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// Copyright (c) 2020, 2021 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
== Change Log
=== Changes in Version 4
* fixed cross-references in the specification document
* removed deprecated `jakarta.xml.bind.Validator`
* removed constraints on using `java.beans.Introspector`
* removed deprecated steps in implementation lookup algorithm - dropped search
through `` file, `jakarta.xml.bind.context.factory` and
`jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBContext` properties and `/META-INF/services/jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBContext`
resource file
=== Changes in Version 3
* Changed specification version and license.
* Package namespace changed to `jakarta.xml.bind.*`.
* Customization schema namespace changed to ``,
minimal supported version set to `3.0`.
* Relaxed requirements tight to JAXB 1.0
* Removed inclusion in Java SE from specification goals
=== Changes since Maintenance Release 2
* Section 4.2 added note related to Java Platform Module System.
* Added section 4.9 Implementation discovery.
* Added change logs for MR1 and MR2.
=== Changes since Maintenance Release 1
Details can be found at:
* Section @XmlElement target extended for type PARAMETER
* Section added required annotation element to @XmlElementRef
=== Changes since Final Draft
Details can be found at:
* Section 7.1.3 External Binding Declaration @schemaLocation and @node are optional.
* Section E.2 3 and 3b updated.
* Section constraint violation updated JAXB 2.0 implementation
delegate to the validation API in JAXP 1.3.
=== Changes since Proposed Final Draft
* Section, nameXmlTransform: Apply
customization [ _jaxb:nameXmlTransform]_ addition of prefix and/or
suffix after XML to Java name transformation is applied.
* Section 6.7.1-2 changed to allow generation
of element factory method for abstract element. Change was necessary to
support element substitution. The abstract element factory method is
generated so it can be annotated with JAXB program annotation that
enables element substitution, _@XmlElementDecl.substitutionHeadName_ .
* Section fixed the example with
<class> customization. Made the corresponding change in Section 6.7.2 so
Objectfactory method creates an instance of generated class.
* Chapter 8 and appendix B:
@XmlJavaTypeAdapter on class, interface or enum type is mutually
exclusive with any other annotation.
* Chapter 8: added @XmlElement.required() for
schema generation
* Section clarifications for no-arg
static factory method in @XmlType annotation.
* Section Disallow use of @XmlList
on single valued property.
* Section, Table 8-30 :
@XmlAnyAttribute maps to anyAttribute with a namespace constraint with
* Section If @XmlElement.namespace()
is different from that of the target namespace of the enclosing class,
require a global element to be generated in the namespace specified in
@XmlElement.namespace() to make the generated schema complete.
* Section 8.9.15: Allow @XmlMimeType on a
* Section 8.9.16: Allow @XmlAttachmentRef on
a parameter.
* Chapter 8: removed constraint check that
namespace() annotation element must be a valid namespace URI from
different annotations.
* Chapter 8: Java Persistence and JAXB 2.0
alignment related changes. +
constructor requirement: public or protected no-arg constructor +
@AccessType renamed to @XmlAccessType. +
@AccessorOrder renamed to @XmlAccessOrder. +
@XmlTransient is mutually exclusive with other annotations. +
@A property or field that is transient or marked with @XmlTransient and
specified in @XmlType.propOrder is an error.
* Chapter 8: Clarifications for generics -
type variables with type bound, bounded wildcards and java.util.Map.
* Section 8.9: reworked constraints on the
properties to handle different use cases permitted by JavaBean design
* Section 8: Take elementFormDefault into
account when determining the namespace for @XmlElement and
@XmlElementWrapper annotations.
* Section 8: Added missing mapping
constraints for @XmlElementWrapper. Also disallow use of @XmlIDREF with
* Chapter 9, “Compatibility”: clarified
schema generator and schema compiler requirements.
* Section B.2.5: Added marshalling of null
value as xsi:nil or empty element based upon @XmlElement.required and
@XmlElement.nillable annotation elements.
* Section B.5: Added new section and moved
runtime requirements on getters/setters to here.
=== Changes since Public Review
* Update <<Compatibility>> for JAXB 2.0 technology. Additional requirements added
for Java Types to XML binding and the running of JAXB 1.0 application in
a JAXB 2.0 environment.
* Added external event callback mechanism,
_Unmarshaller.Listener_ and _Marshaller.Listener_ .
* Added new unmarshal method overloading,
unmarshal by declaredType, to _Unmarshaller_ and _Binder_ . Enables
unmarshalling a root element that corresponds with a local element
declaration in schema.
* Added <<modifying-schema-derived-code>> describing use of annotation
_@javax.annotation.Generated_ to distinguish between generated and
user-modified code in schema-derived class.
