| type=page |
| status=published |
| title=Deploying Applications |
| next=asadmin-deployment-subcommands.html |
| prev=overview.html |
| ~~~~~~ |
| Deploying Applications |
| ====================== |
| |
| [[GSDPG00004]][[beact]] |
| |
| |
| [[deploying-applications]] |
| 2 Deploying Applications |
| ------------------------ |
| |
| This chapter provides procedures and guidelines for deploying |
| applications and modules in the GlassFish Server Open Source |
| Editionenvironment by using the `asadmin` command-line utility. |
| |
| The following topics are addressed here: |
| |
| * link:#gilfm[Deploying Applications and Modules] |
| * link:#gjiwk[Modifying the Configuration of a Web Application or |
| Module] |
| * link:#beaej[Web Module Deployment Guidelines] |
| * link:#beaek[EJB Module Deployment Guidelines] |
| * link:#gilxc[Deploying a Connector Module] |
| * link:#beaem[Assembling and Deploying an Application Client Module] |
| * link:#beael[Lifecycle Module Deployment Guidelines] |
| * link:#gbiye[Web Service Deployment Guidelines] |
| * link:#gkkmb[OSGi Bundle Deployment Guidelines] |
| * link:#gkoif[Transparent JDBC Connection Pool Reconfiguration] |
| * link:#giydj[Application-Scoped Resources] |
| |
| Instructions for accomplishing these tasks by using the Administration |
| Console are contained in the Administration Console online help. |
| |
| [[gilfm]][[GSDPG00065]][[deploying-applications-and-modules]] |
| |
| Deploying Applications and Modules |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| Application deployment is a dynamic process, which means that deployed |
| applications and modules become available without requiring you to |
| restart the server instance. Dynamic deployment can be useful in |
| production environments to bring new applications and modules online |
| easily. If you do restart the server, all deployed components are still |
| deployed and available. |
| |
| The following topics are addressed here: |
| |
| * link:#gijmq[To Deploy an Application or Module] |
| * link:#gijrc[To Change Targets for a Deployed Application or Module] |
| * link:#giulr[To List Deployed Applications or Modules] |
| * link:#gijmb[To Redeploy an Application or Module] |
| * link:#fvyje[To Disable an Application or Module] |
| * link:#gijjy[To Enable an Application or Module] |
| * link:#gijkl[To Undeploy an Application or Module] |
| * link:#fwakh[To Reload Changes to Applications or Modules Dynamically] |
| * link:#fvxze[To Deploy an Application or Module Automatically] |
| * link:#gijyb[To Deploy an Application or Module by Using a Deployment |
| Plan] |
| * link:#gilcn[To Deploy an Application or Module in a Directory Format] |
| |
| Instructions for accomplishing these tasks by using the Administration |
| Console are contained in the Administration Console online help. |
| |
| [[gijmq]][[GSDPG00033]][[to-deploy-an-application-or-module]] |
| |
| To Deploy an Application or Module |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Use the `deploy` subcommand in remote mode to deploy an assembled |
| application or module to GlassFish Server. If an error occurs during |
| deployment, the application or module is not deployed. If a module |
| within an application contains an error, the entire application is not |
| deployed. These failures prevent a partial deployment that could leave |
| the server in an inconsistent state. |
| |
| By default, the deployment target is the default server instance, |
| `server`. To deploy only to the default server instance, specify no |
| target. If you deploy the application or module only to the domain |
| target, it exists in the domain central repository, but no server |
| instances or clusters can reference the component unless you add |
| references. |
| |
| You can also deploy a component to a specific stand-alone server |
| instance or cluster. When you deploy to server instances or clusters, |
| the application or module exists in the domain's central repository and |
| is referenced by any clusters or server instances that you deployed to. |
| For a cluster, the preselected deployment target is `server`. |
| |
| If the component is already deployed or already exists, you can |
| forcefully redeploy if you set the `--force` option of the `deploy` |
| subcommand to true. The `redeploy` subcommand also accomplishes this. |
| See link:#gikiw[Example 2-10]. You can see the enabled or disabled |
| status of an application or module by using the |
| link:../reference-manual/show-component-status.html#GSRFM00232[`show-component-status`] subcommand. |
| |
| For information about how the application or module name is derived, see |
| link:overview.html#gihzk[Naming Standards]. |
| |
| Use the `--altdd` or `--runtimealtdd` options of the `deploy` (and |
| `redeploy`) subcommand to deploy an application or module using a |
| top-level alternate deployment descriptor. The `--altdd` option |
| specifies a top-level alternate Java EE standard deployment descriptor. |
| The `--runtimealtdd` option specifies a top-level alternate GlassFish |
| Server runtime deployment descriptor. See link:#CHDFHDGD[Example 2-3]. |
| For more information about deployment descriptors associated with |
| GlassFish Server, see link:overview.html#gihzc[Deployment Descriptors and |
| Annotations]. |
| |
| You can also specify the deployment order of an application by using the |
| `--deploymentorder` option of the `deploy` (and `redeploy`) subcommand. |
| This is useful for applications that must be loaded in a certain order |
| at server startup. Applications with lower deployment order numbers are |
| loaded first. See link:#CHDJFAIJ[Example 2-4]. If a deployment order is |
| not specified at the time an application is deployed, the default |
| deployment order of 100 is assigned. If two applications have the same |
| deployment order, the application that was deployed first is loaded |
| first at server startup. |
| |
| 1. Ensure that the server is running. + |
| Remote commands require a running server. |
| 2. List deployed applications by using the |
| link:../reference-manual/list-applications.html#GSRFM00148[`list-applications`] subcommand. |
| 3. Deploy the application or module by using the |
| link:../reference-manual/deploy.html#GSRFM00114[`deploy`] subcommand. + |
| Information about the options and properties of the subcommand is |
| included in this help page. |
| 4. If needed, fix issues and rerun the `deploy` subcommand. |
| |
| [[GSDPG00008]][[gijlo]] |
| |
| |
| Example 2-1 Deploying an Enterprise Application |
| |
| This example deploys `newApp.ear` to the default server, `server`. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> deploy Cart.ear |
| Application deployed successfully with name Cart. |
| Command deploy executed successfully |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSDPG00009]][[gilcq]] |
| |
| |
| Example 2-2 Deploying a Connector Module |
| |
| This example deploys a connector module that is packaged in an RAR file. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> deploy jdbcra.rar |
| Application deployed successfully with name jdbcra. |
| Command deploy executed successfully |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSDPG809]][[CHDFHDGD]] |
| |
| |
| Example 2-3 Using an Alternate Java EE Standard Deployment Descriptor |
| |
| This example deploys an application using an alternate Java EE standard |
| deployment descriptor file that resides outside of an application |
| archive. Specify an absolute path or a relative path to the alternate |
| deployment descriptor file. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> deploy --altdd path_to_alternate_descriptor cart.ear |
| Application deployed successfully with name cart. |
| Command deploy executed successfully |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSDPG810]][[CHDJFAIJ]] |
| |
| |
| Example 2-4 Specifying the Deployment Order of an Application |
| |
| This example specifies the deployment order of two applications. The |
| `cart` application is loaded before the `horse` application at server |
| startup. |
| |
| Some lines of output are omitted from this example for readability. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> deploy --deploymentorder 102 --name cart cart.war |
| ... |
| asadmin> deploy --deploymentorder 110 --name horse horse.war |
| ... |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSDPG811]] |
| |
| See Also |
| |
| You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by |
| typing `asadmin help deploy` at the command line. |
| |
| [[gijrc]][[GSDPG00034]][[to-change-targets-for-a-deployed-application-or-module]] |
| |
| To Change Targets for a Deployed Application or Module |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| After deployment, the deployed application or module exists in the |
| central repository and can be referenced by the server instances or |
| clusters that you deployed to as targets. The |
| `asadmin create-application-ref` and `asadmin delete-application-ref` |
| subcommands enable you to add or delete targets for a deployed |
| component. Because the application or module itself is stored in the |
| central repository, adding or deleting targets adds or deletes the same |
| version of the component on different targets. |
| |
| 1. Ensure that the server is running. + |
| Remote commands require a running server. |
| 2. Add and remove targets by using the |
| link:../reference-manual/create-application-ref.html#GSRFM00013[`create-application-ref`] and |
| link:../reference-manual/delete-application-ref.html#GSRFM00064[`delete-application-ref`] subcommands. |
| |
| [[GSDPG812]] |
| |
| See Also |
| |
| You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by |
| typing`asadmin help create-application-ref` or |
| `asadmin help delete-application-ref` at the command line. |
| |
| [[giulr]][[GSDPG00035]][[to-list-deployed-applications-or-modules]] |
| |
| To List Deployed Applications or Modules |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| There are a number of commands that can be used to list deployed |
