blob: f14ed69db8de323800a8acf2bf6b2eeb4157d971 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Extract some translations of a translation catalog.
Copyright (C) 2001-2007, 2009-2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018-2020 Free Software
Foundation, Inc.
Written by Bruno Haible <>, 2001.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>. */
# include "config.h"
#include <alloca.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#if defined _MSC_VER || defined __MINGW32__
# include <io.h>
#include <fnmatch.h>
#include <textstyle.h>
#include "noreturn.h"
#include "closeout.h"
#include "dir-list.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "error-progname.h"
#include "progname.h"
#include "relocatable.h"
#include "basename-lgpl.h"
#include "message.h"
#include "read-catalog.h"
#include "read-po.h"
#include "read-properties.h"
#include "read-stringtable.h"
#include "write-catalog.h"
#include "write-po.h"
#include "write-properties.h"
#include "write-stringtable.h"
#include "str-list.h"
#include "msgl-charset.h"
#include "xalloc.h"
#include "xmalloca.h"
#include "libgrep.h"
#include "propername.h"
#include "gettext.h"
#define _(str) gettext (str)
/* Force output of PO file even if empty. */
static int force_po;
/* Output only non-matching messages. */
static bool invert_match = false;
/* Selected source files. */
static string_list_ty *location_files;
/* Selected domain names. */
static string_list_ty *domain_names;
/* Task for each grep pass. */
struct grep_task {
matcher_t *matcher;
size_t pattern_count;
char *patterns;
size_t patterns_size;
bool case_insensitive;
void *compiled_patterns;
static struct grep_task grep_task[5];
/* Long options. */
static const struct option long_options[] =
{ "add-location", optional_argument, NULL, 'n' },
{ "color", optional_argument, NULL, CHAR_MAX + 9 },
{ "comment", no_argument, NULL, 'C' },
{ "directory", required_argument, NULL, 'D' },
{ "domain", required_argument, NULL, 'M' },
{ "escape", no_argument, NULL, CHAR_MAX + 1 },
{ "extended-regexp", no_argument, NULL, 'E' },
{ "extracted-comment", no_argument, NULL, 'X' },
{ "file", required_argument, NULL, 'f' },
{ "fixed-strings", no_argument, NULL, 'F' },
{ "force-po", no_argument, &force_po, 1 },
{ "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' },
{ "ignore-case", no_argument, NULL, 'i' },
{ "indent", no_argument, NULL, CHAR_MAX + 2 },
{ "invert-match", no_argument, NULL, 'v' },
{ "location", required_argument, NULL, 'N' },
{ "msgctxt", no_argument, NULL, 'J' },
{ "msgid", no_argument, NULL, 'K' },
{ "msgstr", no_argument, NULL, 'T' },
{ "no-escape", no_argument, NULL, CHAR_MAX + 3 },
{ "no-location", no_argument, NULL, CHAR_MAX + 11 },
{ "no-wrap", no_argument, NULL, CHAR_MAX + 6 },
{ "output-file", required_argument, NULL, 'o' },
{ "properties-input", no_argument, NULL, 'P' },
{ "properties-output", no_argument, NULL, 'p' },
{ "regexp", required_argument, NULL, 'e' },
{ "sort-by-file", no_argument, NULL, CHAR_MAX + 4 },
{ "sort-output", no_argument, NULL, CHAR_MAX + 5 },
{ "strict", no_argument, NULL, 'S' },
{ "stringtable-input", no_argument, NULL, CHAR_MAX + 7 },
{ "stringtable-output", no_argument, NULL, CHAR_MAX + 8 },
{ "style", required_argument, NULL, CHAR_MAX + 10 },
{ "version", no_argument, NULL, 'V' },
{ "width", required_argument, NULL, 'w' },
{ NULL, 0, NULL, 0 }
/* Forward declaration of local functions. */
_GL_NORETURN_FUNC static void no_pass (int opt);
_GL_NORETURN_FUNC static void usage (int status);
static msgdomain_list_ty *process_msgdomain_list (msgdomain_list_ty *mdlp);
main (int argc, char **argv)
int opt;
bool do_help;
bool do_version;
char *output_file;
const char *input_file;
int grep_pass;
msgdomain_list_ty *result;
catalog_input_format_ty input_syntax = &input_format_po;
catalog_output_format_ty output_syntax = &output_format_po;
