| type=page |
| status=published |
| title=GlassFish Server Deployment Descriptor Files |
| next=dd-elements.html |
| prev=asadmin-deployment-subcommands.html |
| ~~~~~~ |
| GlassFish Server Deployment Descriptor Files |
| ============================================ |
| |
| [[GSDPG00006]][[giida]] |
| |
| |
| [[b-glassfish-server-deployment-descriptor-files]] |
| B GlassFish Server Deployment Descriptor Files |
| ---------------------------------------------- |
| |
| This appendix describes the element hierarchies in the GlassFish Server |
| deployment descriptors that are included in this release of the |
| GlassFish Server Open Source Edition software. |
| |
| The following topics are addressed here: |
| |
| * link:#giiie[About the GlassFish Server Deployment Descriptors] |
| * link:#beaqk[The glassfish-application.xml File] |
| * link:#beaql[The glassfish-web.xml File] |
| * link:#beaqm[The glassfish-ejb-jar.xml File] |
| * link:#beaqn[The sun-cmp-mappings.xml File] |
| * link:#beaqo[The glassfish-application-client.xml file] |
| * link:#beaqp[The sun-acc.xml File] |
| * link:#giyhh[The glassfish-resources.xml File] |
| * link:#gkiot[WebLogic Server Deployment Descriptor Support in GlassFish |
| Server] |
| |
| [[giiie]][[GSDPG00076]][[about-the-glassfish-server-deployment-descriptors]] |
| |
| About the GlassFish Server Deployment Descriptors |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| Each deployment descriptor XML file has a corresponding Document Type |
| Definition (DTD) file, which defines the elements, data, and attributes |
| that the deployment descriptor file can contain. For example, the |
| `glassfish-application_6_0-1.dtd` file defines the structure of the |
| `glassfish-application.xml` file. The DTD files for the GlassFish Server |
| deployment descriptors are located in the as-install`/lib/dtds` |
| directory. |
| |
| The GlassFish Server deployment descriptor files must be readable and |
| writable by the file owners. In each deployment descriptor file, |
| subelements must be defined in the order in which they are listed under |
| each Subelements heading, unless otherwise noted. For general |
| information about DTD files and XML, see the XML specification at |
| `http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml`. |
| |
| |
| [NOTE] |
| ======================================================================= |
| |
| Do not edit the DTD files; their contents change only with new versions |
| of GlassFish Server. |
| |
| ======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| The following table lists the GlassFish Server deployment descriptors |
| and their DTD files. |
| |
| [[GSDPG835]][[sthref6]][[giiht]] |
| |
| |
| Table B-1 GlassFish Server Deployment Descriptors and DTDs |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="30%,39%,31%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Deployment Descriptor |DTD File |Description |
| |`glassfish-application.xml` |`glassfish-application_6_0-1.dtd` |
| |Configures an entire Java EE application (EAR file). |
| |
| |`glassfish-web.xml` |`glassfish-web-app_3_0-1.dtd` |Configures a web |
| application (WAR file). |
| |
| |`glassfish-ejb-jar.xml` |`glassfish-ejb-jar_3_1-1.dtd` |Configures an |
| enterprise bean (EJB JAR file). |
| |
| |`sun-cmp-mappings.xml` |`sun-cmp-mapping_1_2.dtd` |Configures |
| container-managed persistence for an EJB 2.0 or 2.1 entity bean. |
| |
| |`glassfish-application-client.xml` |
| |`glassfish-application-client_6_0-1.dtd` |Configures an Application |
| Client Container (ACC) client (JAR file). |
| |
| |`sun-acc.xml` |`sun-application-client-container_1_2.dtd` |Configures |
| the Application Client Container. This is more of a configuration file |
| than a deployment descriptor. GlassFish Server provides a default file |
| in the domain-dir`/config` directory. Specifying a different file is |
| optional. |
| |
| |`glassfish-resources.xml` |`glassfish-resources_1_5.dtd` |Configures |
| application-scoped resources. |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| |
| [NOTE] |
| ======================================================================= |
| |
| The `sun-application.xml`, `sun-web.xml`, `sun-ejb-jar.xml`, |
| `sun-application-client.xml`, and `sun-resources.xml` deployment |
| descriptors are supported for backward compatibility. |
| |
| ======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[beaqk]][[GSDPG00077]][[the-glassfish-application.xml-file]] |
| |
