| ############################################################################### |
| # BRLTTY - A background process providing access to the console screen (when in |
| # text mode) for a blind person using a refreshable braille display. |
| # |
| # Copyright (C) 1995-2023 by The BRLTTY Developers. |
| # |
| # |
| # This is free software, placed under the terms of the |
| # GNU Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software |
| # Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any |
| # later version. Please see the file LICENSE-LGPL for details. |
| # |
| # Web Page: http://brltty.app/ |
| # |
| # This software is maintained by Dave Mielke <dave@mielke.cc>. |
| ############################################################################### |
| |
| # BRLTTY Contraction Subtable - German (contracted) |
| |
| always aldehyd 25-145-15-125-6-13456-145 |
| sufword alpha 25-1234-125-1 |
| always arhythm = |
| |
| before hilmnrsu always aufnahme 2-16-1345-134-15 |
| prfword aufnahmen 2-16-1345-134-14 |
| |
| before e always ablöse = |
| always absolvent 1-12-234-135-123-1236-14-2345 |
| begmidword anachron 235-1-1456-1235-135-1345 |
| always analyse 235-25-6-13456-234-15 |
| prfword analysen 235-25-6-13456-234-14 |
| always analysenauf 235-25-6-13456-234-14-2-16 |
| always analysenergeb 235-25-6-13456-234-14-12456-12346-12 |
| before konsonant always analysen 235-25-6-13456-234-14 |
| always arthrose 356-2345-125-1235-135-234-15 |
| prfword arthrosen 356-2345-125-1235-135-234-14 |
| always ägypten 345-1245-6-13456-1234-2345-14 shouldn't use the te-contraction |
| always aegypten 345-1245-6-13456-1234-2345-14 |
| always aufgaben 2-16-1245-1-12-14 |
| prfword bachelor 12-1-1456-13456-135-1235 |
| begmidword bachelor 12-1-1456-13456-26 |
| |
| word beat = |
| always beatbox = |
| always beatmusik 12-15-1-2345-134-13 |
| always beatnik = |
| always backbeat 12-1-46-12-15-1-2345 |
| word offbeat = Sauerstoffbeatmung |
| always popbeat = |
| always rockbeat 1235-135-46-12-15-1-2345 |
| |
| always befund 23-124-256-145 |
| always beicht 12-146-1456-2345 |
| prfword beichte 12-146-1456-236 |
| prfword beichtest 12-146-1456-236-23456 |
| prfword beichtet 12-146-1456-236-2345 |
| prfword beichtete 12-146-1456-236-236 |
| prfword gebeichtetem 12346-12-146-1456-236-2345-12356 |
| prfword beichteten 12-146-1456-236-2345-14 |
| prfword gebeichteter 12346-12-146-1456-236-2345-12456 |
| prfword gebeichtetes 12346-12-146-1456-236-2345-123456 |
| prfword beichtetest 12-146-1456-236-236-23456 |
| prfword beichtetet 12-146-1456-236-236-2345 |
| endword betrieben 23-2345-1235-346-12-14 |
| always blaubeer 12-123-16-12-15-15-1235 |
| always brombeer = |
| prfword bund 12-256-145 |
| always burgunder 12-136-1235-1245-256-145-12456 |
| #always cranberry 6-14-1235-235-23-1235-1235-6-13456 |
| always dealer 145-15-1-123-12456 |
| always dehydr = |
| always diagnose = |
| prfword diagnosen 145-24-1-1245-1345-135-234-14 |
| before konsonant always diagnosen 145-24-1-1245-1345-135-234-14 |
| always diamant 145-24-1-134-235-2345 |
| before e always einreise 1246-1235-146-234-15 |
| always eisstau 146-234-23456-16 eisstau eisstaub gleisstaub |
| always erpresser 12456-1234-1235-15-2346-12456 |
| always estragon 123456-2345-1235-1-1245-135-1345 # trag? |
| always europa 126-1235-135-1234-1 |
| midendword expresses 15-6-1346-1234-1235-15-2346-123456 |
| word expresses 1346-1234-1235-15-2346-123456 |
| sufword gamma 1245-1-1346-1 |
| before hilmnrsu always gebäude 12346-12-34-145-15 |
| prfword gebäuden 12346-12-34-145-14 |
| prfword gebäudes 12346-12-34-145-123456 |
| before hilmnrsu always gebinde 12346-12-35-145-15 |
| prfword gebinden 12346-12-35-145-14 |