| applications or modules and their subcomponents. Use the commands in |
| this section in remote mode. |
| |
| 1. Ensure that the server is running. + |
| Remote commands require a running server. |
| 2. List the desired applications by using the |
| link:../reference-manual/list-applications.html#GSRFM00148[`list-applications`] subcommand or the |
| link:../reference-manual/list-sub-components.html#GSRFM00201[`list-sub-components`] subcommand. + |
| Information about these commands is included in these help pages. |
| 3. Show the status of a deployed component by using the |
| link:../reference-manual/show-component-status.html#GSRFM00232[`show-component-status`] subcommand. |
| |
| [[GSDPG00010]][[giumj]] |
| |
| |
| Example 2-5 Listing Applications |
| |
| The `list-applications` subcommand lists all deployed Java EE |
| applications or modules. If the `--type` option is not specified, all |
| components are listed. This example lists deployed applications. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> list-applications --type web |
| hellojsp <web> |
| Command list-applications executed successfully |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSDPG00011]][[giuot]] |
| |
| |
| Example 2-6 Listing Subcomponents |
| |
| The `list-sub-components` subcommand lists EJBs or servlets in a |
| deployed module or in a module of the deployed application. If a module |
| is not identified, all modules are listed. The `--appname` option |
| functions only when the given module is standalone. To display a |
| specific module in an application, you must specify the module name and |
| the `--appname` option. This example gets the subcomponents of module |
| `mejb.jar` within application `MEjbApp`. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> list-sub-components --appname MEjbApp mejb.jar |
| MEJBBean <StatelessSessionBean> |
| Command list-sub-components executed successfully |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSDPG00012]][[giunl]] |
| |
| |
| Example 2-7 Showing Status of a Deployed Component |
| |
| The `show-component-status` subcommand gets the status (enabled or |
| disabled) of the deployed component. This example gets the status of the |
| `MEjbApp` component. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin show-component-status MEjbApp |
| Status of MEjbApp is enabled |
| Command show-component-status executed successfully |
| ---- |
| |
| [[gijmb]][[GSDPG00036]][[to-redeploy-an-application-or-module]] |
| |
| To Redeploy an Application or Module |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Use the `redeploy` subcommand in remote mode to overwrite a |
| previously-deployed application or module. You can also accomplish this |
| task by using the `--force` option of the `deploy` subcommand. Whenever |
| a redeployment is done, the HTTP and SFSB sessions in transit at that |
| time, and the EJB timers, become invalid unless you use the |
| `--keepstate=true` option of the `redeploy` subcommand. |
| |
| [[GSDPG813]] |
| |
| Before You Begin |
| |
| You must remove a preconfigured resource before it can be updated. |
| |
| 1. Ensure that the server is running. + |
| Remote commands require a running server. |
| 2. Redeploy an application or module by using the |
| link:../reference-manual/redeploy.html#GSRFM00217[`redeploy`] subcommand or the |
| link:../reference-manual/deploy.html#GSRFM00114[`deploy`] subcommand with the `--force` option. + |
| Information about the options and properties of these commands is |
| included in these help pages. |
| |
| [[GSDPG00013]][[gijzm]] |
| |
| |
| Example 2-8 Retaining HTTP Session State During Redeployment |
| |
| This example redeploys the `hello` web application. In a production |
| environment, you usually want to retain sessions. If you use the |
| `--keepstate` option, active sessions of the application are retained |
| and restored when redeployment is complete. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> redeploy --name hello --keepstate=true hello.war |
| Application deployed successfully with name hello. |
| Command redeploy executed successfully. |
| ---- |
| |
| Keep State is a checkbox option when you redeploy using the |
| Administration Console. For instructions, see the Administration Console |
| online help. |
| |
| [[GSDPG00014]][[gijkr]] |
| |
| |
| Example 2-9 Redeploying a Web Application That Was Deployed From a |
| Directory |
| |
| This example redeploys the `hello` web application, which was originally |
| deployed from the `hellodir` directory. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin>redeploy --name hellodir |
| Application deployed successfully with name hellodir. |
| Command redeploy executed successfully. |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSDPG00015]][[gikiw]] |
| |
| |
| Example 2-10 Redeploying an Application by Using `asadmin deploy` |
| `--force` |
| |
| The `--force` option is set to `false` by default. This example |
| redeploys `newApp.ear` even if has been deployed or already exists. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> deploy --force=true newApp.ear |
| Application deployed successfully with name newApp. |
| Command deploy executed successfully. |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSDPG814]] |
| |
| See Also |
| |
| You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by |
| typing `asadmin help redeploy` at the command line. |
| |
| [[fvyje]][[GSDPG00037]][[to-disable-an-application-or-module]] |
| |
| To Disable an Application or Module |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Use the `disable` subcommand in remote mode to immediately deactivate a |
| deployed application or module without removing it from the server. |
| Disabling a component makes the component inaccessible to clients. |
| However, the component is not overwritten or uninstalled, and can be |
| enabled by using the `asadmin enable` subcommand. |
| |
| An application or module is enabled by default. |
| |
| 1. Ensure that the server is running. + |
| Remote commands require a running server. |
| 2. Obtain the exact name of the application or module that you are |
| disabling. + |
| To list deployed applications or modules, use the |
| link:../reference-manual/list-applications.html#GSRFM00148[`list-applications`] subcommand. If you do not specify |
| a type, all deployed applications and modules are listed. For example, |
| valid types can be `web`, `ejb`, `connector`, `application`, and |
| `webservice`. + |
| To see the status of deployed components, use the |
| link:../reference-manual/show-component-status.html#GSRFM00232[`show-component-status`] subcommand. |
| 3. Deactivate the application or module by using the |
| link:../reference-manual/disable.html#GSRFM00116[`disable`] subcommand. + |
| Information about the options and properties of the subcommand is |
| included in this help page. |
| |
| [[GSDPG00016]][[gijkp]] |
| |
| |
| Example 2-11 Listing Deployed Web Applications |
| |
| This example lists all deployed web applications. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> list-applications --type web |
| hellojsp <web> |
| Command list-applications executed successfully. |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSDPG00017]][[gikvy]] |
| |
| |
| Example 2-12 Disabling a Web Application |
| |
| This example disables the `hellojsp` application. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> disable hellojsp |
| Command disable executed successfully. |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSDPG815]] |
| |
| See Also |
| |
| You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by |
| typing `asadmin help disable` at the command line. |
| |
| [[gijjy]][[GSDPG00038]][[to-enable-an-application-or-module]] |
| |
| To Enable an Application or Module |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| An enabled application or module is runnable and can be accessed by |
| clients if it has been deployed to an accessible server instance or |
| cluster. An application or module is enabled by default. Use the |
| `enable` subcommand in remote mode to enable an application or module |
| that has been disabled. |
| |
| An application or module that is deployed to more than one target can be |
| enabled on one target and disabled on another. If a component is |
| referenced by a target, it is not available to users unless it is |
| enabled on that target. |
| |
| 1. Ensure that the server is running. + |
| Remote commands require a running server. |
| 2. Enable the application or module by using the |
| link:../reference-manual/enable.html#GSRFM00124[`enable`] subcommand. + |
| If the component has not been deployed, an error message is displayed. |
| If the component is already enabled, it is re-enabled. To see the status |
| of deployed components, use the |
| link:../reference-manual/show-component-status.html#GSRFM00232[`show-component-status`] subcommand. + |
| Information about the options and properties of the subcommand is |
| included in this help page. |
| |
| [[GSDPG00018]][[gijxl]] |
| |
| |
| Example 2-13 Enabling an Application |
| |
| This example enables the `sampleApp` application. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> enable sampleApp |
| Command enable executed successfully. |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSDPG816]] |
| |
| See Also |
| |
| You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by |
| typing `asadmin help enable` at the command line. |
| |
| [[gijkl]][[GSDPG00039]][[to-undeploy-an-application-or-module]] |
| |
| To Undeploy an Application or Module |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Use the `undeploy` subcommand in remote mode to uninstall a deployed |
| application or module and remove it from the repository. To reinstate |
| the component, you must deploy the component again using the `deploy` |
| subcommand. |
| |
| 1. Ensure that the server is running. + |
| Remote commands require a running server. |
