blob: 1a77e285f567552b2b6a497e1185c255945d9525 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.images;
/// Specifies how pixels are represented in the image buffer.
enum PixelFormat {
/// BGRA_8
/// A 32-bit four-component unsigned integer format.
/// Byte order: B, G, R, A (little-endian ARGB packed 32-bit word).
/// Equivalent to Skia `kBGRA_8888_SkColorType` color type.
/// Equivalent to Zircon `ARGB_8888` pixel format on little-endian arch.
BGRA_8 = 0;
/// YUY2
/// 4:2:2 (2x down-sampled UV horizontally; full res UV vertically)
/// A 32-bit component that contains information for 2 pixels:
/// Byte order: Y1, U, Y2, V
/// Unpacks to 2 RGB pixels, where RGB1 = func(Y1, U, V)
/// and RGB2 = func(Y2, U, V)
/// Equivalent to YUV422
YUY2 = 1;
/// NV12
/// 4:2:0 (2x down-sampled UV in both directions)
/// Offset 0:
/// 8 bit per pixel Y plane with bytes YYY.
/// Offset height * stride:
/// 8 bit UV data interleaved bytes as UVUVUV.
/// Y plane has line stride >= width.
/// In this context, both width and height are required to be even.
/// The UV data is separated into "lines", with each "line" having same byte
/// width as a line of Y data, and same "line" stride as Y data's line stride.
/// The UV data has height / 2 "lines".
/// In converting to RGB, the UV data gets up-scaled by 2x in both directions
/// overall. This comment is intentionally silent on exactly how UV up-scaling
/// phase/filtering/signal processing works, as it's a complicated topic that
/// can vary by implementation, typically trading off speed and quality of the
/// up-scaling. See comments in relevant conversion code for approach taken
/// by any given convert path. The precise relative phase of the UV data is
/// not presently conveyed.
NV12 = 2;
/// YV12
/// Like I420, except with V and U swapped.
/// 4:2:0 (2x down-sampled UV in both directions)
/// Offset 0:
/// 8 bit per pixel Y plane with bytes YYY.
/// Offset height * stride:
/// 8 bit V data with uv_stride = stride / 2
/// Offset height * stride + uv_stride * height / 2:
/// 8 bit U data with uv_stride = stride / 2
/// Y plane has line stride >= width.
/// Both width and height are required to be even.
YV12 = 3;
/// Specifies how pixel color information should be interpreted.
enum ColorSpace {
SRGB = 0;
/// Specifies how pixels are arranged in memory.
enum Tiling {
/// Pixels are packed linearly.
/// Equivalent to `VK_IMAGE_TILING_LINEAR`.
/// Pixels are packed in a GPU-dependent optimal format.
/// Equivalent to `VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL`.
/// Specifies how alpha information should be interpreted.
enum AlphaFormat {
/// Image is considered to be opaque. Alpha channel is ignored.
/// Blend function is: src.RGB
/// Color channels have been premultiplied by alpha.
/// Blend function is: src.RGB + (dest.RGB * (1 - src.A))
/// Color channels have not been premultiplied by alpha.
/// Blend function is: (src.RGB * src.A) + (dest.RGB * (1 - src.A))
enum Transform {
/// Pixels are displayed normally.
/// Pixels are mirrored left-right.
/// Pixels are flipped vertically.
/// Pixels are flipped vertically and mirrored left-right.
/// Information about a graphical image (texture) including its format and size.
struct ImageInfo {
/// Specifies if the image should be mirrored before displaying.
Transform transform = Transform.NORMAL;
/// The width and height of the image in pixels.
uint32 width;
uint32 height;
/// The number of bytes per row in the image buffer.
uint32 stride;
/// The pixel format of the image.
PixelFormat pixel_format = PixelFormat.BGRA_8;
/// The pixel color space.
ColorSpace color_space = ColorSpace.SRGB;
/// The pixel arrangement in memory.
Tiling tiling = Tiling.LINEAR;
/// Specifies the interpretion of the alpha channel, if one exists.
AlphaFormat alpha_format = AlphaFormat.OPAQUE;