blob: 7636c1b0c6d7d10ce90a86d231f2e706372685f2 [file] [log] [blame]
# liblouis: French Grade 1 table
# Copyright (C) 1995-2004 by The BRLTTY Team. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (C) 2012 Nicolas Pitre <>
# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this file; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# liblouis comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
# Définitions pour code braille français international unifié
# Par Nicolas Pitre <>
# Référence:
# Uncontracted Unified French Table
# ----------------------------------
include text_nabcc.dis
space \t 0 tab # 9
space \x000A 0
space \x000D 0
space \x00A0 0
space \s 0 blank # 32
include latinLetterDef6Dots.uti
uplow Çç 12346 c cédille
uplow Éé 123456 e accent aigu
uplow Àà 12356 a accent grave
uplow Èè 2346 e accent grave
uplow Ùù 23456 u accent grave
uplow Ââ 16 a accent circonflexe
uplow Êê 126 e accent circonflexe
uplow Îî 146 i accent circonflexe
uplow Ôô 1456 o accent circonflexe
uplow Ûû 156 u accent circonflexe
uplow Ëë 1246 e tréma
uplow Ïï 12456 i tréma
uplow Üü 1256 u tréma
# uplow oe 246 oe ligatur
uplow \x0152\x0153 246
punctuation , 2 virgule
punctuation ; 23 point-virgule
punctuation : 25 deux-points
punctuation . 256 point
punctuation ? 26 point d'interrogation
punctuation ! 235 point d'exclamation
punctuation " 2356 guillemt
punctuation ( 236 parenthèse ouvrante
sign * 35 astérisque
punctuation ) 356 parenthèse fermante
punctuation ' 3 apostrophe
punctuation \x2019 3 apostrophe
math / 34 barre oblique
sign @ 345 arobas
sign % 346 pour cent
punctuation - 36 trait d'union
sign # 3456 dièse
# override zero
digit 0 3456
include digits6DotsPlusDot6.uti
litdigit 0 3456
include litdigits6DotsPlusDot6.uti
sign \x00A8 46 diaeresis sign
math \x00F7 6-256 divisé par
math + 6-235 plus
math = 6-2356 égal
math × 6-35 multiplié par
math < 46-126 inférieur à
math > 46-345 supérieur à
sign © 5-14 copyright
sign ° 5-135 degré
sign & 5-123456 perluète (et commercial)
sign ¢ 45-14 cent
sign ¤ 45-15 euro
sign £ 45-123 livre
sign § 45-1234 paragraphe
sign $ 4-234 dollar
sign ¥ 45-13456 yen
punctuation « 45-2356 guillemet français ouvrant
punctuation » 2356-12 guillemet français fermant
punctuation [ 45-236 crochet droit ouvrant
punctuation ] 356-12 crochet droit fermant
punctuation { 6-236 accolade de gauche
punctuation } 356-3 accolade de droite
sign ¹ 4-6-16 exposant 1
sign ² 4-6-126 exposant 2
sign ³ 4-6-146 exposant 3
sign ¼ 6-16-34-1456 un quart
sign ½ 6-16-34-126 un demi
sign ¾ 6-126-34-1456 trois quarts
capsletter 46 indicateur de majuscule
begcapsword 46-46 succession de majuscules
numsign 3456 préfixe pour les chiffres
midnum \s 3 espace entre les chiffres
midnum , 2
midnum . 256
midnum - 36
midnum + 346 plus
midnum / 34
midnum : 25
sign \x00B7 56
sign \x00B8 45
endnum # 56-3456
sign _ 456 souligné
repeated ... 3-3-3 points de suite
repeated --- 36-36-36
repeated ___ 456-456-456
always \s--\s 36-36 tiret
noback sign \X25CF 35 # 9679 black circle