blob: c722e8c425ebf1abd3cdd6d73ddb08a209c63c74 [file] [log] [blame]
/* liblouis Braille Translation and Back-Translation Library
Based on the Linux screenreader BRLTTY, copyright (C) 1999-2006 by The
Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 ViewPlus Technologies, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 JJB Software, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2016 Mike Gray, American Printing House for the Blind
Copyright (C) 2016 Davy Kager, Dedicon
This file is part of liblouis.
liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with liblouis. If not, see <>.
* @file
* @brief Read and compile translation tables
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "internal.h"
#include "config.h"
#define QUOTESUB 28 /* Stand-in for double quotes in strings */
/* needed to make debuggin easier */
#ifdef DEBUG
wchar_t wchar;
/* The following variables and functions make it possible to specify the
* path on which all tables for liblouis and all files for liblouisutdml,
* in their proper directories, will be found.
static char *dataPathPtr;
lou_setDataPath(const char *path) {
static char dataPath[MAXSTRING];
dataPathPtr = NULL;
if (path == NULL) return NULL;
strcpy(dataPath, path);
dataPathPtr = dataPath;
return dataPathPtr;
lou_getDataPath(void) {
return dataPathPtr;
/* End of dataPath code. */
static int
eqasc2uni(const unsigned char *a, const widechar *b, const int len) {
int k;
for (k = 0; k < len; k++)
if ((widechar)a[k] != b[k]) return 0;
return 1;
typedef struct CharsString {
widechar length;
widechar chars[MAXSTRING];
} CharsString;
static int errorCount;
static int warningCount;
static TranslationTableHeader *gTable;
static TranslationTableOffset tableSize;
static TranslationTableOffset tableUsed;
typedef struct ChainEntry {
struct ChainEntry *next;
TranslationTableHeader *table;
int tableListLength;
char tableList[1];
} ChainEntry;
static ChainEntry *tableChain = NULL;
static const char *characterClassNames[] = {
"space", "letter", "digit", "punctuation", "uppercase", "lowercase", "math", "sign",
"litdigit", NULL,
typedef struct CharacterClass {
struct CharacterClass *next;
TranslationTableCharacterAttributes attribute;
widechar length;
widechar name[1];
} CharacterClass;
static CharacterClass *gCharacterClasses;
static TranslationTableCharacterAttributes gCharacterClassAttribute;
static const char *opcodeNames[CTO_None] = {
"include", "locale", "undefined", "capsletter", "begcapsword", "endcapsword",
"begcaps", "endcaps", "begcapsphrase", "endcapsphrase", "lencapsphrase", "letsign",
"noletsignbefore", "noletsign", "noletsignafter", "numsign", "numericmodechars",
"numericnocontchars", "seqdelimiter", "seqbeforechars", "seqafterchars",
"seqafterpattern", "seqafterexpression", "emphclass", "emphletter", "begemphword",
"endemphword", "begemph", "endemph", "begemphphrase", "endemphphrase",
"lenemphphrase", "capsmodechars",
// "emphmodechars",
"begcomp", "compbegemph1", "compendemph1", "compbegemph2", "compendemph2",
"compbegemph3", "compendemph3", "compcapsign", "compbegcaps", "compendcaps",
"endcomp", "nocontractsign", "multind", "compdots", "comp6", "class", "after",
"before", "noback", "nofor", "empmatchbefore", "empmatchafter", "swapcc", "swapcd",
"swapdd", "space", "digit", "punctuation", "math", "sign", "letter", "uppercase",
"lowercase", "grouping", "uplow", "litdigit", "display", "replace", "context",
"correct", "pass2", "pass3", "pass4", "repeated", "repword", "capsnocont", "always",
"exactdots", "nocross", "syllable", "nocont", "compbrl", "literal", "largesign",
"word", "partword", "joinnum", "joinword", "lowword", "contraction", "sufword",
"prfword", "begword", "begmidword", "midword", "midendword", "endword", "prepunc",
"postpunc", "begnum", "midnum", "endnum", "decpoint", "hyphen",
// "apostrophe",
// "initial",
"nobreak", "match", "backmatch", "attribute",
static short gOpcodeLengths[CTO_None] = { 0 };
static void
compileError(FileInfo *nested, char *format, ...);
static int
getAChar(FileInfo *nested) {
/* Read a big endian, little endian or ASCII 8 file and convert it to
* 16- or 32-bit unsigned integers */
int ch1 = 0, ch2 = 0;
widechar character;
if (nested->encoding == ascii8)
if (nested->status == 2) {
return nested->checkencoding[1];
while ((ch1 = fgetc(nested->in)) != EOF) {
if (nested->status < 2) nested->checkencoding[nested->status] = ch1;
if (nested->status == 2) {
if (nested->checkencoding[0] == 0xfe && nested->checkencoding[1] == 0xff)
nested->encoding = bigEndian;
else if (nested->checkencoding[0] == 0xff && nested->checkencoding[1] == 0xfe)
nested->encoding = littleEndian;
else if (nested->checkencoding[0] < 128 && nested->checkencoding[1] < 128) {
nested->encoding = ascii8;
return nested->checkencoding[0];
} else {
"encoding is neither big-endian, little-endian nor ASCII 8.");
ch1 = EOF;
switch (nested->encoding) {
case noEncoding:
case ascii8:
return ch1;
case bigEndian:
ch2 = fgetc(nested->in);
if (ch2 == EOF) break;
character = (widechar)(ch1 << 8) | ch2;
return (int)character;
case littleEndian:
ch2 = fgetc(nested->in);
if (ch2 == EOF) break;
character = (widechar)(ch2 << 8) | ch1;
return (int)character;
if (ch1 == EOF || ch2 == EOF) break;
return EOF;
_lou_getALine(FileInfo *nested) {
/* Read a line of widechar's from an input file */
int ch;
int pch = 0;
nested->linelen = 0;
while ((ch = getAChar(nested)) != EOF) {
if (ch == 13) continue;
if (pch == '\\' && ch == 10) {
pch = ch;
if (ch == 10 || nested->linelen >= MAXSTRING - 1) break;
nested->line[nested->linelen++] = (widechar)ch;
pch = ch;
nested->line[nested->linelen] = 0;
nested->linepos = 0;
if (ch == EOF) return 0;
return 1;
static inline int
atEndOfLine(FileInfo *nested) {
return nested->linepos >= nested->linelen;
static inline int
atTokenDelimiter(FileInfo *nested) {
return nested->line[nested->linepos] <= 32;
static int
getToken(FileInfo *nested, CharsString *result, const char *description, int *lastToken) {
/* Find the next string of contiguous non-whitespace characters. If this
* is the last token on the line, return 2 instead of 1. */
while (!atEndOfLine(nested) && atTokenDelimiter(nested)) nested->linepos++;
result->length = 0;
while (!atEndOfLine(nested) && !atTokenDelimiter(nested)) {
int maxlen = MAXSTRING;
if (result->length >= maxlen) {
compileError(nested, "more than %d characters (bytes)", maxlen);
return 0;
} else
result->chars[result->length++] = nested->line[nested->linepos++];
if (!result->length) {
/* Not enough tokens */
if (description) compileError(nested, "%s not specified.", description);
return 0;
result->chars[result->length] = 0;
while (!atEndOfLine(nested) && atTokenDelimiter(nested)) nested->linepos++;
return (*lastToken = atEndOfLine(nested)) ? 2 : 1;
static void
compileError(FileInfo *nested, char *format, ...) {
#ifndef __SYMBIAN32__
char buffer[MAXSTRING];
va_list arguments;
va_start(arguments, format);
vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, arguments);
if (nested)
_lou_logMessage(LOG_ERROR, "%s:%d: error: %s", nested->fileName,
nested->lineNumber, buffer);
_lou_logMessage(LOG_ERROR, "error: %s", buffer);
static void
compileWarning(FileInfo *nested, char *format, ...) {
#ifndef __SYMBIAN32__
char buffer[MAXSTRING];
va_list arguments;
va_start(arguments, format);
vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, arguments);
if (nested)
_lou_logMessage(LOG_WARN, "%s:%d: warning: %s", nested->fileName,
nested->lineNumber, buffer);
_lou_logMessage(LOG_WARN, "warning: %s", buffer);
static int
allocateSpaceInTable(FileInfo *nested, TranslationTableOffset *offset, int count,
TranslationTableHeader **table) {
/* allocate memory for translation table and expand previously allocated
* memory if necessary */
int spaceNeeded = ((count + OFFSETSIZE - 1) / OFFSETSIZE) * OFFSETSIZE;
TranslationTableOffset size = tableUsed + spaceNeeded;
if (size > tableSize) {
TranslationTableHeader *newTable;
size += (size / OFFSETSIZE);
newTable = realloc(*table, size);
if (!newTable) {
compileError(nested, "Not enough memory for translation table.");
memset(((unsigned char *)newTable) + tableSize, 0, size - tableSize);
/* update references to the old table */
ChainEntry *entry;
for (entry = tableChain; entry != NULL; entry = entry->next)
if (entry->table == *table)
entry->table = (TranslationTableHeader *)newTable;
*table = (TranslationTableHeader *)newTable;
tableSize = size;
if (offset != NULL) {
*offset = (tableUsed - sizeof(**table)) / OFFSETSIZE;
tableUsed += spaceNeeded;
return 1;
static int
reserveSpaceInTable(FileInfo *nested, int count, TranslationTableHeader **table) {
return (allocateSpaceInTable(nested, NULL, count, table));
static int
allocateHeader(FileInfo *nested, TranslationTableHeader **table) {
/* Allocate memory for the table header and a guess on the number of
* rules */
const TranslationTableOffset startSize = 2 * sizeof(**table);
if (*table) return 1;
tableUsed = sizeof(**table) + OFFSETSIZE; /* So no offset is ever zero */
if (!(*table = malloc(startSize))) {
compileError(nested, "Not enough memory");
if (*table != NULL) free(*table);
*table = NULL;
memset(*table, 0, startSize);
tableSize = startSize;
return 1;
static TranslationTableCharacter *
compile_findCharOrDots(widechar c, int m, TranslationTableHeader *table) {
/* Look up a character or dot pattern. If m is 0 look up a character,
* otherwise look up a dot pattern. Although the algorithms are almost
* identical, different tables are needed for characters and dots because
* of the possibility of conflicts. */
TranslationTableCharacter *character;
TranslationTableOffset bucket;
unsigned long int makeHash = (unsigned long int)c % HASHNUM;
if (m == 0)
bucket = table->characters[makeHash];
bucket = table->dots[makeHash];
while (bucket) {
character = (TranslationTableCharacter *)&table->ruleArea[bucket];
if (character->realchar == c) return character;
bucket = character->next;
return NULL;
static char *
unknownDots(widechar dots);
static TranslationTableCharacter *
definedCharOrDots(FileInfo *nested, widechar c, int m, TranslationTableHeader *table) {
static TranslationTableCharacter noChar = {
.next = 0,
.definitionRule = 0,
.otherRules = 0,
.attributes = CTC_Space,
.realchar = 32,
.uppercase = 32,
.lowercase = 32,
static TranslationTableCharacter noDots = {
.next = 0,
.definitionRule = 0,
.otherRules = 0,
.attributes = CTC_Space,
.realchar = B16,
.uppercase = B16,
.lowercase = B16,
TranslationTableCharacter *notFound;
TranslationTableCharacter *charOrDots = compile_findCharOrDots(c, m, table);
if (charOrDots) return charOrDots;
if (m == 0) {
notFound = &noChar;
compileError(nested, "character %s should be defined at this point but is not",
_lou_showString(&c, 1));
} else {
notFound = &noDots;
compileError(nested, "cell %s should be defined at this point but is not",
return notFound;
static TranslationTableCharacter *
addCharOrDots(FileInfo *nested, widechar c, int m, TranslationTableHeader **table) {
/* See if a character or dot pattern is in the appropriate table. If not,
* insert it. In either
* case, return a pointer to it. */
TranslationTableOffset bucket;
TranslationTableCharacter *character;
TranslationTableCharacter *oldchar;
TranslationTableOffset offset;
unsigned long int makeHash;
if ((character = compile_findCharOrDots(c, m, *table))) return character;
if (!allocateSpaceInTable(nested, &offset, sizeof(*character), table)) return NULL;
character = (TranslationTableCharacter *)&(*table)->ruleArea[offset];
memset(character, 0, sizeof(*character));
character->realchar = c;
makeHash = (unsigned long int)c % HASHNUM;
if (m == 0)
bucket = (*table)->characters[makeHash];
bucket = (*table)->dots[makeHash];