| The glassfish-application.xml File |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| The `glassfish-application.xml` file configures an entire Java EE |
| application (EAR file). The element hierarchy is as follows: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| glassfish-application |
| . web |
| . . web-uri |
| . . context-root |
| . pass-by-reference |
| . unique-id |
| . security-role-mapping |
| . . role-name |
| . . principal-name |
| . . group-name |
| . realm |
| . ejb-ref |
| . . ejb-ref-name |
| . . jndi-name |
| . resource-ref |
| . . res-ref-name |
| . . jndi-name |
| . . default-resource-principal |
| . . . name |
| . . . password |
| . resource-env-ref |
| . . resource-env-ref-name |
| . . jndi-name |
| . service-ref |
| . . service-ref-name |
| . . port-info |
| . . . service-endpoint-interface |
| . . . wsdl-port |
| . . . . namespaceURI |
| . . . . localpart |
| . . . stub-property |
| . . . . name |
| . . . . value |
| . . . call-property |
| . . . . name |
| . . . . value |
| . . . message-security-binding |
| . . . . message-security |
| . . . . . message |
| . . . . . . java-method |
| . . . . . . . method-name |
| . . . . . . . method-params |
| . . . . . . . . method-param |
| . . . . . . operation-name |
| . . . . . request-protection |
| . . . . . response-protection |
| . . call-property |
| . . . name |
| . . . value |
| . . wsdl-override |
| . . service-impl-class |
| . . service-qname |
| . . . namespaceURI |
| . . . localpart |
| . message-destination-ref |
| . . message-destination-ref-name |
| . . jndi-name |
| . message-destination |
| . . message-destination-name |
| . . jndi-name |
| . archive-name |
| . compatibility |
| . keep-state |
| . version-identifier |
| ---- |
| |
| Here is a sample `glassfish-application.xml` file: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| <!DOCTYPE glassfish-application PUBLIC "-//GlassFish.org//DTD |
| GlassFish Application Server 3.1 Java EE Application 6.0//EN" |
| "http://glassfish.org/dtds/glassfish-application_6_0-1.dtd"> |
| <glassfish-application> |
| <unique-id>67488732739338240</unique-id> |
| </glassfish-application> |
| ---- |
| |
| [[beaql]][[GSDPG00078]][[the-glassfish-web.xml-file]] |
| |
| The glassfish-web.xml File |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| The `glassfish-web.xml` file configures a web application (WAR file). |
| The element hierarchy is as follows: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| glassfish-web-app |
| . context-root |
| . security-role-mapping |
| . . role-name |
| . . principal-name |
| . . group-name |
| . servlet |
| . . servlet-name |
| . . principal-name |
| . . webservice-endpoint |
| . . . port-component-name |
| . . . endpoint-address-uri |
| . . . login-config |
| . . . . auth-method |
| . . . message-security-binding |
| . . . . message-security |
| . . . . . message |
| . . . . . . java-method |
| . . . . . . . method-name |
| . . . . . . . method-params |
| . . . . . . . . method-param |
| . . . . . . operation-name |
| . . . . . request-protection |
| . . . . . response-protection |
| . . . transport-guarantee |
| . . . service-qname |
| . . . tie-class |
| . . . servlet-impl-class |
| . . . debugging-enabled |
| . . . property (with attributes) |
| . . . . description |
| . idempotent-url-pattern |
| . session-config |
| . . session-manager |
| . . . manager-properties |
| . . . . property (with attributes) |
| . . . . . description |
| . . . store-properties |
| . . . . property (with attributes) |
| . . . . . description |
| . . session-properties |
| . . . property (with attributes) |
| . . . . description |
| . . cookie-properties |
| . . . property (with attributes) |
| . . . . description |
| . ejb-ref |
| . . ejb-ref-name |
| . . jndi-name |
| . resource-ref |
| . . res-ref-name |
| . . jndi-name |
| . . default-resource-principal |
| . . . name |
| . . . password |
| . resource-env-ref |
| . . resource-env-ref-name |
| . . jndi-name |
| . service-ref |
| . . service-ref-name |
| . . port-info |
| . . . service-endpoint-interface |
| . . . wsdl-port |
| . . . . namespaceURI |
| . . . . localpart |
| . . . stub-property |
| . . . . name |
| . . . . value |
| . . . call-property |
| . . . . name |
| . . . . value |
| . . . message-security-binding |
| . . . . message-security |
| . . . . . message |
| . . . . . . java-method |
| . . . . . . . method-name |
| . . . . . . . method-params |
| . . . . . . . . method-param |
| . . . . . . operation-name |
| . . . . . request-protection |
| . . . . . response-protection |
| . . call-property |
| . . . name |
| . . . value |
| . . wsdl-override |
| . . service-impl-class |
| . . service-qname |
| . . . namespaceURI |
| . . . localpart |
| . message-destination-ref |
| . . message-destination-ref-name |
| . . jndi-name |
| . cache |
| . . cache-helper |
| . . . property (with attributes) |
| . . . . description |
| . . default-helper |
| . . . property (with attributes) |
| . . . . description |
| . . property (with attributes) |
| . . . description |
| . . cache-mapping |
| . . . servlet-name |
| . . . url-pattern |
| . . . cache-helper-ref |
| . . . dispatcher |
| . . . timeout |
| . . . refresh-field |
| . . . http-method |
| . . . key-field |
| . . . constraint-field |
| . . . . constraint-field-value |
| . class-loader |
| . . property (with attributes) |
| . . . description |
| . jsp-config |
| . locale-charset-info |
| . . locale-charset-map |
| . . parameter-encoding |
| . parameter-encoding |
| . property (with attributes) |
| . . description |
| . valve |
| . message-destination |
| . . message-destination-name |
| . . jndi-name |
| . webservice-description |
| . . webservice-description-name |
| . . wsdl-publish-location |
| . keep-state |
| . version-identifier |
| ---- |
| |
| Here is a sample `glassfish-web.xml` file: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| <!DOCTYPE glassfish-web-app PUBLIC "-//GlassFish.org//DTD |
| GlassFish Application Server 3.1 Servlet 3.0//EN" |
| "http://glassfish.org/dtds/glassfish-web-app_3_0-1.dtd"> |
| <glassfish-web-app> |
| <session-config> |
| <session-manager/> |
| </session-config> |
| <resource-ref> |
| <res-ref-name>mail/Session</res-ref-name> |
| <jndi-name>mail/Session</jndi-name> |
| </resource-ref> |
| <jsp-config/> |
| </glassfish-web-app> |
| ---- |
| |
| [[beaqm]][[GSDPG00079]][[the-glassfish-ejb-jar.xml-file]] |
| |
| The glassfish-ejb-jar.xml File |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| The `glassfish-ejb-jar.xml` file configures an enterprise bean (EJB JAR |
| file). The element hierarchy is as follows: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| glassfish-ejb-jar |
| . security-role-mapping |
| . . role-name |
| . . principal-name |
| . . group-name |
| . enterprise-beans |
| . . name |
| . . unique-id |
| . . ejb |
| . . . ejb-name |
| . . . jndi-name |
| . . . ejb-ref |
| . . . . ejb-ref-name |
| . . . . jndi-name |
| . . . resource-ref |
| . . . . res-ref-name |
| . . . . jndi-name |
| . . . . default-resource-principal |
| . . . . . name |
| . . . . . password |
| . . . resource-env-ref |
| . . . . resource-env-ref-name |
| . . . . jndi-name |
| . . . service-ref |
| . . . . service-ref-name |
| . . . . port-info |
| . . . . . service-endpoint-interface |
| . . . . . wsdl-port |
| . . . . . . namespaceURI |
| . . . . . . localpart |
| . . . . . stub-property |
| . . . . . . name |
| . . . . . . value |
| . . . . . call-property |
| . . . . . . name |
| . . . . . . value |
| . . . . . message-security-binding |
| . . . . . . message-security |
| . . . . . . . message |
| . . . . . . . . java-method |
| . . . . . . . . . method-name |
| . . . . . . . . . method-params |
| . . . . . . . . . . method-param |
| . . . . . . . . operation-name |
| . . . . . . . request-protection |
| . . . . . . . response-protection |
| . . . . call-property |
| . . . . . name |
| . . . . . value |
| . . . . wsdl-override |
| . . . . service-impl-class |
| . . . . service-qname |
| . . . . . namespaceURI |
| . . . . . localpart |
| . . . message-destination-ref |
| . . . . message-destination-ref-name |
| . . . . jndi-name |
| . . . pass-by-reference |
| . . . cmp |
| . . . . mapping-properties |
| . . . . is-one-one-cmp |
| . . . . one-one-finders |
| . . . . . finder |
| . . . . . . method-name |
| . . . . . . query-params |
| . . . . . . query-filter |
| . . . . . . query-variables |
| . . . . . . query-ordering |
| . . . . prefetch-disabled |
| . . . . . query-method |
| . . . . . . method-name |
| . . . . . . method-params |
| . . . . . . . method-param |
| . . . principal |
| . . . . name |
| . . . mdb-connection-factory |
| . . . . jndi-name |
| . . . . default-resource-principal |
| . . . . . name |
| . . . . . password |
| . . . jms-durable-subscription-name |
| . . . jms-max-messages-load |
| . . . ior-security-config |
| . . . . transport-config |
| . . . . . integrity |
| . . . . . confidentiality |
| . . . . . establish-trust-in-target |
