| type=page |
| status=published |
| title=Eclipse GlassFish Server 6.1 Release Notes |
| prev=preface.html |
| ~~~~~~ |
| Eclipse GlassFish Server 6.1 Release Notes |
| ========================================== |
| |
| [[GSRLN00001]][[abppa]] |
| |
| |
| [[glassfish-server-open-source-edition-6.1-release-notes]] |
| 1 Eclipse GlassFish Server 6.1 Release Notes |
| -------------------------------------------- |
| |
| GlassFish Server provides a lightweight, modular server for the |
| development of Java Platform Enterprise Edition (Java EE) 8 |
| applications. It is the Reference Implementation for Java EE. It |
| delivers a highly productive platform for developing with the latest |
| Java EE technologies. |
| |
| For any issue or information on Eclipse GlassFish Server, |
| see the https://javaee.github.io/glassfish/[GlassFish Server Community] |
| (`https://javaee.github.io/glassfish/`). |
| |
| These Release Notes provide late-breaking information about GlassFish |
| Server 5.1 software and documentation. These Release Notes include |
| summaries of supported hardware, operating environments, and JDK and |
| JDBC/RDBMS requirements. Also included are a summary of new product |
| features in the 5.1 release, and descriptions and workarounds for known |
| issues and limitations. |
| |
| Refer to this document prior to installing, configuring, or using |
| GlassFish Server 5.1 software. Consult this document periodically to |
| view the most up-to-date product information. |
| |
| * link:#ghmvk["Revision History"] |
| * link:#glcmf["What's New in the GlassFish Server 5.1 Release?"] |
| * link:#abpaj["Hardware and Software Requirements"] |
| * link:#glcmm["Known Issues in GlassFish Server 5.1"] |
| * link:#ggqok["Restrictions and Deprecated Functionality"] |
| * link:#BABDACBE["Documentation Errata"] |
| * link:#giraq["Features Available Only in the Full Platform"] |
| * link:#gipkz["Java EE Standards Support"] |
| * link:#ghmtl["Java EE SDK"] |
| * link:#abpha["How to Report Problems and Provide Feedback"] |
| * link:#abphc["Additional Resources"] |
| |
| [[ghmvk]][[GSRLN00128]][[revision-history]] |
| |
| Revision History |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| This section lists the revision history for these Release Notes. |
| |
| [[sthref2]][[gabzd]] |
| |
| Table 1-1 Revision History |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="16%,84%",options="header",] |
| |========================================================= |
| |Date |Description of Changes |
| |September 2017 |Eclipse GlassFish Server 5.1. |
| |========================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[glcmf]][[GSRLN00129]][[whats-new-in-the-glassfish-server-5.1-release]] |
| |
| What's New in the GlassFish Server 5.1 Release? |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| GlassFish is the Reference Implementation for Java EE. Java EE 8 |
| introduces the JSON Binding API (JSON-B) for mapping between JSON text |
| and Java objects, building on the JSON Processing API (JSON-P). Servlet |
| has been enhanced with the addition of support for the new HTTP/2 |
| protocol. JAX-RS adds support for server-sent events and, building on |
| concurrency facilities added in Java SE 8, a reactive client API. The |
| new Java EE Security API provides enhanced support for authentication |
| and authorization in web modules, and also introduces APIs for access to |
| identity stores. The Bean Validation facility is updated to reflect |
| enhancements made in Java SE 8 and to extend the range of validated |
| objects. |
| |
| GlassFish Server 5.1 includes the following new and updated Java EE |
| standards. |
| |
| New Features |
| |
| * Java EE Security API 1.0 |
| * Java API for JSON Binding (JSON-B) 1.0 |
| |
| Updated |
| |
| * Java API for JSON Processing (JSON-P) 1.1 |
| * Java API for WebSocket 1.1 |
| * Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS) 2.1 |
| * Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java EE (CDI) 2.0 |
| * Java Persistence API (JPA) 2.2 |
| * Common annotations 1.3 |
| * JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2.3 |
| * Java Servlet 5.1 |
| * Bean Validation (BV) 2.0 |
| * Interceptors 1.2 |
| * JavaMail 1.6 |
| |
| For a complete list of the Java EE technologies included in GlassFish |
| Server 5.1, see link:#gipkz[Java EE Standards Support]. |
| |
| |
| [NOTE] |
| ======================================================================= |
| |
| The main thrust of the Eclipse GlassFish Server 5.1 release |
| is to provide an application server for developers to explore and begin |
| exploiting the new and updated technologies in the Java EE 8 platform. |
| Thus, the following features of GlassFish Server were not a focus of |
| this release: |
| |
| * Clusters and centralized management of standalone instances |
| * High availability features |
| * Upgrade |
| * Embedded Server |
| |