* Element declaration with anonymous complex
type definition binds to _@XmlRootElement_ annotated class except for
cases in Section
* Removed <jaxb:globalBindings
nullsInCollection>. The customization <jaxb:property
generateElementProperty=”true”> can achieve same desired result.
* Added clarification that mapping two or
more target namespaces to same java package can result in naming
collision that should be detected as an error by schema compiler.
* Added <jaxb:factoryMethod> customization to
enable the resolution of name collisions between factory methods.
* First parameter to any of the overloaded
Marshaller.marshal() methods must be a JAXB element; otherwise, method
must throw MarshalException. See updated Marshaller javadoc and
<<Marshalling>> for details.
* Prepend “_”, not “Original”, to a Java
class name representing an XML Schema type definition that has been
redefined in <<Redefine>>.
* Format for class name in _jaxb.index_ file
clarified in JAXBConext.newInstance(String) method javadoc.
* Clarifications on @dom customization in
Section 7.12..
* Chapter 8: Added support for
@XmlJavaTypeAdapter at the package level.
* Chapter 8: Added new annotation
@XmlJavaTypeAdapters as a container for defining multiple
@XmlJavaTypeAdapters at the package level.
* Chapter 8: Added support for @XmlSchemaType
at the package level.
* Chapter 8: Added @XmlSchemaTypes as a
container annotation for defining multiple @XmlSchemaType annotations at
the package level.
* Chapter 8: added lists of annotations
allowed with each annotation.
* Chapter 8: Bug fixes and clarifications
related to mapping and mapping constraints.
* Chapter 8: Expanded collection types mapped
to java.util.Map and java.util.Collection.
* Appendix B. Incorporate event call backs
into unmarshalling process.
* Appendix B: Incorporate into unmarshalling
process additional unmarshal methods: Binder.unmarshal(..), unmarshal
methods that take a declaredType as a parameter - Binder.unmarshal(...,
declaredType) and Unmarshaller.unmarshal(...,declaredType).
=== Changes since Early Draft 2
* Simple type substitution support added in
* Updates to enum type binding. (Section
7.5.1, 7.5.5, 7.10, Appendix D.3)
* Optimized binary data.(Appendix H) and
schema customizations. (Section 7.13 and 7.10.5)
* Clarification for _<jaxb:globalBindings
underscoreHandling=”asCharInWord”>_ (Appendix D.2)
* Added Unmarshal and Marshal Callback Events
(Section 4.4.1,4.5.1)
* Clarification: xs:ID and xs:IDREF can not
bind to an enum type. (Section 6.2.3,7.10.5)
* Added schema customization: +
<jaxb:globalBinding localScoping=”nested”|”toplevel”> (Section 7.5.1) +
<jaxb:inlineBinaryData> (Section 7.13) +
<jaxb:property @attachmentRef/> (Section 7.8.1)
* Updated Section 6 and 7 with mapping
annotations that are generated on schema-derived JAXB
* Added jakarta.xml.bind.Binder class to
Section 4.8.2.
* Runtime generation of schema from JAXB
mapping annotations: JAXBContext.generateSchema().
* Chapter 8: added @XmlList: bind
property/field to simple list type
* Chapter 8: added @XmlAnyElement: bind
property/field to xs:any
* Chapter 8: added @XmlAnyAttribute - bind
property/field to xs:anyAttribute
* Chapter 8. added @XmlMixed - for mixed
* Chapter 8, added annotations for
attachment/MTOM support: @XmlMimeType, @XmlAttachmentRef
* Chapter 8: added @XmlAccessorOrder - to
specify default ordering.
* Chapter 8: added @XmlSchemaType mainly for
use in mapping XMLGregorianCalendar.
* Chapter 8: map java.lang.Object to
* Chapter 8: added mapping of
* Chapter 8: added mapping of generics - type
variables, wildcardType
* Chapter 8: added mapping of binary data
* Chapter 8: default mappings changed for
class, enum type.
* Chapter 8: default mapping of propOrder
* Chapter 8: mapping of classes - zero arg
constructor, factory method.
* Chapter 8: added Runtime schema generation
* Chapter 8: Clarified mapping constraints
and other bug fixes.
* Added Appendix B new: Added Runtime
Processing Model to specify the marshalling/unmarshalling for dealing
with invalid XML content and schema evolution.
* Updated Appendix C to JAXB 2.0 binding
=== Changes since Early Draft
* Updated goals in Introduction.
* Update to Section 3 “Architecture”
introducing Java to Schema binding.
