Jakarta EE 9.1, Eclipse GlassFish 6.1 RC1 Compatibility

Eclipse GlassFish is a Compatible Implementation of a number of Jakarta EE Specifications. For each specification we are required by the Eclipse Foundation Technology Compatibility Kit License to publish a summary of the TCK results.

Jakarta Platform

Jakarta Platform, Web Profile

Jakarta EE 9 Component Specifications

Jakarta Annotations

Jakarta Authentication

Jakarta Authorization

Jakarta Concurrency

Jakarta Connectors

Jakarta Debugging Support for Other Languages

Jakarta Deployment

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Jakarta Enterprise Beans

Jakarta Enterprise Web Services

Jakarta Expression Language

Jakarta Interceptors

Jakarta JSON Binding

Jakarta JSON Processing

Jakarta Managed Beans

Jakarta Management

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Jakarta Messaging

Jakarta Persistence

Jakarta RESTful Web Services

Jakarta Security

Jakarta Server Faces

Jakarta Server Pages

Jakarta Servlet

Jakarta Standard Tag Library

Jakarta Transactions

Jakarta WebSocket

Jakarta Web Services Metadata

Jakarta XML Binding

Jakarta XML SOAP with Attachments

Jakarta XML Registries

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Jakarta XML Web Services