bool sort_by_filepos = false;
bool sort_by_msgid = false;
size_t i;
/* Set program name for messages. */
set_program_name (argv[0]);
error_print_progname = maybe_print_progname;
/* Set locale via LC_ALL. */
setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
/* Set the text message domain. */
bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, relocate (LOCALEDIR));
bindtextdomain ("bison-runtime", relocate (BISON_LOCALEDIR));
textdomain (PACKAGE);
/* Ensure that write errors on stdout are detected. */
atexit (close_stdout);
/* Set default values for variables. */
do_help = false;
do_version = false;
output_file = NULL;
input_file = NULL;
grep_pass = -1;
location_files = string_list_alloc ();
domain_names = string_list_alloc ();
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
struct grep_task *gt = &grep_task[i];
gt->matcher = &matcher_grep;
gt->pattern_count = 0;
gt->patterns = NULL;
gt->patterns_size = 0;
gt->case_insensitive = false;
while ((opt = getopt_long (argc, argv, "CD:e:Ef:FhiJKM:n:N:o:pPTvVw:X",
long_options, NULL))
!= EOF)
switch (opt)
case '\0': /* Long option. */
case 'C':
grep_pass = 3;
case 'D':
dir_list_append (optarg);
case 'e':
if (grep_pass < 0)
no_pass (opt);
struct grep_task *gt = &grep_task[grep_pass];
/* Append optarg and a newline to gt->patterns. */
size_t len = strlen (optarg);
gt->patterns =
(char *) xrealloc (gt->patterns, gt->patterns_size + len + 1);
memcpy (gt->patterns + gt->patterns_size, optarg, len);
gt->patterns_size += len;
*(gt->patterns + gt->patterns_size) = '\n';
gt->patterns_size += 1;
case 'E':
if (grep_pass < 0)
no_pass (opt);
grep_task[grep_pass].matcher = &matcher_egrep;
case 'f':
if (grep_pass < 0)
no_pass (opt);
struct grep_task *gt = &grep_task[grep_pass];
/* Append the contents of the specified file to gt->patterns. */
FILE *fp = fopen (optarg, "r");
if (fp == NULL)
error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno,
_("error while opening \"%s\" for reading"), optarg);
while (!feof (fp))
char buf[4096];
size_t count = fread (buf, 1, sizeof buf, fp);
if (count == 0)
if (ferror (fp))
error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno,
_("error while reading \"%s\""), optarg);
/* EOF reached. */
gt->patterns =
(char *) xrealloc (gt->patterns, gt->patterns_size + count);
memcpy (gt->patterns + gt->patterns_size, buf, count);
gt->patterns_size += count;
/* Append a final newline if file ended in a non-newline. */
if (gt->patterns_size > 0
&& *(gt->patterns + gt->patterns_size - 1) != '\n')
gt->patterns =
(char *) xrealloc (gt->patterns, gt->patterns_size + 1);
*(gt->patterns + gt->patterns_size) = '\n';
gt->patterns_size += 1;
fclose (fp);
case 'F':
if (grep_pass < 0)
no_pass (opt);
grep_task[grep_pass].matcher = &matcher_fgrep;
case 'h':
do_help = true;
case 'i':
if (grep_pass < 0)
no_pass (opt);
grep_task[grep_pass].case_insensitive = true;
case 'J':
grep_pass = 0;
case 'K':
grep_pass = 1;
case 'M':
string_list_append (domain_names, optarg);
case 'n':
if (handle_filepos_comment_option (optarg))
case 'N':
string_list_append (location_files, optarg);
case 'o':
output_file = optarg;
case 'p':
output_syntax = &output_format_properties;
case 'P':
input_syntax = &input_format_properties;
case 'S':
message_print_style_uniforum ();
case 'T':
grep_pass = 2;
case 'v':
invert_match = true;
case 'V':
do_version = true;
case 'w':
int value;
char *endp;
value = strtol (optarg, &endp, 10);
if (endp != optarg)
message_page_width_set (value);
case 'X':
grep_pass = 4;
case CHAR_MAX + 1:
message_print_style_escape (true);
case CHAR_MAX + 2:
message_print_style_indent ();
case CHAR_MAX + 3:
message_print_style_escape (false);
case CHAR_MAX + 4:
sort_by_filepos = true;
case CHAR_MAX + 5:
sort_by_msgid = true;
case CHAR_MAX + 6: /* --no-wrap */
message_page_width_ignore ();
