT ctx);
static void *GetPC(_STRUCT_MCONTEXT ctx);
static bool SafeReadMemory(vm_address_t src, void *dest, size_t len);
* Stack unwind by using frame pointer.
* @param buffer Output. Array of addresses.
* @param max Size of buffer.
* @param *frames Output. Number of acutal frames.
* @param thread Target Thread.
* @param frame Frame pointer of target thread.
static void TheadStackUnwind(vm_address_t *buffer, unsigned max, unsigned *frames, pthread_t thread,
void *frame);
static NSString *getThreadName(pthread_t thread);
static inline _STRUCT_MCONTEXT GetContext(pthread_t pthread) {
thread_t thread = pthread_mach_thread_np(pthread);
#if defined(__x86_64__)
mach_msg_type_number_t count = x86_THREAD_STATE64_COUNT;
thread_get_state(thread, x86_THREAD_STATE64, (thread_state_t)&ctx.__ss, &count);
#elif defined(__arm64__)
mach_msg_type_number_t count = ARM_THREAD_STATE64_COUNT;
thread_get_state(thread, ARM_THREAD_STATE64, (thread_state_t)&ctx.__ss, &count);
return ctx;
static inline void *GetFP(_STRUCT_MCONTEXT ctx) {
#if defined(__x86_64__)
void *fp = (void *)ctx.__ss.__rbp;
#elif defined(__arm64__)
void *fp = (void *)ctx.__ss.__fp;
return fp;
static inline void *GetPC(_STRUCT_MCONTEXT ctx) {
#if defined(__x86_64__)
void *pc = (void *)ctx.__ss.__rip;
#elif defined(__arm64__)
void *pc = (void *)ctx.__ss.__pc;
return pc;
static bool SafeReadMemory(vm_address_t src, void *dest, size_t len) {
vm_size_t readSize = len;
return vm_read_overwrite(mach_task_self(), src, len, (pointer_t)dest, &readSize) == KERN_SUCCESS;
static void TheadStackUnwind(vm_address_t *buffer, unsigned max, unsigned *frames, pthread_t thread,
void *frame) {
void *next;
void *stacktop = pthread_get_stackaddr_np(thread);
void *stackbot = stacktop - pthread_get_stacksize_np(thread);
*frames = 0;
// make sure return address is never out of bounds
stacktop -= (FP_LINK_OFFSET + 1) * sizeof(void *);
if (!ISVALID(frame)) return;
while (max--) {
buffer[*frames] = *(vm_address_t *)(((void **)frame) + FP_LINK_OFFSET);
if (!SafeReadMemory((vm_address_t)frame, &next, sizeof(next))) {
NSLog(@"Unable to read memory in stack unwinding. Address: %llu", (uint64_t)frame);
if (!ISVALID(next) || next <= frame) return;
frame = next;
static NSString *getThreadName(pthread_t thread) {
char name[128];
if (pthread_getname_np(thread, name, sizeof(name)) != 0) {
return @"";
return [NSString stringWithCString:name encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
int LPSnapshotThreadStackTrace(void **buffer, int size, pthread_t thread) {
if (buffer == NULL || size == 0) {
return 0;
unsigned int num_frames;
_STRUCT_MCONTEXT ctx = GetContext(thread);
// Current instruction.
void *frame = GetFP(ctx);
buffer[0] = GetPC(ctx);
TheadStackUnwind((vm_address_t *)buffer + 1, --size, &num_frames, thread, frame);
// Index 0 is used by the current instruction.
num_frames += 1;
while (num_frames >= 1 && buffer[num_frames - 1] == NULL) {
num_frames -= 1;
return num_frames;
int LPSnapshotAllThreadsStackTrace(LPThreadStackTrace *buffer, int size) {
if (buffer == NULL || size == 0) {
return 0;
mach_msg_type_number_t threads_count;
thread_act_array_t threads_list;
task_threads(mach_task_self(), &threads_list, &threads_count);
int count;
for (count = 0; count < threads_count && count < size; ++count) {
pthread_t pthread = pthread_from_mach_thread_np(threads_list[count]);
int frames = LPSnapshotThreadStackTrace(buffer[count].stacktrace,
kLPThreadStackTraceMaxFramesCount, pthread);
buffer[count].frames = frames;
buffer[count].thread = pthread;
return count;
NSArray<NSString *> *LPStackTraceString(void **buffer, int size) {
if (buffer == NULL || size == 0) {
return @[];
char **strings = backtrace_symbols(buffer, size);
if (strings == NULL) {
return @[];
NSMutableArray<NSString *> *result = [NSMutableArray array];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
[result addObject:[NSString stringWithCString:strings[i] encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]];
return result;
NSArray<NSArray<NSString *> *> *LPStackTracesString(LPThreadStackTrace *buffer, int size) {
if (buffer == NULL || size == 0) {
return @[];
NSMutableArray<NSArray<NSString *> *> *result = [NSMutableArray array];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
NSMutableArray<NSString *> *threadResult = [NSMutableArray array];
[threadResult addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Thread %d name: %@", i,
[threadResult addObjectsFromArray:LPStackTraceString(buffer[i].stacktrace, buffer[i].frames)];
[result addObject:threadResult];
return result;