| 2. Obtain the exact name of the application or module you are |
| undeploying. + |
| To list deployed applications or modules, use the |
| link:../reference-manual/list-applications.html#GSRFM00148[`list-applications`] subcommand. If you do not specify |
| a type, all deployed applications and modules are listed. For example, |
| valid types can be `web`, `ejb`, `connector`, `application`, and |
| `webservice`. + |
| To see the status of deployed components, use the |
| link:../reference-manual/show-component-status.html#GSRFM00232[`show-component-status`] subcommand. |
| 3. Undeploy the application or module by using the |
| link:../reference-manual/undeploy.html#GSRFM00244[`undeploy`] subcommand. + |
| Information about the options and properties of the subcommand is |
| included in this help page. |
| |
| [[GSDPG00019]][[gikag]] |
| |
| |
| Example 2-14 Listing Deployed Applications or Modules |
| |
| This example lists all applications of type `web`. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> list-applications --type web |
| hellojsp <web> |
| Command list-applications executed successfully. |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSDPG00020]][[gikun]] |
| |
| |
| Example 2-15 Undeploying an Application |
| |
| This example uninstalls the `hellojsp` application. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> undeploy hellojsp |
| hellojsp <web> |
| Command undeploy executed successfully. |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSDPG817]] |
| |
| See Also |
| |
| You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by |
| typing `asadmin help undeploy` at the command line. |
| |
| [[fwakh]][[GSDPG00040]][[to-reload-changes-to-applications-or-modules-dynamically]] |
| |
| To Reload Changes to Applications or Modules Dynamically |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Dynamic reloading enables you to change the code or deployment |
| descriptors of an application or module without needing to perform an |
| explicit redeployment. Instead, you can copy the changed class files or |
| descriptors into the deployment directory for the application or module. |
| The server checks for changes periodically and automatically redeploys |
| the changes if the timestamp of the `.reload` file in the root directory |
| for the application or module has changed. |
| |
| Dynamic reloading is enabled by default, and is available only on the |
| default server instance. |
| |
| 1. Go to the root directory of the deployed application or module. + |
| For an application: + |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| domain-dir/applications/app-name |
| ---- |
| For an individually deployed module: + |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| domain-dir/applications/module-name |
| ---- |
| :: |
| |
| [NOTE] |
| ===================================================================== |
| |
| Deployment directories might change between GlassFish Server releases. |
| |
| ===================================================================== |
| |
| 2. Create or update the timestamp of the `.reload` file to load the |
| changes. + |
| For UNIX: `touch .reload` + |
| For Windows: `echo> .reload` + |
| If the `.reload` file doesn't exist, the `touch` or `echo` command |
| creates it. |
| |
| [[fvxze]][[GSDPG00041]][[to-deploy-an-application-or-module-automatically]] |
| |
| To Deploy an Application or Module Automatically |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| |
| [NOTE] |
| ============================================================= |
| |
| This task is best suited for use in a development environment. |
| |
| ============================================================= |
| |
| |
| Automatic deployment involves copying an archive file into a special |
| autodeploy directory where the archive is automatically deployed by |
| GlassFish Server at predefined intervals. This method is useful in a |
| development environment because it allows new code to be tested quickly. |
| Automatic deployment is enabled by default, and is available only on the |
| default server instance. |
| |
| 1. Use the link:../reference-manual/set.html#GSRFM00226[`set`] subcommand to adjust the |
| autodeployment interval. + |
| This sets the interval at which applications and modules are checked for |
| code changes and dynamically reloaded. The default is `2`. |
| 2. Use the link:../reference-manual/set.html#GSRFM00226[`set`] subcommand to enable JSP |
| precompilation. |
| 3. Copy your archive file to the autodeploy directory. + |
| The default location is domain-dir`/autodeploy`. The application will be |
| deployed at the next interval. + |
| To undeploy an automatically deployed application or module, remove its |
| archive file from the autodeploy directory. + |
| |
| [NOTE] |
| ===================================================================== |
| |
| Deployment directories might change between GlassFish Server releases. |
| |
| ===================================================================== |
| |
| |
| [[GSDPG00021]][[giqrk]] |
| |
| |
| Example 2-16 Setting the Autodeployment Interval |
| |
| This example sets the autodeployment inverval to 3 seconds (default is |
| 2). |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> set server.admin-service.das-config.autodeploy-polling-interval-in-seconds=3 |
| Command set executed successfully. |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSDPG00022]][[giqtm]] |
| |
| |
| Example 2-17 Setting JSP Precompilation |
| |
| This example enables JSP precompilation (default is false). |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> |
| set server.admin-service.das-config.autodeploy-jsp-precompilation-enabled=true |
| Command set executed successfully. |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSDPG819]] |
| |
| See Also |
| |
| You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by |
| typing `asadmin set --help` at the command line. |
| |
| [[gijyb]][[GSDPG00042]][[to-deploy-an-application-or-module-by-using-a-deployment-plan]] |
| |
| To Deploy an Application or Module by Using a Deployment Plan |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| In the deployment plan for an EAR file, the `glassfish-application.xml` |
| file is located at the root. The deployment descriptor for each module |
| is stored according to this syntax: module-name.gf-dd-name, where the |
| gf-dd-name depends on the module type. If a module named `MyModule` |
| contains a CMP mappings file, the file is named |
| `MyModule.sun-cmp-mappings.xml`. A `.dbschema` file is stored at the |
| root level. Each `/` (forward slash) is replaced by a `#` (pound sign). |
| |
| 1. Ensure that the server is running. + |
| Remote commands require a running server. |
| 2. Deploy the application or module by using the |
| link:../reference-manual/deploy.html#GSRFM00114[`deploy`] subcommand with the `--deploymentplan` |
| option. + |
| |
| [NOTE] |
| ===================================================================== |
| |
| Deployment directories might change between GlassFish Server releases. |
| |
| ===================================================================== |
| |
| |
| [[GSDPG00023]][[gijvy]] |
| |
| |
| Example 2-18 Deploying by Using a Deployment Plan |
| |
| This example deploys the application in the `myrostapp.ear` file |
| according to the plan specified by the `mydeployplan.jar` file. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin>deploy --deploymentplan mydeployplan.jar myrostapp.ear |
| Application deployed successfully with name myrostapp. |
| Command deploy executed successfully. |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSDPG00024]][[gijyn]] |
| |
| |
| Example 2-19 Deployment Plan Structure for an Enterprise Application |
| |
| This listing shows the structure of the deployment plan JAR file for an |
| EAR file. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| $ jar -tvf mydeployplan.jar |
| 420 Thu Mar 13 15:37:48 PST 2003 glassfish-application.xml |
| 370 Thu Mar 13 15:37:48 PST 2003 RosterClient.war.glassfish-web.xml |
| 418 Thu Mar 13 15:37:48 PST 2003 roster-ac.jar.glassfish-application-client.xml |
| 1281 Thu Mar 13 15:37:48 PST 2003 roster-ejb.jar.glassfish-ejb-jar.xml |
| 2317 Thu Mar 13 15:37:48 PST 2003 team-ejb.jar.glassfish-ejb-jar.xml |
| 3432 Thu Mar 13 15:37:48 PST 2003 team-ejb.jar.sun-cmp-mappings.xml |
| 84805 Thu Mar 13 15:37:48 PST 2003 team-ejb.jar.RosterSchema.dbschema |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSDPG00025]][[gijwk]] |
| |
| |
| Example 2-20 Deployment Plan Structure for an EJB Module |
| |
| In the deployment plan for an EJB module, the deployment descriptor that |
| is specific to GlassFish Server is at the root level. If a standalone |
| EJB module contains a CMP bean, the deployment plan includes the |
| `sun-cmp-mappings.xml` and `.dbschema` files at the root level. In the |
| following listing, the deployment plan describes a CMP bean: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| $ jar r -tvf myotherplan.jar |
| 3603 Thu Mar 13 15:24:20 PST 2003 glassfish-ejb-jar.xml |
| 3432 Thu Mar 13 15:24:20 PST 2003 sun-cmp-mappings.xml |
| 84805 Thu Mar 13 15:24:20 PST 2003 RosterSchema.dbschema |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSDPG820]] |
| |
| See Also |
| |
| The deployment plan is part of the implementation of JSR 88. For more |
| information about JSR 88, see link:overview.html#giiel[JSR 88 Naming] and |
| the JSR 88 page at `http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=88`. |
| |
| [[gilcn]][[GSDPG00043]][[to-deploy-an-application-or-module-in-a-directory-format]] |
| |
| To Deploy an Application or Module in a Directory Format |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| |
| [NOTE] |
| ============================================================= |
| |
| This task is best suited for use in a development environment. |
| |
| ============================================================= |
| |
| |
| An expanded directory, also known as an exploded directory, contains an |
