| type=page |
| status=published |
| title=Specific Issues |
| next=faqs.html |
| prev=overview.html |
| ~~~~~~ |
| Specific Issues |
| =============== |
| |
| [[GSTSG00003]][[abgbj]] |
| |
| |
| [[specific-issues]] |
| 2 Specific Issues |
| ----------------- |
| |
| This chapter lists problems that you might encounter when using Oracle |
| GlassFish Server 4.0. The following topics are addressed: |
| |
| * link:#abgca[Cannot Access Local Server (`http://localhost:8080`)] |
| * link:#abgcf[Cannot Access Remote Server] |
| * link:#abgcm[Cannot Access the Administration Console] |
| * link:#abgcw[Cannot Access a Server Application] |
| * link:#gjjoz[Administrator User Name or Password Not Known] |
| * link:#gjjpj[Experience Issues Related to the JDK] |
| * link:#abgdi[Server Will Not Start on Windows (Port Conflict)] |
| * link:#gkvcs[GlassFish Server Fails to Start in an OpenSolaris Zone] |
| * link:#abgdr[Two Server Instances Bind to Same Port on Windows] |
| * link:#abgel[Cannot Produce a JVM Thread Dump After Server Crash] |
| * link:#ghvgk[Issues Related to Applications] |
| * link:#ghvhy[Issues Related to `asadmin`] |
| * link:#ghvgu[Issues Related to Installation] |
| * link:#ghvrh[Issues Related to Security] |
| |
| [[abgca]][[GSTSG00043]][[cannot-access-local-server-httplocalhost8080]] |
| |
| Cannot Access Local Server (`http://localhost:8080`) |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| When this error occurs, check the following: |
| |
| * link:#abgcb[Did the Server Start?] |
| * link:#abgcd[Was the Server Started at the Expected Port?] |
| * link:#gjjpn[Is a Personal Firewall Enabled?] |
| |
| [[abgcb]][[GSTSG00179]][[did-the-server-start]] |
| |
| Did the Server Start? |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| [[abgcc]][[GSTSG00085]][[description]] |
| |
| Description |
| +++++++++++ |
| |
| If the console window is still open, the expected message indicates that |
| the default domain was started successfully. |
| |
| If the console window is already closed, check for messages in the log |
| file. This is the default location: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| domain-dir/logs/server.log |
| ---- |
| |
| If startup was successful, the expected message is similar to that on |
| the console, and appears at the end of the log file. |
| |
| For more information about starting a domain, see |
| "link:../administration-guide/domains.html#GSADG00537[Starting and Stopping a Domain]" in GlassFish Server |
| Open Source Edition Administration Guide. To easily determine if a |
| domain is running, use the `asadmin list-domains` command. |
| |
| [[abgcd]][[GSTSG00180]][[was-the-server-started-at-the-expected-port]] |
| |
| Was the Server Started at the Expected Port? |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| [[abgce]][[GSTSG00086]][[description-1]] |
| |
| Description |
| +++++++++++ |
| |
| The server might be running at a different port number than expected, |
| either because it was intentionally installed there, or because another |
| server was already running on the default port when the server was |
| installed. |
| |
| [[fxxov]][[GSTSG00024]][[to-determine-which-port-number-the-server-is-using]] |
| |
| To Determine Which Port Number the Server Is Using |
| |
| Follow this procedure. |
| |
| 1. Examine the server's configuration file: + |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| domain-dir/config/domain.xml |
| ---- |
| 2. Find the `network-listener` element. |
| 3. Inspect the value of the `port` attribute. + |
| Be sure to enter the correct port number when invoking the server. + |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="<100%",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| a| |
| Note: |
| |
| The server's default port number is `8080`, however, there are a number |
| of ways in which the expected value can change: |
| |
| * A different port number was specified during installation. |
| * A previous installation exists. |
| |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[gjjpn]][[GSTSG00181]][[is-a-personal-firewall-enabled]] |
| |
| Is a Personal Firewall Enabled? |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Issues might result when personal firewalls are enabled. Disable your |
| personal firewall and see if the server access problem still exists. |
| |
| [[abgcf]][[GSTSG00044]][[cannot-access-remote-server]] |
| |
| Cannot Access Remote Server |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| When attempting to open the start page of GlassFish Server, the initial |
| screen does not appear. |
| |
