| type=page |
| status=published |
| title=Frequently Asked Questions |
| prev=specific-issues.html |
| ~~~~~~ |
| Frequently Asked Questions |
| ========================== |
| |
| [[GSTSG00006]][[abgkd]] |
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| |
| [[frequently-asked-questions]] |
| 3 Frequently Asked Questions |
| ---------------------------- |
| |
| This chapter lists a few of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) |
| related to Oracle GlassFish Server 4.0. For the latest FAQs, see the |
| GlassFish wiki at |
| `http://wikis.sun.com/display/GlassFish/GlassFishFAQIndex`. |
| |
| This chapter contains the following: |
| |
| * link:#ghynj[Administration FAQs] |
| * link:#ghyaf[Application FAQs] |
| * link:#ghyak[Eclipse FAQs] |
| * link:#ghybv[Extensibility FAQs] |
| * link:#ghybi[Java Persistence FAQs] |
| * link:#ghybd[Update Tool FAQs] |
| |
| [[ghynj]][[GSTSG00071]][[administration-faqs]] |
| |
| Administration FAQs |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| [[ghvhr]][[GSTSG00252]][[which-asadmin-commands-are-supported]] |
| |
| Which `asadmin` Commands are Supported? |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Use `asadmin` `list-commands` to determine which commands are supported |
| and available for use. For related information, see |
| "link:../administration-guide/asadmin-subcommands.html#GSADG00023[Subcommands for the asadmin Utility]" in GlassFish |
| Server Open Source Edition Administration Guide. |
| |
| [[ghyaf]][[GSTSG00072]][[application-faqs]] |
| |
| Application FAQs |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| [[ghybu]][[GSTSG00253]][[how-do-i-debug-applications]] |
| |
| How Do I Debug Applications? |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| See "link:../application-development-guide/debugging-apps.html#GSDVG00004[Debugging Applications]" in GlassFish Server Open |
| Source Edition Application Development Guide. |
| |
| [[ghybh]][[GSTSG00254]][[how-do-i-change-application-permissions]] |
| |
| How Do I Change Application Permissions? |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| See "link:../application-development-guide/securing-apps.html#GSDVG00372[Changing Permissions for an Application]" in |
| Eclipse GlassFish Server Application Development Guide. |
| |
| [[ghybt]][[GSTSG00255]][[what-are-the-restrictions-and-optimizations-for-session-beans]] |
| |
| What Are the Restrictions and Optimizations for Session Beans? |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| See "link:../application-development-guide/ejb.html#GSDVG00427[Session Bean Restrictions and Optimizations]" in |
| Eclipse GlassFish Server Application Development Guide. |
| |
| [[ghyak]][[GSTSG00073]][[eclipse-faqs]] |
| |
| Eclipse FAQs |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| [[ghvmc]][[GSTSG00256]][[where-can-i-find-more-information-about-eclipse-and-glassfish-server-integration]] |
| |
| Where Can I Find More Information About Eclipse and GlassFish Server |
| Integration? |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Eclipse is a development environment that provides a framework, tools, |
| and runtime for deploying and managing software. The GlassFish plugin |
| for Eclipse provides important changes to better support GlassFish |
| Server and to provide optimal redeployment of web applications. For more |
| information, see the GlassFish Plugins page: |
| `http://glassfishplugins.java.net`. |
| |
| [[ghybv]][[GSTSG00074]][[extensibility-faqs]] |
| |
| Extensibility FAQs |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| [[ghyaw]][[GSTSG00257]][[how-do-i-develop-add-on-components]] |
| |
| How Do I Develop Add-On Components? |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| See the link:../add-on-component-development-guide/toc.html#GSACG[Eclipse GlassFish Server Add-On |
| Component Development Guide] for complete details. |
| |
| [[ghvhg]][[GSTSG00258]][[how-do-i-add-containers]] |
| |
| How Do I Add Containers? |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| GlassFish Server has a highly modular architecture that enables you to |
| add new types of containers that handle many application types, not just |
| Java EE. GlassFish Server defines a service provider interface (SPI), |
| which container developers implement. The GlassFish Server framework |