| unassembled (unpackaged) application or module. To deploy a directory |
| format instead of an archive, file, use the `asadmin deploy` subcommand |
| in remote mode and specify a path to a directory instead of to an |
| archive file. The contents of the directory must be the same as the |
| contents of a corresponding archive file, with one exception. An |
| application archive file contains archive files for its modules, for |
| example `myUI.war` and `myEJB.jar`. The expanded application directory |
| contains expanded directories for the modules, for example `myUI_war` |
| and `myEJB_jar`, instead. . |
| |
| You can change deployment descriptor files directly in the expanded |
| directory. |
| |
| If your environment is configured to use dynamic reloading, you can also |
| dynamically reload applications or modules that are deployed from the |
| directory. For instructions, see link:#fwakh[To Reload Changes to |
| Applications or Modules Dynamically]. |
| |
| Unlike archive file deployment, directory deployment does not copy the |
| directory contents to the remote hosts. This means that for deployment |
| to a cluster, the directory path may exist for both the DAS and the |
| remote server instances but may not actually correspond to the same |
| physical location. If any target server instance cannot see the deployed |
| directory, or finds that it contains different files from those detected |
| by the DAS, deployment fails. |
| |
| Integrated development environments (IDEs) typically use directory |
| deployment, so you do not need to deal directly with the expanded |
| format. |
| |
| [[GSDPG821]] |
| |
| Before You Begin |
| |
| On each cluster or stand-alone server instance to which the application |
| or module is deployed, the directory must be accessible and must contain |
| the same files as found by the DAS. |
| |
| On Windows, if you are deploying a directory on a mapped drive, you must |
| be running GlassFish Server as the same user to which the mapped drive |
| is assigned. This enables GlassFish Server to access the directory. |
| |
| 1. Ensure that the server is running. + |
| Remote commands require a running server. |
| 2. Verify that the expanded directory contents match the archive file. + |
| For information about the required directory contents, see the |
| appropriate specifications. |
| 3. Deploy the directory by using the link:../reference-manual/deploy.html#GSRFM00114[`deploy`] |
| subcommand and specifying the path to the expanded directory. + |
| |
| [NOTE] |
| ===================================================================== |
| |
| Deployment directories might change between GlassFish Server releases. |
| |
| ===================================================================== |
| |
| |
| [[GSDPG00026]][[gilaz]] |
| |
| |
| Example 2-21 Deploying an Application From a Directory |
| |
| This example deploys the expanded directory `/apps/MyApp` for the |
| `hello` application. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> deploy --name hello /apps/MyApp |
| Application deployed successfully with name hello. |
| Command deploy executed successfully. |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSDPG822]] |
| |
| See Also |
| |
| You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by |
| typing `asadmin help deploy` at the command line. |
| |
| [[gjiwk]][[GSDPG00066]][[modifying-the-configuration-of-a-web-application-or-module]] |
| |
| Modifying the Configuration of a Web Application or Module |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| You can modify the configuration of a web application or a module by |
| modifying the deployment descriptors and then repackaging and |
| redeploying the application. |
| |
| The instructions in this section enable you to change the configuration |
| of a deployed application without the need to modify the application's |
| deployment descriptors and repackage and redeploy the application. If |
| the application or module entry is unset, its value reverts to the |
| value, if any, that is set in the application's deployment descriptor. |
| |
| The following topics are addressed here: |
| |
| * link:#giyce[To Set a Web Context Parameter] |
| * link:#giycy[To Unset a Web Context Parameter] |
| * link:#giybo[To List Web Context Parameters] |
| * link:#giyhc[To Set a Web Environment Entry] |
| * link:#giyjr[To Unset a Web Environment Entry] |
| * link:#giyip[To List Web Environment Entries] |
| |
| [[giyce]][[GSDPG00044]][[to-set-a-web-context-parameter]] |
| |
| To Set a Web Context Parameter |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Use the `set-web-context-param` subcommand in remote mode to change the |
| configuration of a deployed application without the need to modify the |
| application's deployment descriptors and repackage and redeploy the |
| application. By using this subcommand, you are either adding a new |
| parameter that did not appear in the original web module's descriptor, |
| or overriding the descriptor's setting of the parameter. |
| |
| If the `--ignoreDescriptorItem` option is set to `true`, then the server |
| ignores any setting for that context parameter in the descriptor, which |
| means you do not need to specify an overriding value on the |
| `set-web-context-param` subcommand. The server behaves as if the |
| descriptor had never contained a setting for that context parameter. |
| |
| This subcommand sets a servlet context-initialization parameter of one |
| of the following items: |
| |
| * A deployed web application |
| * A web module in a deployed Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) |
| application |
| |
| [[GSDPG823]] |
| |
| Before You Begin |
| |
| The application must already be deployed. Otherwise, an error occurs. |
| |
| 1. Ensure that the server is running. + |
| Remote commands require a running server. |
| 2. Set a servlet context-initialization parameter by using the |
| link:../reference-manual/set-web-context-param.html#GSRFM00230[`set-web-context-param`] subcommand. + |
| Information about the options for the subcommand is included in this |
| help page. |
| |
| [[GSDPG00027]][[gjivx]] |
| |
| |
| Example 2-22 Setting a Servlet Context-Initialization Parameter for a |
| Web Application |
| |
| This example sets the servlet context-initialization parameter |
| javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD of the web application `basic-ezcomp` to |
| client. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> set-web-context-param --name=javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD |
| --description="The location where the application?s state is preserved" |
| --value=client basic-ezcomp |
| Command set-web-context-param executed successfully. |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSDPG824]] |
| |
| See Also |
| |
| You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by |
| typing `asadmin help set-web-context-param` at the command line. |
| |
| [[giycy]][[GSDPG00045]][[to-unset-a-web-context-parameter]] |
| |
| To Unset a Web Context Parameter |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Use the `unset-web-context-param` subcommand in remote mode to unset an |
| environment entry for a deployed web application or module that has been |
| set by using the `set-web-env-entry` subcommand. There is no need to |
| modify the application's deployment descriptors and repackage and |
| redeploy the application. |
| |
| This subcommand unsets an environment entry for one of the following |
| items: |
| |
| * A deployed web application |
| * A web module in a deployed Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) |
| application |
| |
| When an entry is unset, its value reverts to the value, if any, that is |
| set in the application's deployment descriptor. This subcommand cannot |
| be used to change the value of an environment entry that is set in an |
| application's deployment descriptor. Instead, use the |
| link:../reference-manual/set-web-context-param.html#GSRFM00230[`set-web-context-param`] subcommand for this purpose. |
| |
| [[GSDPG825]] |
| |
| Before You Begin |
| |
| The application must already be deployed, and the entry must have |
| previously been set by using the `set-web-env-entry` subcommand. |
| Otherwise, an error occurs. |
| |
| 1. Ensure that the server is running. + |
| Remote commands require a running server. |
| 2. Unset an environment entry by using the |
| link:../reference-manual/unset-web-context-param.html#GSRFM00248[`unset-web-context-param`] subcommand. + |
| Information about the options for the subcommand is included in this |
| help page. |
| |
| [[GSDPG00028]][[gjivv]] |
| |
| |
| Example 2-23 Unsetting a Servlet Context-Initialization Parameter for a |
| Web Application |
| |
| This example unsets the servlet context-initialization parameter |
| javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD of the web application `basic-ezcomp`. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> unset-web-context-param |
| --name=javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD basic-ezcomp |
| Command unset-web-context-param executed successfully. |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSDPG826]] |
| |
| See Also |
| |
| You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by |
| typing `asadmin help unset-web-context-param` at the command line. |
| |
| [[giybo]][[GSDPG00046]][[to-list-web-context-parameters]] |
| |
| To List Web Context Parameters |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Use the `list-web-context-param` subcommand in remote mode to list the |
| parameters that have previously been set by using the |
| link:../reference-manual/set-web-context-param.html#GSRFM00230[`set-web-context-param`] subcommand. The subcommand |
| does not list parameters that are set only in the application's |
| deployment descriptor. For each parameter, the following information is |
| displayed: |
| |
| * The name of the parameter |
| * The value to which the parameter is set |