| . . . . . establish-trust-in-client |
| . . . . as-context |
| . . . . . auth-method |
| . . . . . realm |
| . . . . . required |
| . . . . sas-context |
| . . . . . caller-propagation |
| . . . is-read-only-bean |
| . . . refresh-period-in-seconds |
| . . . commit-option |
| . . . cmt-timeout-in-seconds |
| . . . use-thread-pool-id |
| . . . gen-classes |
| . . . . remote-impl |
| . . . . local-impl |
| . . . . remote-home-impl |
| . . . . local-home-impl |
| . . . bean-pool |
| . . . . steady-pool-size |
| . . . . resize-quantity |
| . . . . max-pool-size |
| . . . . pool-idle-timeout-in-seconds |
| . . . . max-wait-time-in-millis |
| . . . bean-cache |
| . . . . max-cache-size |
| . . . . resize-quantity |
| . . . . is-cache-overflow-allowed |
| . . . . cache-idle-timeout-in-seconds |
| . . . . removal-timeout-in-seconds |
| . . . . victim-selection-policy |
| . . . mdb-resource-adapter |
| . . . . resource-adapter-mid |
| . . . . activation-config |
| . . . . . description |
| . . . . . activation-config-property |
| . . . . . . activation-config-property-name |
| . . . . . . activation-config-property-value |
| . . . webservice-endpoint |
| . . . . port-component-name |
| . . . . endpoint-address-uri |
| . . . . login-config |
| . . . . . auth-method |
| . . . . . realm |
| . . . . message-security-binding |
| . . . . . message-security |
| . . . . . . message |
| . . . . . . . java-method |
| . . . . . . . . method-name |
| . . . . . . . . method-params |
| . . . . . . . . . method-param |
| . . . . . . . operation-name |
| . . . . . . request-protection |
| . . . . . . response-protection |
| . . . . transport-guarantee |
| . . . . service-qname |
| . . . . tie-class |
| . . . . servlet-impl-class |
| . . . . debugging-enabled |
| . . . . property (with subelements) |
| . . . . . name |
| . . . . . value |
| . . . flush-at-end-of-method |
| . . . . method |
| . . . . . description |
| . . . . . ejb-name |
| . . . . . method-name |
| . . . . . method-intf |
| . . . . . method-params |
| . . . . . . method-param |
| . . . checkpointed-methods |
| . . . checkpoint-at-end-of-method |
| . . . . method |
| . . . . . description |
| . . . . . ejb-name |
| . . . . . method-name |
| . . . . . method-intf |
| . . . . . method-params |
| . . . . . . method-param |
| . . . per-request-load-balancing |
| . . pm-descriptors |
| . . cmp-resource |
| . . . jndi-name |
| . . . default-resource-principal |
| . . . . name |
| . . . . password |
| . . . property (with subelements) |
| . . . . name |
| . . . . value |
| . . . create-tables-at-deploy |
| . . . drop-tables-at-undeploy |
| . . . database-vendor-name |
| . . . schema-generator-properties |
| . . . . property (with subelements) |
| . . . . . name |
| . . . . . value |
| . . message-destination |
| . . . message-destination-name |
| . . . jndi-name |
| . . webservice-description |
| . . . webservice-description-name |
| . . . wsdl-publish-location |
| . . property (with subelements) |
| . . . name |
| . . . value |
| . compatibility |
| . disable-nonportable-jndi-names |
| . keep-state |
| . version-identifier |
| ---- |
| |
| |
| [NOTE] |
| ======================================================================= |
| |
| If any configuration information for an enterprise bean is not specified |
| in the `glassfish-ejb-jar.xml` file, it defaults to a corresponding |
| setting in the EJB container if an equivalency exists. |
| |
| ======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| Here is a sample `glassfish-ejb-jar.xml` file: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| <!DOCTYPE glassfish-ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//GlassFish.org// |
| DTD GlassFish Application Server 3.1 EJB 3.1//EN" |
| "http://glassfish.org/dtds/glassfish-ejb-jar_3_1-1.dtd"> |
| <glassfish-ejb-jar> |
| <display-name>First Module</display-name> |
| <enterprise-beans> |
| <ejb> |
| <ejb-name>CustomerEJB</ejb-name> |
| <jndi-name>customer</jndi-name> |
| <bean-pool> |
| <steady-pool-size>10</steady-pool-size> |
| <resize-quantity>10</resize-quantity> |
| <max-pool-size>100</max-pool-size> |
| <pool-idle-timeout-in-seconds>600</pool-idle-timeout-in-seconds> |
| </bean-pool> |
| <bean-cache> |
| <max-cache-size>100</max-cache-size> |
| <resize-quantity>10</resize-quantity> |
| <removal-timeout-in-seconds>3600</removal-timeout-in-seconds> |
| <victim-selection-policy>LRU</victim-selection-policy> |
| </bean-cache> |
| </ejb> |
| <cmp-resource> |
| <jndi-name>jdbc/__default</jndi-name> |
