blob: f080996688a7a2eaac625d48bd58974687de3105 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2010 Manuel Yguel <>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at
// This file requires the user to include
// * Eigen/Core
// * Eigen/src/PolynomialSolver.h
// IWYU pragma: private
#include "./InternalHeaderCheck.h"
namespace Eigen {
namespace internal {
template <int Size>
struct decrement_if_fixed_size {
enum { ret = (Size == Dynamic) ? Dynamic : Size - 1 };
template <typename Scalar_, int Deg_>
class companion {
enum { Deg = Deg_, Deg_1 = decrement_if_fixed_size<Deg>::ret };
typedef Scalar_ Scalar;
typedef typename NumTraits<Scalar>::Real RealScalar;
typedef Matrix<Scalar, Deg, 1> RightColumn;
// typedef DiagonalMatrix< Scalar, Deg_1, Deg_1 > BottomLeftDiagonal;
typedef Matrix<Scalar, Deg_1, 1> BottomLeftDiagonal;
typedef Matrix<Scalar, Deg, Deg> DenseCompanionMatrixType;
typedef Matrix<Scalar, Deg_, Deg_1> LeftBlock;
typedef Matrix<Scalar, Deg_1, Deg_1> BottomLeftBlock;
typedef Matrix<Scalar, 1, Deg_1> LeftBlockFirstRow;
typedef DenseIndex Index;
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Scalar_ operator()(Index row, Index col) const {
if (m_bl_diag.rows() > col) {
if (0 < row) {
return m_bl_diag[col];
} else {
return 0;
} else {
return m_monic[row];
template <typename VectorType>
void setPolynomial(const VectorType& poly) {
const Index deg = poly.size() - 1;
m_monic = -poly.head(deg) / poly[deg];
m_bl_diag.setOnes(deg - 1);
template <typename VectorType>
companion(const VectorType& poly) {
DenseCompanionMatrixType denseMatrix() const {
const Index deg = m_monic.size();
const Index deg_1 = deg - 1;
DenseCompanionMatrixType companMat(deg, deg);
companMat << (LeftBlock(deg, deg_1) << LeftBlockFirstRow::Zero(1, deg_1),
BottomLeftBlock::Identity(deg - 1, deg - 1) * m_bl_diag.asDiagonal())
return companMat;
/** Helper function for the balancing algorithm.
* \returns true if the row and the column, having colNorm and rowNorm
* as norms, are balanced, false otherwise.
* colB and rowB are respectively the multipliers for
* the column and the row in order to balance them.
* */
bool balanced(RealScalar colNorm, RealScalar rowNorm, bool& isBalanced, RealScalar& colB, RealScalar& rowB);
/** Helper function for the balancing algorithm.
* \returns true if the row and the column, having colNorm and rowNorm
* as norms, are balanced, false otherwise.
* colB and rowB are respectively the multipliers for
* the column and the row in order to balance them.
* */
bool balancedR(RealScalar colNorm, RealScalar rowNorm, bool& isBalanced, RealScalar& colB, RealScalar& rowB);
* Balancing algorithm from B. N. PARLETT and C. REINSCH (1969)
* "Balancing a matrix for calculation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors"
* adapted to the case of companion matrices.
* A matrix with non zero row and non zero column is balanced
* for a certain norm if the i-th row and the i-th column
* have same norm for all i.
void balance();
RightColumn m_monic;
BottomLeftDiagonal m_bl_diag;
template <typename Scalar_, int Deg_>
inline bool companion<Scalar_, Deg_>::balanced(RealScalar colNorm, RealScalar rowNorm, bool& isBalanced,
RealScalar& colB, RealScalar& rowB) {
if (RealScalar(0) == colNorm || RealScalar(0) == rowNorm || !(numext::isfinite)(colNorm) ||
!(numext::isfinite)(rowNorm)) {
return true;
} else {
// To find the balancing coefficients, if the radix is 2,
// one finds \f$ \sigma \f$ such that
// \f$ 2^{2\sigma-1} < rowNorm / colNorm \le 2^{2\sigma+1} \f$
// then the balancing coefficient for the row is \f$ 1/2^{\sigma} \f$
// and the balancing coefficient for the column is \f$ 2^{\sigma} \f$
const RealScalar radix = RealScalar(2);
const RealScalar radix2 = RealScalar(4);
rowB = rowNorm / radix;
colB = RealScalar(1);
const RealScalar s = colNorm + rowNorm;
// Find sigma s.t. rowNorm / 2 <= 2^(2*sigma) * colNorm
RealScalar scout = colNorm;
while (scout < rowB) {
colB *= radix;
scout *= radix2;
// We now have an upper-bound for sigma, try to lower it.
// Find sigma s.t. 2^(2*sigma) * colNorm / 2 < rowNorm
scout = colNorm * (colB / radix) * colB; // Avoid overflow.
while (scout >= rowNorm) {
colB /= radix;
scout /= radix2;
// This line is used to avoid insubstantial balancing.
if ((rowNorm + radix * scout) < RealScalar(0.95) * s * colB) {
isBalanced = false;
rowB = RealScalar(1) / colB;
return false;
} else {
return true;
template <typename Scalar_, int Deg_>
inline bool companion<Scalar_, Deg_>::balancedR(RealScalar colNorm, RealScalar rowNorm, bool& isBalanced,
RealScalar& colB, RealScalar& rowB) {
if (RealScalar(0) == colNorm || RealScalar(0) == rowNorm) {
return true;
} else {
* Set the norm of the column and the row to the geometric mean
* of the row and column norm
const RealScalar q = colNorm / rowNorm;
if (!isApprox(q, Scalar_(1))) {
rowB = sqrt(colNorm / rowNorm);
colB = RealScalar(1) / rowB;
isBalanced = false;
return false;
} else {
return true;
template <typename Scalar_, int Deg_>
void companion<Scalar_, Deg_>::balance() {
using std::abs;
const Index deg = m_monic.size();
const Index deg_1 = deg - 1;
bool hasConverged = false;
while (!hasConverged) {
hasConverged = true;
RealScalar colNorm, rowNorm;
RealScalar colB, rowB;
// First row, first column excluding the diagonal
colNorm = abs(m_bl_diag[0]);
rowNorm = abs(m_monic[0]);
// Compute balancing of the row and the column
if (!balanced(colNorm, rowNorm, hasConverged, colB, rowB)) {
m_bl_diag[0] *= colB;
m_monic[0] *= rowB;
// Middle rows and columns excluding the diagonal
for (Index i = 1; i < deg_1; ++i) {
// column norm, excluding the diagonal
colNorm = abs(m_bl_diag[i]);
// row norm, excluding the diagonal
rowNorm = abs(m_bl_diag[i - 1]) + abs(m_monic[i]);
// Compute balancing of the row and the column
if (!balanced(colNorm, rowNorm, hasConverged, colB, rowB)) {
m_bl_diag[i] *= colB;
m_bl_diag[i - 1] *= rowB;
m_monic[i] *= rowB;
// Last row, last column excluding the diagonal
const Index ebl = m_bl_diag.size() - 1;
VectorBlock<RightColumn, Deg_1> headMonic(m_monic, 0, deg_1);
colNorm = headMonic.array().abs().sum();
rowNorm = abs(m_bl_diag[ebl]);
// Compute balancing of the row and the column
if (!balanced(colNorm, rowNorm, hasConverged, colB, rowB)) {
headMonic *= colB;
m_bl_diag[ebl] *= rowB;
} // end namespace internal
} // end namespace Eigen