if (!bucket) {
if (m == 0)
(*table)->characters[makeHash] = offset;
(*table)->dots[makeHash] = offset;
} else {
oldchar = (TranslationTableCharacter *)&(*table)->ruleArea[bucket];
while (oldchar->next)
oldchar = (TranslationTableCharacter *)&(*table)->ruleArea[oldchar->next];
oldchar->next = offset;
return character;
static CharOrDots *
getCharOrDots(widechar c, int m, TranslationTableHeader *table) {
CharOrDots *cdPtr;
TranslationTableOffset bucket;
unsigned long int makeHash = (unsigned long int)c % HASHNUM;
if (m == 0)
bucket = table->charToDots[makeHash];
bucket = table->dotsToChar[makeHash];
while (bucket) {
cdPtr = (CharOrDots *)&table->ruleArea[bucket];
if (cdPtr->lookFor == c) return cdPtr;
bucket = cdPtr->next;
return NULL;
widechar EXPORT_CALL
_lou_getDotsForChar(widechar c) {
CharOrDots *cdPtr = getCharOrDots(c, 0, gTable);
if (cdPtr) return cdPtr->found;
return B16;
widechar EXPORT_CALL
_lou_getCharFromDots(widechar d) {
CharOrDots *cdPtr = getCharOrDots(d, 1, gTable);
if (cdPtr) return cdPtr->found;
return ' ';
static int
putCharAndDots(FileInfo *nested, widechar c, widechar d, TranslationTableHeader **table) {
TranslationTableOffset bucket;
CharOrDots *cdPtr;
CharOrDots *oldcdPtr = NULL;
TranslationTableOffset offset;
unsigned long int makeHash;
if (!(cdPtr = getCharOrDots(c, 0, *table))) {
if (!allocateSpaceInTable(nested, &offset, sizeof(*cdPtr), table)) return 0;
cdPtr = (CharOrDots *)&(*table)->ruleArea[offset];
cdPtr->next = 0;
cdPtr->lookFor = c;
cdPtr->found = d;
makeHash = (unsigned long int)c % HASHNUM;
bucket = (*table)->charToDots[makeHash];
if (!bucket)
(*table)->charToDots[makeHash] = offset;
else {
oldcdPtr = (CharOrDots *)&(*table)->ruleArea[bucket];
while (oldcdPtr->next)
oldcdPtr = (CharOrDots *)&(*table)->ruleArea[oldcdPtr->next];
oldcdPtr->next = offset;
if (!(cdPtr = getCharOrDots(d, 1, *table))) {
if (!allocateSpaceInTable(nested, &offset, sizeof(*cdPtr), table)) return 0;
cdPtr = (CharOrDots *)&(*table)->ruleArea[offset];
cdPtr->next = 0;
cdPtr->lookFor = d;
cdPtr->found = c;
makeHash = (unsigned long int)d % HASHNUM;
bucket = (*table)->dotsToChar[makeHash];
if (!bucket)
(*table)->dotsToChar[makeHash] = offset;
else {
oldcdPtr = (CharOrDots *)&(*table)->ruleArea[bucket];
while (oldcdPtr->next)
oldcdPtr = (CharOrDots *)&(*table)->ruleArea[oldcdPtr->next];
oldcdPtr->next = offset;
return 1;
* Print out dot numbers
* @return a string containing the dot numbers. The longest possible
* output is "\123456789ABCDEF0/"
static char *
unknownDots(widechar dots) {
static char buffer[20];
int k = 1;
buffer[0] = '\\';
for (int mappingPos = 0; dotMapping[mappingPos].key; mappingPos++) {
if (dots & dotMapping[mappingPos].key) buffer[k++] = dotMapping[mappingPos].value;
buffer[k++] = '/';
buffer[k] = 0;
return buffer;
static TranslationTableOffset gNewRuleOffset = 0;
static TranslationTableRule *gNewRule = NULL;
static int
FileInfo *nested, TranslationTableRule *newRule, TranslationTableHeader *table) {
/* Check that all characters are defined by character-definition
* opcodes */
int noErrors = 1;
int k;
if ((newRule->opcode >= CTO_Space && newRule->opcode <= CTO_LitDigit) ||
newRule->opcode == CTO_SwapDd || newRule->opcode == CTO_Replace ||
newRule->opcode == CTO_MultInd || newRule->opcode == CTO_Repeated ||
((newRule->opcode >= CTO_Context && newRule->opcode <= CTO_Pass4) &&
newRule->opcode != CTO_Correct) ||
newRule->opcode == CTO_Match)
return 1;
for (k = 0; k < newRule->charslen; k++)
if (!compile_findCharOrDots(newRule->charsdots[k], 0, table)) {
compileError(nested, "Character %s is not defined",
_lou_showString(&newRule->charsdots[k], 1));
noErrors = 0;
if (!(newRule->opcode == CTO_Correct || newRule->opcode == CTO_SwapCc ||
newRule->opcode == CTO_SwapCd)
// TODO: these just need to know there is a way to get from dots to a char
!(newRule->opcode >= CTO_CapsLetterRule &&
newRule->opcode <= CTO_EndEmph10PhraseAfterRule)) {
for (k = newRule->charslen; k < newRule->charslen + newRule->dotslen; k++)
if (!compile_findCharOrDots(newRule->charsdots[k], 1, table)) {
compileError(nested, "Dot pattern %s is not defined.",
noErrors = 0;
return noErrors;
static inline const char *
getPartName(int actionPart) {
return actionPart ? "action" : "test";
static int
passFindCharacters(FileInfo *nested, int actionPart, widechar *instructions, int end,
widechar **characters, int *length) {
int IC = 0;
int finding = !actionPart;
*characters = NULL;
*length = 0;
while (IC < end) {
widechar instruction = instructions[IC];
switch (instruction) {
case pass_string:
case pass_dots: {
int count = instructions[IC + 1];
IC += 2;
if (finding) {
*characters = &instructions[IC];
*length = count;
return 1;
IC += count;
case pass_attributes:
IC += 5;
case pass_swap:
/* swap has a range in the test part but not in the action part */
if (!actionPart != !finding) IC += 2;
/* fall through */
case pass_groupstart:
case pass_groupend:
case pass_groupreplace:
IC += 3;
if (finding) return 1;
case pass_eq:
case pass_lt:
case pass_gt:
case pass_lteq:
case pass_gteq:
IC += 3;
case pass_lookback:
IC += 2;
case pass_not:
case pass_startReplace:
case pass_endReplace:
case pass_first:
case pass_last:
case pass_copy:
case pass_omit:
case pass_plus:
case pass_hyphen:
IC += 1;
case pass_endTest:
if (finding) goto NOT_FOUND;
finding = 1;
IC += 1;
compileError(nested, "unhandled %s suboperand: \\x%02x",
getPartName(actionPart), instruction);
return 0;
"characters, dots, attributes, or class swap not found in %s part",
return 0;
/* The following functions are called by addRule to handle various cases. */
static void
addForwardRuleWithSingleChar(FileInfo *nested, TranslationTableOffset *newRuleOffset,
TranslationTableRule *newRule, TranslationTableHeader *table) {
/* direction = 0, newRule->charslen = 1 */
TranslationTableRule *currentRule;
TranslationTableOffset *currentOffsetPtr;
TranslationTableCharacter *character;
int m = 0;
if (newRule->opcode == CTO_CompDots || newRule->opcode == CTO_Comp6) return;
if (newRule->opcode >= CTO_Pass2 && newRule->opcode <= CTO_Pass4) m = 1;
character = definedCharOrDots(nested, newRule->charsdots[0], m, table);
if (m != 1 && character->attributes & CTC_Letter &&
(newRule->opcode == CTO_WholeWord || newRule->opcode == CTO_LargeSign)) {
if (table->noLetsignCount < LETSIGNSIZE)
table->noLetsign[table->noLetsignCount++] = newRule->charsdots[0];
if (newRule->opcode >= CTO_Space && newRule->opcode < CTO_UpLow)
character->definitionRule = *newRuleOffset;
currentOffsetPtr = &character->otherRules;
while (*currentOffsetPtr) {
currentRule = (TranslationTableRule *)&table->ruleArea[*currentOffsetPtr];
if (currentRule->charslen == 0) break;
if (currentRule->opcode >= CTO_Space && currentRule->opcode < CTO_UpLow)
if (!(newRule->opcode >= CTO_Space && newRule->opcode < CTO_UpLow)) break;
currentOffsetPtr = &currentRule->charsnext;
newRule->charsnext = *currentOffsetPtr;
*currentOffsetPtr = *newRuleOffset;
static void
addForwardRuleWithMultipleChars(TranslationTableOffset *newRuleOffset,
TranslationTableRule *newRule, TranslationTableHeader *table) {
/* direction = 0 newRule->charslen > 1 */
TranslationTableRule *currentRule = NULL;
TranslationTableOffset *currentOffsetPtr =
while (*currentOffsetPtr) {
currentRule = (TranslationTableRule *)&table->ruleArea[*currentOffsetPtr];
if (newRule->charslen > currentRule->charslen) break;
if (newRule->charslen == currentRule->charslen)
if ((currentRule->opcode == CTO_Always) && (newRule->opcode != CTO_Always))
currentOffsetPtr = &currentRule->charsnext;
newRule->charsnext = *currentOffsetPtr;
*currentOffsetPtr = *newRuleOffset;
static void
addBackwardRuleWithSingleCell(FileInfo *nested, widechar cell,
TranslationTableOffset *newRuleOffset, TranslationTableRule *newRule,
TranslationTableHeader *table) {
/* direction = 1, newRule->dotslen = 1 */
TranslationTableRule *currentRule;
TranslationTableOffset *currentOffsetPtr;
TranslationTableCharacter *dots;
if (newRule->opcode == CTO_SwapCc || newRule->opcode == CTO_Repeated ||
(newRule->opcode == CTO_Always && newRule->charslen == 1))
return; /* too ambiguous */
dots = definedCharOrDots(nested, cell, 1, table);
if (newRule->opcode >= CTO_Space && newRule->opcode < CTO_UpLow)
dots->definitionRule = *newRuleOffset;
currentOffsetPtr = &dots->otherRules;
while (*currentOffsetPtr) {
currentRule = (TranslationTableRule *)&table->ruleArea[*currentOffsetPtr];
if (newRule->charslen > currentRule->charslen || currentRule->dotslen == 0) break;
if (currentRule->opcode >= CTO_Space && currentRule->opcode < CTO_UpLow)
if (!(newRule->opcode >= CTO_Space && newRule->opcode < CTO_UpLow)) break;
currentOffsetPtr = &currentRule->dotsnext;
newRule->dotsnext = *currentOffsetPtr;
*currentOffsetPtr = *newRuleOffset;
static void
addBackwardRuleWithMultipleCells(widechar *cells, int count,
TranslationTableOffset *newRuleOffset, TranslationTableRule *newRule,
TranslationTableHeader *table) {
/* direction = 1, newRule->dotslen > 1 */
TranslationTableRule *currentRule = NULL;
TranslationTableOffset *currentOffsetPtr = &table->backRules[_lou_stringHash(cells)];
if (newRule->opcode == CTO_SwapCc) return;
while (*currentOffsetPtr) {
int currentLength;
int newLength;
currentRule = (TranslationTableRule *)&table->ruleArea[*currentOffsetPtr];
currentLength = currentRule->dotslen + currentRule->charslen;
newLength = count + newRule->charslen;
if (newLength > currentLength) break;
if (currentLength == newLength)
if ((currentRule->opcode == CTO_Always) && (newRule->opcode != CTO_Always))
currentOffsetPtr = &currentRule->dotsnext;
newRule->dotsnext = *currentOffsetPtr;
*currentOffsetPtr = *newRuleOffset;
static int
addForwardPassRule(TranslationTableOffset *newRuleOffset, TranslationTableRule *newRule,
TranslationTableHeader *table) {
TranslationTableOffset *currentOffsetPtr;
TranslationTableRule *currentRule;
switch (newRule->opcode) {
case CTO_Correct:
currentOffsetPtr = &table->forPassRules[0];
case CTO_Context:
currentOffsetPtr = &table->forPassRules[1];
case CTO_Pass2:
currentOffsetPtr = &table->forPassRules[2];
case CTO_Pass3:
currentOffsetPtr = &table->forPassRules[3];
case CTO_Pass4:
currentOffsetPtr = &table->forPassRules[4];
return 0;
while (*currentOffsetPtr) {
currentRule = (TranslationTableRule *)&table->ruleArea[*currentOffsetPtr];
if (newRule->charslen > currentRule->charslen) break;
currentOffsetPtr = &currentRule->charsnext;
newRule->charsnext = *currentOffsetPtr;
*currentOffsetPtr = *newRuleOffset;
return 1;
static int
addBackwardPassRule(TranslationTableOffset *newRuleOffset, TranslationTableRule *newRule,
TranslationTableHeader *table) {
TranslationTableOffset *currentOffsetPtr;
TranslationTableRule *currentRule;
switch (newRule->opcode) {
case CTO_Correct:
currentOffsetPtr = &table->backPassRules[0];
case CTO_Context:
currentOffsetPtr = &table->backPassRules[1];
case CTO_Pass2:
currentOffsetPtr = &table->backPassRules[2];
case CTO_Pass3:
currentOffsetPtr = &table->backPassRules[3];
case CTO_Pass4:
currentOffsetPtr = &table->backPassRules[4];
return 0;
while (*currentOffsetPtr) {
currentRule = (TranslationTableRule *)&table->ruleArea[*currentOffsetPtr];
if (newRule->charslen > currentRule->charslen) break;
currentOffsetPtr = &currentRule->dotsnext;
newRule->dotsnext = *currentOffsetPtr;
*currentOffsetPtr = *newRuleOffset;
return 1;
static int
addRule(FileInfo *nested, TranslationTableOpcode opcode, CharsString *ruleChars,
CharsString *ruleDots, TranslationTableCharacterAttributes after,
TranslationTableCharacterAttributes before, TranslationTableOffset *newRuleOffset,
TranslationTableRule **newRule, int noback, int nofor,
TranslationTableHeader **table) {
/* Add a rule to the table, using the hash function to find the start of
* chains and chaining both the chars and dots strings */
int ruleSize = sizeof(TranslationTableRule) - (DEFAULTRULESIZE * CHARSIZE);
if (ruleChars) ruleSize += CHARSIZE * ruleChars->length;
if (ruleDots) ruleSize += CHARSIZE * ruleDots->length;
if (!allocateSpaceInTable(nested, newRuleOffset, ruleSize, table)) return 0;
TranslationTableRule *rule =
(TranslationTableRule *)&(*table)->ruleArea[*newRuleOffset];
*newRule = rule;
rule->opcode = opcode;
rule->after = after;
rule->before = before;
if (ruleChars)
memcpy(&rule->charsdots[0], &ruleChars->chars[0],
CHARSIZE * (rule->charslen = ruleChars->length));
rule->charslen = 0;
if (ruleDots)
memcpy(&rule->charsdots[rule->charslen], &ruleDots->chars[0],
CHARSIZE * (rule->dotslen = ruleDots->length));
rule->dotslen = 0;
if (!charactersDefined(nested, rule, *table)) return 0;
/* link new rule into table. */
if (opcode == CTO_SwapCc || opcode == CTO_SwapCd || opcode == CTO_SwapDd) return 1;
if (opcode >= CTO_Context && opcode <= CTO_Pass4)
if (!(opcode == CTO_Context && rule->charslen > 0)) {
if (!nofor)
if (!addForwardPassRule(newRuleOffset, rule, *table)) return 0;
if (!noback)
if (!addBackwardPassRule(newRuleOffset, rule, *table)) return 0;
return 1;
if (!nofor) {
if (rule->charslen == 1)
addForwardRuleWithSingleChar(nested, newRuleOffset, rule, *table);
else if (rule->charslen > 1)
addForwardRuleWithMultipleChars(newRuleOffset, rule, *table);
if (!noback) {
widechar *cells;
int count;
if (rule->opcode == CTO_Context) {
cells = &rule->charsdots[0];
count = rule->charslen;
} else {
cells = &rule->charsdots[rule->charslen];
count = rule->dotslen;
if (count == 1)
addBackwardRuleWithSingleCell(nested, *cells, newRuleOffset, rule, *table);
else if (count > 1)
addBackwardRuleWithMultipleCells(cells, count, newRuleOffset, rule, *table);
return 1;
static const CharacterClass *
findCharacterClass(const CharsString *name, CharacterClass *characterClasses) {
/* Find a character class, whether predefined or user-defined */
const CharacterClass *class = characterClasses;
while (class) {
if ((name->length == class->length) &&
(memcmp(&name->chars[0], class->name, CHARSIZE * name->length) == 0))
return class;
class = class->next;
return NULL;
static CharacterClass *
addCharacterClass(FileInfo *nested, const widechar *name, int length,
CharacterClass **characterClasses,
TranslationTableCharacterAttributes *characterClassAttribute) {
/* Define a character class, Whether predefined or user-defined */
CharacterClass *class;
if (*characterClassAttribute) {
if (!(class = malloc(sizeof(*class) + CHARSIZE * (length - 1))))
else {
memset(class, 0, sizeof(*class));
memcpy(class->name, name, CHARSIZE * (class->length = length));
class->attribute = *characterClassAttribute;
*characterClassAttribute <<= 1;
class->next = *characterClasses;
*characterClasses = class;
return class;
compileError(nested, "character class table overflow.");
return NULL;
static void
deallocateCharacterClasses(CharacterClass **characterClasses) {
while (*characterClasses) {
CharacterClass *class = *characterClasses;
*characterClasses = (*characterClasses)->next;
if (class) free(class);
static int
allocateCharacterClasses(CharacterClass **characterClasses,
TranslationTableCharacterAttributes *characterClassAttribute) {
/* Allocate memory for predifined character classes */
int k = 0;
*characterClasses = NULL;
*characterClassAttribute = 1;
while (characterClassNames[k]) {
widechar wname[MAXSTRING];
int length = (int)strlen(characterClassNames[k]);
int kk;
for (kk = 0; kk < length; kk++) wname[kk] = (widechar)characterClassNames[k][kk];
if (!addCharacterClass(
NULL, wname, length, characterClasses, characterClassAttribute)) {
return 0;
return 1;
static TranslationTableOpcode
getOpcode(FileInfo *nested, const CharsString *token, short opcodeLengths[]) {
static TranslationTableOpcode lastOpcode = 0;
TranslationTableOpcode opcode = lastOpcode;
do {
if (token->length == opcodeLengths[opcode])
if (eqasc2uni((unsigned char *)opcodeNames[opcode], &token->chars[0],
token->length)) {
lastOpcode = opcode;
return opcode;
if (opcode >= CTO_None) opcode = 0;
} while (opcode != lastOpcode);
compileError(nested, "opcode %s not defined.",
_lou_showString(&token->chars[0], token->length));
return CTO_None;
TranslationTableOpcode EXPORT_CALL
_lou_findOpcodeNumber(const char *toFind) {
/* Used by tools such as lou_debug */
static TranslationTableOpcode lastOpcode = 0;
TranslationTableOpcode opcode = lastOpcode;
int length = (int)strlen(toFind);
do {
if (length == gOpcodeLengths[opcode] &&
strcasecmp(toFind, opcodeNames[opcode]) == 0) {
lastOpcode = opcode;
return opcode;
if (opcode >= CTO_None) opcode = 0;
} while (opcode != lastOpcode);
return CTO_None;
const char *EXPORT_CALL
_lou_findOpcodeName(TranslationTableOpcode opcode) {
static char scratchBuf[MAXSTRING];
/* Used by tools such as lou_debug */
if (opcode < 0 || opcode >= CTO_None) {
sprintf(scratchBuf, "%d", opcode);
return scratchBuf;
return opcodeNames[opcode];
static widechar
hexValue(FileInfo *nested, const widechar *digits, int length) {
int k;
unsigned int binaryValue = 0;
for (k = 0; k < length; k++) {
unsigned int hexDigit = 0;
if (digits[k] >= '0' && digits[k] <= '9')
hexDigit = digits[k] - '0';
else if (digits[k] >= 'a' && digits[k] <= 'f')
hexDigit = digits[k] - 'a' + 10;
else if (digits[k] >= 'A' && digits[k] <= 'F')
hexDigit = digits[k] - 'A' + 10;
else {
compileError(nested, "invalid %d-digit hexadecimal number", length);
return (widechar)0xffffffff;
binaryValue |= hexDigit << (4 * (length - 1 - k));
return (widechar)binaryValue;
#define MAXBYTES 7
static const unsigned int first0Bit[MAXBYTES] = { 0x80, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0xF8, 0xFC,
0XFE };
static int
parseChars(FileInfo *nested, CharsString *result, CharsString *token) {
int in = 0;
int out = 0;
int lastOutSize = 0;
int lastIn;
unsigned int ch = 0;
int numBytes = 0;
unsigned int utf32 = 0;
int k;
while (in < token->length) {
ch = token->chars[in++] & 0xff;
if (ch < 128) {
if (ch == '\\') { /* escape sequence */
switch (ch = token->chars[in]) {
case '\\':
case 'e':
ch = 0x1b;
case 'f':
ch = 12;
case 'n':
ch = 10;
case 'r':
ch = 13;
case 's':
ch = ' ';
case 't':
ch = 9;
case 'v':
ch = 11;
case 'w':
case 34:
case 'X':
case 'x':
if (token->length - in > 4) {
ch = hexValue(nested, &token->chars[in + 1], 4);
in += 4;
case 'y':
case 'Y':
if (CHARSIZE == 2) {
"liblouis has not been compiled for 32-bit Unicode");
if (token->length - in > 5) {
ch = hexValue(nested, &token->chars[in + 1], 5);
in += 5;
case 'z':
case 'Z':
if (CHARSIZE == 2) goto not32;
if (token->length - in > 8) {
ch = hexValue(nested, &token->chars[in + 1], 8);
in += 8;
compileError(nested, "invalid escape sequence '\\%c'", ch);
result->chars[out++] = (widechar)ch;
if (out >= MAXSTRING) {
result->length = out;
return 1;
lastOutSize = out;
lastIn = in;
for (numBytes = MAXBYTES - 1; numBytes > 0; numBytes--)
if (ch >= first0Bit[numBytes]) break;
utf32 = ch & (0XFF - first0Bit[numBytes]);
for (k = 0; k < numBytes; k++) {
if (in >= MAXSTRING) break;
if (token->chars[in] < 128 || (token->chars[in] & 0x0040)) {
compileWarning(nested, "invalid UTF-8. Assuming Latin-1.");
result->chars[out++] = token->chars[lastIn];
in = lastIn + 1;
utf32 = (utf32 << 6) + (token->chars[in++] & 0x3f);
if (CHARSIZE == 2 && utf32 > 0xffff) utf32 = 0xffff;
result->chars[out++] = (widechar)utf32;
if (out >= MAXSTRING) {
result->length = lastOutSize;
return 1;
result->length = out;
return 1;
_lou_extParseChars(const char *inString, widechar *outString) {
/* Parse external character strings */
CharsString wideIn;
CharsString result;
int k;
for (k = 0; inString[k] && k < MAXSTRING - 1; k++) wideIn.chars[k] = inString[k];
wideIn.chars[k] = 0;
wideIn.length = k;
parseChars(NULL, &result, &wideIn);
if (errorCount) {
errorCount = 0;
return 0;
for (k = 0; k < result.length; k++) outString[k] = result.chars[k];
return result.length;
static int
parseDots(FileInfo *nested, CharsString *cells, const CharsString *token) {
/* get dot patterns */
widechar cell = 0; /* assembly place for dots */
int cellCount = 0;
int index;
int start = 0;
for (index = 0; index < token->length; index++) {
int started = index != start;
widechar character = token->chars[index];
switch (character) { /* or dots to make up Braille cell */
int dot;
case '1':
dot = B1;
goto haveDot;
case '2':
dot = B2;
goto haveDot;
case '3':
dot = B3;
goto haveDot;
case '4':
dot = B4;
goto haveDot;
case '5':
dot = B5;
goto haveDot;
case '6':
dot = B6;
goto haveDot;
case '7':
dot = B7;
goto haveDot;
case '8':
dot = B8;
goto haveDot;
case '9':
dot = B9;
goto haveDot;
case 'a':
case 'A':
dot = B10;
goto haveDot;
case 'b':
case 'B':
dot = B11;
goto haveDot;
case 'c':
case 'C':
dot = B12;
goto haveDot;
case 'd':
case 'D':
dot = B13;
goto haveDot;
case 'e':
case 'E':
dot = B14;
goto haveDot;
case 'f':
case 'F':
dot = B15;
if (started && !cell) goto invalid;
if (cell & dot) {
compileError(nested, "dot specified more than once.");
return 0;
cell |= dot;
case '0': /* blank */
if (started) goto invalid;
case '-': /* got all dots for this cell */
if (!started) {
compileError(nested, "missing cell specification.");
return 0;
cells->chars[cellCount++] = cell | B16;
cell = 0;
start = index + 1;
nested, "invalid dot number %s.", _lou_showString(&character, 1));
return 0;
if (index == start) {
compileError(nested, "missing cell specification.");
return 0;
cells->chars[cellCount++] = cell | B16; /* last cell */
cells->length = cellCount;
return 1;
_lou_extParseDots(const char *inString, widechar *outString) {
/* Parse external dot patterns */
CharsString wideIn;
CharsString result;
int k;
for (k = 0; inString[k] && k < MAXSTRING - 1; k++) wideIn.chars[k] = inString[k];
wideIn.chars[k] = 0;
wideIn.length = k;
parseDots(NULL, &result, &wideIn);
if (errorCount) {
errorCount = 0;
return 0;
for (k = 0; k < result.length; k++) outString[k] = result.chars[k];
outString[k] = 0;
return result.length;
static int
getCharacters(FileInfo *nested, CharsString *characters, int *lastToken) {
/* Get ruleChars string */
CharsString token;
if (getToken(nested, &token, "characters", lastToken))
if (parseChars(nested, characters, &token)) return 1;
return 0;
static int
getRuleCharsText(FileInfo *nested, CharsString *ruleChars, int *lastToken) {
CharsString token;
if (getToken(nested, &token, "Characters operand", lastToken))
if (parseChars(nested, ruleChars, &token)) return 1;
return 0;
static int
getRuleDotsText(FileInfo *nested, CharsString *ruleDots, int *lastToken) {
CharsString token;
if (getToken(nested, &token, "characters", lastToken))
if (parseChars(nested, ruleDots, &token)) return 1;
return 0;
static int
getRuleDotsPattern(FileInfo *nested, CharsString *ruleDots, int *lastToken) {
/* Interpret the dets operand */
CharsString token;
if (getToken(nested, &token, "Dots operand", lastToken)) {
if (token.length == 1 && token.chars[0] == '=') {
ruleDots->length = 0;
return 1;
if (parseDots(nested, ruleDots, &token)) return 1;
return 0;
static int
getCharacterClass(FileInfo *nested, const CharacterClass **class,
CharacterClass *characterClasses, int *lastToken) {
CharsString token;
if (getToken(nested, &token, "character class name", lastToken)) {
if ((*class = findCharacterClass(&token, characterClasses))) return 1;
compileError(nested, "character class not defined.");
return 0;
typedef struct RuleName {
struct RuleName *next;
TranslationTableOffset ruleOffset;
widechar length;
widechar name[1];
} RuleName;
static int
includeFile(FileInfo *nested, CharsString *includedFile,
CharacterClass **characterClasses,