| <create-tables-at-deploy>true</create-tables-at-deploy> |
| <drop-tables-at-undeploy>true</drop-tables-at-undeploy> |
| </cmp-resource> |
| </enterprise-beans> |
| <keep-state>true</keep-state> |
| </glassfish-ejb-jar> |
| ---- |
| |
| [[beaqn]][[GSDPG00080]][[the-sun-cmp-mappings.xml-file]] |
| |
| The sun-cmp-mappings.xml File |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| The `sun-cmp-mappings.xml` file configures container-managed persistence |
| for an EJB 2.0 or 2.1 entity bean. The element hierarchy is as follows: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| sun-cmp-mappings |
| . sun-cmp-mapping |
| . . schema |
| . . entity-mapping |
| . . . ejb-name |
| . . . table-name |
| . . . cmp-field-mapping |
| . . . . field-name |
| . . . . column-name |
| . . . . read-only |
| . . . . fetched-with |
| . . . . . default |
| . . . . . level |
| . . . . . named-group |
| . . . . . none |
| . . . cmr-field-mapping |
| . . . . cmr-field-name |
| . . . . column-pair |
| . . . . . column-name |
| . . . . fetched-with |
| . . . . . default |
| . . . . . level |
| . . . . . named-group |
| . . . . . none |
| . . . secondary-table |
| . . . . table-name |
| . . . . column-pair |
| . . . . . column-name |
| . . . consistency |
| . . . . none |
| . . . . check-modified-at-commit |
| . . . . lock-when-loaded |
| . . . . check-all-at-commit |
| . . . . lock-when-modified |
| . . . . check-version-of-accessed-instances |
| . . . . . column-name |
| ---- |
| |
| Here is a sample database schema definition: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| create table TEAMEJB ( |
| TEAMID varchar2(256) not null, |
| NAME varchar2(120) null, |
| CITY char(30) not null, |
| LEAGUEEJB_LEAGUEID varchar2(256) null, |
| constraint PK_TEAMEJB primary key (TEAMID) |
| ) |
| create table PLAYEREJB ( |
| POSITION varchar2(15) null, |
| PLAYERID varchar2(256) not null, |
| NAME char(64) null, |
| SALARY number(10, 2) not null, |
| constraint PK_PLAYEREJB primary key (PLAYERID) |
| ) |
| create table LEAGUEEJB ( |
| LEAGUEID varchar2(256) not null, |
| NAME varchar2(256) null, |
| SPORT varchar2(256) null, |
| constraint PK_LEAGUEEJB primary key (LEAGUEID) |
| ) |
| create table PLAYEREJBTEAMEJB ( |
| PLAYEREJB_PLAYERID varchar2(256) null, |
| TEAMEJB_TEAMID varchar2(256) null |
| ) |
| alter table TEAMEJB |
| add constraint FK_LEAGUE foreign key (LEAGUEEJB_LEAGUEID) |
| references LEAGUEEJB (LEAGUEID) |
| |
| alter table PLAYEREJBTEAMEJB |
| add constraint FK_TEAMS foreign key (PLAYEREJB_PLAYERID) |
| references PLAYEREJB (PLAYERID) |
| |
| alter table PLAYEREJBTEAMEJB |
| add constraint FK_PLAYERS foreign key (TEAMEJB_TEAMID) |
| references TEAMEJB (TEAMID) |
| ---- |
| |
| Here is a corresponding sample `sun-cmp-mappings.xml` file: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| <sun-cmp-mappings> |
| <sun-cmp-mapping> |
| <schema>Roster</schema> |
| <entity-mapping> |
| <ejb-name>TeamEJB</ejb-name> |
| <table-name>TEAMEJB</table-name> |
| <cmp-field-mapping> |
| <field-name>teamId</field-name> |
| <column-name>TEAMEJB.TEAMID</column-name> |
| </cmp-field-mapping> |
| <cmp-field-mapping> |
| <field-name>name</field-name> |
| <column-name>TEAMEJB.NAME</column-name> |
| </cmp-field-mapping> |
| <cmp-field-mapping> |
| <field-name>city</field-name> |
| <column-name>TEAMEJB.CITY</column-name> |
| </cmp-field-mapping> |
| <cmr-field-mapping> |
| <cmr-field-name>league</cmr-field-name> |
| <column-pair> |
| <column-name>TEAMEJB.LEAGUEEJB_LEAGUEID</column-name> |
| <column-name>LEAGUEEJB.LEAGUEID</column-name> |
| </column-pair> |
| <fetched-with> |
| <none/> |
| </fetched-with> |
| </cmr-field-mapping> |
| <cmr-field-mapping> |
| <cmr-field-name>players</cmr-field-name> |
| <column-pair> |
| <column-name>TEAMEJB.TEAMID</column-name> |
| <column-name>PLAYEREJBTEAMEJB.TEAMEJB_TEAMID</column-name> |
| </column-pair> |
| <column-pair> |
| <column-name>PLAYEREJBTEAMEJB.PLAYEREJB_PLAYERID</column-name> |
| <column-name>PLAYEREJB.PLAYERID</column-name> |
| </column-pair> |
| <fetched-with> |
| <none/> |
| </fetched-with> |
| </cmr-field-mapping> |
| </entity-mapping> |
| <entity-mapping> |
| <ejb-name>PlayerEJB</ejb-name> |
| <table-name>PLAYEREJB</table-name> |
| <cmp-field-mapping> |
| <field-name>position</field-name> |
| <column-name>PLAYEREJB.POSITION</column-name> |
| </cmp-field-mapping> |
| <cmp-field-mapping> |
| <field-name>playerId</field-name> |
| <column-name>PLAYEREJB.PLAYERID</column-name> |
| </cmp-field-mapping> |