| When this error occurs, check the following: |
| |
| * link:#abgcg[Is the Server Available Locally?] |
| * link:#abgcj[Is the Proxy Setting Causing a Problem?] |
| |
| [[abgcg]][[GSTSG00182]][[is-the-server-available-locally]] |
| |
| Is the Server Available Locally? |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| [[abgch]][[GSTSG00087]][[description-2]] |
| |
| Description |
| +++++++++++ |
| |
| If the server cannot be accessed from the web, but it is running |
| locally, then the server is actually running. |
| |
| [[abgci]][[GSTSG00088]][[solution]] |
| |
| Solution |
| ++++++++ |
| |
| Verify that the server is running locally. |
| |
| [[fxxod]][[GSTSG00025]][[to-verify-that-the-server-is-running-locally]] |
| |
| To Verify That the Server Is Running Locally |
| |
| Follow this procedure. |
| |
| 1. Log on to the host where the server is running. |
| 2. Go to the local web page. For example, if `8080` is the default |
| port, go to: + |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| http://localhost:8080/ |
| ---- |
| If the start page does appear, the web connection is encountering a |
| problem that prevents accessing the server remotely. If the start page |
| does not appear, see link:#abgcb[Did the Server Start?]. |
| |
| [[abgcj]][[GSTSG00183]][[is-the-proxy-setting-causing-a-problem]] |
| |
| Is the Proxy Setting Causing a Problem? |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| [[abgck]][[GSTSG00089]][[description-3]] |
| |
| Description |
| +++++++++++ |
| |
| The server should be accessible directly from the host on which it is |
| running (`localhost`); for example, using the default port `8080`: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| http://localhost:8080/ |
| ---- |
| |
| [[abgcl]][[GSTSG00090]][[solution-1]] |
| |
| Solution |
| ++++++++ |
| |
| A server instance running on `localhost` might not be accessible if the |
| server host machine is connected to the web through a proxy. To solve |
| this problem, do one of the following: |
| |
| * Set the browser to bypass the proxy server when accessing `localhost`. |
| Refer to the browser's help system for information about how to do this. |
| * Use the fully-qualified host name or IP address of your system; for |
| example: + |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| http://myhost.mydomain.com:8080/ |
| ---- |
| * Create an entry in the system's hosts file (for example, pointing |
| `` to `localhost`; `` is not proxied). |
| |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="<100%",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| a| |
| Note: |
| |
| To determine the host name for the `localhost` machine, type `hostname` |
| at the command prompt. |
| |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[abgcm]][[GSTSG00045]][[cannot-access-the-administration-console]] |
| |
| Cannot Access the Administration Console |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| The Administration Console provides a graphical interface for |
| administrative functions. If the Administration Console is not |
| accessible, check the following: |
| |
| * link:#abgcn[Is the Application Server Running?] |
| * link:#abgcq[Is the Administration Console Running on the Expected |
| Port?] |
| |
| For more information about the Administration Console, see |
| "link:../administration-guide/overview.html#GSADG00698[Administration Console]" in GlassFish Server Open |
| Source Edition Administration Guide. |
| |
| [[abgcn]][[GSTSG00184]][[is-the-application-server-running]] |
| |
| Is the Application Server Running? |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| [[abgco]][[GSTSG00091]][[description-4]] |
| |
| Description |
| +++++++++++ |
| |
| The server must be running before the Administration Console can be |
| accessed. |
| |
| [[abgcp]][[GSTSG00092]][[solution-2]] |
| |
| Solution |
| ++++++++ |
| |
| Review the information in link:#abgcb[Did the Server Start?] to |
| determine if the server is running. |
| |
| [[abgcq]][[GSTSG00185]][[is-the-administration-console-running-on-the-expected-port]] |
| |
| Is the Administration Console Running on the Expected Port? |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| [[abgcr]][[GSTSG00093]][[description-5]] |
| |
| Description |
| +++++++++++ |
| |
| The default port number for the Administration Console is `4848`. |
| However, it could be running on a different port number than expected, |
| either because it was intentionally installed there, or because that |
| port was in use when the server was started. |
| |
| [[abgcs]][[GSTSG00094]][[solution-3]] |
| |
| Solution |