* section on portable annotation-driven
* section on handling of invalid XML content
* Binding Framework
* Replaced _IXmlElement<T>_ interface with
_JAXBElement<T>_ class. (JAXBElement is used for schema to java binding)
* _JAXBIntrospector_ introduced _._
* Add flexible (by-name) unmarshal and
describe JAXB 1.0 structural unmarshalling.
* Moved deprecated on-demand validation,
accessible via jakarta.xml.bind.Validator, to Appendix H.
* XSD to Java Binding
* Bind complex type definition to value class
by default.
* Schema-derived code is annotated with JAXB
java annotations.
* Bind XSD simpleType with enum facet to J2SE
5.0 enum type. Change default for jaxb:globalBinding @typeEnumBase from
xs:NCName to xs:string.
* _ObjectFactory_ factory methods no longer
throws _JAXBException_ .
* Added customizations +
[jaxb:globalBindings] @generateValueClass, @generateElementClass,
@serializable, @optionalProperty, @nullInCollection +
[jaxb:property] @generateElementProperty
* Add binding support for redefine
* Simplified following bindings: +
- union by binding to String rather than Object. +
- Attribute Wildcard binds to portable abstraction of a
java.util.Map<QName, String>, not jakarta.xml.bind.AttributeMap. +
- bind xsd:anyType to java.lang.Object in JAXB property method
signatures and element factory method(support element/type substitution)
* Changes required for default and customized
binding in order to support flexible unmarshalling described in Section
* Java to XSD Binding
* Added @XmlAccessorType for controlling
whether fields or properties are mapped by default.
* Added @XmlEnum and @XmlEnumValue for
mapping of enum types.
* Collections has been redesigned to allow
them to be used in annotation of schema derived code:
- removed @XmlCollectionItem and
- Added annotations parameters to @XmlElement
- added @XmlElementRef
- added @XmlElements and @XmlElementRefs as
containers for collections of @XmlElements or @XmlElementRefs.
- added @XmlElementWrapper for wrapping of
* Added mapping of anonymous types.
* Added mapping of nested classes to schema
* Added @XmlRootElement for annotating
classes. @XmlElement can now only be used to annotate properties/fields.
* Added @XmlElementRef for supporting schema
derived code as well as mapping of existing object model to XML
representation. javadoc for @XmlElementRef contains an example
* Added @XmlElementDecl on object factory
methods for supporting mapping of substitution groups for schema -> java
* Redesigned Adapter support for mapping of
non Java Beans.
- new package
jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.adapters for adapters.
- Added XmlAdapter base abstract class for
all adapters.
- redesigned and moved XmlJavaTypeAdapter to
the package.
* Moved default mapping from each section to
“Default Mapping” section.
* Consistent treatment of defaults
* Removed JAX-RPC 1.1 Alignment. JAX-WS 2.0
is deferring its databinding to JAXB 2.0.
=== Changes for 2.0 +
Early Draft v0.4
* Updated <<Introduction>>.
* Added <<Requirements>>
* Added <<Java Types To XML>> for Java Source to XML Schema mapping.
* XML Schema to schema-derived Java Binding
* Element handling changes to support element
and type substitution in <<Java Element Representation Summary>>,
<<Element Declaration>> and <<Element Property>>.
* Added <<Attribute Wildcard>> binding
* Support binding all wildcard content in
<<Bind wildcard schema component>>.
* Addition/changes in
<<Java Mapping for XML Schema Built-in Types>>.
* XML Schema to Java Customization
* Added ability to doable databinding for an
XML Schema fragment in <<dom-declaration>>.
=== Changes for 1.0 Final
* Added method
_jakarta.xml.bind.Marshaller.getNode(Object)_ which returns a DOM view of
the Java content tree. See method's javadoc for details.
=== Changes for Proposed Final
* Added <<Compatibility>>.
* Section 5.9.2, “General Content Property,”
removed value content list since it would not be tractable to support
when type and group substitution are supported by JAXB technology.
* Added the ability to associate
implementation specific property/value pairs to the unmarshal,
validation and JAXB instance creation. Changes impact Section 3.4
“Unmarshalling,” Section 3.5 “Validator” and the ObjectFactory
description in Section 4.2 “Java Package.”
* Section, “Bind a Top Level Choice
Model Group” was updated to handle Collection properties occurring
within a Choice value class.
* Section 6.12.11, “Model Group binding
algorithm” changed step 4(a) to bind to choice value class rather than
choice content property.
* <<List Property>> and <<isset-property-modifier>>
updated so one can discard set value for a List property via calling
unset method.
* At end of Section 4, added an UML diagram
of the JAXB Java representation of XML content.