| <cmp-field-mapping> |
| <field-name>name</field-name> |
| <column-name>PLAYEREJB.NAME</column-name> |
| </cmp-field-mapping> |
| <cmp-field-mapping> |
| <field-name>salary</field-name> |
| <column-name>PLAYEREJB.SALARY</column-name> |
| </cmp-field-mapping> |
| <cmr-field-mapping> |
| <cmr-field-name>teams</cmr-field-name> |
| <column-pair> |
| <column-name>PLAYEREJB.PLAYERID</column-name> |
| <column-name>PLAYEREJBTEAMEJB.PLAYEREJB_PLAYERID</column-name> |
| </column-pair> |
| <column-pair> |
| <column-name>PLAYEREJBTEAMEJB.TEAMEJB_TEAMID</column-name> |
| <column-name>TEAMEJB.TEAMID</column-name> |
| </column-pair> |
| <fetched-with> |
| <none/> |
| </fetched-with> |
| </cmr-field-mapping> |
| </entity-mapping> |
| <entity-mapping> |
| <ejb-name>LeagueEJB</ejb-name> |
| <table-name>LEAGUEEJB</table-name> |
| <cmp-field-mapping> |
| <field-name>leagueId</field-name> |
| <column-name>LEAGUEEJB.LEAGUEID</column-name> |
| </cmp-field-mapping> |
| <cmp-field-mapping> |
| <field-name>name</field-name> |
| <column-name>LEAGUEEJB.NAME</column-name> |
| </cmp-field-mapping> |
| <cmp-field-mapping> |
| <field-name>sport</field-name> |
| <column-name>LEAGUEEJB.SPORT</column-name> |
| </cmp-field-mapping> |
| <cmr-field-mapping> |
| <cmr-field-name>teams</cmr-field-name> |
| <column-pair> |
| <column-name>LEAGUEEJB.LEAGUEID</column-name> |
| <column-name>TEAMEJB.LEAGUEEJB_LEAGUEID</column-name> |
| </column-pair> |
| <fetched-with> |
| <none/> |
| </fetched-with> |
| </cmr-field-mapping> |
| </entity-mapping> |
| </sun-cmp-mapping> |
| </sun-cmp-mappings> |
| ---- |
| |
| [[beaqo]][[GSDPG00081]][[the-glassfish-application-client.xml-file]] |
| |
| The glassfish-application-client.xml file |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| The `glassfish-application-client.xml` file configures an Application |
| Client Container (ACC) client (JAR file). The element hierarchy is as |
| follows: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| glassfish-application-client |
| . ejb-ref |
| . . ejb-ref-name |
| . . jndi-name |
| . resource-ref |
| . . res-ref-name |
| . . jndi-name |
| . . default-resource-principal |
| . . . name |
| . . . password |
| . resource-env-ref |
| . . resource-env-ref-name |
| . . jndi-name |
| . service-ref |
| . . service-ref-name |
| . . port-info |
| . . . service-endpoint-interface |
| . . . wsdl-port |
| . . . . namespaceURI |
| . . . . localpart |
| . . . stub-property |
| . . . . name |
| . . . . value |
| . . . call-property |
| . . . . name |
| . . . . value |
| . . . message-security-binding |
| . . . . message-security |
| . . . . . message |
| . . . . . . java-method |
| . . . . . . . method-name |
| . . . . . . . method-params |
| . . . . . . . . method-param |
| . . . . . . operation-name |
| . . . . . request-protection |
| . . . . . response-protection |
| . . call-property |
| . . . name |
| . . . value |
| . . wsdl-override |
| . . service-impl-class |
| . . service-qname |
| . . . namespaceURI |
| . . . localpart |
| . message-destination-ref |
| . . message-destination-ref-name |
| . . jndi-name |
| . message-destination |
| . . message-destination-name |
| . . jndi-name |
| . java-web-start-access |
| . . context-root |
| . . eligible |
| . . vendor |
| . . jnlp-doc |
| . version-identifier |
| ---- |
| |
| Here is a sample `glassfish-application-client.xml` file: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| <!DOCTYPE glassfish-application-client PUBLIC ""-//GlassFish.org//DTD |
| GlassFish Application Server 3.1 Application Client 6.0//EN"" |
| "http://glassfish.org/dtds/glassfish-application-client_6_0-1.dtd"> |
| <glassfish-application-client> |
| <message-destination-ref> |
| <message-destination-ref-name>ClientQueue</message-destination-ref-name> |
| <jndi-name>jms/security_mdb_OutQueue</jndi-name> |
| </message-destination-ref> |
| </glassfish-application-client> |
| ---- |
| |
| [[beaqp]][[GSDPG00082]][[the-sun-acc.xml-file]] |
| |
| The sun-acc.xml File |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| The `sun-acc.xml` file configures the Application Client Container. This |
| is more of a configuration file than a deployment descriptor. GlassFish |
| Server provides a default file in the domain-dir`/config` directory. |
| Specifying a different file is optional. The element hierarchy is as |
| follows: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| client-container |
| . target-server |
| . . description |
| . . security |
| . . . ssl |