TranslationTableCharacterAttributes *characterClassAttribute,
short opcodeLengths[], TranslationTableOffset *newRuleOffset,
TranslationTableRule **newRule, RuleName **ruleNames,
TranslationTableHeader **table);
static struct RuleName *gRuleNames = NULL;
static TranslationTableOffset
findRuleName(const CharsString *name, RuleName *ruleNames) {
const struct RuleName *nameRule = ruleNames;
while (nameRule) {
if ((name->length == nameRule->length) &&
(memcmp(&name->chars[0], nameRule->name, CHARSIZE * name->length) == 0))
return nameRule->ruleOffset;
nameRule = nameRule->next;
return 0;
static int
addRuleName(FileInfo *nested, CharsString *name, TranslationTableOffset *newRuleOffset,
RuleName **ruleNames, TranslationTableHeader *table) {
int k;
struct RuleName *nameRule;
if (!(nameRule = malloc(sizeof(*nameRule) + CHARSIZE * (name->length - 1)))) {
compileError(nested, "not enough memory");
memset(nameRule, 0, sizeof(*nameRule));
for (k = 0; k < name->length; k++) {
TranslationTableCharacter *ch =
definedCharOrDots(nested, name->chars[k], 0, table);
if (!(ch->attributes & CTC_Letter)) {
compileError(nested, "a name may contain only letters");
return 0;
nameRule->name[k] = name->chars[k];
nameRule->length = name->length;
nameRule->ruleOffset = *newRuleOffset;
nameRule->next = *ruleNames;
*ruleNames = nameRule;
return 1;
static void
deallocateRuleNames(RuleName **ruleNames) {
while (*ruleNames) {
struct RuleName *nameRule = *ruleNames;
*ruleNames = nameRule->next;
if (nameRule) free(nameRule);
static int
compileSwapDots(FileInfo *nested, CharsString *source, CharsString *dest,
TranslationTableHeader *table) {
int k = 0;
int kk = 0;
CharsString dotsSource;
CharsString dotsDest;
dest->length = 0;
dotsSource.length = 0;
while (k <= source->length) {
if (source->chars[k] != ',' && k != source->length)
dotsSource.chars[dotsSource.length++] = source->chars[k];
else {
if (!parseDots(nested, &dotsDest, &dotsSource)) return 0;
dest->chars[dest->length++] = dotsDest.length + 1;
for (kk = 0; kk < dotsDest.length; kk++)
dest->chars[dest->length++] = dotsDest.chars[kk];
dotsSource.length = 0;
return 1;
static int
compileSwap(FileInfo *nested, TranslationTableOpcode opcode, int *lastToken,
TranslationTableOffset *newRuleOffset, TranslationTableRule **newRule, int noback,
int nofor, RuleName **ruleNames, TranslationTableHeader **table) {
CharsString ruleChars;
CharsString ruleDots;
CharsString name;
CharsString matches;
CharsString replacements;
if (!getToken(nested, &name, "name operand", lastToken)) return 0;
if (!getToken(nested, &matches, "matches operand", lastToken)) return 0;
if (!getToken(nested, &replacements, "replacements operand", lastToken)) return 0;
if (opcode == CTO_SwapCc || opcode == CTO_SwapCd) {
if (!parseChars(nested, &ruleChars, &matches)) return 0;
} else {
if (!compileSwapDots(nested, &matches, &ruleChars, *table)) return 0;
if (opcode == CTO_SwapCc) {
if (!parseChars(nested, &ruleDots, &replacements)) return 0;
} else {
if (!compileSwapDots(nested, &replacements, &ruleDots, *table)) return 0;
if (!addRule(nested, opcode, &ruleChars, &ruleDots, 0, 0, newRuleOffset, newRule,
noback, nofor, table))
return 0;
if (!addRuleName(nested, &name, newRuleOffset, ruleNames, *table)) return 0;
return 1;
static int
getNumber(widechar *source, widechar *dest) {
/* Convert a string of wide character digits to an integer */
int k = 0;
*dest = 0;
while (source[k] >= '0' && source[k] <= '9') *dest = 10 * *dest + (source[k++] - '0');
return k;
/* Start of multipass compiler */
static int
passGetAttributes(CharsString *passLine, int *passLinepos,
TranslationTableCharacterAttributes *passAttributes, FileInfo *passNested) {
int more = 1;
*passAttributes = 0;
while (more) {
switch (passLine->chars[*passLinepos]) {
case pass_any:
*passAttributes = 0xffffffff;
case pass_digit:
*passAttributes |= CTC_Digit;
case pass_litDigit:
*passAttributes |= CTC_LitDigit;
case pass_letter:
*passAttributes |= CTC_Letter;
case pass_math:
*passAttributes |= CTC_Math;
case pass_punctuation:
*passAttributes |= CTC_Punctuation;
case pass_sign:
*passAttributes |= CTC_Sign;
case pass_space:
*passAttributes |= CTC_Space;
case pass_uppercase:
*passAttributes |= CTC_UpperCase;
case pass_lowercase:
*passAttributes |= CTC_LowerCase;
case pass_class1:
*passAttributes |= CTC_Class1;
case pass_class2:
*passAttributes |= CTC_Class2;
case pass_class3:
*passAttributes |= CTC_Class3;
case pass_class4:
*passAttributes |= CTC_Class4;
more = 0;
if (more) (*passLinepos)++;
if (!*passAttributes) {
compileError(passNested, "missing attribute");
return 0;
return 1;
static int
passGetEmphasis(CharsString *passLine, int *passLinepos, FileInfo *passNested) {
static widechar passEmphasis;
int more = 1;
passEmphasis = 0;
while (more) {
switch (passLine->chars[*passLinepos]) {
case 'i':
passEmphasis |= italic;
case 'b':
passEmphasis |= bold;
case 'u':
passEmphasis |= underline;
case 'c':
passEmphasis |= computer_braille;
more = 0;
if (more) (*passLinepos)++;
if (!passEmphasis) {
compileError(passNested, "emphasis indicators expected");
return 0;
return 1;
static int
passGetDots(CharsString *passLine, int *passLinepos, CharsString *passHoldString,
FileInfo *passNested) {
CharsString collectDots;
collectDots.length = 0;
while (*passLinepos < passLine->length &&
(passLine->chars[*passLinepos] == '-' ||
(passLine->chars[*passLinepos] >= '0' &&
passLine->chars[*passLinepos] <= '9') ||
((passLine->chars[*passLinepos] | 32) >= 'a' &&
(passLine->chars[*passLinepos] | 32) <= 'f')))
collectDots.chars[collectDots.length++] = passLine->chars[(*passLinepos)++];
if (!parseDots(passNested, passHoldString, &collectDots)) return 0;
return 1;
static int
passGetString(CharsString *passLine, int *passLinepos, CharsString *passHoldString,
FileInfo *passNested) {
passHoldString->length = 0;
while (1) {
if ((*passLinepos >= passLine->length) || !passLine->chars[*passLinepos]) {
compileError(passNested, "unterminated string");
return 0;
if (passLine->chars[*passLinepos] == 34) break;
if (passLine->chars[*passLinepos] == QUOTESUB)
passHoldString->chars[passHoldString->length++] = 34;
passHoldString->chars[passHoldString->length++] =
passHoldString->chars[passHoldString->length] = 0;
return 1;
static int
passGetNumber(CharsString *passLine, int *passLinepos, widechar *passHoldNumber) {
/* Convert a string of wide character digits to an integer */
*passHoldNumber = 0;
while ((*passLinepos < passLine->length) && (passLine->chars[*passLinepos] >= '0') &&
(passLine->chars[*passLinepos] <= '9'))
*passHoldNumber =
10 * (*passHoldNumber) + (passLine->chars[(*passLinepos)++] - '0');
return 1;
static int
passGetVariableNumber(FileInfo *nested, CharsString *passLine, int *passLinepos,
widechar *passHoldNumber) {
if (!passGetNumber(passLine, passLinepos, passHoldNumber)) return 0;
if ((*passHoldNumber >= 0) && (*passHoldNumber < NUMVAR)) return 1;
compileError(nested, "variable number out of range");
return 0;
static int
passGetName(CharsString *passLine, int *passLinepos, CharsString *passHoldString,
FileInfo *passNested, TranslationTableHeader *table) {
TranslationTableCharacterAttributes attr;
passHoldString->length = 0;
do {
attr = definedCharOrDots(passNested, passLine->chars[*passLinepos], 0,
if (passHoldString->length == 0) {
if (!(attr & CTC_Letter)) {
if (!(attr & CTC_Letter)) break;
passHoldString->chars[passHoldString->length++] = passLine->chars[*passLinepos];
} while (*passLinepos < passLine->length);
return 1;
static int
passIsKeyword(const char *token, CharsString *passLine, int *passLinepos) {
int k;
int length = (int)strlen(token);
int ch = passLine->chars[*passLinepos + length + 1];
if (((ch | 32) >= 'a' && (ch | 32) <= 'z') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')) return 0;
for (k = 0; k < length && passLine->chars[*passLinepos + k + 1] == (widechar)token[k];
if (k == length) {
*passLinepos += length + 1;
return 1;
return 0;
struct PassName {
struct PassName *next;
int varnum;
widechar length;
widechar name[1];
static struct PassName *passNames = NULL;
static int
passFindName(const CharsString *name, FileInfo *passNested,
TranslationTableOpcode *passOpcode) {
const struct PassName *curname = passNames;
CharsString augmentedName;
for (augmentedName.length = 0; augmentedName.length < name->length;
augmentedName.chars[augmentedName.length] = name->chars[augmentedName.length];
augmentedName.chars[augmentedName.length++] = *passOpcode;
while (curname) {
if ((augmentedName.length == curname->length) &&
(memcmp(&augmentedName.chars[0], curname->name,
CHARSIZE * name->length) == 0))
return curname->varnum;
curname = curname->next;
compileError(passNested, "name not found");
return 0;
static int
passAddName(CharsString *name, int var, TranslationTableOpcode *passOpcode) {
int k;
struct PassName *curname;
CharsString augmentedName;
for (augmentedName.length = 0; augmentedName.length < name->length;
augmentedName.chars[augmentedName.length] = name->chars[augmentedName.length];
augmentedName.chars[augmentedName.length++] = *passOpcode;
if (!(curname = malloc(sizeof(*curname) + CHARSIZE * (augmentedName.length - 1)))) {
memset(curname, 0, sizeof(*curname));
for (k = 0; k < augmentedName.length; k++) {
curname->name[k] = augmentedName.chars[k];
curname->length = augmentedName.length;
curname->varnum = var;
curname->next = passNames;
passNames = curname;
return 1;
static pass_Codes
passGetScriptToken(CharsString *passLine, int *passLinepos, int *passPrevLinepos,
CharsString *passHoldString, widechar *passHoldNumber, FileInfo *passNested,
TranslationTableHeader *table) {
while (*passLinepos < passLine->length) {
*passPrevLinepos = *passLinepos;
switch (passLine->chars[*passLinepos]) {
case '\"':
if (passGetString(passLine, passLinepos, passHoldString, passNested))
return pass_string;
return pass_invalidToken;
case '@':
if (passGetDots(passLine, passLinepos, passHoldString, passNested))
return pass_dots;
return pass_invalidToken;
case '#': /* comment */
*passLinepos = passLine->length + 1;
return pass_noMoreTokens;
case '!':
if (passLine->chars[*passLinepos + 1] == '=') {
*passLinepos += 2;
return pass_noteq;
return pass_not;
case '-':
return pass_hyphen;
case '=':
return pass_eq;
case '<':
if (passLine->chars[*passLinepos] == '=') {
return pass_lteq;
return pass_lt;
case '>':
if (passLine->chars[*passLinepos] == '=') {
return pass_gteq;
return pass_gt;
case '+':
return pass_plus;
case '(':
return pass_leftParen;
case ')':
return pass_rightParen;
case ',':
return pass_comma;
case '&':
if (passLine->chars[ *passLinepos = 1] == '&') {
*passLinepos += 2;
return pass_and;
return pass_invalidToken;
case '|':
if (passLine->chars[*passLinepos + 1] == '|') {
*passLinepos += 2;
return pass_or;
return pass_invalidToken;
case 'a':
if (passIsKeyword("ttr", passLine, passLinepos)) return pass_attributes;
passGetName(passLine, passLinepos, passHoldString, passNested, table);
return pass_nameFound;
case 'b':
if (passIsKeyword("ack", passLine, passLinepos)) return pass_lookback;
if (passIsKeyword("ool", passLine, passLinepos)) return pass_boolean;
passGetName(passLine, passLinepos, passHoldString, passNested, table);
return pass_nameFound;
case 'c':
if (passIsKeyword("lass", passLine, passLinepos)) return pass_class;
passGetName(passLine, passLinepos, passHoldString, passNested, table);
return pass_nameFound;
case 'd':
if (passIsKeyword("ef", passLine, passLinepos)) return pass_define;
passGetName(passLine, passLinepos, passHoldString, passNested, table);
return pass_nameFound;
case 'e':
if (passIsKeyword("mph", passLine, passLinepos)) return pass_emphasis;
passGetName(passLine, passLinepos, passHoldString, passNested, table);
