blob: e385fe853068fc264311b6c31745d536082a6779 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
\title{Does String Start or End With Another String?}
Determines if entries of \code{x} start or end with string (entries of)
\code{prefix} or \code{suffix} respectively, where strings are
recycled to common lengths.
startsWith(x, prefix)
endsWith(x, suffix)
\item{x}{\code{\link{character}} vector whose \dQuote{starts} or
\dQuote{ends} are considered.}
\item{prefix, suffix}{\code{\link{character}} vector, typically of length
one, i.e., a string.}
\code{startsWith()} is equivalent to but much faster than
\preformatted{ substring(x, 1, nchar(prefix)) == prefix }
or also
\preformatted{ grepl("^<prefix>", x) }
where \code{prefix} is not to contain special regular expression
characters (and for \code{grepl}, \code{x} does not contain missing
values, see below).
The code has an optimized branch for the most common usage in which
\code{prefix} or \code{suffix} is of length one, and is further
optimized in a UTF-8 or 8-byte locale if that is an ASCII string.
A \code{\link{logical}} vector, of \dQuote{common length} of \code{x}
and \code{prefix} (or \code{suffix}), i.e., of the longer of the two
lengths unless one of them is zero when the result is
also of zero length. A shorter input is recycled to the output length.
%\author{Martin Maechler}
\code{\link{grepl}}, \code{\link{substring}}; the partial string
matching functions \code{\link{charmatch}} and \code{\link{pmatch}}
solve a different task.
startsWith(search(), "package:") # typically at least two FALSE, nowadays often three
x1 <- c("Foobar", "bla bla", "something", "another", "blu", "brown",
"blau blüht der Enzian")# non-ASCII
x2 <- cbind(
startsWith(x1, "b"),
startsWith(x1, "bl"),
startsWith(x1, "bla"),
endsWith(x1, "n"),
endsWith(x1, "an"))
rownames(x2) <- x1; colnames(x2) <- c("b", "b1", "bla", "n", "an")
## Non-equivalence in case of missing values in 'x', see Details:
x <- c("all", "but", NA_character_)
cbind(startsWith(x, "a"),
substring(x, 1L, 1L) == "a",
grepl("^a", x))