| prfword gebindes 12346-12-35-145-123456 |
| sufword gehäuse 12346-125-34-234-15 |
| prfword gehäusen 12346-125-34-234-14 |
| prfword gehäuses 12346-125-34-234-123456 |
| always gesund 12346-234-256-145 |
| before hilmnrsu always gewinde 12346-2456-35-145-15 |
| always gewindelt 12346-2456-35-145-13456-2345 |
| always gewindelte 12346-2456-35-145-13456-236 |
| always gewindeltem 12346-2456-35-145-13456-2345-12356 |
| always gewindelten 12346-2456-35-145-13456-2345-14 |
| always gewindelter 12346-2456-35-145-13456-2345-12456 |
| always gewindeltes 12346-2456-35-145-13456-2345-123456 |
| prfword gewinden 12346-2456-35-145-14 |
| prfword gewindes 12346-2456-35-145-123456 |
| word Gewindeschaft 12346-2456-35-145-15-156-1-124-2345 |
| before hilmnrsu always gemeinde 12346-134-1246-145-15 gemeinderat shouldn't use the er-contraction |
| |
| before hilmnrsu always gelatine 12346-123-1-2345-35-15 |
| prfword gelatinen 12346-123-1-2345-35-14 |
| |
| prfword gemeinden 12346-134-1246-145-14 |
| prfword gemeindend 12346-134-1246-145-14-145 |
| prfword gemeindende 12346-134-1246-145-14-145-15 |
| prfword gemeindendem 12346-134-1246-145-14-145-12356 |
| prfword gemeindenden 12346-134-1246-145-14-145-14 |
| prfword gemeindender 12346-134-1246-145-14-145-12456 |
| prfword gemeindendes 12346-134-1246-145-14-145-123456 |
| always gemeindeutsch 12346-134-1246-145-156 |
| always gemüse 12346-134-1256-234-15 |
| prfword gemüsen 12346-134-1256-234-14 |
| prfword gemüses 12346-134-1256-234-123456 |
| always getreide 12346-2345-1235-146-145-15 |
| prfword getreiden 12346-2345-1235-146-145-14 |
| prfword getreides 12346-2345-1235-146-145-123456 |
| always gorgonzola 1245-26-1245-135-1345-1356-135-123-1 |
| sufword gottes 1245-135-2345-2345-123456 |
| always gottesdienst 1245-135-2345-2345-123456-145-346-1345-23456 |
| always glucose = |
| always glukose = |
| before t always habich 125-1-12-3456 |
| prfword haie = |
| always haustier 125-16-234-2345-346-1235 |
| always health = |
| always heidelbeer 125-146-145-13456-12-15-15-1235 |
| before t always hilfs = |
| prfword hilfst 125-24-123-124-23456 |
| always himbeer = |
| sufword hirse = |
| sufword holunder 125-135-123-256-145-12456 |
| sufword holunderbeer 125-135-123-256-145-12456-12-15-15-1235 |
| always hypnose = |
| prfword hypnosen 125-6-13456-1234-1345-135-234-14 |
| always infanterie 35-124-235-2345-12456-346 |
| prfword infanterien 35-124-235-2345-12456-24-14 |
| prfword imitat = |
| always johannis 245-135-125-235-1345-24-234 |
| always johannisbeer 245-135-125-235-1345-24-234-12-15-15-1235 |
| before lnr always kamera 13-1-134-12456-1 |
| before konsonant always kameral 13-1-134-12456-25 |
| always kameralia 13-1-134-12456-25-24-1 |
| always kameralismus 13-1-134-12456-25-5-24 |
| always kameralist 13-1-134-12456-25-24-23456 |
| always kameralistisch 13-1-134-12456-25-5-156 |
| before hilmnrsu always karriere 13-356-1235-24-12456-15 |
| prfword karrieren 13-356-1235-24-12456-14 |
| always klasse 13-123-1-2346-15 |
| always klassen 13-123-1-2346-14 |
| always koriander 13-135-1235-24-235-145-12456 |
| always kurzbein 13-1356-12-146-1345 |
| prfword kurzeit 13-136-1235-1356-146-2345 |
| prfword kurzeiten 13-136-1235-1356-146-2345-14 |
| always kurzentren 13-136-1235-1356-14-2345-1235-14 |
| always kurzentrum 13-136-1235-1356-14-2345-1235-136-134 |
| prfword kurzelle 13-136-1235-1356-15-12345-15 |
| prfword kurzellen 13-136-1235-1356-15-12345-14 |
| always kurzhaar 13-1356-125-1-1-1235 |
| always laufwerk 123-16-124-2456-12456-13 |
| always leiterin 123-146-2345-12456-35 |
| always limit = |
| always lipizzaner 123-24-1234-24-1356-1356-235-12456 |
| |