| These features are included in the release, but they may not function |
| properly with some of the new features added in support of the Java EE 8 |
| platform. |
| |
| ======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[abpaj]][[GSRLN00131]][[hardware-and-software-requirements]] |
| |
| Hardware and Software Requirements |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| This section lists the requirements that must be met before installing |
| Eclipse GlassFish Server Release 5.1 software. |
| |
| The following topics are addressed here: |
| |
| * link:#abpak[Required JDK Versions] |
| * link:#ggppy[Required Disk Space] |
| * link:#ggpoq[Required Free Ports] |
| * link:#gkxlg[Message Queue Broker Requirements] |
| * link:#gfgps[Paths and Environment Settings for the JDK Software] |
| |
| [[abpak]][[GSRLN00246]][[required-jdk-versions]] |
| |
| Required JDK Versions |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Eclipse GlassFish Server Release 5.1 requires Oracle JDK 8 |
| Update 144 or later. |
| |
| Also be sure to see link:#gfgps[Paths and Environment Settings for the |
| JDK Software] for important JDK configuration instructions. |
| |
| |
| [NOTE] |
| ======================================================================= |
| |
| It is recommended that any machine that is hosting a GlassFish Server |
| DAS or server instance have a minimum of 1 GB RAM. |
| |
| ======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[ggppy]][[GSRLN00248]][[required-disk-space]] |
| |
| Required Disk Space |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| The download sizes for GlassFish Server 5.1 vary depending on the |
| package you choose. The following are the approximate sizes of the ZIP |
| packages for the Full and Web profiles: |
| |
| * Full `*.zip`: 114 MB (136 MB unzipped) |
| * Web `*.zip`: 64.9 MB (82.9 MB unzipped) |
| |
| The installation sizes will vary depending on your configuration, but |
| the approximate amount of disk space used by GlassFish Server 5.1 is as |
| follows: |
| |
| * Full: 138 MB |
| * Web: 84.4 MB |
| |
| [[ggpoq]][[GSRLN00249]][[required-free-ports]] |
| |
| Required Free Ports |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| You must have sixteen unused ports available for the ports GlassFish |
| Server uses. The installation program automatically detects ports that |
| are in use and suggests currently unused ports for the default settings. |
| The initial default port assignments are listed in the following table. |
| If these default port numbers are in use, the installation program |
| assigns a randomly selected port number from the dynamic port range. The |
| selected port number might not be the next available port number. |
| |
| [[sthref3]][[ggpmu]] |
| |
| Table 1-2 Default Port Assignments for GlassFish Server 5.1 |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="52%,48%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Port Number |Usage |
| |4848 a| |
| Administration Console |
| |
| |
| |8080 |HTTP |
| |
| |8081 |HTTPS |
| |
| |8686 |Pure JMX clients |
| |
| |3700 |IIOP |
| |
| |3820 |IIOP/SSL |
| |
| |3920 |IIOP/SSL with mutual authentication |
| |
| |22 |SSH port |
| |
| |9009 |Java debugger |
| |
| |7676 |JMS provider |
| |
| |Auto-generated from the operating system's dynamic port range |Message |
| Queue TCP port |
| |
| |Auto-generated from the operating system's dynamic port range |Message |
| Queue Admin port |
| |
| |9090 |GMS TCP start port |
| |
| |9200 |GMS TCP end port |
| |
| |Auto-generated between GMS TCP start and end ports |GMS listener port |
| |
| |Auto generated between 2048 and 49151 |GMS multicast port |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| In some situations, such as when multiple domains are running on a |
| single host, port conflicts can arise in the auto-generated ports used |
| by Message Queue and the GMS. To avoid these conflicts, you can |
| configure the JMS host and the GMS to use specific ports. |
| |
| [[sthref4]][[to-configure-specific-ports-for-a-jms-host]] |
| |
| To Configure Specific Ports for a JMS Host |
| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
| |
| When you create a JMS Host, GlassFish server automatically selects ports |
| for the JMS provider (called the portmapper port in Message Queue |
| terminology), the Message Queue TCP port and the Message Queue admin |
| port. |
| |
| To provide specific values for these ports, use the `--mqport` and |
| `--property` options when creating the JMS host: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> create-jms-host --mqhost hostName --mqport portNumber \ |
| --mquser adminUser --mqpassword adminPassword --target glassfishTarget \ |
| --property imq\\.jms\\.tcp\\.port=tcpPort:imq\\.admin\\.tcp\\.port=adminPort \ |
| jms-host-name |
| ---- |
| |
| `--mqport` `portNumber`:: |
| This option specifies the JMS provider port number. |