case CHAR_MAX + 7: /* --stringtable-input */
input_syntax = &input_format_stringtable;
case CHAR_MAX + 8: /* --stringtable-output */
output_syntax = &output_format_stringtable;
case CHAR_MAX + 9: /* --color */
if (handle_color_option (optarg) || color_test_mode)
case CHAR_MAX + 10: /* --style */
handle_style_option (optarg);
case CHAR_MAX + 11: /* --no-location */
message_print_style_filepos (filepos_comment_none);
/* Version information is requested. */
if (do_version)
printf ("%s (GNU %s) %s\n", last_component (program_name),
/* xgettext: no-wrap */
printf (_("Copyright (C) %s Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n\
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <%s>\n\
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.\n\
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\n\
"2001-2020", "");
printf (_("Written by %s.\n"), proper_name ("Bruno Haible"));
/* Help is requested. */
if (do_help)
/* Test whether we have an .po file name as argument. */
if (optind == argc)
input_file = "-";
else if (optind + 1 == argc)
input_file = argv[optind];
error (EXIT_SUCCESS, 0, _("at most one input file allowed"));
/* Verify selected options. */
if (sort_by_msgid && sort_by_filepos)
error (EXIT_FAILURE, 0, _("%s and %s are mutually exclusive"),
"--sort-output", "--sort-by-file");
/* Compile the patterns. */
for (grep_pass = 0; grep_pass < 5; grep_pass++)
struct grep_task *gt = &grep_task[grep_pass];
if (gt->pattern_count > 0)
if (gt->patterns_size > 0)
/* Strip trailing newline. */
assert (gt->patterns[gt->patterns_size - 1] == '\n');
gt->compiled_patterns =
gt->matcher->compile (gt->patterns, gt->patterns_size,
gt->case_insensitive, false, false, '\n');
/* Read input file. */
result = read_catalog_file (input_file, input_syntax);
if (grep_task[0].pattern_count > 0
|| grep_task[1].pattern_count > 0
|| grep_task[2].pattern_count > 0
|| grep_task[3].pattern_count > 0
|| grep_task[4].pattern_count > 0)
/* Warn if the current locale is not suitable for this PO file. */
compare_po_locale_charsets (result);
/* Select the messages. */
result = process_msgdomain_list (result);
/* Sort the results. */
if (sort_by_filepos)
msgdomain_list_sort_by_filepos (result);
else if (sort_by_msgid)
msgdomain_list_sort_by_msgid (result);
/* Write the merged message list out. */
msgdomain_list_print (result, output_file, output_syntax, force_po, false);
static void
no_pass (int opt)
error (EXIT_SUCCESS, 0,
_("option '%c' cannot be used before 'J' or 'K' or 'T' or 'C' or 'X' has been specified"),
/* Display usage information and exit. */
static void
usage (int status)
if (status != EXIT_SUCCESS)
fprintf (stderr, _("Try '%s --help' for more information.\n"),
printf (_("\
Usage: %s [OPTION] [INPUTFILE]\n\
"), program_name);
printf ("\n");
/* xgettext: no-wrap */
printf (_("\
Extracts all messages of a translation catalog that match a given pattern\n\
or belong to some given source files.\n\
printf ("\n");
printf (_("\
Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.\n"));
printf ("\n");
printf (_("\
Input file location:\n"));
printf (_("\
INPUTFILE input PO file\n"));
printf (_("\
-D, --directory=DIRECTORY add DIRECTORY to list for input files search\n"));
printf (_("\
If no input file is given or if it is -, standard input is read.\n"));
printf ("\n");
printf (_("\
Output file location:\n"));
printf (_("\
-o, --output-file=FILE write output to specified file\n"));
printf (_("\
The results are written to standard output if no output file is specified\n\
or if it is -.\n"));
printf ("\n");
/* xgettext: no-wrap */
printf (_("\
Message selection:\n\
A message is selected if it comes from one of the specified source files,\n\
or if it comes from one of the specified domains,\n\
or if -J is given and its context (msgctxt) matches MSGCTXT-PATTERN,\n\
