blob: 420929113fb40737cc0f80c393da2357ddff7c58 [file] [log] [blame]
@c This file is part of the GNU gettext manual.
@c Copyright (C) 1995-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
@c See the file gettext.texi for copying conditions.
@node Smalltalk
@subsection GNU Smalltalk
@cindex Smalltalk
@table @asis
@item RPMs
@item Ubuntu packages
@item File extension
@item String syntax
@item gettext shorthand
@code{NLS ? 'abc'}
@item gettext/ngettext functions
@code{LcMessagesDomain>>#at:}, @code{LcMessagesDomain>>#at:plural:with:}
@item textdomain
@code{LcMessages>>#domain:localeDirectory:} (returns a @code{LcMessagesDomain}
Example: @code{I18N Locale default messages domain: 'gettext' localeDirectory: /usr/local/share/locale'}
@item bindtextdomain
@code{LcMessages>>#domain:localeDirectory:}, see above.
@item setlocale
Automatic if you use @code{I18N Locale default}.
@item Prerequisite
@code{PackageLoader fileInPackage: 'I18N'!}
@item Use or emulate GNU gettext
@item Extractor
@item Formatting with positions
@code{'%1 %2' bindWith: 'Hello' with: 'world'}
@item Portability
fully portable
@item po-mode marking
@end table
An example is available in the @file{examples} directory: