| # Maintainer: Giovanni Scafora <giovanni@archlinux.org> |
| # Maintainer: Zach Bacon <11doctorwhocanada@gmail.com> |
| # Contributor: Gilles CHAUVIN <gcnweb@gmail.com> |
| # Contributor: Ray Donnelly <mingw.android@gmail.com> |
| |
| _realname=live-media |
| pkgbase=mingw-w64-${_realname} |
| pkgname=("${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-${_realname}") |
| pkgver=2021.04.06 |
| pkgrel=1 |
| pkgdesc="A set of C++ libraries for multimedia streaming (mingw-w64)" |
| arch=('any') |
| mingw_arch=('mingw32' 'mingw64' 'ucrt64' 'clang64' 'clang32') |
| license=('LGPL') |
| url="http://live555.com/liveMedia" |
| depends=("${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-gcc-libs" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-openssl") |
| makedepends=("rsync") |
| options=('staticlibs') |
| source=("https://download.videolan.org/contrib/live555/live.${pkgver}.tar.gz" |
| 0001-Add-a-pkg-config-file-for-the-shared-libraries.patch |
| 0002-expose-server_string.patch |
| 0003-mingw-static-libs.patch |
| 0004-live555-formatmessage.patch |
| 0005-Fix-testProgs-static-lib-link-order.patch |
| 0006-mingw-NO_GETIFADDRS.patch) |
| sha256sums=('0bd182fac7d6297d924af4405ce840515a38fa5438cb1a4b90fcb6bc737b36d6' |
| '8611cb5eb31571d4026a66d47a98f2a08abf3b6c3ac373ee0c28638a3bf3c4dc' |
| '84e1df79f5a2496068d37211dcd4c4a8c72c779cdf2f9d75d61847c08bb0eb91' |
| '6111b8119b80eca6a2fdd1c116f2e3509d62098d3c36944bd1bf83bb03342c87' |
| '58255bbd2e43112e36647d1194aa0cfa98d0e9bf58a8a41d59e1e81e1589028a' |
| '9fb73d9da3c9448cc47ef14a3978861ed0d442822f48481ae8d858db1b04ae8e' |
| '1a52a453eff64204d06f7616da19ce8def5798194ed20e93cc470cd0007a35ba') |
| |
| prepare() { |
| cd ${srcdir}/live |
| |
| chmod -R a+w * |
| find . -name "*.rej" -exec rm -f {} \; |
| find . -name "*.orig" -exec rm -f {} \; |
| |
| [[ -f live555.pc.in ]] && rm -f live555.pc.in |
| patch -p1 -i ${srcdir}/0001-Add-a-pkg-config-file-for-the-shared-libraries.patch |
| patch -p1 -i ${srcdir}/0002-expose-server_string.patch |
| patch -p1 -i ${srcdir}/0003-mingw-static-libs.patch |
| patch -p1 -i ${srcdir}/0004-live555-formatmessage.patch |
| patch -p1 -i ${srcdir}/0005-Fix-testProgs-static-lib-link-order.patch |
| patch -p1 -i ${srcdir}/0006-mingw-NO_GETIFADDRS.patch |
| } |
| |
| build() { |
| cd ${srcdir}/live |
| [[ -d "${srcdir}"/build-${CARCH} ]] && rm -rf "${srcdir}"/build-${CARCH} |
| mkdir -p "${srcdir}"/build-${CARCH} && cd "${srcdir}"/build-${CARCH} |
| # This cp is necessary since these are symlink targets but get extracted |
| # later. While this shouldn't matter (symlink targets are allowed not to |
| # exist on Windows as per Unix), it currently does as various MSYS2 tools |
| # pre-date working Windows symlinks. |
| cp ${srcdir}/live/COPYING* . |
| rsync -rav ${srcdir}/live/* . |
| ./genMakefiles mingw |
| |
| make CC=gcc |
| } |
| |
| package() { |
| cd "${srcdir}"/build-${CARCH} |
| |
| make install DESTDIR=${pkgdir} PREFIX=${MINGW_PREFIX} |
| make install_shared_libraries DESTDIR=${pkgdir} PREFIX=${MINGW_PREFIX} |
| |
| for dir in BasicUsageEnvironment groupsock liveMedia UsageEnvironment; do |
| install -dm755 ${pkgdir}${MINGW_PREFIX}/{bin,lib,include/${dir}} |
| install -m644 ${dir}/*.a "${pkgdir}${MINGW_PREFIX}/lib" |
| install -m644 ${dir}/include/*.h* "${pkgdir}${MINGW_PREFIX}/include/${dir}" |
| done |
| |
| mkdir -p "${pkgdir}${MINGW_PREFIX}/share/pkgconfig" |
| install -m644 ${pkgdir}/pkgconfig/live555.pc "${pkgdir}${MINGW_PREFIX}/share/pkgconfig" |
| sed -i "s|^prefix=$|prefix=${MINGW_PREFIX}|" "${pkgdir}${MINGW_PREFIX}/share/pkgconfig/live555.pc" |
| sed -i "s|^libdir=$|libdir=${MINGW_PREFIX}/lib|" "${pkgdir}${MINGW_PREFIX}/share/pkgconfig/live555.pc" |
| rm -rf ${pkgdir}/pkgconfig |
| |
| for testprog in `find testProgs -type f -perm 755`; do |
| install ${testprog} "${pkgdir}${MINGW_PREFIX}/bin" |
| done |
| } |