| `--property imq\\.jms\\.tcp\\.port=``tcpPort``:imq\\.admin\\.tcp\\.port=``adminPort`:: |
| The `imq.jms.tcp.port` and `imq.admin.tcp.port` properties specify the |
| TCP port and the admin port numbers. The double backslashes (`\\`) are |
| used in the `--properties` option to escape the dots in the property |
| names. |
| |
| [[sthref5]][[to-configure-specific-gms-ports-for-a-cluster]] |
| |
| To Configure Specific GMS Ports for a Cluster |
| +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
| |
| When you create a cluster, GlassFish server automatically selects a port |
| for GMS multicast that does not conflict with the GMS multicast port of |
| any other cluster in the domain. Additionally, when you start a cluster, |
| the GMS automatically selects an available port in a specific range for |
| its TCP listener. |
| |
| If two or more domains are running on the same host, configure the |
| clusters in the domains to ensure that no GMS port conflicts can arise |
| among the clusters. To avoid possible port conflicts, use the |
| `--multicast` and `--properties` options when creating the cluster: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> create-cluster --multicastport multicast-port \ |
| --properties GMS_TCPSTARTPORT=start-port:GMS_TCPENDPORT=end-port \ |
| cluster-name |
| ---- |
| |
| `--multicastport` `multicast-port`:: |
| This option specifies the port number for the GMS to use for UDP |
| multicast. |
| `--properties GMS_TCPSTARTPORT=``start-port``:GMS_TCPENDPORT=``end-port`:: |
| The `GMS_TCPSTARTPORT` and `GMS_TCPENDPORT` properties specify the |
| range of port numbers the GMS is to use when selecting an available |
| port for its TCP listener. + |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="100%",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| a| |
| Note: |
| |
| Though you can create a cluster, there is no support for |
| configuration, as this has not been tested. |
| |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[gkxlg]][[GSRLN00250]][[message-queue-broker-requirements]] |
| |
| Message Queue Broker Requirements |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| GlassFish Server 5.1 is now bundled with Message Queue (MQ) Broker |
| 5.1.1. Refer to the |
| https://javaee.github.io/glassfish/doc/5.1/mq-release-notes.pdf[`Open Message Queue Release Notes`] |
| for complete information about MQ Broker requirements. |
| |
| [[gfgps]][[GSRLN00252]][[paths-and-environment-settings-for-the-jdk-software]] |
| |
| Paths and Environment Settings for the JDK Software |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Ensure that your JDK configuration settings on all local and remote |
| GlassFish Server hosts adhere to the guidelines listed below. Failure to |
| adhere to these guidelines can cause various problems that may be |
| difficult to trace. |
| |
| The following topics are addressed here: |
| |
| * link:#gldjj[Use the JDK Binaries] |
| * link:#gldgl[Set the `JAVA_HOME` Environment Variable] |
| * link:#gldho[Set Other Environment Variables As Necessary] |
| |
| [[gldjj]][[GSRLN00155]][[use-the-jdk-binaries]] |
| |
| Use the JDK Binaries |
| ++++++++++++++++++++ |
| |
| The following binary files that are used with GlassFish Server must come |
| from the JDK software, not the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) software: |
| |
| * `java` |
| * `keytool` |
| |
| To meet this requirement, ensure that the `bin` directory for the JDK |
| software precedes the `bin` directory for the JRE software in your path. |
| |
| [[gldgl]][[GSRLN00156]][[set-the-java_home-environment-variable]] |
| |
| Set the `JAVA_HOME` Environment Variable |
| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
| |
| Before performing any GlassFish Server installation or configuration |
| procedures, set the `JAVA_HOME` environment variable on the GlassFish |
| Server host machine to point to the correct Java version. Also be sure |
| to add the `JAVA_HOME/bin` directory to the `PATH` variable for your |
| environment. The `JAVA_HOME` variable must be set on all local and |
| remote GlassFish Server hosts. |
| |
| [[gldho]][[GSRLN00157]][[set-other-environment-variables-as-necessary]] |
| |
| Set Other Environment Variables As Necessary |
| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
| |
| All remote `asadmin` subcommands require the correct version of Java to |
| be available on the affected remote machine. For example, when creating |
| a cluster or server instance on a remote machine, the remote machine |
| uses its local default Java installation, not the Java installation that |
| is on the DAS. Errors will therefore occur if the remote machine uses |
| the wrong Java version. |
| |
| Depending on the remote subcommand, the errors may not occur when the |
| subcommand is executed, but may occur later, when interacting with a |
| configuration or resource created or modified by the subcommand. For |