| then invokes the container's implementation of the SPI to detect, |
| deploy, and manage applications of the new type. |
| |
| For more information, see "link:../add-on-component-development-guide/adding-container-capabilities.html#GSACG00007[Adding Container |
| Capabilities]" in Eclipse GlassFish Server Add-On Component |
| Development Guide. |
| |
| [[ghvgv]][[GSTSG00259]][[how-do-i-extend-the-administration-console]] |
| |
| How Do I Extend the Administration Console? |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| See "link:../add-on-component-development-guide/extending-the-admin-console.html#GSACG00003[Extending the Administration Console]" in |
| Eclipse GlassFish Server Add-On Component Development Guide. |
| |
| [[ghybi]][[GSTSG00075]][[java-persistence-faqs]] |
| |
| Java Persistence FAQs |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| [[ghvnl]][[GSTSG00260]][[what-are-the-restrictions-and-optimizations-for-the-java-persistence-api]] |
| |
| What Are the Restrictions and Optimizations for the Java Persistence |
| API? |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| See "link:../application-development-guide/jpa.html#GSDVG00139[Restrictions and Optimizations]" in GlassFish |
| Server Open Source Edition Application Development Guide. |
| |
| [[ghybd]][[GSTSG00076]][[update-tool-faqs]] |
| |
| Update Tool FAQs |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| [[ghvly]][[GSTSG00261]][[how-do-i-use-update-tool-to-extend-my-glassfish-server-installation]] |
| |
| How Do I Use Update Tool to Extend My GlassFish Server Installation? |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Enterprise Server provides an administrative tool called Update Tool |
| that enables you to install updates and add-on components to your |
| existing Enterprise Server installation. |
| |
| Update Tool can be accessed as a standalone graphical tool from the |
| command line (using the `updatetool` command from |
| as-install-parent`/bin`), or as a browser-based graphical tool from the |
| Administration Console (using the Update Tool node). For more |
| information about Update Tool, see "link:../administration-guide/toc.html#GSADG00701[Update Tool]" in |
| Eclipse GlassFish Server Administration Guide. |
| |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="<100%",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| a| |
| Note: |
| |
| To update or remove installed components, you must use the standalone |
| graphical Update Tool, not the Administration Console Update Tool. |
| |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| A command-line interface is also available for Update Tool. This |
| interface uses the `pkg` command and enables you to perform most of the |
| tasks provided by the standalone graphical version. For more information |
| about the `pkg` command, see "link:../administration-guide/toc.html#GSADG00014[Extending and Updating |
| GlassFish Server]" in Eclipse GlassFish Server |
| Administration Guide. |
| |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="<100%",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| a| |
| Note: |
| |
| Update Tool differs from Upgrade Tool, which is used to migrate the |
| configuration and deployed applications from an earlier version of |
| GlassFish Server to the current version. For more information about |
| Upgrade Tool and upgrading, see the link:../upgrade-guide/toc.html#GSUPG[GlassFish Server Open |
| Source Edition Upgrade Guide]. |
| |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[gjjoq]][[GSTSG00262]][[how-do-i-turn-off-the-notifier]] |
| |
| How Do I Turn Off the Notifier? |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Update Tool provides automatic notifications of available updates after |
| installation. These notifications can be turned off if desired. |
| |
| [[gjjox]][[GSTSG00028]][[to-turn-off-the-notifier]] |
| |
| To Turn Off the Notifier |
| ++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
| |
| 1. Launch the standalone graphical tool using the `updatetool` command: + |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| as-install-parent/bin/updatetool |
| ---- |
| 2. Click Preferences. |
| 3. Click the Updates tab. |
| 4. Deselect Automatically Check for Updates and click OK. |