* Updated default binding handling in
<<Model Group Definition>>. Specifically,
value class, element classes and enum types are derived from the content
model of a model group definition are only bound once, not once per time
the group is referenced.
* Change <<Bind wildcard schema component>>, to bind to a JAXB property with a
basetype of _java.lang.Object,_ not _jakarta.xml.bind.Element._ Strict and
lax wildcard validation processing allows for contents constrained only
by _xsi:type_ attribute. Current APIs should allow for future support of
_xsi:type_ .
* Simplify anonymous simple type definition
binding to typesafe enum class. Replace incomplete approach to derive a
name with the requirement that the @name attribute for element
typesafeEnumClass is mandatory when associated with an anonymous simple
type definition.
* Changed <<Deriving Class Names for Named Model Group Descendants>>
to state that all classes and interfaces generated for XML Schema component that
directly compose the content model for a model group, that these
classes/interfaces should be generated once as top-level interface/class
in a package, not in every content model that references the model
* Current <<globalbindings-declaration>>:
* Replaced _modelGroupAsClass_ with
_bindingStyle_ .
* Specified schema types that cannot be
listed in _typesafeEnumBase_ .
* <<property-declaration>>:
* Clarified the customization of model groups
with respect to _choiceContentProperty, elementBinding and
modelGroupBinding._ Dropped _choiceContentProperty_ from the
_<property>_ declaration.
* Added _<baseType>_ element and clarified
* Added support for customization of simple
* Added customization of simple types at
point of reference.
* Clarified restrictions and relationships
between different customizations.
* <<javatype-declaration>>:
* Added
_jakarta.xml.bind.DatatypeConverterInterface_ interface.
* Added _jakarta.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter_
class for use by user specified parse and print methods.
* Added
_javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext_ class for processing of QNames.
* Clarified print and parse method
* Added narrowing and widening conversion
* Throughout <<Customizing XML Schema to Java Representation Binding>>,
clarified the handling of invalid customizations.
=== Changes for Public Draft 2
Many changes were prompted by inconsistencies
detected within the specification by the reference implementation
effort. Change bars indicate what has changed since Public Draft.
* Section 4.5.4, “isSetProperty Modifier,”
describes the customization required to enable its methods to he
* Section 5.7.2, “Binding of an anonymous
type definition,” clarifies the generation of value class and typesafe
enum classes from an anonymous type definition.
* Section 5.2.4, “List” Simple Type
Definition and the handling of list members within a union were added
since public draft.
* Clarification on typesafe enum global
customization “generateName” in Section, “XML Enumvalue
To Java Identifier Mapping.”
* Clarification of handling binding of
wildcard content in Section 5.9.4.
* Chapter6, “Customization,” resolved binding
declaration naming inconsistencies between specification and normative
binding schema.
* removed _enableValidation_ attribute (a
duplicate of _enableFailFastCheck)_ from < _globalBindings>_
* Added default values for <
_globalBindings>_ declaration attributes.
* Changed _typesafeEnumBase_ to a list of
QNames. Clarified the binding to typesafe enum class.
* Clarified the usage and support for
_implClass_ attribute in _<class>_ declaration.
* Clarified the usage and support for
_enableFailFastCheck_ in the _<property>_ declaration.
* Added _<javadoc>_ to typesafe enum class,
member and property declarations.
* Mention that embedded HTML tags in
_<javadoc>_ declaration must be escaped.
* Fixed mistakes in derived Java code
throughout document.
* Added Section 7. Compatibility and updated
Appendix E.2 “Non required XML Schema Concepts” accordingly.
=== Changes for Public Draft
* <<Bind single occurrence choice group to a choice content property>>,
replaced overloading of choice content property setter method with a single
setter method with a value parameter with the common type of all members
of the choice. Since the resolution of overloaded method invocation is
performed using compile-time typing, not runtime typing, this
overloading was problematic. Same change was made to binding of union
* Added details on how to construct factory
method signature for nested content and element classes.
* Section 3.3, default validation handler
does not fail on first warning, only on first error or fatal error.
* Add ID/IDREF handling in section 5.
* Updated name mapping in appendix C.
* <<Indexed Property>>, added getIDLenth() to indexed property.
* Removed ObjectFactory.setImplementation
method from <<Java Package>>. The negative
impact on implementation provided to be greater than the benefit it
provided the user.
* Introduced external binding declaration
* Introduced a method to introduce extension
binding declarations.
* Added an appendix section describing JAXB
custom bindings that align JAXB binding with JAX-RPC binding from XML to
Java representation.
* Generate isID() accessor for boolean
* Section 6, Customization has been
substantially rewritten.