| example, when creating a clustered server instance on a remote machine, |
| the error may only first appear when you attempt to deploy an |
| application on that server instance. |
| |
| This issue is more likely to be encountered when GlassFish Server is |
| installed on the remote server by means of a ZIP file package as you do |
| not have the option to specifically choose your Java version while |
| unzipping a ZIP file. |
| |
| Depending on what shell is invoked via SSH on the remote host, the |
| `JAVA_HOME` and `PATH` environment variables may need to be explicitly |
| set in `.bashrc`, `.cshrc`, or some other shell configuration file. This |
| configuration file may differ from the one that is used when you log in |
| to the machine, such as `.profile`. |
| |
| Alternatively, you can specifically set the Java path with the `AS_JAVA` |
| property in the in the as-install`/config/asenv.conf` file. |
| |
| [[glcmm]][[GSRLN00253]][[known-issues-in-glassfish-server-5.1]] |
| |
| Known Issues in GlassFish Server 5.1 |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| This section describes known issues and any available workarounds for |
| Eclipse GlassFish Server 5.1 software. |
| |
| The following topics are addressed here: |
| |
| * link:#CHDIBHHF[JAXB and JAX-WS no longer part of Java EE platform] |
| * link:#CHDIBEAJ[Resource validation property is enabled in the JVM |
| option for deployment] |
| * link:#CHDBJDGF[Update Tool and pkg Command no longer part of GlassFish |
| Server] |
| * link:#CHDJGJHD[Java DB has been replaced by Apache Derby] |
| |
| [[CHDIBHHF]][[jaxb-and-jax-ws-no-longer-part-of-java-ee-platform]] |
| |
| JAXB and JAX-WS no longer part of Java EE platform |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| [[sthref6]][[description]] |
| |
| Description |
| +++++++++++ |
| |
| Jakarta XML Binding (previous JAXB) and Jakarta XML Web Services (previouly JAX-WS) are part of Java EE platform, |
| but as optional technologies. However, the jars are packaged in GlassFish. |
| |
| |
| [NOTE] |
| ======================================================================= |
| |
| These jars are present only in the full profile of GlassFish and |
| not part of web profile. |
| |
| ======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[sthref7]][[workaround]] |
| |
| Workaround |
| ++++++++++ |
| |
| None |
| |
| [[CHDIBEAJ]][[resource-validation-property-is-enabled-in-the-jvm-option-for-deployment]] |
| |
| Resource validation property is enabled in the JVM option for deployment |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| [[sthref8]][[description-1]] |
| |
| Description |
| +++++++++++ |
| |
| A new JVM option for deployment - deployment.resource.validation is |
| introduced in GlassFish Server 5.1. This property is set to True by |
| default so that each resource is validated during deployment time. This |
| ensures that all resources are created beforehand. This property is |
| applicable for administration server as well as instances when clusters |
| are involved. |
| |
| |
| [NOTE] |
| ======================================================================= |
| |
| However, for deployment of applications containing embedded resource |
| adapter, a connector resource is created after deployment. For the |
| deployment of such applications to succeed, the server(s) must be |
| started with this property set to false. For more information on JVM |
| deployment options see |
| https://javaee.github.io/glassfish/doc/5.1/administration-guide.pdf#G11.998994[`Administering JVM Options.`] |
| |
| ======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[sthref9]][[workaround-1]] |
| |
| Workaround |
| ++++++++++ |
| |
| In case you do not want the resource validation to take place during the |
| deployment, you can set this property value to False. |
| |
| [[CHDBJDGF]][[update-tool-and-pkg-command-no-longer-part-of-glassfish-server]] |
| |
| Update Tool and pkg Command no longer part of GlassFish Server |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| [[sthref10]][[description-2]] |
| |
| Description |
| +++++++++++ |
| |
| In previous releases, you could update your GlassFish Server software |
| using the pkg command and the Update tool. Since the recent release of |
| GlassFish server does not require the use of these features, they have |
| been removed from the GlassFish server installation. |
| |
| [[sthref11]][[workaround-2]] |
| |
| Workaround |
| ++++++++++ |
| |
| No workaround. |
| |
| [[CHDJGJHD]][[java-db-has-been-replaced-by-apache-derby]] |
| |
| Java DB has been replaced by Apache Derby |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| [[sthref12]][[description-3]] |
| |
| Description |
| +++++++++++ |
| |
| In the previous releases, Java DB was used as the database for GlassFish |
| servers. With the release of GlassFish Server 5.1, Apache Derby |