| ++++++++ |
| |
| Refer to link:#abgcd[Was the Server Started at the Expected Port?] for |
| guidelines on verifying the port on which the Administration Console is |
| running. Be sure to enter the correct port number and HTTP protocol when |
| invoking the Administration Console. |
| |
| [[abgcw]][[GSTSG00046]][[cannot-access-a-server-application]] |
| |
| Cannot Access a Server Application |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| If a particular application cannot be accessed through GlassFish Server, |
| check the following: |
| |
| * link:#abgcx[Is the Application Server Running?] |
| * link:#abgda[Was Application Deployment Successful?] |
| |
| [[abgcx]][[GSTSG00186]][[is-the-application-server-running-1]] |
| |
| Is the Application Server Running? |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| [[abgcy]][[GSTSG00095]][[description-6]] |
| |
| Description |
| +++++++++++ |
| |
| If GlassFish Server is not running, applications are not accessible. |
| |
| [[abgcz]][[GSTSG00096]][[solution-4]] |
| |
| Solution |
| ++++++++ |
| |
| Review the information in link:#abgcb[Did the Server Start?] to |
| determine if the server is running. The server must be running before a |
| server application can be accessed. |
| |
| [[abgda]][[GSTSG00187]][[was-application-deployment-successful]] |
| |
| Was Application Deployment Successful? |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| [[abgdb]][[GSTSG00097]][[description-7]] |
| |
| Description |
| +++++++++++ |
| |
| An application must be successfully deployed before it can be accessed. |
| |
| [[abgdc]][[GSTSG00098]][[solution-5]] |
| |
| Solution |
| ++++++++ |
| |
| Verify that the application was successfully deployed. There are several |
| ways to do this: |
| |
| * Check the server's log file for related entries: + |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| domain-dir/server.log |
| ---- |
| * Use the `asadmin list-applications` command to determine which |
| applications are deployed. |
| * View the Applications page in the Administration Console, accessed by |
| clicking the Applications node. |
| |
| For more information about deploying applications, see |
| "link:../application-deployment-guide/deploying-applications.html#GSDPG00004[Deploying Applications]" in GlassFish Server Open |
| Source Edition Application Deployment Guide. Also see the Administration |
| Console online help. |
| |
| [[gjjoz]][[GSTSG00047]][[administrator-user-name-or-password-not-known]] |
| |
| Administrator User Name or Password Not Known |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| If you have forgotten the administrator user name, you can find it by |
| inspecting the domain-dir`/config/admin-keyfile` file, where domain-dir |
| is the directory for the domain. In the default domain, `domain1`, the |
| file to inspect is domain-dir`/config/admin-keyfile`. For a different |
| domain, substitute its name in the path. |
| |
| If you have forgotten the administrator password, one solution is to |
| create a new domain with the admin username and password that you want, |
| then copy the entry from the `config/admin-keyfile` file in that new |
| domain to the other domain. |
| |
| [[gjjpj]][[GSTSG00048]][[experience-issues-related-to-the-jdk]] |
| |
| Experience Issues Related to the JDK |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| [[gjjpl]][[GSTSG00188]][[description-8]] |
| |
| Description |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| You experience JDK-related issues in a variety of circumstances. |
| |
| [[gjjop]][[GSTSG00189]][[solution-6]] |
| |
| Solution |
| ^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| GlassFish Server 4.0 requires JDK 6, so check your system for that |
| dependency. |
| |
| The minimum (and certified) version of the JDK software that is required |
| for GlassFish Server depends on the operating system: |
| |
| * For supported operating systems except Mac OS, the minimum required |
| version is 1.6.0_17. |
| * For the Mac OS X operating system, the minimum required version is |
| 1.6.0_15. |
| |
| Ensure that the required JDK software is installed and that the |
| `JAVA_HOME` environment variable points to the JDK installation |
| directory, not the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) software. |
| |
| Set `JAVA_HOME` and `$JAVA_HOME/bin` in the `PATH` to point to the |
| supported JDK version. |
| |
| [[abgdi]][[GSTSG00049]][[server-will-not-start-on-windows-port-conflict]] |
| |
| Server Will Not Start on Windows (Port Conflict) |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| If a message similar to the following is displayed when starting |