or if -K is given and its key (msgid or msgid_plural) matches MSGID-PATTERN,\n\
or if -T is given and its translation (msgstr) matches MSGSTR-PATTERN,\n\
or if -C is given and the translator's comment matches COMMENT-PATTERN,\n\
or if -X is given and the extracted comment matches EXTRACTED-COMMENT-PATTERN.\n\
When more than one selection criterion is specified, the set of selected\n\
messages is the union of the selected messages of each criterion.\n\
[-E | -F] [-e PATTERN | -f FILE]...\n\
PATTERNs are basic regular expressions by default, or extended regular\n\
expressions if -E is given, or fixed strings if -F is given.\n\
-N, --location=SOURCEFILE select messages extracted from SOURCEFILE\n\
-M, --domain=DOMAINNAME select messages belonging to domain DOMAINNAME\n\
-J, --msgctxt start of patterns for the msgctxt\n\
-K, --msgid start of patterns for the msgid\n\
-T, --msgstr start of patterns for the msgstr\n\
-C, --comment start of patterns for the translator's comment\n\
-X, --extracted-comment start of patterns for the extracted comment\n\
-E, --extended-regexp PATTERN is an extended regular expression\n\
-F, --fixed-strings PATTERN is a set of newline-separated strings\n\
-e, --regexp=PATTERN use PATTERN as a regular expression\n\
-f, --file=FILE obtain PATTERN from FILE\n\
-i, --ignore-case ignore case distinctions\n\
-v, --invert-match output only the messages that do not match any\n\
selection criterion\n\
printf ("\n");
printf (_("\
Input file syntax:\n"));
printf (_("\
-P, --properties-input input file is in Java .properties syntax\n"));
printf (_("\
--stringtable-input input file is in NeXTstep/GNUstep .strings syntax\n"));
printf ("\n");
printf (_("\
Output details:\n"));
printf (_("\
--color use colors and other text attributes always\n\
--color=WHEN use colors and other text attributes if WHEN.\n\
WHEN may be 'always', 'never', 'auto', or 'html'.\n"));
printf (_("\
--style=STYLEFILE specify CSS style rule file for --color\n"));
printf (_("\
--no-escape do not use C escapes in output (default)\n"));
printf (_("\
--escape use C escapes in output, no extended chars\n"));
printf (_("\
--force-po write PO file even if empty\n"));
printf (_("\
--indent indented output style\n"));
printf (_("\
--no-location suppress '#: filename:line' lines\n"));
printf (_("\
-n, --add-location preserve '#: filename:line' lines (default)\n"));
printf (_("\
--strict strict Uniforum output style\n"));
printf (_("\
-p, --properties-output write out a Java .properties file\n"));
printf (_("\
--stringtable-output write out a NeXTstep/GNUstep .strings file\n"));
printf (_("\
-w, --width=NUMBER set output page width\n"));
printf (_("\
--no-wrap do not break long message lines, longer than\n\
the output page width, into several lines\n"));
printf (_("\
--sort-output generate sorted output\n"));
printf (_("\
--sort-by-file sort output by file location\n"));
printf ("\n");
printf (_("\
Informative output:\n"));
printf (_("\
-h, --help display this help and exit\n"));
printf (_("\
-V, --version output version information and exit\n"));
printf ("\n");
/* TRANSLATORS: The first placeholder is the web address of the Savannah
project of this package. The second placeholder is the bug-reporting
email address for this package. Please add _another line_ saying
"Report translation bugs to <...>\n" with the address for translation
bugs (typically your translation team's web or email address). */
Report bugs in the bug tracker at <%s>\n\
or by email to <%s>.\n"),
exit (status);
/* Return 1 if FILENAME is contained in a list of filename patterns,
0 otherwise. */
static bool
filename_list_match (const string_list_ty *slp, const char *filename)
size_t j;
for (j = 0; j < slp->nitems; ++j)
if (fnmatch (slp->item[j], filename, FNM_PATHNAME) == 0)
return true;
return false;
#ifdef EINTR
/* EINTR handling for close().