return pass_nameFound;
case 'f':
if (passIsKeyword("ind", passLine, passLinepos)) return pass_search;
if (passIsKeyword("irst", passLine, passLinepos)) return pass_first;
passGetName(passLine, passLinepos, passHoldString, passNested, table);
return pass_nameFound;
case 'g':
if (passIsKeyword("roup", passLine, passLinepos)) return pass_group;
passGetName(passLine, passLinepos, passHoldString, passNested, table);
return pass_nameFound;
case 'i':
if (passIsKeyword("f", passLine, passLinepos)) return pass_if;
passGetName(passLine, passLinepos, passHoldString, passNested, table);
return pass_nameFound;
case 'l':
if (passIsKeyword("ast", passLine, passLinepos)) return pass_last;
passGetName(passLine, passLinepos, passHoldString, passNested, table);
return pass_nameFound;
case 'm':
if (passIsKeyword("ark", passLine, passLinepos)) return pass_mark;
passGetName(passLine, passLinepos, passHoldString, passNested, table);
return pass_nameFound;
case 'r':
if (passIsKeyword("epgroup", passLine, passLinepos)) return pass_repGroup;
if (passIsKeyword("epcopy", passLine, passLinepos)) return pass_copy;
if (passIsKeyword("epomit", passLine, passLinepos)) return pass_omit;
if (passIsKeyword("ep", passLine, passLinepos)) return pass_replace;
passGetName(passLine, passLinepos, passHoldString, passNested, table);
return pass_nameFound;
case 's':
if (passIsKeyword("cript", passLine, passLinepos)) return pass_script;
if (passIsKeyword("wap", passLine, passLinepos)) return pass_swap;
passGetName(passLine, passLinepos, passHoldString, passNested, table);
return pass_nameFound;
case 't':
if (passIsKeyword("hen", passLine, passLinepos)) return pass_then;
passGetName(passLine, passLinepos, passHoldString, passNested, table);
return pass_nameFound;
if (passLine->chars[*passLinepos] <= 32) {
if (passLine->chars[*passLinepos] >= '0' &&
passLine->chars[*passLinepos] <= '9') {
passGetNumber(passLine, passLinepos, passHoldNumber);
return pass_numberFound;
} else {
if (!passGetName(
passLine, passLinepos, passHoldString, passNested, table))
return pass_invalidToken;
return pass_nameFound;
return pass_noMoreTokens;
static int
passIsLeftParen(CharsString *passLine, int *passLinepos, int *passPrevLinepos,
CharsString *passHoldString, FileInfo *passNested,
TranslationTableHeader *table) {
widechar passHoldNumber;
pass_Codes passCode = passGetScriptToken(passLine, passLinepos, passPrevLinepos,
passHoldString, &passHoldNumber, passNested, table);
if (passCode != pass_leftParen) {
compileError(passNested, "'(' expected");
return 0;
return 1;
static int
passIsName(CharsString *passLine, int *passLinepos, int *passPrevLinepos,
CharsString *passHoldString, FileInfo *passNested,
TranslationTableHeader *table) {
widechar passHoldNumber;
pass_Codes passCode = passGetScriptToken(passLine, passLinepos, passPrevLinepos,
passHoldString, &passHoldNumber, passNested, table);
if (passCode != pass_nameFound) {
compileError(passNested, "a name expected");
return 0;
return 1;
static int
passIsComma(CharsString *passLine, int *passLinepos, int *passPrevLinepos,
CharsString *passHoldString, FileInfo *passNested,
TranslationTableHeader *table) {
widechar passHoldNumber;
pass_Codes passCode = passGetScriptToken(passLine, passLinepos, passPrevLinepos,
passHoldString, &passHoldNumber, passNested, table);
if (passCode != pass_comma) {
compileError(passNested, "',' expected");
return 0;
return 1;
static int
passIsNumber(CharsString *passLine, int *passLinepos, int *passPrevLinepos,
CharsString *passHoldString, widechar *passHoldNumber, FileInfo *passNested,
TranslationTableHeader *table) {
pass_Codes passCode = passGetScriptToken(passLine, passLinepos, passPrevLinepos,
passHoldString, passHoldNumber, passNested, table);
if (passCode != pass_numberFound) {
compileError(passNested, "a number expected");
return 0;
return 1;
static int
passIsRightParen(CharsString *passLine, int *passLinepos, int *passPrevLinepos,
CharsString *passHoldString, FileInfo *passNested,
TranslationTableHeader *table) {
widechar passHoldNumber;
pass_Codes passCode = passGetScriptToken(passLine, passLinepos, passPrevLinepos,
passHoldString, &passHoldNumber, passNested, table);
if (passCode != pass_rightParen) {
compileError(passNested, "')' expected");
return 0;
return 1;
static int
passGetRange(CharsString *passLine, int *passLinepos, int *passPrevLinepos,
CharsString *passHoldString, FileInfo *passNested, widechar *passInstructions,
int *passIC, TranslationTableHeader *table) {
widechar passHoldNumber;
pass_Codes passCode = passGetScriptToken(passLine, passLinepos, passPrevLinepos,
passHoldString, &passHoldNumber, passNested, table);
if (!(passCode == pass_comma || passCode == pass_rightParen)) {
compileError(passNested, "invalid range");
return 0;
if (passCode == pass_rightParen) {
passInstructions[(*passIC)++] = 1;
passInstructions[(*passIC)++] = 1;
return 1;
if (!passIsNumber(passLine, passLinepos, passPrevLinepos, passHoldString,
&passHoldNumber, passNested, table))
return 0;
passInstructions[(*passIC)++] = passHoldNumber;
passCode = passGetScriptToken(passLine, passLinepos, passPrevLinepos, passHoldString,
&passHoldNumber, passNested, table);
if (!(passCode == pass_comma || passCode == pass_rightParen)) {
compileError(passNested, "invalid range");
return 0;
if (passCode == pass_rightParen) {
passInstructions[(*passIC)++] = passHoldNumber;
return 1;
if (!passIsNumber(passLine, passLinepos, passPrevLinepos, passHoldString,
&passHoldNumber, passNested, table))
return 0;
passInstructions[(*passIC)++] = passHoldNumber;
if (!passIsRightParen(passLine, passLinepos, passPrevLinepos, passHoldString,
passNested, table))
return 0;
return 1;
static int
passInsertAttributes(CharsString *passLine, int *passLinepos, int *passPrevLinepos,
CharsString *passHoldString, TranslationTableCharacterAttributes *passAttributes,
FileInfo *passNested, widechar *passInstructions, int *passIC,
TranslationTableHeader *table) {
passInstructions[(*passIC)++] = pass_attributes;
passInstructions[(*passIC)++] = *passAttributes >> 16;
passInstructions[(*passIC)++] = *passAttributes & 0xffff;
if (!passGetRange(passLine, passLinepos, passPrevLinepos, passHoldString, passNested,
passInstructions, passIC, table))
return 0;
return 1;
static inline int
wantsString(TranslationTableOpcode opcode, int actionPart, int nofor) {
if (opcode == CTO_Correct) return 1;
if (opcode != CTO_Context) return 0;
return !nofor == !actionPart;
static int
verifyStringOrDots(FileInfo *nested, TranslationTableOpcode opcode, int isString,
int actionPart, int nofor) {
if (!wantsString(opcode, actionPart, nofor) == !isString) return 1;
compileError(nested, "%s are not allowed in the %s part of a %s translation %s rule.",
isString ? "strings" : "dots", getPartName(actionPart),
nofor ? "backward" : "forward", _lou_findOpcodeName(opcode));
return 0;
static int
compilePassOpcode(FileInfo *nested, TranslationTableOpcode opcode,
CharacterClass *characterClasses, TranslationTableOffset *newRuleOffset,
TranslationTableRule **newRule, int noback, int nofor, RuleName *ruleNames,
TranslationTableHeader **table) {
static CharsString passRuleChars;
static CharsString passRuleDots;
/* Compile the operands of a pass opcode */
widechar passSubOp;
const CharacterClass *class;
TranslationTableOffset ruleOffset = 0;
TranslationTableRule *rule = NULL;
int k;
int kk = 0;
pass_Codes passCode;
int endTest = 0;
int isScript = 1;
widechar *passInstructions = passRuleDots.chars;
int passIC = 0; /* Instruction counter */
passRuleChars.length = 0;
FileInfo *passNested = nested;
TranslationTableOpcode passOpcode = opcode;
CharsString passHoldString;
widechar passHoldNumber;
CharsString passLine;
int passLinepos = 0;
int passPrevLinepos;
TranslationTableCharacterAttributes passAttributes;
passHoldString.length = 0;
for (k = nested->linepos; k < nested->linelen; k++)
passHoldString.chars[passHoldString.length++] = nested->line[k];
if (!eqasc2uni((unsigned char *)"script", passHoldString.chars, 6)) {
isScript = 0;
#define SEPCHAR 0x0001
for (k = 0; k < passHoldString.length && passHoldString.chars[k] > 32; k++)
if (k < passHoldString.length)
passHoldString.chars[k] = SEPCHAR;
else {
compileError(passNested, "Invalid multipass operands");
return 0;
parseChars(passNested, &passLine, &passHoldString);
if (isScript) {
int more = 1;
passCode = passGetScriptToken(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passPrevLinepos,
&passHoldString, &passHoldNumber, passNested, *table);
if (passCode != pass_script) {
compileError(passNested, "Invalid multipass statement");
return 0;
/* Declaratives */
while (more) {
passCode = passGetScriptToken(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passPrevLinepos,
&passHoldString, &passHoldNumber, passNested, *table);
switch (passCode) {
case pass_define:
if (!passIsLeftParen(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passPrevLinepos,
&passHoldString, passNested, *table))
return 0;
if (!passIsName(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passPrevLinepos,
&passHoldString, passNested, *table))
return 0;
if (!passIsComma(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passPrevLinepos,
&passHoldString, passNested, *table))
return 0;
if (!passIsNumber(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passPrevLinepos,
&passHoldString, &passHoldNumber, passNested, *table))
return 0;
if (!passIsRightParen(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passPrevLinepos,
&passHoldString, passNested, *table))
return 0;
passAddName(&passHoldString, passHoldNumber, &passOpcode);
case pass_if:
more = 0;
compileError(passNested, "invalid definition in declarative part");
return 0;
/* if part */
more = 1;
while (more) {
passCode = passGetScriptToken(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passPrevLinepos,
&passHoldString, &passHoldNumber, passNested, *table);
passSubOp = passCode;
switch (passCode) {
case pass_not:
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_not;
case pass_first:
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_first;
case pass_last:
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_last;
case pass_search:
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_search;
case pass_string:
if (!verifyStringOrDots(nested, opcode, 1, 0, nofor)) {
return 0;
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_string;
goto ifDoCharsDots;
case pass_dots:
if (!verifyStringOrDots(nested, opcode, 0, 0, nofor)) {
return 0;
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_dots;
passInstructions[passIC++] = passHoldString.length;
for (kk = 0; kk < passHoldString.length; kk++)
passInstructions[passIC++] = passHoldString.chars[kk];
case pass_attributes:
if (!passIsLeftParen(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passPrevLinepos,
&passHoldString, passNested, *table))
return 0;
if (!passGetAttributes(
&passLine, &passLinepos, &passAttributes, passNested))
return 0;
if (!passInsertAttributes(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passPrevLinepos,
&passHoldString, &passAttributes, passNested,
passInstructions, &passIC, *table))
return 0;
case pass_emphasis:
if (!passIsLeftParen(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passPrevLinepos,
&passHoldString, passNested, *table))
return 0;
if (!passGetEmphasis(&passLine, &passLinepos, passNested)) return 0;
/* Right parenthis handled by subfunctiion */
case pass_lookback:
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_lookback;
passCode = passGetScriptToken(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passPrevLinepos,
&passHoldString, &passHoldNumber, passNested, *table);
if (passCode != pass_leftParen) {
passInstructions[passIC++] = 1;