| has replaced Java DB as the database for GlassFish servers. |
| |
| [[sthref13]][[workaround-3]] |
| |
| Workaround |
| ++++++++++ |
| |
| No workaround. |
| |
| [[ggqok]][[GSRLN00133]][[restrictions-and-deprecated-functionality]] |
| |
| Restrictions and Deprecated Functionality |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| This section describes restrictions and deprecated functionality in |
| Oracle GlassFish Server 5.1. |
| |
| The following topics are addressed here: |
| |
| * link:#ggqoc[`asadmin` Subcommands] |
| * link:#abmbf[Deprecated, Unsupported, and Obsolete Options] |
| * link:#gkueg[Applications That Use Apache Derby] |
| * link:#ghpen[No Support for Client VM on Windows AMD64] |
| * link:#gkwbd[Metro Reliable Messaging in `InOrder` Delivery Mode] |
| |
| [[ggqoc]][[GSRLN00258]][[asadmin-subcommands]] |
| |
| `asadmin` Subcommands |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| In GlassFish Server 5.1, it is recommended that utility options of the |
| `asadmin` command precede the subcommand. Utility options are options |
| that control the behavior of the `asadmin` utility, as distinguished |
| from subcommand options. Use of the following options after the |
| subcommand is deprecated. |
| |
| * `--host` |
| * `--port` |
| * `--user` |
| * `--passwordfile` |
| * `--terse` |
| * `--secure` |
| * `--echo` |
| * `--interactive` |
| |
| [[abmbf]][[GSRLN00259]][[deprecated-unsupported-and-obsolete-options]] |
| |
| Deprecated, Unsupported, and Obsolete Options |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Options in link:#gaeki[Table 1-3] are deprecated or no longer supported, |
| or are obsolete and are ignored. |
| |
| [[sthref14]][[gaeki]] |
| |
| Table 1-3 Deprecated, Unsupported, and Obsolete Options for `asadmin` |
| and Subcommands |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="33%,67%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Option |Affected Subcommands |
| |`--acceptlang` |Unsupported for the `create-virtual-server` subcommand. |
| |
| |`--acls` |Unsupported for the `create-virtual-server` subcommand. |
| |
| |`--adminpassword` |Unsupported for all relevant subcommands. Use |
| `--passwordfile` instead. |
| |
| |`--autoapplyenabled` |Obsolete for the `create-http-lb` subcommand. |
| |
| |`--autohadb` |Obsolete for the `create-cluster` subcommand. |
| |
| |`--autohadboverride` |Obsolete for the `start-cluster` subcommand and |
| the `stop-cluster` subcommand |
| |
| |`--blockingenabled` |Unsupported for the `create-http-listener` |
| subcommand. |
| |
| |`--configfile` |Unsupported for the `create-virtual-server` subcommand. |
| |
| |`--defaultobj` |Unsupported for the `create-virtual-server` subcommand. |
| |
| |`--defaultvs` |Deprecated for the `create-http-listener` subcommand. |
| Use `--default-virtual-server` instead. |
| |
| |`--description` |Obsolete for the `restore-domain` subcommand. |
| |
| |`--devicesize` |Obsolete for the `create-cluster` subcommand. |
| |
| |`--haadminpassword` |Obsolete for the `create-cluster` subcommand. |
| |
| |`--haadminpasswordfile` |Obsolete for the `create-cluster` subcommand. |
| |
| |`--haagentport` |Obsolete for the `create-cluster` subcommand. |
| |
| |`--haproperty` |Obsolete for the `create-cluster` subcommand. |
| |
| |`--hosts` |Obsolete for the `create-cluster` subcommand. |
| |
| |`--ignoreDescriptorItem` |Replaced by the all lowercase option |
| `--ignoredescriptoritem` in the `set-web-context-param` subcommand and |
| the `set-web-env-entry` subcommand. |
| |
| |`--mime` |Unsupported for the `create-virtual-server` subcommand. |
| |
| |`--password` |Unsupported for all remote subcommands. Use |
| `--passwordfile` instead. |
| |
| |`--path` |Unsupported for the `create-domain` subcommand. Use |
| `--domaindir` instead. |
| |
| |`--portbase` |Obsolete only for the `create-cluster` subcommand. This |
| option is still valid in other subcommands such as `create-domain`, |
| `create-instance`, and `create-local-instance`. |
| |
| |`--resourcetype` |Unsupported for all relevant subcommands. Use |
| `--restype` instead. |
| |
| |`--retrievefile` |Obsolete for the `export-http-lb-config` subcommand. |
| |
| |`--setenv` |Obsolete for the `start-instance` subcommand. |
| |
| |`--target` a| |
| Obsolete only for the following subcommands: |
| |
| * `create-connector-connection-pool` |
| * `create-resource-adapter-config` |
| * `delete-connector-connection-pool` |
| * `delete-connector-security-map` |
| * `delete-jdbc-connection-pool` |
| * `delete-resource-ref` |
| |
| Replaced by an operand in the `list-custom-resources` subcommand and the |
| `list-jndi-entries` subcommand: |
| |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[gkueg]][[GSRLN00260]][[applications-that-use-apache-derby]] |
| |
| Applications That Use Apache Derby |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| The directory location of Apache Derby in GlassFish Server 5.1 has |
