blob: 63d9374db40f62a35c68832f2b9c6697e6205ed9 [file] [log] [blame]
// This script assumes the following:
// 1. You've installed wd with `npm install wd'.
// 2. You've set the environment variables $SAUCE_USERNAME and $SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY.
// 3. If the environment variable $CIRCLE_ARTIFACTS is not set images will be saved in /tmp
// This scripts creates following files for each browser in browserVersions:
// $CIRCLE_ARTIFACTS/imgs/{browser_version_platform}/#.png
// The intention of this script is that it will be ran from CircleCI
// Example usage:
// node screenshots.js http://localhost:9292/test/visual.html
// node screenshots.js
var wd = require('wd');
var fs = require('fs');
var url = process.argv[2];
var username = process.env.SAUCE_USERNAME;
var accessKey = process.env.SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY;
var build_name = process.env.MQ_CI_BUILD_NAME;
var baseDir = process.env.CIRCLE_ARTIFACTS;
if (!baseDir) {
console.error('No $CIRCLE_ARTIFACTS found, for testing do something like `CIRCLE_ARTIFACTS=/tmp script/screenshots.js`');
var browsers = [
config: {
browserName: 'Internet Explorer',
platform: 'Windows XP'
pinned: true // assume pinned to IE 8
config: {
browserName: 'Internet Explorer',
platform: 'Windows 7'
pinned: true // assume pinned to IE 11
config: {
browserName: 'MicrosoftEdge',
platform: 'Windows 10'
config: {
browserName: 'Firefox',
platform: 'OS X 10.11'
config: {
browserName: 'Safari',
platform: 'OS X 10.11'
config: {
browserName: 'Chrome',
platform: 'OS X 10.11'
config: {
browserName: 'Firefox',
platform: 'Linux'
browsers.forEach(function(browser) { = build_name; = 'Visual tests, ' + browser.config.browserName + ' on ' + browser.config.platform;
browser.config.customData = {build_url: process.env.CIRCLE_BUILD_URL};
var browserDriver = wd.promiseChainRemote('', 80, username, accessKey);
return browserDriver.init(browser.config)
.then(function(args) {
var cfg = browser.config, capabilities = args[1];
var version = capabilities.version || capabilities.browserVersion;
var sessionName = [cfg.browserName, version, cfg.platform].join(' ');
if (capabilities.platformVersion) sessionName += ' ' + capabilities.platformVersion;
console.log(sessionName, 'init', args);
var evergreen = browser.pinned ? '' : '_(evergreen)';
var fileName = [cfg.browserName, version + evergreen, cfg.platform].join('_');
if (capabilities.platformVersion) fileName += ' ' + capabilities.platformVersion;
fileName = fileName.replace(/ /g, '_');
return browserDriver.get(url)
.then(willLog(sessionName, 'get'))
.safeExecute('document.body.focus()') // blur anything that's auto-focused
.then(willLog(sessionName, 'document.body.focus()'))
.safeExecute(' = "hidden"') // hide scrollbars
.then(willLog(sessionName, 'hide scrollbars'))
.then(function() {
// Microsoft Edge starts out with illegally big window:
if (cfg.browserName === 'MicrosoftEdge') {
return browserDriver.getWindowSize()
.then(function(size) {
return browserDriver.setWindowSize(size.width, size.height)
.then(willLog(sessionName, 'reset window size (Edge-only workaround)'))
.then(function() {
return [browserDriver.safeExecute('document.documentElement.scrollHeight'),
.spread(function(scrollHeight, viewportHeight) {
console.log(sessionName, 'get scrollHeight, clientHeight', scrollHeight, viewportHeight);
// the easy case: Firefox and IE return a screenshot of the entire webpage
if (cfg.browserName === 'Firefox' || cfg.browserName === 'Internet Explorer') {
return browserDriver.saveScreenshot(baseDir + '/imgs/' + fileName + '.png')
.then(willLog(sessionName, 'saveScreenshot'))
// the hard case: for Chrome, Safari, and Edge, scroll through the page and
// take screenshots of each piece; circle.yml will stitch them together
} else {
var piecesDir = baseDir + '/imgs/pieces/' + fileName + '/';
var scrollTop = 0;
var index = 1;
return (function loop() {
return browserDriver.safeEval('window.scrollTo(0,'+scrollTop+');')
.then(willLog(sessionName, 'scrollTo()'))
.saveScreenshot(piecesDir + index + '.png')
.then(function() {
console.log(sessionName, 'saveScreenshot');
scrollTop += viewportHeight;
index += 1;
// if the viewport hasn't passed the bottom edge of the page yet,
// scroll down and take another screenshot
if (scrollTop + viewportHeight <= scrollHeight) {
// Use `window.scrollTo` because thats what jQuery does:
// Use `window.scrollTo` instead of jQuery because jQuery was
// causing a stackoverflow in Safari.
return loop();
} else { // we are past the bottom edge of the page, reduce window size to
// fit only the part of the page that hasn't been screenshotted.
// If there is no remaining part of the page, we're done, short-circuit
if (scrollTop === scrollHeight) return browserDriver;
return browserDriver.getWindowSize()
.then(function(windowSize) {
console.log(sessionName, 'getWindowSize');
// window size is a little bigger than the viewport because of address
// bar and scrollbars and stuff
var windowPadding = windowSize.height - viewportHeight;
var newWindowHeight = scrollHeight - scrollTop + windowPadding;
return browserDriver.setWindowSize(windowSize.width, newWindowHeight)
.then(willLog(sessionName, 'setWindowSize'))
.then(willLog(sessionName, 'scrollTo() Final'))
.saveScreenshot(piecesDir + index + '.png')
.then(willLog(sessionName, 'saveScreenshot Final'));
.then(function() {
return browserDriver.log('browser')
.then(function(logs) {
var logfile = baseDir + '/browser_logs/' + sessionName.replace(/ /g, '_') + '.log';
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
fs.writeFile(logfile, JSON.stringify(logs, null, 2), function(err) {
err ? reject(err) : resolve();
.then(willLog(sessionName, 'writeFile'));
}, function(err) {
// the Edge, IE, and Firefox-on-macOS drivers don't support logs, but the others do
console.log(sessionName, 'Error fetching logs:', JSON.stringify(err, null, 2));
.fail(function(err) {
console.log('ERROR:', browser.config.browserName, browser.config.platform);
console.log(JSON.stringify(err, null, 2));
return browserDriver.sauceJobStatus(false);
function willLog() {
var msg = [], ' ');
return function(value) {
return value;