| . . . cert-db |
| . auth-realm |
| . . property (with attributes) |
| . client-credential |
| . . property (with attributes) |
| . log-service |
| . . property (with attributes) |
| . message-security-config |
| . . provider-config |
| . . . request-policy |
| . . . response-policy |
| . . . property (with attributes) |
| . property (with attributes) |
| ---- |
| |
| [[giyhh]][[GSDPG00083]][[the-glassfish-resources.xml-file]] |
| |
| The glassfish-resources.xml File |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| The `glassfish-resources.xml` file configures application-scoped |
| resources. The element hierarchy is as follows: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| resources |
| . custom-resource |
| . . description |
| . . property (with attributes) |
| . . . description |
| . external-jndi-resource |
| . . description |
| . . property (with attributes) |
| . . . description |
| . jdbc-resource |
| . . description |
| . . property (with attributes) |
| . . . description |
| . mail-resource |
| . . description |
| . . property (with attributes) |
| . . . description |
| . admin-object-resource |
| . . description |
| . . property (with attributes) |
| . . . description |
| . connector-resource |
| . . description |
| . . property (with attributes) |
| . . . description |
| . resource-adapter-config |
| . . property (with attributes) |
| . . . description |
| . jdbc-connection-pool |
| . . description |
| . . property (with attributes) |
| . . . description |
| . connector-connection-pool |
| . . description |
| . . security-map |
| . . . principal |
| . . . user-group |
| . . . backend-principal |
| . . property (with attributes) |
| . . . description |
| . work-security-map |
| . . description |
| . . principal-map |
| . . group-map |
| ---- |
| |
| [[gkiot]][[GSDPG00084]][[weblogic-server-deployment-descriptor-support-in-glassfish-server]] |
| |
| WebLogic Server Deployment Descriptor Support in GlassFish Server |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| GlassFish Server offers limited support for the |
| `weblogic-application.xml`, `weblogic.xml`, and |
| `weblogic-webservices.xml` deployment descriptor files. |
| |
| The only element in `weblogic-application.xml` that GlassFish Server |
| supports is `security`. The equivalent element in the |
| `glassfish-application.xml` file is `security-role-mapping`. |
| |
| The elements of `weblogic.xml` that GlassFish Server supports are |
| explained in the following table. |
| |
| [[GSDPG836]][[sthref7]][[gkinm]] |
| |
| |
| Table B-2 `weblogic.xml` Support in GlassFish Server |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="43%,57%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |`weblogic.xml` Element Name |GlassFish Server Support |
| |`role-name` under `security-role-assignment` |`role-name` under |
| `security-role-mapping` `glassfish-web.xml` equivalent |
| |
| |`principal-name` under `security-role-assignment` |`principal-name` |
| under `security-role-mapping` `glassfish-web.xml` equivalent |
| |
| |`resource-description` |`resource-ref` `glassfish-web.xml` equivalent, |
| but `resource-link` not supported |
| |
| |`resource-env-description` |`resource-env-ref` `glassfish-web.xml` |
| equivalent, but `resource-link` not supported |
| |
| |`ejb-reference-description` |`ejb-ref` `glassfish-web.xml` equivalent |
| |
| |`service-reference-description` |`service-ref` `glassfish-web.xml` |
| equivalent |
| |
| |`timeout-secs` under `session-descriptor` |`timeoutSeconds` property of |
| `session-properties` `glassfish-web.xml` equivalent |
| |
| |`invalidation-interval-secs` under `session-descriptor` |
| |`reapIntervalSeconds` property of `manager-properties` |
| `glassfish-web.xml` equivalent |
| |
| |`max-in-memory-sessions` under `session-descriptor` |`maxSessions` |
| property of `manager-properties` `glassfish-web.xml` equivalent |
| |
| |`persistent-store-dir` under `session-descriptor` |`directory` property |
| of `store-properties` `glassfish-web.xml` equivalent |
| |
| |`prefer-web-inf-classes` under `container-descriptor` |`delegate` |
| attribute of `class-loader` `glassfish-web.xml` equivalent |
| |
| |`context-root` |`context-root` `glassfish-web.xml` equivalent |
| |
| |`cookies-enabled` under `session-descriptor` |Servlet 3.0 |
| |
| |`cookie-name` under `session-descriptor` |Servlet 3.0 |
| |
| |`cookie-path` under `session-descriptor` |Servlet 3.0 |
| |
| |`cookie-domain` under `session-descriptor` |Servlet 3.0 |