| changed from its location in previous installations. Suppose that you |
| have deployed applications that use Apache Derby databases in your |
| previous server installation, and you upgrade your existing installation |
| to GlassFish Server 5.1. If you run the `asadmin start-database` command |
| and successfully start Apache Derby, you could run into problems while |
| trying to run applications that were deployed on your previous server |
| installation. |
| |
| To solve this problem, you can copy the `databases` directory from your |
| previous installation to as-install`/databases`. Make sure the database |
| is not running when you do this. |
| |
| Alternatively, you can perform these steps: |
| |
| 1. Use the `asadmin start-database` command with the `--dbhome` option |
| pointing to the `databases` directory in the older version of Apache |
| Derby. For example: + |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin start-database --dbhome c:\glassfish\databases |
| ---- |
| 2. After upgrade, start GlassFish Server 5.1. |
| |
| [[ghpen]][[GSRLN00261]][[no-support-for-client-vm-on-windows-amd64]] |
| |
| No Support for Client VM on Windows AMD64 |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| By default, the GlassFish Server DAS uses the Client VM to achieve best |
| startup and deployment performance. If you are using Windows AMD64, edit |
| the `domain.xml` file to remove the line |
| `<jvm-options>-client<jvm-options>`. In this case, JVM ergonomics |
| chooses the appropriate kind of VM for the given platform. Note that |
| server instances use the Server VM by default. |
| |
| For more information about platform support, see |
| http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/ergo5-140223.html[Ergonomics in |
| the 5.1 Java Virtual Machine]. |
| |
| [[gkwbd]][[GSRLN00262]][[metro-reliable-messaging-in-inorder-delivery-mode]] |
| |
| Metro Reliable Messaging in `InOrder` Delivery Mode |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| The Metro Reliable Messaging in `InOrder` Delivery mode has not been |
| tested for high availability in GlassFish Server 5.1. The feature may |
| work, but it has not been formally tested and is therefore not a |
| supported feature. |
| |
| [[glgiy]][[GSRLN00263]][[no-support-for-kerberos-on-aix]] |
| |
| No Support for Kerberos on AIX |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| GlassFish Server 5.1 does not support Kerberos on the AIX platform. |
| |
| For the complete report about this issue, see |
| https://github.com/javaee/glassfish/issues/16728[`Issue-16728`] |
| |
| [[BABDACBE]][[documentation-errata]] |
| |
| Documentation Errata |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| This section describes documentation errata. |
| |
| * link:#BABIDEHD[Upgrading to Oracle GlassFish Server Is Not Necessary] |
| |
| [[BABIDEHD]][[upgrading-to-oracle-glassfish-server-is-not-necessary]] |
| |
| Upgrading to Oracle GlassFish Server Is Not Necessary |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| The Eclipse GlassFish Server Administration Guide discusses |
| upgrading Eclipse GlassFish Server to Oracle GlassFish |
| Server. GlassFish Server 4.x is only an open source release, so this |
| upgrade is not necessary. |
| |
| |
| [NOTE] |
| ============================================== |
| |
| Upgrading may not work for GlassFish Server 5.1 |
| |
| ============================================== |
| |
| |
| [[giraq]][[GSRLN00135]][[features-available-only-in-the-full-platform]] |
| |
| Features Available Only in the Full Platform |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| The following features of GlassFish Server 5.1 are available only in the |
| Full Platform: |
| |
| * EJB features that make up the full EJB 3.2 API, such as remote EJB |
| components, message-driven beans, web service EJB endpoints, and the EJB |
| Timer Service + |
| The EJB 3.2 Lite specification is supported in the Web Profile. This |
| specification allows enterprise beans within web applications and |
| includes support for local stateless session beans, stateful session |
| beans, and singleton session beans. |
| * Application Client Container |
| * JMS resources |
| * Web services + |
| In the Web Profile, a servlet or EJB component cannot be a web service |
| endpoint. The `sun-web.xml` and `sun-ejb-jar.xml` elements that are |
| related to web services are ignored. |
| * Message security |
| * JavaMail resources |
| |
| Connector modules that use only outbound communication features and |
| work-management that does not involve inbound communication features are |
| supported in the Web Profile. Other connector features are supported |
| only in the Eclipse GlassFish Server 5.1 full platform. |
| |
| [[gipkz]][[GSRLN00136]][[java-ee-standards-support]] |
| |
| Java EE Standards Support |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| link:#gjxcp[Table 1-4] lists the Java EE standards implemented in |