| GlassFish Server on Microsoft Windows, a server port conflict has |
| occurred: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| Address already in use |
| ---- |
| |
| This error occurs when another application is running on the GlassFish |
| Server port (default `8080`), or because a previous instance of |
| GlassFish Server did not shut down cleanly. |
| |
| You might also check the following: |
| |
| * link:#abgdj[Is Another Application Running on the Server's Port?] |
| * link:#abgdk[Has an Ungraceful Shutdown Occurred on a Previously |
| Running Server?] |
| |
| [[abgdj]][[GSTSG00190]][[is-another-application-running-on-the-servers-port]] |
| |
| Is Another Application Running on the Server's Port? |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| If another application is using the server's port, stop the other |
| application, then restart GlassFish Server. |
| |
| [[abgdk]][[GSTSG00191]][[has-an-ungraceful-shutdown-occurred-on-a-previously-running-server]] |
| |
| Has an Ungraceful Shutdown Occurred on a Previously Running Server? |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Use the `asadmin stop-domain` command to stop the server, or explicitly |
| kill the Java process and then restart GlassFish Server. |
| |
| [[gkvcs]][[GSTSG00050]][[glassfish-server-fails-to-start-in-an-opensolaris-zone]] |
| |
| GlassFish Server Fails to Start in an OpenSolaris Zone |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| [[gkvcx]][[GSTSG00192]][[description-9]] |
| |
| Description |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| If GlassFish Server is installed in an OpenSolaris zone, an attempt to |
| start a domain might fail with the following error message: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| Waiting for DAS to start ..Error starting domain: domain. |
| The server exited prematurely with exit code 6. |
| Before it died, it produced the following output: |
| |
| UTF ERROR ["../../../src/solaris/instrument/EncodingSupport_md.c":66]: |
| Failed to complete iconv_open() setup |
| ---- |
| |
| The failure occurs because, by default, an OpenSolaris zone is installed |
| without language and encoding support, which GlassFish Server requires. |
| |
| [[gkvdf]][[GSTSG00026]][[resolution-to-enable-glassfish-server-to-run-in-an-opensolaris-zone]] |
| |
| Resolution: To Enable GlassFish Server to Run in an OpenSolaris Zone |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| 1. Install the package that provides language and encoding support for |
| your locale. + |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| $ pkg install package-name |
| ---- |
| package-name:: |
| The name of the package that provides language and encoding support |
| for your locale. For example, the name of the package that provides |
| language and encoding support for the US English locale is |
| `SUNWlang-enUS`. |
| 2. Set the `LANG` environment variable to the code for your locale. + |
| For example, if your locale is US English, set the `LANG` environment |
| variable to `en_US.UTF-8`. |
| |
| [[abgdr]][[GSTSG00051]][[two-server-instances-bind-to-same-port-on-windows]] |
| |
| Two Server Instances Bind to Same Port on Windows |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| [[abgds]][[GSTSG00193]][[description-10]] |
| |
| Description |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| This problem occurs on Windows XP systems with GlassFish Server |
| software, and is due to a known Windows security flaw rather than a |
| problem with GlassFish Server itself. |
| |
| The problem occurs when two or more instances of GlassFish Server are |
| created using the same port number for the `instanceport` option; for |
| example: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin create-domain -adminport 5001 options -instanceport 6001 domain |
| asadmin create-domain -adminport 5002 options -instanceport 6001 domain |
| ---- |
| |
| When the two domains are started on a UNIX or Linux system, a port |
| conflict error is thrown and the second instance fails to start. |
| However, when the two domains are started on Windows XP, no error is |
| thrown, both server instances start, but only the first instance is |
| accessible at the specified port. When that first server instance is |
| subsequently shut down, the second instance then becomes accessible. |
| Moreover, when both instances are running, the Windows `netstat` command |
| only reports the first instance. |
| |
| [[fxxyd]][[GSTSG00194]][[solution-7]] |
| |
| Solution |
