blob: db246fe94b87178a2788c923fb81aa8fd3efc60e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
This directory contains the BRLTTY speech synthesizer driver for the ViaVoice
[] text to speech
engine from International Business Machines (IBM) []. It was
implemented, and is being maintained, by Dave Mielke <>.
ViaVoice was its original name. It's currently known as Voxin
[], and is currently being maintained by the Oralux
Association []. Other names by which ViaVoice has been
known include Eloquence, Outloud, and DecTalk.
This driver can be either dynamically loaded (at run time) or built directly
into a dynamically linked BRLTTY binary (via --with-speech-driver),
but it can't be built into a statically linked BRLTTY binary (via
--enable-standalone-programs) because the Voxin package doesn't contain
static archives.
The sox command must be installed because this driver uses it in order to
resample from one of the underlying speech engine's fixed set of rates (see
the quality parameter, below) to one that's supported by the sound card.
This driver recognizes the following parameters (see below for details):
Parameter Value
Quality fair, poor, good
Mode words, letters, punctuation, phonetic
Synthesize sentences, all
Abbreviations on, off
Years on, off
Language dialect-language[-encoding]
Voice built-in type or ViaVoice name
Gender male, female
HeadSize 0-100
PitchBaseline 40-422 [Hertz]
Expressiveness 0-100 (pitch fluctuation)
Roughness 0-100
Breathiness 0-100
Volume 0-100 [percent]
Speed 70-1297 [words per minute]
The quality parameter sets the sample rate of the generated audio:
Value Rate
Poor 8000Hz
*Fair 11025Hz
Good 22050Hz
The mode parameter determines how the text is spoken:
Value Action
*Words words are spoken
Letters letters are spoken
Punctuation letters and punctuation are spoken
Phonetic letters are spoken phonetically
The synthesize parameter determines how the text is synthesized:
Value Action
*Sentences each sentence is synthesized separately
All the entire text is synthesized
The abbreviations parameter determines how known abbreviations are spoken:
Value Action
*On abbreviations are expanded
Off abbreviations aren't expanded
The years parameter determines how four-digit numbers are spoken:
Value Action Example
*On as year numbers twenty nineteen
Off as other numbers two thousand nineteen
The language parameter specifies which language is to be synthesized. The
components of a language name are separated from one another by a dash [-].
The first component is the dialect, the second component is the language,
and the optional third component is the encoding (character set). Case
doesn't matter, and each component may be individually abbreviated as
desired. For example, ca-fr means Canadian-French. The following languages
are supported:
The voice parameter specifies which type of voice is to be synthesized. It
may be either a built-in voice type or a ViaVoice voice name. The built-in
voice types are: man (the default), woman, child, patriarch (elderly man),
matriarch (elderly woman). The ViaVoice voice names are:
Language Type Name
American English Man Reed
American English Woman Shelley
American English Child Sandy
American English Patriarch Grandpa
American English Matriarch Grandma
British English Man Justin
British English Woman Jane
British English Child Nicky
British English Patriarch Gramps
British English Matriarch Nanny
Castilian Spanish Man Carlos
Castilian Spanish Woman Pilar
Castilian Spanish Child Pepe
Castilian Spanish Patriarch Abuelo
Castilian Spanish Matriarch Abuela
Standard French Man Jacques
Standard French Woman Jacqueline
Standard French Child Marius
Standard French Patriarch Grandpère
Standard French Matriarch Mamie
Standard German Man Max
Standard German Woman Gisela
Standard German Child Matti
Standard German Patriarch Opa
Standard German Matriarch Oma
Standard Italian Man Enrico
Standard Italian Woman Lucia
Standard Italian Child Chicco
Standard Italian Patriarch Nonno
Standard Italian Matriarch Nonna
Standard Mandarin Man Li3 Jing4
Standard Mandarin Woman Wang2 Yan4
Standard Mandarin Child Li3 Dong1 Dong1
Standard Mandarin Patriarch Ye2 Ye
Standard Mandarin Matriarch Nai3 Nai
Taiwanese Mandarin Man Zhi4 Ming2
Taiwanese Mandarin Woman Chun1 Jiao1
Taiwanese Mandarin Child Xiao3 Bu4 Dian3
Taiwanese Mandarin Patriarch A3 Gong1
Taiwanese Mandarin Matriarch A3 Ma4
Brazilian Portuguese Man João
Brazilian Portuguese Woman Cláudia
Brazilian Portuguese Child Chico
Brazilian Portuguese Patriarch Avô
Brazilian Portuguese Matriarch Avó
Standard Japanese Man Taroo
Standard Japanese Woman Hanako
Standard Japanese Child Jiroo
Standard Japanese Patriarch Taroo
Standard Japanese Matriarch Obaachan
Standard Finnish Man Antti
Standard Finnish Woman Tarja
Standard Finnish Child Pekka
Standard Finnish Patriarch Isoisä
Standard Finnish Matriarch Isoäiti