| * The value of the `--ignoreDescriptorItem` option of the |
| `set-web-context-param` subcommand that was specified when the parameter |
| was set |
| * The description of the parameter or `null` if no description was |
| specified when the parameter was set |
| |
| 1. Ensure that the server is running. + |
| Remote commands require a running server. |
| 2. List servlet context-initialization parameters by using the |
| link:../reference-manual/list-web-context-param.html#GSRFM00208[`list-web-context-param`] subcommand. |
| |
| [[GSDPG00029]][[gjixd]] |
| |
| |
| Example 2-24 Listing Servlet Context-Initialization Parameters for a Web |
| Application |
| |
| This example lists all servlet context-initialization parameters of the |
| web application `basic-ezcomp` that have been set by using the |
| `set-web-context-param` subcommand. Because no description was specified |
| when the javax.faces.PROJECT_STAGE parameter was set, null is displayed |
| instead of a description for this parameter. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> list-web-context-param basic-ezcomp |
| javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD = client ignoreDescriptorItem=false |
| //The location where the application's state is preserved |
| javax.faces.PROJECT_STAGE = null ignoreDescriptorItem=true //null |
| Command list-web-context-param executed successfully. |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSDPG827]] |
| |
| See Also |
| |
| You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by |
| typing `asadmin help list-web-context-param` at the command line. |
| |
| [[giyhc]][[GSDPG00047]][[to-set-a-web-environment-entry]] |
| |
| To Set a Web Environment Entry |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| An application uses the values of environment entries to customize its |
| behavior or presentation. Use the `set-web-env-entry` subcommand in |
| remote mode to change the configuration of a deployed application |
| without the need to modify the application's deployment descriptors and |
| repackage and redeploy the application. By using this subcommand, you |
| are either adding a new parameter that did not appear in the original |
| web module's descriptor, or overriding the descriptor's setting of the |
| parameter. |
| |
| If you the `--ignoreDescriptorItem` option is set to `true`, then the |
| server ignores any setting for that environment entry in the descriptor, |
| which means you do not need to specify an overriding value on the |
| `set-web-env-entry` subcommand. The server behaves as if the descriptor |
| had never contained a setting for that environment entry. |
| |
| This subcommand sets an environment entry for one of the following |
| items: |
| |
| * A deployed web application |
| * A web module in a deployed Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) |
| application |
| |
| [[GSDPG828]] |
| |
| Before You Begin |
| |
| The application must already be deployed. Otherwise, an error occurs. |
| |
| 1. Ensure that the server is running. + |
| Remote commands require a running server. |
| 2. Set an environment entry for a deployed web application or module by |
| using the link:../reference-manual/set-web-env-entry.html#GSRFM00231[`set-web-env-entry`] subcommand. + |
| Information about the options for the subcommand is included in this |
| help page. |
| |
| [[GSDPG00030]][[gjiwe]] |
| |
| |
| Example 2-25 Setting an Environment Entry for a Web Application |
| |
| This example sets the environment entry `Hello User` of the application |
| hello to `techscribe`. The Java type of this entry is |
| `java.lang.String`. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> set-web-env-entry --name="Hello User" |
| --type=java.lang.String --value=techscribe |
| --description="User authentication for Hello appplication" hello |
| Command set-web-env-entry executed successfully |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSDPG829]] |
| |
| See Also |
| |
| You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by |
| typing `asadmin help set-web-env-entry` at the command line. |
| |
| [[giyjr]][[GSDPG00048]][[to-unset-a-web-environment-entry]] |
| |
| To Unset a Web Environment Entry |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Use the `unset-web-env-entry` subcommand in remote mode to unset an |
| environment entry for a deployed web application or module. |
| |
| 1. Ensure that the server is running. + |
| Remote commands require a running server. |
| 2. Unset a web environment entry by using the |
| link:../reference-manual/unset-web-env-entry.html#GSRFM00249[`unset-web-env-entry`] subcommand. + |
| Information about the options for the subcommand is included in this |
| help page. |
| |
| [[GSDPG00031]][[gjivj]] |
| |
| |
| Example 2-26 Unsetting an Environment Entry for a Web Application |
| |
| This example unsets the environment entry `Hello User` of the web |
| application `hello`. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> unset-web-env-entry --name="Hello User" hello |
| Command unset-web-env-entry executed successfully. |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSDPG830]] |
| |
| See Also |
| |
| You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by |
| typing `asadmin help unset-web-env-entry` at the command line. |
| |
| [[giyip]][[GSDPG00049]][[to-list-web-environment-entries]] |
| |
| To List Web Environment Entries |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Use the `list-web-env-entry` subcommand to list environment entries for |
| a deployed web application or module. For each entry, the following |
| information is displayed: |
| |
| * The name of the entry |
| * The Java type of the entry |
| * The value to which the entry is set |
| * The description of the entry or null if no description was specified |
| when the entry was set |
| * The value of the `--ignoreDescriptorItem` option of the |
| `set-web-env-entry` subcommand that was specified when the entry was set |
| |
| 1. Ensure that the server is running. + |
| Remote commands require a running server. |
| 2. List the environment entries by using |
| theolink:GSRFM00209[`list-web-env-entry`] subcommand. |
| |
| [[GSDPG00032]][[gjiws]] |
| |
| |
| Example 2-27 Listing Environment Entries for a Web Application |
| |
| This example lists all environment entries that have been set for the |
| web application `hello` by using the `set-web-env-entry` subcommand. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> list-web-env-entry hello |
| Hello User (java.lang.String) = techscribe ignoreDescriptorItem=false |
| //User authentication for Hello appplication |
| Hello Port (java.lang.Integer) = null ignoreDescriptorItem=true //null |
| Command list-web-env-entry executed successfully. |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSDPG831]] |
| |
| See Also |
| |
| You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by |
| typing `asadmin help list-web-env-entry` at the command line. |
| |
| [[beaej]][[GSDPG00067]][[web-module-deployment-guidelines]] |
| |
| Web Module Deployment Guidelines |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| The following guidelines apply to deploying a web module in GlassFish |
| Server: |
| |
| * Context Root. When you deploy a web module, if you do not specify a |
| context root, the default is the name of the WAR file without the `.war` |
| extension. The web module context root must be unique within the server |
| instance. + |
| The domain administration server (DAS) in GlassFish Server versions |
| 2.1.1 and later supports the deployment of multiple web applications |
| using the same web context root as long as those applications are |
| deployed to different GlassFish Server stand-alone instances. Deploying |
| multiple applications using the same context root within a single |
| instance produces an error. |
| * Data Source. If a web application accesses a `DataSource` that is not |
| specified in a `resource-ref` in `glassfish-web.xml`, or there is no |
| `glassfish-web.xml` file, the `resource-ref-name` defined in `web.xml` |
| is used. A warning message is logged, recording the JNDI name that was |
| used to look up the resource. |
| * Virtual Servers. If you deploy a web application and do not specify |
| any assigned virtual servers, the web application is assigned to all |
| currently-defined virtual servers with the exception of the virtual |
| server with ID `__asadmin`, which is reserved for administrative |
| purposes. If you then create additional virtual servers and want to |
| assign existing web applications to them, you must redeploy the web |
| applications. |
| * HTTP Sessions. If a web application is undeployed, all its HTTP |
| sessions will be invalidated and removed, unless the application is |
| being undeployed as part of a redeployment and the `--keepstate` |
| deployment option was set to true. This option is not supported and |
| ignored in a clustered environment. See link:#gijzm[Example 2-8]. + |
| For information about HTTP session persistence, see the |
| link:../ha-administration-guide/toc.html#GSHAG[GlassFish Server Open Source Edition High Availability |
| Administration Guide]. |
| * Load Balancing. See the link:../ha-administration-guide/toc.html#GSHAG[GlassFish Server Open Source |
| Edition High Availability Administration Guide] for information about |
| load balancing. |
| * JSP Precompilation. You can precompile JSP files during deployment by |
| checking the appropriate box in the Administration Console, or by using |
| the `--precompilejsp` option of the `deploy` subcommand. + |
| You can keep the generated source for JSP files by adding the |
| `keepgenerated` flag to the `jsp-config` element in `glassfish-web.xml`. |
| For example: + |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| <glassfish-web-app> |
| ... |
| <jsp-config> |
| <property name=keepgenerated value=true /> |
| </jsp-config> |
| </glassfish-web-app> |
| ---- |
| If you include this property when you deploy the WAR file, the generated |