passLinepos = passPrevLinepos;
if (!passIsNumber(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passPrevLinepos,
&passHoldString, &passHoldNumber, passNested, *table))
return 0;
if (!passIsRightParen(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passPrevLinepos,
&passHoldString, passNested, *table))
return 0;
passInstructions[passIC] = passHoldNumber;
case pass_group:
if (!passIsLeftParen(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passPrevLinepos,
&passHoldString, passNested, *table))
return 0;
case pass_mark:
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_startReplace;
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_endReplace;
case pass_replace:
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_startReplace;
if (!passIsLeftParen(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passPrevLinepos,
&passHoldString, passNested, *table))
return 0;
case pass_rightParen:
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_endReplace;
case pass_groupstart:
case pass_groupend:
if (!passIsLeftParen(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passPrevLinepos,
&passHoldString, passNested, *table))
return 0;
if (!passGetName(
&passLine, &passLinepos, &passHoldString, passNested, *table))
return 0;
if (!passIsRightParen(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passPrevLinepos,
&passHoldString, passNested, *table))
return 0;
ruleOffset = findRuleName(&passHoldString, ruleNames);
if (ruleOffset)
rule = (TranslationTableRule *)&(*table)->ruleArea[ruleOffset];
if (rule && rule->opcode == CTO_Grouping) {
passInstructions[passIC++] = passSubOp;
passInstructions[passIC++] = ruleOffset >> 16;
passInstructions[passIC++] = ruleOffset & 0xffff;
} else {
compileError(passNested, "%s is not a grouping name",
&passHoldString.chars[0], passHoldString.length));
return 0;
case pass_class:
if (!passIsLeftParen(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passPrevLinepos,
&passHoldString, passNested, *table))
return 0;
if (!passGetName(
&passLine, &passLinepos, &passHoldString, passNested, *table))
return 0;
if (!passIsRightParen(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passPrevLinepos,
&passHoldString, passNested, *table))
return 0;
if (!(class = findCharacterClass(&passHoldString, characterClasses)))
return 0;
passAttributes = class->attribute;
passInsertAttributes(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passPrevLinepos,
&passHoldString, &passAttributes, passNested, passInstructions,
&passIC, *table);
case pass_swap:
ruleOffset = findRuleName(&passHoldString, ruleNames);
if (!passIsLeftParen(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passPrevLinepos,
&passHoldString, passNested, *table))
return 0;
if (!passGetName(
&passLine, &passLinepos, &passHoldString, passNested, *table))
return 0;
if (!passIsRightParen(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passPrevLinepos,
&passHoldString, passNested, *table))
return 0;
ruleOffset = findRuleName(&passHoldString, ruleNames);
if (ruleOffset)
rule = (TranslationTableRule *)&(*table)->ruleArea[ruleOffset];
if (rule && (rule->opcode == CTO_SwapCc || rule->opcode == CTO_SwapCd ||
rule->opcode == CTO_SwapDd)) {
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_swap;
passInstructions[passIC++] = ruleOffset >> 16;
passInstructions[passIC++] = ruleOffset & 0xffff;
if (!passGetRange(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passPrevLinepos,
&passHoldString, passNested, passInstructions, &passIC,
return 0;
compileError(passNested, "%s is not a swap name.",
_lou_showString(&passHoldString.chars[0], passHoldString.length));
return 0;
case pass_nameFound:
passHoldNumber = passFindName(&passHoldString, passNested, &passOpcode);
passCode = passGetScriptToken(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passPrevLinepos,
&passHoldString, &passHoldNumber, passNested, *table);
if (!(passCode == pass_eq || passCode == pass_lt || passCode == pass_gt ||
passCode == pass_noteq || passCode == pass_lteq ||
passCode == pass_gteq)) {
compileError(nested, "invalid comparison operator in if part");
return 0;
passInstructions[passIC++] = passCode;
passInstructions[passIC++] = passHoldNumber;
if (!passIsNumber(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passPrevLinepos,
&passHoldString, &passHoldNumber, passNested, *table))
return 0;
passInstructions[passIC++] = passHoldNumber;
case pass_then:
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_endTest;
more = 0;
compileError(passNested, "invalid choice in if part");
return 0;
/* then part */
more = 1;
while (more) {
passCode = passGetScriptToken(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passPrevLinepos,
&passHoldString, &passHoldNumber, passNested, *table);
passSubOp = passCode;
switch (passCode) {
case pass_string:
if (!verifyStringOrDots(nested, opcode, 1, 1, nofor)) {
return 0;
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_string;
goto thenDoCharsDots;
case pass_dots:
if (!verifyStringOrDots(nested, opcode, 0, 1, nofor)) {
return 0;
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_dots;
passInstructions[passIC++] = passHoldString.length;
for (kk = 0; kk < passHoldString.length; kk++)
passInstructions[passIC++] = passHoldString.chars[kk];
case pass_nameFound:
passHoldNumber = passFindName(&passHoldString, passNested, &passOpcode);
passCode = passGetScriptToken(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passPrevLinepos,
&passHoldString, &passHoldNumber, passNested, *table);
if (!(passCode == pass_plus || passCode == pass_hyphen ||
passCode == pass_eq)) {
compileError(nested, "Invalid variable operator in then part");
return 0;
passInstructions[passIC++] = passCode;
passInstructions[passIC++] = passHoldNumber;
if (!passIsNumber(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passPrevLinepos,
&passHoldString, &passHoldNumber, passNested, *table))
return 0;
passInstructions[passIC++] = passHoldNumber;
case pass_copy:
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_copy;
case pass_omit:
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_omit;
case pass_swap:
ruleOffset = findRuleName(&passHoldString, ruleNames);
if (!passIsLeftParen(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passPrevLinepos,
&passHoldString, passNested, *table))
return 0;
if (!passGetName(
&passLine, &passLinepos, &passHoldString, passNested, *table))
return 0;
if (!passIsRightParen(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passPrevLinepos,
&passHoldString, passNested, *table))
return 0;
ruleOffset = findRuleName(&passHoldString, ruleNames);
if (ruleOffset)
rule = (TranslationTableRule *)&(*table)->ruleArea[ruleOffset];
if (rule && (rule->opcode == CTO_SwapCc || rule->opcode == CTO_SwapCd ||
rule->opcode == CTO_SwapDd)) {
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_swap;
passInstructions[passIC++] = ruleOffset >> 16;
passInstructions[passIC++] = ruleOffset & 0xffff;
if (!passGetRange(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passPrevLinepos,
&passHoldString, passNested, passInstructions, &passIC,
return 0;
compileError(passNested, "%s is not a swap name.",
_lou_showString(&passHoldString.chars[0], passHoldString.length));
return 0;
case pass_noMoreTokens:
more = 0;
compileError(passNested, "invalid action in then part");
return 0;
} else {
/* Older machine-language-like "assembler". */
/* Compile test part */
for (k = 0; k < passLine.length && passLine.chars[k] != SEPCHAR; k++)
endTest = k;
passLine.chars[endTest] = pass_endTest;
passLinepos = 0;
while (passLinepos <= endTest) {
switch ((passSubOp = passLine.chars[passLinepos])) {
case pass_lookback:
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_lookback;
passGetNumber(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passHoldNumber);
if (passHoldNumber == 0) passHoldNumber = 1;
passInstructions[passIC++] = passHoldNumber;
case pass_not:
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_not;
case pass_first:
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_first;
case pass_last:
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_last;
case pass_search:
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_search;
case pass_string:
if (!verifyStringOrDots(nested, opcode, 1, 0, nofor)) {
return 0;
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_string;
passGetString(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passHoldString, passNested);
goto testDoCharsDots;
case pass_dots:
if (!verifyStringOrDots(nested, opcode, 0, 0, nofor)) {
return 0;
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_dots;
passGetDots(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passHoldString, passNested);
if (passHoldString.length == 0) return 0;
passInstructions[passIC++] = passHoldString.length;
for (kk = 0; kk < passHoldString.length; kk++)
passInstructions[passIC++] = passHoldString.chars[kk];
case pass_startReplace:
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_startReplace;
case pass_endReplace:
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_endReplace;
case pass_variable:
if (!passGetVariableNumber(
nested, &passLine, &passLinepos, &passHoldNumber))
return 0;
switch (passLine.chars[passLinepos]) {
case pass_eq:
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_eq;
goto doComp;
case pass_lt:
if (passLine.chars[passLinepos + 1] == pass_eq) {
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_lteq;
} else
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_lt;
goto doComp;
case pass_gt:
if (passLine.chars[passLinepos + 1] == pass_eq) {
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_gteq;
} else
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_gt;
passInstructions[passIC++] = passHoldNumber;
passGetNumber(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passHoldNumber);
passInstructions[passIC++] = passHoldNumber;
compileError(passNested, "incorrect comparison operator");
return 0;
case pass_attributes:
if (!passGetAttributes(
&passLine, &passLinepos, &passAttributes, passNested))
return 0;
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_attributes;
passInstructions[passIC++] = passAttributes >> 16;
passInstructions[passIC++] = passAttributes & 0xffff;
if (passLine.chars[passLinepos] == pass_until) {
passInstructions[passIC++] = 1;
passInstructions[passIC++] = 0xffff;
passGetNumber(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passHoldNumber);
if (passHoldNumber == 0) {
passHoldNumber = passInstructions[passIC++] = 1;
passInstructions[passIC++] = 1; /* This is not an error */
passInstructions[passIC++] = passHoldNumber;
if (passLine.chars[passLinepos] != pass_hyphen) {
passInstructions[passIC++] = passHoldNumber;
passGetNumber(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passHoldNumber);
if (passHoldNumber == 0) {
compileError(passNested, "invalid range");
return 0;
passInstructions[passIC++] = passHoldNumber;
case pass_groupstart:
case pass_groupend:
passGetName(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passHoldString, passNested, *table);
ruleOffset = findRuleName(&passHoldString, ruleNames);
if (ruleOffset)
rule = (TranslationTableRule *)&(*table)->ruleArea[ruleOffset];
if (rule && rule->opcode == CTO_Grouping) {
passInstructions[passIC++] = passSubOp;
passInstructions[passIC++] = ruleOffset >> 16;
passInstructions[passIC++] = ruleOffset & 0xffff;
} else {
compileError(passNested, "%s is not a grouping name",
&passHoldString.chars[0], passHoldString.length));
return 0;
case pass_swap:
passGetName(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passHoldString, passNested, *table);
if ((class = findCharacterClass(&passHoldString, characterClasses))) {