| ^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Be sure to use unique port numbers for all server instances on Windows |
| systems. |
| |
| [[abgel]][[GSTSG00052]][[cannot-produce-a-jvm-thread-dump-after-server-crash]] |
| |
| Cannot Produce a JVM Thread Dump After Server Crash |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| [[abgem]][[GSTSG00195]][[description-11]] |
| |
| Description |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| If GlassFish Server crashes, the server dumps a core file and, by |
| default, restarts with the `-Xrs` flag, which prevents the dump of a JVM |
| thread dump. |
| |
| [[fxxyw]][[GSTSG00196]][[solution-8]] |
| |
| Solution |
| ^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| [[ghylc]][[GSTSG00027]][[to-obtain-a-server-thread-dump]] |
| |
| To Obtain a Server Thread Dump |
| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
| |
| Type the following command: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin generate-jvm-report --type=thread |
| ---- |
| |
| [[sthref4]] |
| |
| See Also |
| |
| link:../reference-manual/generate-jvm-report.html#GSRFM00138[`generate-jvm-report`(1)] |
| |
| [[ghvgk]][[GSTSG00053]][[issues-related-to-applications]] |
| |
| Issues Related to Applications |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| [[abgee]][[GSTSG00197]][[cannot-undeploy-or-redeploy-application-with-open-streams-to-jar-files-windows]] |
| |
| Cannot Undeploy or Redeploy Application With Open Streams to `jar` Files |
| (Windows) |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| [[abgef]][[GSTSG00099]][[description-12]] |
| |
| Description |
| +++++++++++ |
| |
| On Windows systems, after running an application, subsequent attempts to |
| undeploy it or redeploy it throw exceptions about the server being |
| unable to delete a file or rename a directory. |
| |
| On Windows systems, an application may use `getClass().getResource` or |
| `getResourceAsStream` methods to locate a resource inside the |
| application, particularly in `jar` files that are in the application or |
| accessible to it. If the streams remain open, subsequent attempts to |
| redeploy or undeploy the application can fail. In addition, the Java |
| runtime by default caches streams to `jar` files for performance |
| reasons. |
| |
| [[fxxyr]][[GSTSG00100]][[solution-9]] |
| |
| Solution |
| ++++++++ |
| |
| Be sure to close streams opened by your applications. Also, if an |
| application needs to be redeployed or undeployed repeatedly, and also |
| needs to obtain a resource from a `jar` file using `getResource` or |
| `getResourceAsStream`, consider using `getClass().getResource`, which |
| returns a URL object, then invoke the `url.setUseCaches` method to turn |
| off caching for that `jar` file, and use `url.getInputStream()` to |
| obtain the stream. |
| |
| Although turning off caching for access to the `jar` file can slow |
| performance, this approach does allow the application to be undeployed |
| or redeployed. Note also that if the `getClass().getResourceAsStream` |
| method is used instead, then the `jar` file in which the resource is |
| located is cached (this is the default Java runtime setting) and remains |
| open until the server is stopped. |
| |
| [[gldbk]][[GSTSG00198]][[maxpermgen-exception]] |
| |
| `MaxPermGen` Exception |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| [[gldbn]][[GSTSG00101]][[description-13]] |
| |
| Description |
| +++++++++++ |
| |
| Application servers such as GlassFish Server allow you to redeploy an |
| application without restarting the server. Simply make the change in |
| your source code, compile the source, and redeploy the application. |
| |
| Each application is loaded using its own classloader. When you undeploy |
| an application, its classloader is discarded with all the classes it |
| loaded and is garbage collected sooner or later. However, if there's a |
| reference from outside an application to an object in the application |
| loaded by the application's classloader, that object can't be garbage |
| collected. The reference holds the object in memory. |
| |
| The memory in the Virtual Machine is divided into a number of regions. |
| One of these regions is `PermGen`. It's an area of memory used to (among |
| other things) load class files. The size of this memory region is fixed; |
| it does not change when the VM is running. You can specify the size of |
| this region with a command line switch: `-XX:MaxPermSize`. Setting the |
| `-Xmx` parameter does not help: this parameter only specifies the total |