| source is kept in domain-dir`/generated/jsp/`app-name`/`module-name for |
| an application, or domain-dir`/generated/jsp/`module-name for an |
| individually-deployed web module. + |
| For more information about JSP precompilation, see |
| link:dd-elements.html#beatx[`jsp-config`]. |
| * Web Context Parameters. You can set web context parameters after |
| deployment. See the following sections: |
| |
| ** link:#giyce[To Set a Web Context Parameter] |
| |
| ** link:#giycy[To Unset a Web Context Parameter] |
| |
| ** link:#giybo[To List Web Context Parameters] |
| * Web Environment Entries. You can set web environment entries after |
| deployment. See the following sections: |
| |
| ** link:#giyhc[To Set a Web Environment Entry] |
| |
| ** link:#giyjr[To Unset a Web Environment Entry] |
| |
| ** link:#giyip[To List Web Environment Entries] |
| |
| [[beaek]][[GSDPG00068]][[ejb-module-deployment-guidelines]] |
| |
| EJB Module Deployment Guidelines |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| |
| [NOTE] |
| ======================================================================= |
| |
| The GlassFish Server Web Profile supports the EJB 3.1 Lite |
| specification, which allows enterprise beans within web applications, |
| among other features. The GlassFish Server Full Platform Profile |
| supports the entire EJB 3.1 specification. For details, see |
| http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=318[JSR 318] |
| |
| ======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| The following guidelines apply to deploying an EJB module in GlassFish |
| Server: |
| |
| * JNDI Name. — If no JNDI name for the EJB JAR module is specified in |
| the `jndi-name` element immediately under the `ejb` element in |
| `glassfish-ejb-jar.xml`, or there is no `glassfish-ejb-jar.xml` file, a |
| default, non-clashing JNDI name is derived. A warning message is logged, |
| recording the JNDI name used to look up the EJB JAR module. + |
| Because the EJB 3.1 specification defines portable EJB JNDI names, there |
| is less need for GlassFish Server specific JNDI names. By default, |
| GlassFish Server specific default JNDI names are applied automatically |
| for backward compatibility. To disable GlassFish Server specific JNDI |
| names for an EJB module, set the value of the |
| `<disable-nonportable-jndi-names>` element in the |
| `glassfish-ejb-jar.xml` file to `true`. The default is `false`. |
| * Stateful Session Bean and Timer State. — Use the `--keepstate` option |
| of the link:../reference-manual/redeploy.html#GSRFM00217[`redeploy`] subcommand or the `<keepstate>` |
| element in the `glassfish-ejb-jar.xml` file to retain stateful session |
| bean instances and persistently created EJB timers across redeployments. |
| The `--keepstate` option of the `redeploy` subcommand takes precedence. |
| The default for both is `false`. This option is not supported and |
| ignored in a clustered environment. + |
| Some changes to an application between redeployments can prevent this |
| feature from working properly. For example, do not change the set of |
| instance variables in the SFSB bean class. Other examples would be |
| changes to EJB names, or adding or removing EJBs to or from an |
| application. |
| * EJB Singletons. — EJB Singletons are created for each server instance |
| in a cluster, and not once per cluster. |
| * Stubs and Ties. — Use the link:../reference-manual/get-client-stubs.html#GSRFM00140[`get-client-stubs`] |
| subcommand in remote mode to retrieve stubs and ties. |
| * Compatibility of JAR Visibility Requirements. — Use the |
| `compatibility` element of the `glassfish-application.xml` or |
| `glassfish-ejb-jar.xml` file to specify the GlassFish Server release |
| with which to be backward compatible in terms of JAR visibility |
| requirements for applications. The current allowed value is `v2`, which |
| refers to GlassFish Server version 2 or GlassFish Server version 9.1 or |
| 9.1.1. Starting in Java EE 6, the Java EE specification imposes stricter |
| requirements than Java EE 5 did on which JAR files can be visible to |
| various modules within an EAR file. Setting this element to `v2` removes |
| these Java EE 6 and later restrictions. |
| |
| [[gilxc]][[GSDPG00069]][[deploying-a-connector-module]] |
| |
| Deploying a Connector Module |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| Deploying a stand-alone connector module allows multiple deployed Java |
| EE applications to share the connector module. A resource adapter |
| configuration is automatically created for the connector module. |
| |
| The following topics are addressed here: |
| |
| * link:#fvynl[To Deploy and Configure a Stand-Alone Connector Module] |
| * link:#bealp[Redeploying a Stand-Alone Connector Module] |
| * link:#bealq[Deploying and Configuring an Embedded Resource Adapter] |
| |
| [[fvynl]][[GSDPG00050]][[to-deploy-and-configure-a-stand-alone-connector-module]] |
| |
| To Deploy and Configure a Stand-Alone Connector Module |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| As an alternative to Step link:#gkojp[3] through Step link:#gkohy[6], |
| you can define application-scoped resources in the |
| `glassfish-resources.xml` deployment descriptor. For more information, |
| see link:#giydj[Application-Scoped Resources]. |
| |
| 1. Ensure that the server is running. + |
| Remote commands require a running server. |
| 2. Deploy the connector module by using the link:../reference-manual/deploy.html#GSRFM00114[`deploy`] |
| subcommand. |
| 3. [[gkojp]] + |
| Configure connector connection pools for the deployed connector module. + |
| Use the `create-connector-connection-pool` subcommand. For procedures, |
| see "link:../administration-guide/connectors.html#GSADG00431[To Create a Connector Connection Pool]" in |
| GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Administration Guide. |
| 4. Configure connector resources for the connector connection pools. + |
| Use the `create-resource-adapter-config` subcommand. For procedures, see |
| "link:../administration-guide/connectors.html#GSADG00440[To Create Configuration Information for a Resource |
| Adapter]" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Administration Guide. |
| If needed, you can override the default configuration properties of a |
| resource adapter. + |
| This step associates a connector resource with a JNDI name. |
| 5. Configure a resource adapter. + |
| Use the `create-resource-adapter-config` subcommand. For procedures, see |
| "link:../administration-guide/connectors.html#GSADG00440[To Create Configuration Information for a Resource |
| Adapter]" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Administration Guide. |
| If needed, you can override the default configuration properties of a |
| resource adapter. |
| 6. [[gkohy]] + |
| If needed, create an administered object for an inbound resource |
| adapter. + |
| Use the `create-admin-object` subcommand. For procedures, see |
| "link:../administration-guide/connectors.html#GSADG00452[To Create an Administered Object]" in GlassFish Server |
| Open Source Edition Administration Guide. |
| |
| [[bealp]][[GSDPG00332]][[redeploying-a-stand-alone-connector-module]] |
| |
| Redeploying a Stand-Alone Connector Module |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Redeployment of a connector module maintains all connector connection |
| pools, connector resources, and administered objects defined for the |
| previously deployed connector module. You do not need to reconfigure any |
| of these resources. |
| |
| However, you should redeploy any dependent modules. A dependent module |
| uses or refers to a connector resource of the redeployed connector |
| module. Redeployment of a connector module results in the shared class |
| loader reloading the new classes. Other modules that refer to the old |
| resource adapter classes must be redeployed to gain access to the new |
| classes. For more information about class loaders, see |
| "link:../application-development-guide/class-loaders.html#GSDVG00003[Class Loaders]" in GlassFish Server Open Source |
| Edition Application Development Guide. |
| |
| During connector module redeployment, the server log provides a warning |
| indicating that all dependent applications should be redeployed. Client |
| applications or application components using the connector module's |
| resources may throw class cast exceptions if dependent applications are |
| not redeployed after connector module redeployment. |
| |
| To disable automatic redeployment, set the `--force` option to `false`. |
| In this case, if the connector module has already been deployed, |
| GlassFish Server provides an error message. |
| |
| [[bealq]][[GSDPG00333]][[deploying-and-configuring-an-embedded-resource-adapter]] |
| |
| Deploying and Configuring an Embedded Resource Adapter |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| A connector module can be deployed as a Java EE component in a Java EE |
| application. Such connectors are only visible to components residing in |
| the same Java EE application. Deploy this application as you would any |
| other Java EE application. |
| |
| You can create new connector connection pools and connector resources |
| for a connector module embedded within a Java EE application by |
| prefixing the connector name with app-name`#`. For example, if an |
| application `appX.ear` has `jdbcra.rar` embedded within it, the |
| connector connection pools and connector resources refer to the |
| connector module as `appX#jdbcra`. |
| |
| An embedded connector module cannot be undeployed using the name |
| app-name`#`connector-name. To undeploy the connector module, you must |
| undeploy the application in which it is embedded. |
| |
| The association between the physical JNDI name for the connector module |
| in GlassFish Server and the logical JNDI name used in the application |
| component is specified in the GlassFish Server-specific XML descriptor |
| `glassfish-ejb-jar.xml`. |
| |
| [[beaem]][[GSDPG00070]][[assembling-and-deploying-an-application-client-module]] |