passAttributes = class->attribute;
goto insertAttributes;
ruleOffset = findRuleName(&passHoldString, ruleNames);
if (ruleOffset)
rule = (TranslationTableRule *)&(*table)->ruleArea[ruleOffset];
if (rule && (rule->opcode == CTO_SwapCc || rule->opcode == CTO_SwapCd ||
rule->opcode == CTO_SwapDd)) {
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_swap;
passInstructions[passIC++] = ruleOffset >> 16;
passInstructions[passIC++] = ruleOffset & 0xffff;
goto getRange;
compileError(passNested, "%s is neither a class name nor a swap name.",
_lou_showString(&passHoldString.chars[0], passHoldString.length));
return 0;
case pass_endTest:
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_endTest;
compileError(passNested, "incorrect operator '%c ' in test part",
return 0;
} /* Compile action part */
/* Compile action part */
while (passLinepos < passLine.length && passLine.chars[passLinepos] <= 32)
while (passLinepos < passLine.length && passLine.chars[passLinepos] > 32) {
switch ((passSubOp = passLine.chars[passLinepos])) {
case pass_string:
if (!verifyStringOrDots(nested, opcode, 1, 1, nofor)) {
return 0;
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_string;
passGetString(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passHoldString, passNested);
goto actionDoCharsDots;
case pass_dots:
if (!verifyStringOrDots(nested, opcode, 0, 1, nofor)) {
return 0;
passGetDots(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passHoldString, passNested);
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_dots;
if (passHoldString.length == 0) return 0;
passInstructions[passIC++] = passHoldString.length;
for (kk = 0; kk < passHoldString.length; kk++)
passInstructions[passIC++] = passHoldString.chars[kk];
case pass_variable:
if (!passGetVariableNumber(
nested, &passLine, &passLinepos, &passHoldNumber))
return 0;
switch (passLine.chars[passLinepos]) {
case pass_eq:
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_eq;
passInstructions[passIC++] = passHoldNumber;
passGetNumber(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passHoldNumber);
passInstructions[passIC++] = passHoldNumber;
case pass_plus:
case pass_hyphen:
passInstructions[passIC++] = passLine.chars[passLinepos++];
passInstructions[passIC++] = passHoldNumber;
passNested, "incorrect variable operator in action part");
return 0;
case pass_copy:
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_copy;
case pass_omit:
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_omit;
case pass_groupreplace:
case pass_groupstart:
case pass_groupend:
passGetName(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passHoldString, passNested, *table);
ruleOffset = findRuleName(&passHoldString, ruleNames);
if (ruleOffset)
rule = (TranslationTableRule *)&(*table)->ruleArea[ruleOffset];
if (rule && rule->opcode == CTO_Grouping) {
passInstructions[passIC++] = passSubOp;
passInstructions[passIC++] = ruleOffset >> 16;
passInstructions[passIC++] = ruleOffset & 0xffff;
compileError(passNested, "%s is not a grouping name",
_lou_showString(&passHoldString.chars[0], passHoldString.length));
return 0;
case pass_swap:
passGetName(&passLine, &passLinepos, &passHoldString, passNested, *table);
ruleOffset = findRuleName(&passHoldString, ruleNames);
if (ruleOffset)
rule = (TranslationTableRule *)&(*table)->ruleArea[ruleOffset];
if (rule && (rule->opcode == CTO_SwapCc || rule->opcode == CTO_SwapCd ||
rule->opcode == CTO_SwapDd)) {
passInstructions[passIC++] = pass_swap;
passInstructions[passIC++] = ruleOffset >> 16;
passInstructions[passIC++] = ruleOffset & 0xffff;
compileError(passNested, "%s is not a swap name.",
_lou_showString(&passHoldString.chars[0], passHoldString.length));
return 0;
compileError(passNested, "incorrect operator in action part");
return 0;
/* Analyze and add rule */
passRuleDots.length = passIC;
widechar *characters;
int length;
int found = passFindCharacters(passNested, 0, passInstructions,
passRuleDots.length, &characters, &length);
if (!found) return 0;
if (characters) {
for (k = 0; k < length; k += 1) passRuleChars.chars[k] = characters[k];
passRuleChars.length = k;
if (!addRule(passNested, opcode, &passRuleChars, &passRuleDots, 0, 0, newRuleOffset,
newRule, noback, nofor, table))
return 0;
return 1;
/* End of multipass compiler */
static int
compileBrailleIndicator(FileInfo *nested, char *ermsg, TranslationTableOpcode opcode,
TranslationTableOffset *rule, int *lastToken,
TranslationTableOffset *newRuleOffset, TranslationTableRule **newRule, int noback,
int nofor, TranslationTableHeader **table) {
CharsString token;
CharsString cells;
if (getToken(nested, &token, ermsg, lastToken))
if (parseDots(nested, &cells, &token))
if (!addRule(nested, opcode, NULL, &cells, 0, 0, newRuleOffset, newRule,
noback, nofor, table))
return 0;
*rule = *newRuleOffset;
return 1;
static int
compileNumber(FileInfo *nested, int *lastToken) {
CharsString token;
widechar dest;
if (!getToken(nested, &token, "number", lastToken)) return 0;
getNumber(&token.chars[0], &dest);
if (!(dest > 0)) {
compileError(nested, "a nonzero positive number is required");
return 0;
return dest;
static int
compileGrouping(FileInfo *nested, int *lastToken, TranslationTableOffset *newRuleOffset,
TranslationTableRule **newRule, int noback, int nofor, RuleName **ruleNames,
TranslationTableHeader **table) {
int k;
CharsString name;
CharsString groupChars;
CharsString groupDots;
CharsString dotsParsed;
TranslationTableCharacter *charsDotsPtr;
widechar endChar;
widechar endDots;
if (!getToken(nested, &name, "name operand", lastToken)) return 0;
if (!getRuleCharsText(nested, &groupChars, lastToken)) return 0;
if (!getToken(nested, &groupDots, "dots operand", lastToken)) return 0;
for (k = 0; k < groupDots.length && groupDots.chars[k] != ','; k++)
if (k == groupDots.length) {
nested, "Dots operand must consist of two cells separated by a comma");
return 0;
groupDots.chars[k] = '-';
if (!parseDots(nested, &dotsParsed, &groupDots)) return 0;
if (groupChars.length != 2 || dotsParsed.length != 2) {
"two Unicode characters and two cells separated by a comma are needed.");
return 0;
charsDotsPtr = addCharOrDots(nested, groupChars.chars[0], 0, table);
charsDotsPtr->attributes |= CTC_Math;
charsDotsPtr->uppercase = charsDotsPtr->realchar;
charsDotsPtr->lowercase = charsDotsPtr->realchar;
charsDotsPtr = addCharOrDots(nested, groupChars.chars[1], 0, table);
charsDotsPtr->attributes |= CTC_Math;
charsDotsPtr->uppercase = charsDotsPtr->realchar;
charsDotsPtr->lowercase = charsDotsPtr->realchar;
charsDotsPtr = addCharOrDots(nested, dotsParsed.chars[0], 1, table);
charsDotsPtr->attributes |= CTC_Math;
charsDotsPtr->uppercase = charsDotsPtr->realchar;
charsDotsPtr->lowercase = charsDotsPtr->realchar;
charsDotsPtr = addCharOrDots(nested, dotsParsed.chars[1], 1, table);
charsDotsPtr->attributes |= CTC_Math;
charsDotsPtr->uppercase = charsDotsPtr->realchar;
charsDotsPtr->lowercase = charsDotsPtr->realchar;
if (!addRule(nested, CTO_Grouping, &groupChars, &dotsParsed, 0, 0, newRuleOffset,
newRule, noback, nofor, table))
return 0;
if (!addRuleName(nested, &name, newRuleOffset, ruleNames, *table)) return 0;
putCharAndDots(nested, groupChars.chars[0], dotsParsed.chars[0], table);
putCharAndDots(nested, groupChars.chars[1], dotsParsed.chars[1], table);
endChar = groupChars.chars[1];
endDots = dotsParsed.chars[1];
groupChars.length = dotsParsed.length = 1;
if (!addRule(nested, CTO_Math, &groupChars, &dotsParsed, 0, 0, newRuleOffset, newRule,
noback, nofor, table))
return 0;
groupChars.chars[0] = endChar;
dotsParsed.chars[0] = endDots;
if (!addRule(nested, CTO_Math, &groupChars, &dotsParsed, 0, 0, newRuleOffset, newRule,
noback, nofor, table))
return 0;
return 1;
static int
compileUplow(FileInfo *nested, int *lastToken, TranslationTableOffset *newRuleOffset,
TranslationTableRule **newRule, int noback, int nofor,
TranslationTableHeader **table) {
int k;
TranslationTableCharacter *upperChar;
TranslationTableCharacter *lowerChar;
TranslationTableCharacter *upperCell = NULL;
TranslationTableCharacter *lowerCell = NULL;
CharsString ruleChars;
CharsString ruleDots;
CharsString upperDots;
CharsString lowerDots;
int haveLowerDots = 0;
TranslationTableCharacterAttributes attr;
if (!getRuleCharsText(nested, &ruleChars, lastToken)) return 0;
if (!getToken(nested, &ruleDots, "dots operand", lastToken)) return 0;
for (k = 0; k < ruleDots.length && ruleDots.chars[k] != ','; k++)
if (k == ruleDots.length) {
if (!parseDots(nested, &upperDots, &ruleDots)) return 0;
lowerDots.length = upperDots.length;
for (k = 0; k < upperDots.length; k++) lowerDots.chars[k] = upperDots.chars[k];
lowerDots.chars[k] = 0;
} else {
haveLowerDots = ruleDots.length;
ruleDots.length = k;
if (!parseDots(nested, &upperDots, &ruleDots)) return 0;
ruleDots.length = 0;
for (; k < haveLowerDots; k++)
ruleDots.chars[ruleDots.length++] = ruleDots.chars[k];
if (!parseDots(nested, &lowerDots, &ruleDots)) return 0;
if (ruleChars.length != 2 || upperDots.length < 1) {
"Exactly two Unicode characters and at least one cell are required.");
return 0;
if (haveLowerDots && lowerDots.length < 1) {
compileError(nested, "at least one cell is required after the comma.");
return 0;
upperChar = addCharOrDots(nested, ruleChars.chars[0], 0, table);
upperChar->attributes |= CTC_Letter | CTC_UpperCase;
upperChar->uppercase = ruleChars.chars[0];
upperChar->lowercase = ruleChars.chars[1];
lowerChar = addCharOrDots(nested, ruleChars.chars[1], 0, table);
lowerChar->attributes |= CTC_Letter | CTC_LowerCase;
lowerChar->uppercase = ruleChars.chars[0];
lowerChar->lowercase = ruleChars.chars[1];
for (k = 0; k < upperDots.length; k++)
if (!compile_findCharOrDots(upperDots.chars[k], 1, *table)) {
attr = CTC_Letter | CTC_UpperCase;
upperCell = addCharOrDots(nested, upperDots.chars[k], 1, table);
upperCell->attributes |= attr;
upperCell->uppercase = upperCell->realchar;
if (haveLowerDots) {
for (k = 0; k < lowerDots.length; k++)
if (!compile_findCharOrDots(lowerDots.chars[k], 1, *table)) {
attr = CTC_Letter | CTC_LowerCase;
lowerCell = addCharOrDots(nested, lowerDots.chars[k], 1, table);
if (lowerDots.length != 1) attr = CTC_Space;
lowerCell->attributes |= attr;
lowerCell->lowercase = lowerCell->realchar;
} else if (upperCell != NULL && upperDots.length == 1)
upperCell->attributes |= CTC_LowerCase;
if (lowerDots.length == 1)
putCharAndDots(nested, ruleChars.chars[1], lowerDots.chars[0], table);
if (upperCell != NULL) upperCell->lowercase = lowerDots.chars[0];
if (lowerCell != NULL) lowerCell->uppercase = upperDots.chars[0];
if (upperDots.length == 1)
putCharAndDots(nested, ruleChars.chars[0], upperDots.chars[0], table);
ruleChars.length = 1;
ruleChars.chars[2] = ruleChars.chars[0];
ruleChars.chars[0] = ruleChars.chars[1];
if (!addRule(nested, CTO_LowerCase, &ruleChars, &lowerDots, 0, 0, newRuleOffset,
newRule, noback, nofor, table))
return 0;
ruleChars.chars[0] = ruleChars.chars[2];
if (!addRule(nested, CTO_UpperCase, &ruleChars, &upperDots, 0, 0, newRuleOffset,
newRule, noback, nofor, table))
return 0;
return 1;
/* Functions for compiling hyphenation tables */
typedef struct HyphenDict { /* hyphenation dictionary: finite state machine */
int numStates;
HyphenationState *states;
} HyphenDict;
#define DEFAULTSTATE 0xffff
typedef struct HyphenHashEntry {
struct HyphenHashEntry *next;
CharsString *key;
int val;
} HyphenHashEntry;
typedef struct HyphenHashTab { HyphenHashEntry *entries[HYPHENHASHSIZE]; } HyphenHashTab;
/* a hash function from ASU - adapted from Gtk+ */
static unsigned int
hyphenStringHash(const CharsString *s) {
int k;
unsigned int h = 0, g;
for (k = 0; k < s->length; k++) {
h = (h << 4) + s->chars[k];
if ((g = h & 0xf0000000)) {