These functions can return -1/EINTR even though we don't have any
signal handlers set up, namely when we get interrupted via SIGSTOP. */
static inline int
nonintr_close (int fd)
int retval;
retval = close (fd);
while (retval < 0 && errno == EINTR);
return retval;
#undef close
#define close nonintr_close
/* Process a string STR of size LEN bytes through grep, and return true
if it matches. */
static bool
is_string_selected (int grep_pass, const char *str, size_t len)
const struct grep_task *gt = &grep_task[grep_pass];
if (gt->pattern_count > 0)
size_t match_size;
size_t match_offset;
match_offset =
gt->matcher->execute (gt->compiled_patterns, str, len,
&match_size, false);
return (match_offset != (size_t) -1);
return 0;
/* Return true if a message matches, considering only the positive selection
criteria and ignoring --invert-match. */
static bool
is_message_selected_no_invert (const message_ty *mp)
size_t i;
const char *msgstr;
size_t msgstr_len;
const char *p;
/* Test whether one of mp->filepos[] is selected. */
for (i = 0; i < mp->filepos_count; i++)
if (filename_list_match (location_files, mp->filepos[i].file_name))
return true;
/* Test msgctxt using the --msgctxt arguments. */
if (mp->msgctxt != NULL
&& is_string_selected (0, mp->msgctxt, strlen (mp->msgctxt)))
return true;
/* Test msgid and msgid_plural using the --msgid arguments. */
if (is_string_selected (1, mp->msgid, strlen (mp->msgid)))
return true;
if (mp->msgid_plural != NULL
&& is_string_selected (1, mp->msgid_plural, strlen (mp->msgid_plural)))
return true;
/* Test msgstr using the --msgstr arguments. */
msgstr = mp->msgstr;
msgstr_len = mp->msgstr_len;
/* Process each NUL delimited substring separately. */
for (p = msgstr; p < msgstr + msgstr_len; )
size_t length = strlen (p);
if (is_string_selected (2, p, length))
return true;
p += length + 1;
/* Test translator comments using the --comment arguments. */
if (grep_task[3].pattern_count > 0
&& mp->comment != NULL && mp->comment->nitems > 0)
size_t length;
char *total_comment;
char *q;
size_t j;
bool selected;
length = 0;
for (j = 0; j < mp->comment->nitems; j++)
length += strlen (mp->comment->item[j]) + 1;
total_comment = (char *) xmalloca (length);
q = total_comment;
for (j = 0; j < mp->comment->nitems; j++)
size_t l = strlen (mp->comment->item[j]);
memcpy (q, mp->comment->item[j], l);
q += l;
*q++ = '\n';
if (q != total_comment + length)
abort ();
selected = is_string_selected (3, total_comment, length);
freea (total_comment);
if (selected)
return true;
/* Test extracted comments using the --extracted-comment arguments. */
if (grep_task[4].pattern_count > 0
&& mp->comment_dot != NULL && mp->comment_dot->nitems > 0)
size_t length;
char *total_comment;
char *q;
size_t j;
bool selected;
length = 0;
for (j = 0; j < mp->comment_dot->nitems; j++)
length += strlen (mp->comment_dot->item[j]) + 1;
total_comment = (char *) xmalloca (length);
q = total_comment;
for (j = 0; j < mp->comment_dot->nitems; j++)
size_t l = strlen (mp->comment_dot->item[j]);
memcpy (q, mp->comment_dot->item[j], l);
q += l;
*q++ = '\n';
if (q != total_comment + length)
abort ();
selected = is_string_selected (4, total_comment, length);
freea (total_comment);
if (selected)
return true;
return false;
/* Return true if a message matches. */
static bool
is_message_selected (const message_ty *mp)
bool result;
/* Always keep the header entry. */
if (is_header (mp))
return true;
result = is_message_selected_no_invert (mp);
if (invert_match)
return !result;
return result;
static void
process_message_list (const char *domain, message_list_ty *mlp)
if (string_list_member (domain_names, domain))
/* Keep all the messages in the list. */
/* Keep only the selected messages. */
message_list_remove_if_not (mlp, is_message_selected);
static msgdomain_list_ty *
process_msgdomain_list (msgdomain_list_ty *mdlp)
size_t k;
for (k = 0; k < mdlp->nitems; k++)
process_message_list (mdlp->item[k]->domain, mdlp->item[k]->messages);
return mdlp;