| |
| Assembling and Deploying an Application Client Module |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| Deployment is necessary for application clients that communicate with |
| EJB components or that use Java Web Start launch support. Java Web Start |
| is supported for application clients and for applications that contain |
| application clients. By default, Java Web Start is enabled in |
| application clients and in GlassFish Server. |
| |
| |
| [NOTE] |
| ======================================================================= |
| |
| The Application Client Container is supported only in the GlassFish |
| Server Full Platform Profile, not in the Web Profile. |
| |
| ======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| The following topics are addressed here: |
| |
| * link:#fvyal[To Assemble and Deploy an Application Client] |
| * link:#fwahd[To Prepare Another Machine for Running an Application |
| Client] |
| * link:#gavpv[To Undeploy an Application Client] |
| |
| [[fvyal]][[GSDPG00051]][[to-assemble-and-deploy-an-application-client]] |
| |
| To Assemble and Deploy an Application Client |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| 1. Assemble the necessary client components. + |
| The client JAR file is created. |
| 2. Assemble the EJB components that are to be accessed by the client. + |
| The EJB JAR file is created. |
| 3. Assemble the client and EJB JAR files together in an EAR. + |
| An EAR file contains all the components of the application. |
| 4. Deploy the application. + |
| Instructions are contained in link:#gijmq[To Deploy an Application or |
| Module]. |
| 5. If you are using the `appclient` script to run the application |
| client, retrieve the client files. + |
| The client artifacts contain the ties and necessary classes for the |
| application client. In this release of GlassFish Server, the client |
| artifacts include multiple files. You can use either the |
| `get-client-stubs` subcommand or the `--retrieve` option of the `deploy` |
| subcommand, but you do not need to use both. |
| * Use the link:../reference-manual/deploy.html#GSRFM00114[`deploy`] subcommand with the `--retrieve` |
| option to retrieve the client files as part of deploying the |
| application. |
| * Use the link:../reference-manual/get-client-stubs.html#GSRFM00140[`get-client-stubs`] subcommand to retrieve |
| client files for a previously-deployed application. |
| 6. Test the client on the GlassFish Server machine in one of the |
| following ways: |
| * If Java Web Start is enabled for the application client, use the |
| Launch link on the Application Client Modules. |
| * Run an application client by using the `appclient` script. + |
| The `appclient` script is located in the as-install`/bin` directory. + |
| If you are using the default server instance, the only required option |
| is `-client`, which points to the client JAR file. For example: + |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| appclient -client converterClient.jar |
| ---- |
| The -xml parameter, which specifies the location of the `sun-acc.xml` |
| file, is also required if you are not using the default instance. |
| |
| [[GSDPG832]] |
| |
| See Also |
| |
| For more detailed information about the `appclient` script, see |
| link:../reference-manual/appclient.html#GSRFM00262[`appclient`(1M)]. |
| |
| For more detailed information about creating application clients, see |
| "link:../application-development-guide/java-clients.html#GSDVG00012[Developing Java Clients]" in GlassFish Server Open |
| Source Edition Application Development Guide. This chapter includes |
| information on the following topics: |
| |
| * Accessing EJB components and JMS resources from application clients |
| * Connecting to a remote EJB module through a firewall |
| * Using Java Web Start and creating a custom JNLP file |
| * Using libraries with application clients |
| * Specifying a splash screen, login retries, and other customizations |
| |
| [[fwahd]][[GSDPG00052]][[to-prepare-another-machine-for-running-an-application-client]] |
| |
| To Prepare Another Machine for Running an Application Client |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| If Java Web Start is enabled, the default URL format for an application |
| is `http://`host:port`/`context-root. For example: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| http://localhost:80/myapp |
| ---- |
| |
| The default URL format for a standalone application client module is |
| `http://`host:port`/`module-id. For example: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| http://localhost:80/myclient |
| ---- |
| |
| To set a different URL for an application client, set the `context-root` |
| subelement of the link:dd-elements.html#gauax[`java-web-start-access`] |
| element in the `glassfish-application-client.xml` file. |
| |
| If the context-root or module-id is not specified during deployment, the |
| name of the EAR or JAR file without the `.ear` or `.jar` extension is |
| used. For an application, the relative path to the application client |
| JAR file is also included. If the application or module is not in EAR or |
| JAR file format, a context-root or module-id is generated. Regardless of |
| how the context-root or module-id is determined, it is written to the |
| server log. For details about naming, see link:overview.html#gihzk[Naming |
| Standards]. |
| |
| [[GSDPG833]] |
| |
| Before You Begin |
| |
| This task applies if you want to use the `appclient` script to run the |
| application client on a system other than where the server runs. |
| |
| 1. Create the application client package JAR file. + |
| Use the `package-appclient` script in the as-install`/bin` directory. |
| This JAR file is created in the as-install`/lib/appclient` directory. |
| 2. Copy the application client package JAR file to the client machine. |
| 3. Extract the contents of the JAR file. + |
| For example: `jar xf` filename`.jar` |
| 4. Configure the `sun-acc.xml` file. + |
| If you used the `package-appclient` script, this file is located in the |
| `appclient/appserv/lib/appclient` directory by default. |
| 5. Configure the `asenv.conf` (`asenv.bat` on Windows) file. + |
| This file is located in `appclient/appserv/bin` by default if you used |
| the `package-appclient` script. |
| 6. Copy the client JAR file to the client machine. + |
| You are now ready to run the client. |
| |
| [[GSDPG834]] |
| |
| See Also |
| |
| For more detailed information about Java Web Start and the |
| `package-appclient` script, see link:../reference-manual/appclient.html#GSRFM00262[`appclient`(1M)]. |
| |
| [[gavpv]][[GSDPG00334]][[to-undeploy-an-application-client]] |
| |
| To Undeploy an Application Client |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| After application clients are downloaded, they remain on the client |
| until they are manually removed. Use the Java Web Start control panel to |
| discard downloaded application clients that used Java Web Start. |
| |
| If you undeploy an application client, you can no longer use Java Web |
| Start, or any other mechanism, to download that application client |
| because it might be in an inconsistent state. If you try to launch an |
| application client that was previously downloaded (even though the |
| server side of the application client is no longer present), the results |
| are unpredictable unless the application client has been written to |
| tolerate such situations. |
| |
| You can write your application client so that it detects failures in |
| contacting server-side components, but continues running. In this case, |
| Java Web Start can run an undeployed application client while the client |
| is cached locally. For example, your application client can be written |
| to detect and then recover from `javax.naming.NamingException` when |
| locating a resource, or from `java.rmi.RemoteException` when referring |
| to a previously-located resource that becomes inaccessible. |
| |
| [[beael]][[GSDPG00071]][[lifecycle-module-deployment-guidelines]] |
| |
| Lifecycle Module Deployment Guidelines |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| A lifecycle module, also called a lifecycle listener module, provides a |
| means of running long or short Java-based tasks within the GlassFish |
| Server environment, such as instantiation of singletons or RMI servers. |
| Lifecycle modules are automatically initiated at server startup and are |
| notified at various phases of the server life cycle. All lifecycle |
| module interfaces are in the as-install`/modules/glassfish-api.jar` |
| file. |
| |
| For general information about lifecycle modules, see |
| "link:../application-development-guide/lifecycle-listeners.html#GSDVG00014[Developing Lifecycle Listeners]" in GlassFish Server |
| Open Source Edition Application Development Guide. |
| |
| You can deploy a lifecycle module using the `create-lifecycle-module` |
| subcommand. Do not use `asadmin deploy` or related commands. |
| |
| You do not need to specify a classpath for the lifecycle module if you |
| place it in the domain-dir`/lib` or domain-dir`/lib/classes` directory |
| for the Domain Administration Server (DAS). Do not place it in the `lib` |
| directory for a particular server instance, or it will be deleted when |
| that instance synchronizes with the GlassFish Server. |
| |
| After you deploy a lifecycle module, you must restart the server. During |
| server initialization, the server instantiates the module and registers |
| it as a lifecycle event listener. |
| |
| |
| [NOTE] |
| ======================================================================= |
| |
| If the `--failurefatal` option of `create-lifecycle-module` is set to |
| `true` (the default is `false`), lifecycle module failure prevents |
| server initialization or startup, but not shutdown or termination. |
| |
| ======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[gbiye]][[GSDPG00072]][[web-service-deployment-guidelines]] |
| |
