Release Notes maven plugin

Runs for post-site mvn target, generates release notes for given template file, stores generated release notes in target/release-notes/{versionNumber}.html file (path of output file can be changed)

Input parameters:

  • releaseVersion - (String) - version to be used everywhere where it occurs. Like file name, replacement tag, release tag etc. supplied in for of ‘2.29.1’
  • githubApiUrl - (String) - short relative path to github api to which release notes shall be published (like eclipse-ee4j/jersey)
  • githubLogin - (String) - login of github user used to publish release notes to GitHub. Not used in dry run or not publish to GitHub modes.
  • githubToken - (String) - token of github user while two factor authentication is used. Used to publish release notes to GitHub. Not used in dry run or not publish to GitHub modes.
  • githubPassword - (String) - password of github user while simple authentication is used. Used to publish release notes to GitHub. Not used in dry run or not publish to GitHub modes.
  • publishToGithub - (Boolean) - whether or not publish generated release notes directly to GitHub (false by default)
  • dryRun - (Boolean) - whether to modify anything (false) or not (true). True by default
  • templateFilePath - (String) - template HTML file which is used to generate HTML release notes page
  • releaseDate - (String) - date of release (like 10-11-2019 or 10-NOV-2019 or any valid date format)
  • releaseNotesFilePath - (String) - path for output file to be stored (default target/relese-notes/)