| heap size and does not affect the size of the `PermGen` region. |
| |
| If you keep loading new classes that can't be garbage collected because |
| of references to them from outside the application, the VM runs out of |
| space in the `PermGen` region, even if there's plenty of memory |
| available. This is called a classloader leak. The resulting exception is |
| `java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space`. |
| |
| The `java.lang.String.intern()` method also allocates memory in the |
| `PermGen` region. If your application uses this method with strings and |
| holds references to these strings, thereby making garbage collection |
| impossible, your application may cause the same `PermGen space` |
| exception. |
| |
| [[gldbw]][[GSTSG00102]][[solution-10]] |
| |
| Solution |
| ++++++++ |
| |
| Classloader leaks are difficult to diagnose. Most profilers list leaked |
| objects but don't highlight the ones causing classloader leaks. Most |
| profilers also stop tracing as soon as they reach a class object or |
| classloader. |
| |
| One diagnostic approach involves undeploying the application and |
| triggering a memory dump using the JDK 6.0 `jmap` tool. Then you can use |
| the JDK 6.0 `jhat` tool to analyze the dump. The simplest analysis is to |
| list all instances of `java.lang.Class` and look for class objects that |
| have many instances. This is a sign that the class has been loaded |
| multiple times without being garbage collected. |
| |
| If you're willing to modify the `jhat` code, you can perform more |
| refined queries. For example: |
| |
| * Trace references to a classloader from all the instances of the |
| classes it loaded. |
| * Generate a list of all classloader instances that have loaded an |
| identical set of classes. |
| * Find classloader instances whose only strong-reference chains from the |
| root set go through instances of classes loaded by those classloaders. |
| These are called orphaned classloaders. |
| |
| To override the original `jhat` code, put the JAR file of the modified |
| `jhat` code in the `lib/ext` directory of the JDK. |
| |
| [[ghvhy]][[GSTSG00054]][[issues-related-to-asadmin]] |
| |
| Issues Related to `asadmin` |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| [[ghvhi]][[GSTSG00199]][[asadmin-start-domain-command-fails]] |
| |
| `asadmin` `start-domain` Command Fails |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| The command `asadmin start-domain` fails with the following error: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| There is more than one domain... |
| ---- |
| |
| [[gjkph]][[GSTSG00103]][[description-14]] |
| |
| Description |
| +++++++++++ |
| |
| When issued with no arguments, the command `asadmin start-domain` fails. |
| |
| This error occurs when there is more than one domain in the domains |
| directory, none of them is named `domain1,` and no domain is specified |
| with the `start-domain` command. |
| |
| [[gjkoy]][[GSTSG00104]][[solution-11]] |
| |
| Solution |
| ++++++++ |
| |
| Specify the domain when issuing the `start-domain` command: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin start-domain domain-name |
| ---- |
| |
| For example: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin start-domain mycustomdomain |
| ---- |
| |
| [[ghvhx]][[GSTSG00200]][[cannot-stop-domain-using-asadmin-stop-domain]] |
| |
| Cannot Stop Domain Using `asadmin` `stop-domain` |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| [[ghvhl]][[GSTSG00105]][[description-15]] |
| |
| Description |
| +++++++++++ |
| |
| You cannot stop the domain using the `asadmin` `stop-domain` command. |
| |
| [[ghvha]][[GSTSG00106]][[solution-12]] |
| |
| Solution |
| ++++++++ |
| |
| Look for error messages that display in the console when you issue the |
| command. |
| |
| Search the `server.log` file for error messages related to your |
| inability to stop the domain. |
| |
| [[ghvgu]][[GSTSG00055]][[issues-related-to-installation]] |
| |
| Issues Related to Installation |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| [[gjjnu]][[GSTSG00201]][[installation-hangs-during-update-tool-configuration]] |
| |
| Installation Hangs During Update Tool Configuration |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| [[giqjt]][[GSTSG00107]][[description-16]] |
| |
| Description |
| +++++++++++ |
| |
| Installation hangs more than five minutes during Update Tool |
| configuration. |
| |
| [[giqle]][[GSTSG00108]][[solution-13]] |
| |
| Solution |
| ++++++++ |
| |
| Cancel the installation and run the installation program again, but this |
| time deselect the Install Update Tool check box. Update Tool can be |