| Web Service Deployment Guidelines |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| |
| [NOTE] |
| ======================================================================= |
| |
| If you installed the Web Profile, web services are not supported unless |
| the optional Metro Web Services Stack add-on component is downloaded. |
| Without the Metro add-on component, a servlet or EJB component cannot be |
| a web service endpoint, and the `glassfish-web.xml` and |
| `glassfish-ejb-jar.xml` elements related to web services are ignored. |
| |
| ======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| The following guidelines apply when deploying a web service in GlassFish |
| Server: |
| |
| * Web Service Endpoint. Deploy a web service endpoint to GlassFish |
| Server as you would any servlet or stateless session bean. If the |
| deployed application or module has a web service endpoint, the endpoint |
| is detected automatically during deployment. The GlassFish Server |
| -specific deployment descriptor files, `glassfish-web.xml` and |
| `glassfish-ejb-jar.xml`, provide optional web service enhancements in |
| their link:dd-elements.html#beayv[`webservice-endpoint`] and |
| link:dd-elements.html#beayt[`webservice-description`] elements. |
| * Web Service Management. Web service management is fully supported in |
| the Administration Console. After the application or module is deployed, |
| click the Web Service component. The table in the right frame lists |
| deployed web service endpoints. |
| |
| For more information about web services, see |
| "link:../application-development-guide/webservices.html#GSDVG00007[Developing Web Services]" in GlassFish Server Open |
| Source Edition Application Development Guide. |
| |
| [[gkkmb]][[GSDPG00073]][[osgi-bundle-deployment-guidelines]] |
| |
| OSGi Bundle Deployment Guidelines |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| To deploy an OSGi bundle using the Administration Console, select Other |
| from the Type drop-down list and check the OSGI Type checkbox. |
| |
| To deploy an OSGi bundle using the `asadmin deploy` command, set the |
| `--type` option to the value `osgi`. For example: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> deploy --type=osgi MyBundle.jar |
| ---- |
| |
| To automatically deploy an OSGi bundle, copy the bundle archive to the |
| domain-dir`/autodeploy/bundles` directory. |
| |
| |
| [NOTE] |
| ======================================================================= |
| |
| For components packaged as OSGi bundles (`--type=osgi`), the `deploy` |
| subcommand accepts properties arguments to wrap a WAR file as a WAB (Web |
| Application Bundle) at the time of deployment. The subcommand looks for |
| a key named `UriScheme` and, if present, uses the key as a URL stream |
| handler to decorate the input stream. Other properties are used in the |
| decoration process. For example, the GlassFish Server OSGi web container |
| registers a URL stream handler named `webbundle`, which is used to wrap |
| a plain WAR file as a WAB. |
| |
| ======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[gkoif]][[GSDPG00074]][[transparent-jdbc-connection-pool-reconfiguration]] |
| |
| Transparent JDBC Connection Pool Reconfiguration |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| In this GlassFish Server release, reconfiguration of a JDBC connection |
| pool due to attribute or property changes can be transparent to the |
| applications or modules that use the pool, even if pool reconfiguration |
| results in pool recreation. You do not need to redeploy the application |
| or module. |
| |
| To enable transparent pool reconfiguration, set the |
| `dynamic-reconfiguration-wait-timeout-in-seconds` property. This |
| property specifies the timeout for dynamic reconfiguration of the pool. |
| In-progress connection requests must complete before this timeout |
| expires or they must be retried. New connection requests wait for this |
| timeout to expire before acquiring connections to the reconfigured pool. |
| If this property exists and has a positive value, it is enabled. |
| |
| You can set this property in the `glassfish-resources.xml` file. For |
| more information, see the property descriptions under |
| link:dd-elements.html#giyil[`jdbc-connection-pool`]. |
| |
| For JDBC connection pools that are not application-scoped, use the `set` |
| subcommand to set this property. For example, to configure `mypool` on |
| `myserver`, type the following all on one line: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> set myserver.resources.jdbc-connection-pool.mypool.property. |
| dynamic-reconfiguration-wait-timeout-in-seconds=30 |
| ---- |
| |
| [[giydj]][[GSDPG00075]][[application-scoped-resources]] |
| |
| Application-Scoped Resources |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| You can define an application-scoped JDBC resource or other resource for |
| an enterprise application, web module, EJB module, connector module, or |
| application client module. This allows single-step deployment for |
| resource-dependent modules and applications. An application-scoped |
| resource has the following characteristics: |
| |
| * It is available only to the module or application that defines it. |
| * It cannot be referenced or looked up by other modules or applications. |
| * It is created during deployment, destroyed during undeployment, and |
| recreated during redeployment. |
| * It is free from unexpected resource starvation or delay in acquiring |
| connections because no other application or module competes for accesses |
| to it. |
| |
| The following resource types can be application-scoped: |
| |
| * JDBC connection pools |
| * JDBC resources |
| * Connector connection pools |
| * Connector resources |
| * Resource adapters |
| * External JNDI resources |
| * Custom resources |
| * Admin object resources |
| * JavaMail resources |
| |
| Deployment Descriptor. An application-scoped resource is defined in the |
| `glassfish-resources.xml` deployment descriptor file. This file is |
| placed in the `META-INF` directory of the module or application archive. |
| For web applications or modules, this file is placed in the `WEB-INF` |
| directory. If any submodule archives of an enterprise application |
| archive have their own `glassfish-resources.xml` files, the resource |
| definitions are scoped to those modules only. For more information about |
| the `glassfish-resources.xml` file, see |
| link:dd-files.html#giida[GlassFish Server Deployment Descriptor Files] |
| and link:dd-elements.html#beaqi[Elements of the GlassFish Server |
| Deployment Descriptors]. |
| |
| Naming. Application-scoped resource JNDI names begin with `java:app` or |
| `java:module`. If one of these prefixes is not specified in the JNDI |
| name, it is added. For example, application-scoped databases have JNDI |
| names in the following format: `java:app/jdbc/`DataSourceName or |
| `java:module/jdbc/`DataSourceName. This is in accordance with the naming |
| scopes introduced in the Java EE 6 Specification. |
| |
| Errors. Application-scoped resource definitions with same resource name, |
| resource type, attributes, and properties are duplicates. These generate |
| `WARNING` level log messages and deployment continues. Definitions with |
| the same resource name and type but different attributes or properties |
| are conflicts and cause deployment failure. When an application or |
| module tries to look up a scoped resource that does not belong to it, a |
| naming exception is thrown. |
| |
| Redeployment. When an application or module is undeployed, its scoped |
| resources are deleted. During redeployment, resources are destroyed and |
| recreated based on changes in the `glassfish-resources.xml` file. To |
| preserve old resource definitions during redeployment, use the |
| `preserveAppScopedResources` property of the `redeploy` (or `deploy` |
| `--force=true`) subcommand. For example: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> redeploy --property preserveAppScopedResources=true MyApp.ear |
| |
| asadmin> deploy --force=true --property preserveAppScopedResources=true MyApp.ear |
| ---- |
| |
| For more information, see link:../reference-manual/redeploy.html#GSRFM00217[`redeploy`(1)] and |
| link:../reference-manual/deploy.html#GSRFM00114[`deploy`(1)]. |
| |
| Listing. Use the `--resources` option of the `list-applications` |
| subcommand to list application-scoped resources. Use the |
| `--subcomponents` option in addition to list scoped resources for |
| enterprise application modules or for module subcomponents. To list |
| scoped resources for subcomponents only, use the `--resources` option of |
| the `list-subcomponents` subcommand |
| |
| For more information, see link:../reference-manual/list-applications.html#GSRFM00148[`list-applications`(1)] and |
| link:../reference-manual/list-sub-components.html#GSRFM00201[`list-sub-components`(1)]. |
| |
| Restrictions. Use of application-scoped resources is subject to the |
| following restrictions: |
| |
| * `resource-adapter-config` and `connector-work-security-map` — These |
| can only be specified in the `glassfish-resources.xml` file of the |
| corresponding connector module. In an enterprise application, the |
| `resource-adapter-config` or `connector-work-security-map` for an |
| embedded connector module must be specified in the |
| `glassfish-resources.xml` file of the connector module. You cannot |
| specify a `resource-adapter-config` or `connector-work-security-map` in |
| an application for a connector module that is not part of the |
| application. |
| * Resource to connection pool cross references — A module-level |
| `jdbc-resource` cannot reference an application-level |
| `jdbc-connection-pool`. Likewise, a module-level `connector-resource` |
| cannot reference an application-level `connector-connection-pool`. |
| * Global resources — Defining `java:global` JNDI names is not supported. |
| * Cross definitions — Defining `java:app` JNDI names at the module level |
| is not supported. |
| |
| |