blob: 40a4bd22096cb6d653f28e64ee39af9466270863 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2021 Bram Vandenbogaerde And Contributors
* You may use, distribute or modify this code under the
* terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0, which is distributed
* along with the source code.
package scp
import (
type PassThru func(r io.Reader, total int64) io.Reader
type Client struct {
// the host to connect to
Host string
// the client config to use
ClientConfig *ssh.ClientConfig
// stores the SSH session while the connection is running
Session *ssh.Session
// stores the SSH connection itself in order to close it after transfer
Conn ssh.Conn
// the clients waits for the given timeout until given up the connection
Timeout time.Duration
// the absolute path to the remote SCP binary
RemoteBinary string
// Connects to the remote SSH server, returns error if it couldn't establish a session to the SSH server
func (a *Client) Connect() error {
if a.Session != nil {
return nil
client, err := ssh.Dial("tcp", a.Host, a.ClientConfig)
if err != nil {
return err
a.Conn = client.Conn
a.Session, err = client.NewSession()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Copies the contents of an os.File to a remote location, it will get the length of the file by looking it up from the filesystem
func (a *Client) CopyFromFile(file os.File, remotePath string, permissions string) error {
return a.CopyFromFilePassThru(file, remotePath, permissions, nil)
// Copies the contents of an os.File to a remote location, it will get the length of the file by looking it up from the filesystem.
// Access copied bytes by providing a PassThru reader factory
func (a *Client) CopyFromFilePassThru(file os.File, remotePath string, permissions string, passThru PassThru) error {
stat, _ := file.Stat()
return a.CopyPassThru(&file, remotePath, permissions, stat.Size(), passThru)
// Copies the contents of an io.Reader to a remote location, the length is determined by reading the io.Reader until EOF
// if the file length in know in advance please use "Copy" instead
func (a *Client) CopyFile(fileReader io.Reader, remotePath string, permissions string) error {
return a.CopyFilePassThru(fileReader, remotePath, permissions, nil)
// Copies the contents of an io.Reader to a remote location, the length is determined by reading the io.Reader until EOF
// if the file length in know in advance please use "Copy" instead.
// Access copied bytes by providing a PassThru reader factory
func (a *Client) CopyFilePassThru(fileReader io.Reader, remotePath string, permissions string, passThru PassThru) error {
contents_bytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(fileReader)
bytes_reader := bytes.NewReader(contents_bytes)
return a.CopyPassThru(bytes_reader, remotePath, permissions, int64(len(contents_bytes)), passThru)
// waitTimeout waits for the waitgroup for the specified max timeout.
// Returns true if waiting timed out.
func waitTimeout(wg *sync.WaitGroup, timeout time.Duration) bool {
c := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
defer close(c)
select {
case <-c:
return false // completed normally
case <-time.After(timeout):
return true // timed out
// Checks the response it reads from the remote, and will return a single error in case
// of failure
func checkResponse(r io.Reader) error {
response, err := ParseResponse(r)
if err != nil {
return err
if response.IsFailure() {
return errors.New(response.GetMessage())
return nil
// Copies the contents of an io.Reader to a remote location
func (a *Client) Copy(r io.Reader, remotePath string, permissions string, size int64) error {
return a.CopyPassThru(r, remotePath, permissions, size, nil)
// Copies the contents of an io.Reader to a remote location.
// Access copied bytes by providing a PassThru reader factory
func (a *Client) CopyPassThru(r io.Reader, remotePath string, permissions string, size int64, passThru PassThru) error {
stdout, err := a.Session.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
return err
if passThru != nil {
r = passThru(r, size)
filename := path.Base(remotePath)
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
errCh := make(chan error, 2)
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
w, err := a.Session.StdinPipe()
if err != nil {
errCh <- err
defer w.Close()
_, err = fmt.Fprintln(w, "C"+permissions, size, filename)
if err != nil {
errCh <- err
if err = checkResponse(stdout); err != nil {
errCh <- err
_, err = io.Copy(w, r)
if err != nil {
errCh <- err
_, err = fmt.Fprint(w, "\x00")
if err != nil {
errCh <- err
if err = checkResponse(stdout); err != nil {
errCh <- err
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
err := a.Session.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s -qt %s", a.RemoteBinary, remotePath))
if err != nil {
errCh <- err
if waitTimeout(&wg, a.Timeout) {
return errors.New("timeout when upload files")
for err := range errCh {
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Copy a file from the remote to the local file given by the `file`
// parameter. Use `CopyFromRemotePassThru` if a more generic writer
// is desired instead of writing directly to a file on the file system.?
func (a *Client) CopyFromRemote(file *os.File, remotePath string) error {
return a.CopyFromRemotePassThru(file, remotePath, nil)
// Copy a file from the remote to the given writer. The passThru parameter can be used
// to keep track of progress and how many bytes that were download from the remote.
// `passThru` can be set to nil to disable this behaviour.
func (a *Client) CopyFromRemotePassThru(w io.Writer, remotePath string, passThru PassThru) error {
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
errCh := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
var err error
defer func() {
if err != nil {
errCh <- err
errCh <- err
r, err := a.Session.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
errCh <- err
in, err := a.Session.StdinPipe()
if err != nil {
errCh <- err
defer in.Close()
err = a.Session.Start(fmt.Sprintf("%s -f %s", a.RemoteBinary, remotePath))
if err != nil {
errCh <- err
err = Ack(in)
if err != nil {
errCh <- err
res, err := ParseResponse(r)
if err != nil {
errCh <- err
infos, err := res.ParseFileInfos()
if err != nil {
errCh <- err
err = Ack(in)
if err != nil {
errCh <- err
if passThru != nil {
r = passThru(r, infos.Size)
_, err = CopyN(w, r, infos.Size)
if err != nil {
errCh <- err
err = Ack(in)
if err != nil {
errCh <- err
err = a.Session.Wait()
if err != nil {
errCh <- err
if waitTimeout(&wg, a.Timeout) {
return errors.New("timeout when download files")
return <-errCh
func (a *Client) Close() {
if a.Session != nil {
if a.Conn != nil {