blob: cb9d08a1e91d09c676cef061979ed651dad8f709 [file] [log] [blame]
MatrixXf mat(2, 2);
mat << 1, 2, 4, 7;
cout << "Here is the matrix mat:\n" << mat << endl << endl;
mat = 2 * mat;
cout << "After 'mat = 2 * mat', mat = \n" << mat << endl << endl;
mat = mat - MatrixXf::Identity(2, 2);
cout << "After the subtraction, it becomes\n" << mat << endl << endl;
ArrayXXf arr = mat;
arr = arr.square();
cout << "After squaring, it becomes\n" << arr << endl << endl;
// Combining all operations in one statement:
mat << 1, 2, 4, 7;
mat = (2 * mat - MatrixXf::Identity(2, 2)).array().square();
cout << "Doing everything at once yields\n" << mat << endl << endl;