| installed later from as-install`/bin/`. For more information about |
| Update Tool, see "link:../administration-guide/toc.html#GSADG00701[Update Tool]" in GlassFish Server |
| Open Source Edition Administration Guide. For general information about |
| GlassFish Serverinstallation, see the link:../installation-guide/toc.html#GSING[GlassFish Server Open |
| Source Edition Installation Guide]. |
| |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="<100%",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| a| |
| Note: |
| |
| Update Tool differs from Upgrade Tool, which is used to migrate the |
| configuration and deployed applications from an earlier version of |
| GlassFish Server to the current version. For more information about |
| Upgrade Tool and upgrading, see the link:../upgrade-guide/toc.html#GSUPG[GlassFish Server Open |
| Source Edition Upgrade Guide]. |
| |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[gjjob]][[GSTSG00202]][[glassfish-server-components-not-removed-during-uninstallation]] |
| |
| GlassFish Server Components Not Removed During Uninstallation |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| [[gjjoh]][[GSTSG00109]][[description-17]] |
| |
| Description |
| +++++++++++ |
| |
| Not all GlassFish Server directories are automatically removed by the |
| uninstallation program. Some directories and files remain after |
| uninstalling. |
| |
| [[gjjnk]][[GSTSG00110]][[solution-14]] |
| |
| Solution |
| ++++++++ |
| |
| Examine the remaining directories and remove any files or directories |
| that you do not want, including hidden directories prefixed with a dot. |
| It is safe to remove uninstallation and installation log files after you |
| have examined them. |
| |
| For information related to uninstallation, see |
| "link:../installation-guide/uninstalling.html#GSING00003[Uninstalling GlassFish Server 3.1]" in GlassFish |
| Server Open Source Edition Installation Guide. |
| |
| [[ghvrh]][[GSTSG00056]][[issues-related-to-security]] |
| |
| Issues Related to Security |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| [[abgjt]][[GSTSG00203]][[java.security.accesscontrolexception-access-denied-error]] |
| |
| `java.security.AccessControlException`: Access Denied Error |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| [[abgju]][[GSTSG00111]][[description-18]] |
| |
| Description |
| +++++++++++ |
| |
| The following error occurs from an application client, or appears in the |
| `server.log` file: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| java.security.AccessControlException: access denied |
| (java.util.PropertyPermission name write...) |
| ---- |
| |
| There is a permissions issue in the policy files. Either the |
| `client.policy` file for the application client or the `server.policy` |
| file for server side components does not have permission to set the |
| property. |
| |
| [[fxxzk]][[GSTSG00112]][[solution-15]] |
| |
| Solution |
| ++++++++ |
| |
| Add the permission in `client.policy` (for the application client), or |
| in `server.policy` (for web modules) for the application that needs to |
| set the property. By default, applications only have read permission for |
| properties. |
| |
| For example, to grant read/write permission for all files in the |
| codebase directory, add or append the following to `client.policy` or |
| `server.policy`: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| grant codeBase "file:/.../build/sparc_SunOS/sec/-" { |
| permission java.util.PropertyPermission "*", "read,write"; |
| }; |
| ---- |
| |
| [[abgka]][[GSTSG00204]][[mutual-authentication-not-working-with-the-application-client]] |
| |
| Mutual Authentication Not Working With the Application Client |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| [[abgkb]][[GSTSG00113]][[description-19]] |
| |
| Description |
| +++++++++++ |
| |
| This failure can occur when the keystore and truststore properties are |
| not set properly. |
| |
| [[fxxzu]][[GSTSG00114]][[solution-16]] |
| |
| Solution |
| ++++++++ |
| |
| Set the following properties on the JVM: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| javax.net.ssl.keyStore= |
| <keystore-file-path>;javax.net.ssl.trustStore=<truststore-file-path> |
| ---- |
| |
| To use the application client, set the environment variable `VMARGS` to |
| the following value: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=${admin.domain.dir}/${admin.domain}/config/keystore.jks |
| -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=${admin.domain.dir}/${admin.domain}/config/cacerts.jks |
| ---- |