| |
| |`cookie-comment` under `session-descriptor` |Servlet 3.0 |
| |
| |`cookie-secure` under `session-descriptor` |Servlet 3.0 |
| |
| |`cookie-max-age-secs` under `session-descriptor` |Servlet 3.0 |
| |
| |`cookie-http-only` under `session-descriptor` |Servlet 3.0 |
| |
| |`url-rewriting-enabled` under `session-descriptor` |Servlet 3.0 |
| |
| |`persistent-store-cookie-name` under `session-descriptor` |Cookie-based |
| persistence is supported |
| |
| |`keepgenerated` under `jsp-descriptor` |keepgenerated init parameter of |
| `JspServlet` |
| |
| |`working-dir` under `jsp-descriptor` |scratchdir init parameter of |
| `JspServlet` |
| |
| |`compress-html-template` under `jsp-descriptor` |trimSpaces init |
| parameter of `JspServlet` |
| |
| |`index-directory-enabled` under `container-descriptor` |listings init |
| parameter of `DefaultServlet` |
| |
| |`index-directory-sort-by` under `container-descriptor` |sortedBy init |
| parameter of `DefaultServlet` |
| |
| |`save-sessions-enabled` under `container-descriptor` |Same as |
| `asadmin redeploy` `--keepstate=true` or `keep-state` in |
| `glassfish-web.xml` |
| |
| |`run-as-principal-name` under `servlet-descriptor` |`principal-name` |
| under `servlet` `glassfish-web.xml` equivalent |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| The elements of `weblogic-webservices.xml` that GlassFish Server |
| supports are explained in the following table. |
| |
| [[GSDPG837]][[sthref8]][[gkkht]] |
| |
| |
| Table B-3 `weblogic-webservices.xml` Support in GlassFish Server |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="34%,66%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |`weblogic-webservices.xml` Element Name |GlassFish Server Support |
| |`webservice-type` |Possible values are `JAXRPC` or `JAXWS`. GlassFish |
| Server does not support JAX-RPC web services with JSR 181 annotations. |
| The use of this element is limited, because the container can find out |
| if the type is JAX-WS or JAX-RPC based on presence of JSR 181 |
| annotations. |
| |
| |`wsdl-publish-file` |Same as `wsdl-publish-location` in |
| `glassfish-web.xml` |
| |
| |`service-endpoint-address` |Similar to `endpoint-address-uri` in |
| `glassfish-web.xml`, except that `webservice-contextpath` and |
| `webservice-serviceuri` are specified separately |
| |
| |`j2ee:login-config` |Same as `login-config` in `glassfish-web.xml` |
| |
| |`j2ee:transport-guarantee` |Same as `transport-guarantee` in |
| `glassfish-web.xml` |
| |
| |`exposed` under `wsdl` |Accepts `true` or `false`, defaults to `true`. |
| Controls the publishing of WSDL to clients. |
| |
| |`stream-attachments` |Accepts `true` or `false`, defaults to `true`. |
| Only for JAX-WS web services. Configures the JAX-WS runtime to send |
| attachments in streaming fashion. |
| |
| |`validate-request` |Accepts `true` or `false`, defaults to `false`. |
| Only for JAX-WS web services. Configures the JAX-WS runtime to validate |
| that request messages are as the WSDL definitions specify. |
| |
| |`http-response-buffersize` |Property of `ReliabilityMessagingFeature` |
| configuration, similar to |
| `ReliableMessagingFeature.setDestinationBufferQuota()` |
| |
| |`reliability-config` |Partially supported. Subelements map to Metro's |
| `ReliabilityMessagingFeature`. |
| |
| |`inactivity-timeout` under `reliability-config` |Maps to |
| `ReliableMessagingFeature.getSequenceInactivityTimeout()` |
| |
| |`base-retransmission-interval` under `reliability-config` |Maps to |
| `ReliableMessagingFeature.``getMessageRetransmissionInterval()` |
| |
| |`retransmission-exponential-``backoff` under `reliability-config` |Maps |
| to `ReliableMessagingFeature.``getRetransmissionBackoffAlgorithm()`. |
| Returns enum values, one of them is `exponential`. |
| |
| |`acknowledgement-interval` under `reliability-config` |Maps to |
| `ReliableMessagingFeature.``getAcknowledgementTransmissionInterval()` |
| |
| |`sequence-expiration` under `reliability-config` |Maps to |
| `ReliableMessagingFeature.``getSequenceInactivityTimeout()`. In WebLogic |
| Server this value applies regardless of activity. In Metro it applies |
| only to inactive sequences. |
| |
| |`buffer-retry-count` under `reliability-config` |Maps to |
| `ReliableMessagingFeature.``getMaxMessageRetransmissionCount()` |
| |
| |`buffer-retry-delay` under `reliability-config` |Maps to |
| `ReliableMessagingFeature.``getMessageRetransmissionInterval()` |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| |