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package org.mozilla.intl.chardet ;
import java.lang.*;
public abstract class nsVerifier {
static final byte eStart = (byte)0;
static final byte eError = (byte)1;
static final byte eItsMe = (byte)2;
static final int eidxSft4bits = 3;
static final int eSftMsk4bits = 7;
static final int eBitSft4bits = 2;
static final int eUnitMsk4bits = 0x0000000F;
nsVerifier() {
public abstract String charset() ;
public abstract int stFactor() ;
public abstract int[] cclass() ;
public abstract int[] states() ;
public abstract boolean isUCS2() ;
public static byte getNextState(nsVerifier v, byte b, byte s) {
return (byte) ( 0xFF &
>> ((b & v.eSftMsk4bits) << v.eBitSft4bits))
& v.eUnitMsk4bits ))&0xFF)
>> v.eidxSft4bits) ]) >> (((
>> ((b & v.eSftMsk4bits) << v.eBitSft4bits))
& v.eUnitMsk4bits ))&0xFF)
& v.eSftMsk4bits) << v.eBitSft4bits)) & v.eUnitMsk4bits )
) ;