| GlassFish Server 5.1. The table also indicates the distributions in |
| which the implementation of a standard is available. |
| |
| * X indicates that the implementation is available in the distribution. |
| * - indicates that the implementation is not available in the |
| distribution. |
| |
| [[sthref15]][[gjxcp]] |
| |
| Table 1-4 Java EE Standards Implementations in GlassFish Server 5.1 |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="48%,24%,16%,12%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Java EE Standard |Java Specification Request (JSR) |GlassFish Server |
| 5.1 Full Platform |GlassFish Server 5.1 Web Profile |
| |https://javaee.github.io/javaee-spec/javadocs/[Java Platform, |
| Enterprise Edition 8] `(https://javaee.github.io/javaee-spec/javadocs/)` |
| |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=366[JSR 366] |X |X |
| |
| |Java EE Security API |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=375[JSR 375] |X |
| |X |
| |
| |Batch Applications for the Java Platform 1.0 |
| |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=352[JSR 352] |X |- |
| |
| |Concurrency Utilities for Java EE 1.0 |
| |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=236[JSR 236] |X |- |
| |
| |Java API for JSON Processing 1.1 |
| |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=374[JSR 374] |X |X |
| |
| |Java API for JSON Binding 1.0 |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=367[JSR |
| 367] |X |X |
| |
| |Java API for WebSocket 1.1 |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=356[JSR |
| 356] |X |X |
| |
| |https://javaee.github.io/servlet-spec/[Java Servlet Technology |
| 5.1]`(https://javaee.github.io/servlet-spec/)/` |
| |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=369[JSR 369] |X |X |
| |
| |JavaServer Pages 2.3 |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=245[JSR 245] |X |
| |X |
| |
| |Expression Language 3.0 |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=341[JSR 341] |
| |X |X |
| |
| |Debugging Support for Other Languages 1.0 |
| |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=45[JSR 45] |X |X |
| |
| |Standard Tag Library for JavaServer Pages 1.2 |
| |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=52[JSR 52] |X |X |
| |
| |http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javaee/javaserverfaces-139869.html[JavaServer |
| Faces 2.3]`(https://github.com/javaserverfaces/)` |
| |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=372[JSR 372] |X |X |
| |
| |Common Annotations for the Java Platform 1.2 |
| |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=250[JSR 250] |X |X |
| |
| |https://github.com/javaee/jta-spec[Java Transaction API 1.2] |
| `(https://github.com/javaee/jta-spec)` |
| |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=907[JSR 907] |X |X |
| |
| |https://github.com/javaee/jpa-spec[Java Persistence API 2.2] |
| `(https://github.com/javaee/jpa-spec)` |
| |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=338[JSR 338] |X |X |
| |
| |Managed Beans 1.0 |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=316[JSR 316] |X |X |
| |
| |Interceptors 1.2 |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=318[JSR 318] |X |X |
| |
| |Dependency Injection for Java 1.0 |
| |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=330[JSR 330] |X |X |
| |
| |https://github.com/javaee/ejb-spec[Enterprise JavaBeans 3.2 Lite] |
| `(https://github.com/javaee/ejb-spec)` |
| |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=345[JSR 345] |X |X |
| |
| |https://github.com/javaee/ejb-spec[Enterprise JavaBeans 3.2 Full |
| API]`(https://github.com/javaee/ejb-spec)` |
| |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=345[JSR 345] |X |- |
| |
| |Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java EE 2.0 |
| |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=365[JSR 365] |X |X |
| |
| |Java API for RESTful Web Service (JAX-RS) 2.1 |
| |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=370[JSR 370] |X |X |
| |
| |Bean Validation 2.0 |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=349[JSR 380] |X |X |
| |
| |https://github.com/javaee/connector-spec[Java EE Connector Architecture |
| 1.7]`(https://github.com/javaee/connector-spec)` |
| |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=322[JSR 322] |X |X^*^ |
| |
| |https://github.com/javaee/metro-jax-ws[Java API for XML-Based Web |
| Services (JAX-WS) 2.3]`(https://github.com/javaee/metro-jax-ws)` |
| |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=224[JSR 224] |X |- |
| |
| |https://github.com/javaee/jaxb-v2[Java Architecture for XML Binding |
| (JAXB) 2.2]`(https://github.com/javaee/jaxb-v2)` |
| |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=222[JSR 222] |X |- |
| |
| |Implementing Enterprise Web Services 1.4 |
| |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=109[JSR 109] |X |- |
| |