| always mantel 134-235-2345-13456 |
| |
| before hilmnrsu always marine 134-356-35-15 |
| prfword marinem 134-356-35-12356 |
| prfword marinen 134-356-35-14 |
| prfword mariner 134-356-35-12456 |
| prfword marines 134-356-35-123456 |
| # people from san-marino |
| prfword marinese 134-356-35-123456-15 |
| prfword marinesin 134-356-35-123456-35 |
| prfword marinesinnen 134-356-35-123456-35-1345-14 |
| prfword marinesisch 134-356-35-123456-24-156 |
| prfword marinesische 134-356-35-123456-24-156-15 |
| prfword marinesischem 134-356-35-123456-24-156-12356 |
| prfword marinesischen 134-356-35-123456-24-156-14 |
| prfword marinesischer 134-356-35-123456-24-156-12456 |
| prfword marinesisches 134-356-35-123456-24-156-123456 |
| |
| always matura = |
| always maturant 134-1-2345-136-1235-235-2345 |
| |
| before s always mess 134-15-2346 |
| |
| prfword mitte 134-24-2345-236 |
| prfword mitten 134-24-2345-2345-14 |
| prfword moore = |
| prfword mooren 134-135-135-1235-14 |
| prfword moores 134-135-135-1235-123456 |
| always nappaleder 1345-1-1234-1234-1-123-15-145-12456 |
| begword neuro 1345-126-1235-135 |
| always olympia = |
| |
| prfword orgie 26-1245-24-15 |
| prfword orgien 26-1245-24-14 |
| |
| sufword orts 26-2345-234 |
| always ortschaft 26-2345-156 |
| always ortstein 26-2345-23456-1246 |
| |
| always papagei 1234-1-1234-1-1245-146 |
| always paprika = |
| always pestorahm 1234-15-23456-135-1235-1-125-134 |
| before lnr always pizza = |
| always preiselbeer 1234-1235-146-234-13456-12-15-15-1235 |
| before hilmnrsu always presse 1234-1235-15-2346-15 |
| prfword pressen 1234-1235-15-2346-14 |
| prfword pressend 1234-1235-15-2346-14-145 |
| prfword pressende 1234-1235-15-2346-14-145-15 |
| prfword pressendem 1234-1235-15-2346-14-145-12356 |
| prfword pressenden 1234-1235-15-2346-14-145-14 |
| prfword pressender 1234-1235-15-2346-14-145-12456 |
| prfword pressendes 1234-1235-15-2346-14-145-123456 |
| always pressendruck 1234-1235-15-2346-14-145-46 |
| prfword pressens 1234-1235-15-2346-14-234 |
| always pressentisch 1234-1235-15-2346-14-2345-24-156 |
| always rastalock 1235-1-23456-1-123-135-46 |
| before e always reise 1235-146-234-15 |
| always requiem 1235-15-6-12345-24-12356 |
| |
| before hilmnrsu always reserve 1235-123456-12456-1236-15 |
| prfword reserven 1235-123456-12456-1236-14 |
| |
| always rhabarber 1235-125-1-12-1-1235-12-12456 |
| prfword runde 1235-256-145-15 |
| prfword runden 1235-256-145-14 |
| sufword sahne = |
| always sahnemeer = |
| always salbei 234-25-12-146 |
| sufword sauf 234-16-124 |
| |
| always sample = |
| prfword samplen 234-1-134-1234-123-14 |
| prfword sampler 234-1-134-1234-123-12456 |
| always samplermodul 234-1-134-1234-123-12456-134-135-145-136-123 |
| prfword samplern 234-1-134-1234-123-12456-1345 |
| prfword samplers 234-1-134-1234-123-12456-234 |
| prfword samples 234-1-134-1234-123-123456 |
| |
| midendword samt = |
| before l always sauna 234-16-1345-1 |
| prfword solos = |
| prfword soli = |
| before l always schul 156-136-123 |
| always schulter 156-136-123-2345-12456 shouldn't use the te-contraction |
| always schultragödie 156-136-123-2345-1235-1-1245-246-145-24-15 |
| always schultragödien 156-136-123-2345-1235-1-1245-246-145-24-14 |
| always schultrans 156-136-123-2345-1235-235-234 schultransport |
| before hilmnrsu always see = |
| sufword solar 234-135-123-356 |
| prfword soße = |
| prfword soßen 234-135-6-2346-14 |
| always sound = |
| always soundso 2-1234-2-136-2-1234 |
| before e always speise 234-1234-146-234-15 |
| always tabasco = |
| always teacher 2345-15-1-1456-12456 |
| always teaching 2345-15-1-1456-35-1245 |
| before l always teil 2345-146-123 |