| |Web Services Metadata for the Java Platform 2.1 |
| |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=181[JSR 181] |X |- |
| |
| |https://javaee.github.io/jms-spec/[Java Message Service |
| 2.0]`(https://javaee.github.io/jms-spec/)` |
| |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=343[JSR 343] |X |- |
| |
| |https://javaee.github.io/javamail/[JavaMail |
| 1.6]`(https://javaee.github.io/javamail/)` |
| |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=919[JSR 919] |X |- |
| |
| |https://javaee.github.io/jacc-spec/[Java Authorization Contract for |
| Containers 1.5]`(https://javaee.github.io/jacc-spec/)` |
| |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=115[JSR 115] |X |- |
| |
| |Java Authentication Service Provider Interface for Containers 1.1 |
| |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=196[JSR 196] |X |- |
| |
| |Java EE Application Deployment 1.2 |
| |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=88[JSR 88] |X |- |
| |
| |J2EE Management 1.1 |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=77[JSR 77] |X |- |
| |
| |https://github.com/javaee/jax-rpc-ri[Java API for XML-Based Remote |
| Procedure Calls (JAX-RPC) 1.1]`(https://github.com/javaee/jax-rpc-ri/)` |
| |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=101[JSR 101] |X |- |
| |
| |Java API for XML-Based Registries (JAXR) 1.0 |
| |http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=93[JSR 93] |X |- |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| ^*^ Standalone Connector 1.7 Container only. |
| |
| Building on these standards, GlassFish Server 5.1 provides a number of |
| extensions, including the following: |
| |
| * Ajax (asynchronous JavaScript and XML): Retrieves and displays new |
| data for a portion of a web page without affecting the rest of the page. |
| * Metro: A web services stack that implements Java Architecture for XML |
| Binding (JAXB) and Java APIs for XML Web Services 2.3 (JAX-WS 2.3). |
| * Grizzly: A framework for building scalable and robust servers using |
| New I/O (NIO) APIs, which make scaling to thousands of users possible. |
| The ability to embed components that support HTTP, Bayeux Protocol, Java |
| Servlet API, and Comet is provided. |
| |
| [[ghmtl]][[GSRLN00137]][[java-ee-sdk]] |
| |
| Java EE SDK |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| GlassFish Server 5.1 is available as part of the Java EE 8 SDK. The |
| following versions of the Java EE 8 SDK are available: |
| |
| * Java EE 8 SDK: This version includes GlassFish Server 5.1. This |
| version is designed for developers who require the full set of Java EE |
| APIs for enterprise application development. |
| * Java EE 8 Web Profile SDK: This version includes GlassFish Server 5.1 |
| Web Profile. This version contains web technologies that are subset of |
| the Full Platform and is designed for developers who do not require the |
| full set of Java EE APIs. |
| |
| More information about the Java EE SDK distributions are available at |
| http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javaee/documentation/index.html[Java |
| EE Reference at a Glance] |
| (`http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javaee/documentation/index.html`). |
| Java EE SDK distributions are available from the |
| http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javaee/downloads/index.html[Java |
| EE SDK Downloads page] |
| (`http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javaee/downloads/index.html`). |
| |
| [[abpha]][[GSRLN00138]][[how-to-report-problems-and-provide-feedback]] |
| |
| How to Report Problems and Provide Feedback |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| If you have problems with GlassFish Server 5.1, provide feedback through |
| one of the following mechanisms: |
| |
| * https://javaee.groups.io/g/glassfish[GlassFish Server forum] |
| (`https://javaee.groups.io/g/glassfish`) — A variety of GlassFish Server |
| community for various interests and feedback |
| * https://github.com/javaee/glassfish/issues[GlassFish Issue track]er |
| (`https://github.com/javaee/glassfish/issues`) — GlassFish Server |
| project dashboards and issue tracking database |
| |
| [[abphc]][[GSRLN00139]][[additional-resources]] |
| |
| Additional Resources |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| Useful information can be found at the following locations: |
| |
| * https://javaee.github.io/glassfish/[GlassFish Server Community] |
| (`https://javaee.github.io/glassfish/`) |
| * http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/index.html[Oracle Developer |
| Information] (`http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/index.html`) |
| * http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/indexes/documentation/index.html[Oracle |
| product documentation] |
| (`http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/indexes/documentation/index.html`) |
| |
| |