| before hilmnrsu always teilnahme 2345-146-123-1345-134-15 |
| prfword teilnahmen 2345-146-123-1345-134-14 |
| always temperatur 2345-12356-1234-12456-1-2345-136-1235 prefer em-contraction over te-contraction |
| always tempo 2345-12356-1234-135 |
| prfword temporal 2345-12356-1234-26-1-123 |
| begmidword temporal 2345-12356-1234-26-25 |
| always temporär 2345-12356-1234-26-345-1235 |
| word tempore 2345-12356-1234-26-15 |
| always theater 2345-125-15-1-2345-12456 shouldn't use the te-contraction |
| always tuberkulose 2345-136-12-12456-13-136-123-135-234-15 |
| prfword tuberkulosen 2345-136-12-12456-13-136-123-135-234-14 |
| before lnr always tundra 2345-256-145-1235-1 |
| sufword ultra = |
| always ungleich 256-1245-1456 shouldn't use the ung-contraction |
| always vegetarier 1236-15-12346-2345-356-24-12456 |
| before l always vokal 1236-135-13-25 |
| always völkerkunde 5-1236-13-12456-13-256-145-15 |
| always wachstum 2456-56-234-2345-136-134 |
| always wachstums 2456-56-234-2345-136-134-234 |
| |
| before lnr always yoga = |
| always ziegel 1356-346-1245-13456 shouldn't use the ge-contraction |
| always zugbegleiter 1356-136-1245-23-1245-123-146-2345-12456 |
| always zugkraft 1356-136-1245-13-124 |
| always zugkräft 1356-136-1245-5-13-124 |
| word zugmitte 1356-136-1245-134-24-2345-236 |
| always zugtempo 1356-136-1245-2345-12356-1234-135 |
| always zwilling 1356-2456-24-12345-35-1245 |
| prfword zwillinge 1356-2456-24-12345-35-12346 |
| before konsonant always zwillings 1356-2456-24-12345-35-1245-234 |
| always zypressen 1356-6-13456-1234-1235-15-2346-14 |
| |
| # Doppelvokale |
| always erdbeer 12456-145-12-15-15-1235 |
| always waldbeer 2456-25-145-12-15-15-1235 |
| always zwergerdbeer 1356-2456-12456-1245-12456-145-12-15-15-1235 |
| always frisbee 124-1235-24-234-12-15-15 |
| always kaffee = |
| always coffee 6-14-135-124-124-15-15 |
| always toffee 2345-135-124-124-15-15 |
| always dragee = |
| always bungee 12-256-1245-15-15 |
| always dorothee 145-26-135-2345-125-15-15 |
| always cheese 1456-15-15-234-15 |
| always pappmaschee 1234-1-1234-1234-134-1-156-15-15 |
| always klischee 13-123-24-156-15-15 |
| always yankee 6-13456-235-13-15-15 |
| sufword teenie 2345-15-15-1345-346 |
| sufword teenager 2345-15-15-1345-1-1245-12456 |
| always gelee 1245-13456-15-15 |
| prfword geleerte 12346-123-15-15-1235-236 |
| always geleert 12346-123-15-15-1235-2345 |
| |
| always soufflee = |
| always defilee 145-15-124-24-123-15-15 |
| always klee = |
| begword tee = |
| always renommee 1235-14-135-1346-15-15 |
| always armee 356-134-15-15 |
| always resümee 1235-123456-1256-134-15-15 |
| always schnee 156-1345-15-15 |
| always trainee 2345-1235-1-24-1345-15-15 |
| always pralinee 1234-1235-1-123-35-15-15 |
| always portmonee 1234-26-2345-134-135-1345-15-15 |
| always kanapee 13-235-1-1234-15-15 |
| always portepee 1234-26-236-1234-15-15 |
| always separee 234-15-1234-356-15-15 |
| always referee 1235-15-124-12456-15-15 |
| always schikoree 156-24-13-26-15-15 |
| always spree 234-1234-1235-15-15 |
| always karree 13-356-1235-15-15 |
| always porree 1234-26-1235-15-15 |
| always püree 1234-1256-1235-15-15 |
| always frikassee 124-1235-24-13-1-2346-15-15 |
| always plissee 1234-123-24-2346-15-15 |
| always varietee 1236-356-24-15-2345-15-15 |
| always komitee = |
| always trustee 2345-1235-136-23456-15-15 |
| always frottee 124-1235-135-2345-2345-15-15 |
| always queen = |
| always halloween 125-1-12345-135-2456-15-15-1345 |
| |
| always hawaii = |
| always ascii = |
| |
| always boom = |
| always voodoo = |
| always yahoo = |
| always waterloo 2456-1-2345-12456-123-135-135 |
| always shampoo = |
| always tattoo = |
| always daewoo = |
| always zoo = |