h = h ^ (g >> 24);
h = h ^ g;
return h;
static HyphenHashTab *
hyphenHashNew(void) {
HyphenHashTab *hashTab;
if (!(hashTab = malloc(sizeof(HyphenHashTab)))) _lou_outOfMemory();
memset(hashTab, 0, sizeof(HyphenHashTab));
return hashTab;
static void
hyphenHashFree(HyphenHashTab *hashTab) {
int i;
HyphenHashEntry *e, *next;
for (i = 0; i < HYPHENHASHSIZE; i++)
for (e = hashTab->entries[i]; e; e = next) {
next = e->next;
/* assumes that key is not already present! */
static void
hyphenHashInsert(HyphenHashTab *hashTab, const CharsString *key, int val) {
int i, j;
HyphenHashEntry *e;
i = hyphenStringHash(key) % HYPHENHASHSIZE;
if (!(e = malloc(sizeof(HyphenHashEntry)))) _lou_outOfMemory();
e->next = hashTab->entries[i];
e->key = malloc((key->length + 1) * CHARSIZE);
if (!e->key) _lou_outOfMemory();
e->key->length = key->length;
for (j = 0; j < key->length; j++) e->key->chars[j] = key->chars[j];
e->val = val;
hashTab->entries[i] = e;
/* return val if found, otherwise DEFAULTSTATE */
static int
hyphenHashLookup(HyphenHashTab *hashTab, const CharsString *key) {
int i, j;
HyphenHashEntry *e;
if (key->length == 0) return 0;
i = hyphenStringHash(key) % HYPHENHASHSIZE;
for (e = hashTab->entries[i]; e; e = e->next) {
if (key->length != e->key->length) continue;
for (j = 0; j < key->length; j++)
if (key->chars[j] != e->key->chars[j]) break;
if (j == key->length) return e->val;
static int
hyphenGetNewState(HyphenDict *dict, HyphenHashTab *hashTab, const CharsString *string) {
hyphenHashInsert(hashTab, string, dict->numStates);
/* predicate is true if dict->numStates is a power of two */
if (!(dict->numStates & (dict->numStates - 1)))
dict->states =
realloc(dict->states, (dict->numStates << 1) * sizeof(HyphenationState));
if (!dict->states) _lou_outOfMemory();
dict->states[dict->numStates].hyphenPattern = 0;
dict->states[dict->numStates].fallbackState = DEFAULTSTATE;
dict->states[dict->numStates].numTrans = 0;
dict->states[dict->numStates].trans.pointer = NULL;
return dict->numStates++;
/* add a transition from state1 to state2 through ch - assumes that the
* transition does not already exist */
static void
hyphenAddTrans(HyphenDict *dict, int state1, int state2, widechar ch) {
int numTrans;
numTrans = dict->states[state1].numTrans;
if (numTrans == 0)
dict->states[state1].trans.pointer = malloc(sizeof(HyphenationTrans));
else if (!(numTrans & (numTrans - 1)))
dict->states[state1].trans.pointer = realloc(dict->states[state1].trans.pointer,
(numTrans << 1) * sizeof(HyphenationTrans));
dict->states[state1].trans.pointer[numTrans].ch = ch;
dict->states[state1].trans.pointer[numTrans].newState = state2;
static int
compileHyphenation(FileInfo *nested, CharsString *encoding, int *lastToken,
TranslationTableHeader **table) {
CharsString hyph;
HyphenationTrans *holdPointer;
HyphenHashTab *hashTab;
CharsString word;
char pattern[MAXSTRING];
unsigned int stateNum = 0, lastState = 0;
int i, j, k = encoding->length;
widechar ch;
int found;
HyphenHashEntry *e;
HyphenDict dict;
TranslationTableOffset holdOffset;
/* Set aside enough space for hyphenation states and transitions in
* translation table. Must be done before anything else */
reserveSpaceInTable(nested, 250000, table);
hashTab = hyphenHashNew();
dict.numStates = 1;
dict.states = malloc(sizeof(HyphenationState));
if (!dict.states) _lou_outOfMemory();
dict.states[0].hyphenPattern = 0;
dict.states[0].fallbackState = DEFAULTSTATE;
dict.states[0].numTrans = 0;
dict.states[0].trans.pointer = NULL;
do {
if (encoding->chars[0] == 'I') {
if (!getToken(nested, &hyph, NULL, lastToken)) continue;
} else {
/* UTF-8 */
if (!getToken(nested, &word, NULL, lastToken)) continue;
parseChars(nested, &hyph, &word);
if (hyph.length == 0 || hyph.chars[0] == '#' || hyph.chars[0] == '%' ||
hyph.chars[0] == '<')
continue; /* comment */
for (i = 0; i < hyph.length; i++)
definedCharOrDots(nested, hyph.chars[i], 0, *table);
j = 0;
pattern[j] = '0';
for (i = 0; i < hyph.length; i++) {
if (hyph.chars[i] >= '0' && hyph.chars[i] <= '9')
pattern[j] = (char)hyph.chars[i];
else {
word.chars[j] = hyph.chars[i];
pattern[++j] = '0';
word.chars[j] = 0;
word.length = j;
pattern[j + 1] = 0;
for (i = 0; pattern[i] == '0'; i++)
found = hyphenHashLookup(hashTab, &word);
if (found != DEFAULTSTATE)
stateNum = found;
stateNum = hyphenGetNewState(&dict, hashTab, &word);
k = j + 2 - i;
if (k > 0) {
allocateSpaceInTable(nested, &dict.states[stateNum].hyphenPattern, k, table);
memcpy(&(*table)->ruleArea[dict.states[stateNum].hyphenPattern], &pattern[i],
/* now, put in the prefix transitions */
while (found == DEFAULTSTATE) {
lastState = stateNum;
ch = word.chars[word.length-- - 1];
found = hyphenHashLookup(hashTab, &word);
if (found != DEFAULTSTATE)
stateNum = found;
stateNum = hyphenGetNewState(&dict, hashTab, &word);
hyphenAddTrans(&dict, stateNum, lastState, ch);
} while (_lou_getALine(nested));
/* put in the fallback states */
for (i = 0; i < HYPHENHASHSIZE; i++) {
for (e = hashTab->entries[i]; e; e = e->next) {
for (j = 1; j <= e->key->length; j++) {
word.length = 0;
for (k = j; k < e->key->length; k++)
word.chars[word.length++] = e->key->chars[k];
stateNum = hyphenHashLookup(hashTab, &word);
if (stateNum != DEFAULTSTATE) break;
if (e->val) dict.states[e->val].fallbackState = stateNum;
/* Transfer hyphenation information to table */
for (i = 0; i < dict.numStates; i++) {
if (dict.states[i].numTrans == 0)
dict.states[i].trans.offset = 0;
else {
holdPointer = dict.states[i].trans.pointer;
allocateSpaceInTable(nested, &dict.states[i].trans.offset,
dict.states[i].numTrans * sizeof(HyphenationTrans), table);
memcpy(&(*table)->ruleArea[dict.states[i].trans.offset], holdPointer,
dict.states[i].numTrans * sizeof(HyphenationTrans));
nested, &holdOffset, dict.numStates * sizeof(HyphenationState), table);
(*table)->hyphenStatesArray = holdOffset;
/* Prevents segmentation fault if table is reallocated */
memcpy(&(*table)->ruleArea[(*table)->hyphenStatesArray], &dict.states[0],
dict.numStates * sizeof(HyphenationState));
return 1;
static int
compileCharDef(FileInfo *nested, TranslationTableOpcode opcode,
TranslationTableCharacterAttributes attributes, int *lastToken,
TranslationTableOffset *newRuleOffset, TranslationTableRule **newRule, int noback,
int nofor, TranslationTableHeader **table) {
CharsString ruleChars;
CharsString ruleDots;
TranslationTableCharacter *character;
TranslationTableCharacter *cell = NULL;
int k;
if (!getRuleCharsText(nested, &ruleChars, lastToken)) return 0;
if (!getRuleDotsPattern(nested, &ruleDots, lastToken)) return 0;
if (ruleChars.length != 1) {
compileError(nested, "Exactly one character is required.");
return 0;
if (ruleDots.length < 1) {
compileError(nested, "At least one cell is required.");
return 0;
if (attributes & (CTC_UpperCase | CTC_LowerCase)) attributes |= CTC_Letter;
character = addCharOrDots(nested, ruleChars.chars[0], 0, table);
character->attributes |= attributes;
character->uppercase = character->lowercase = character->realchar;
for (k = ruleDots.length - 1; k >= 0; k -= 1) {
cell = compile_findCharOrDots(ruleDots.chars[k], 1, *table);
if (!cell) {
cell = addCharOrDots(nested, ruleDots.chars[k], 1, table);
cell->uppercase = cell->lowercase = cell->realchar;
if (ruleDots.length == 1) {
cell->attributes |= attributes;
putCharAndDots(nested, ruleChars.chars[0], ruleDots.chars[0], table);
if (!addRule(nested, opcode, &ruleChars, &ruleDots, 0, 0, newRuleOffset, newRule,
noback, nofor, table))
return 0;
return 1;
static int
compileBeforeAfter(FileInfo *nested, int *lastToken) {
/* 1=before, 2=after, 0=error */
CharsString token;
CharsString tmp;
if (getToken(nested, &token, "last word before or after", lastToken))
if (parseChars(nested, &tmp, &token)) {
if (eqasc2uni((unsigned char *)"before", tmp.chars, 6)) return 1;
if (eqasc2uni((unsigned char *)"after", tmp.chars, 5)) return 2;
return 0;
static int
compileRule(FileInfo *nested, CharacterClass **characterClasses,
TranslationTableCharacterAttributes *characterClassAttribute,
short opcodeLengths[], TranslationTableOffset *newRuleOffset,
TranslationTableRule **newRule, RuleName **ruleNames,
TranslationTableHeader **table) {
int lastToken = 0;
int ok = 1;
CharsString token;
TranslationTableOpcode opcode;
CharsString ruleChars;
CharsString ruleDots;
CharsString cells;
CharsString scratchPad;
CharsString emphClass;
TranslationTableCharacterAttributes after = 0;
TranslationTableCharacterAttributes before = 0;
TranslationTableCharacter *c = NULL;
widechar *patterns = NULL;
int k, i;
int noback, nofor;
noback = nofor = 0;
TranslationTableOffset tmp_offset;
if (!getToken(nested, &token, NULL, &lastToken)) return 1; /* blank line */
if (token.chars[0] == '#' || token.chars[0] == '<') return 1; /* comment */
if (nested->lineNumber == 1 &&
(eqasc2uni((unsigned char *)"ISO", token.chars, 3) ||
eqasc2uni((unsigned char *)"UTF-8", token.chars, 5))) {
compileHyphenation(nested, &token, &lastToken, table);
return 1;
opcode = getOpcode(nested, &token, opcodeLengths);
switch (opcode) { /* Carry out operations */
case CTO_None:
case CTO_IncludeFile: {
CharsString includedFile;
if (getToken(nested, &token, "include file name", &lastToken))
if (parseChars(nested, &includedFile, &token))
if (!includeFile(nested, &includedFile, characterClasses,
characterClassAttribute, opcodeLengths, newRuleOffset,
newRule, ruleNames, table))
ok = 0;
case CTO_Locale:
case CTO_Undefined:
tmp_offset = (*table)->undefined;
ok = compileBrailleIndicator(nested, "undefined character opcode", CTO_Undefined,
&tmp_offset, &lastToken, newRuleOffset, newRule, noback, nofor, table);
(*table)->undefined = tmp_offset;
case CTO_Match: {
CharsString ptn_before, ptn_after;
TranslationTableOffset offset;
int len, mrk;
size_t patternsByteSize = sizeof(*patterns) * 27720;
patterns = (widechar *)malloc(patternsByteSize);
if (!patterns) _lou_outOfMemory();
memset(patterns, 0xffff, patternsByteSize);
noback = 1;
getCharacters(nested, &ptn_before, &lastToken);
getRuleCharsText(nested, &ruleChars, &lastToken);
getCharacters(nested, &ptn_after, &lastToken);
getRuleDotsPattern(nested, &ruleDots, &lastToken);
if (!addRule(nested, opcode, &ruleChars, &ruleDots, after, before, newRuleOffset,
newRule, noback, nofor, table))
ok = 0;
if (ptn_before.chars[0] == '-' && ptn_before.length == 1)
len = _lou_pattern_compile(
&ptn_before.chars[0], 0, &patterns[1], 13841, *table);
len = _lou_pattern_compile(
&ptn_before.chars[0], ptn_before.length, &patterns[1], 13841, *table);
if (!len) {
ok = 0;
mrk = patterns[0] = len + 1;
if (ptn_after.chars[0] == '-' && ptn_after.length == 1)
len = _lou_pattern_compile(
&ptn_after.chars[0], 0, &patterns[mrk], 13841, *table);
len = _lou_pattern_compile(
&ptn_after.chars[0], ptn_after.length, &patterns[mrk], 13841, *table);
if (!len) {
ok = 0;
len += mrk;
if (!allocateSpaceInTable(nested, &offset, len * sizeof(widechar), table)) {
ok = 0;
/* realloc may have moved table, so make sure newRule is still valid */
*newRule = (TranslationTableRule *)&(*table)->ruleArea[*newRuleOffset];
memcpy(&(*table)->ruleArea[offset], patterns, len * sizeof(widechar));
(*newRule)->patterns = offset;
case CTO_BackMatch: {
CharsString ptn_before, ptn_after;
TranslationTableOffset offset;
int len, mrk;
size_t patternsByteSize = sizeof(*patterns) * 27720;
patterns = (widechar *)malloc(patternsByteSize);
if (!patterns) _lou_outOfMemory();
memset(patterns, 0xffff, patternsByteSize);
nofor = 1;
getCharacters(nested, &ptn_before, &lastToken);
getRuleCharsText(nested, &ruleChars, &lastToken);
getCharacters(nested, &ptn_after, &lastToken);
getRuleDotsPattern(nested, &ruleDots, &lastToken);
if (!addRule(nested, opcode, &ruleChars, &ruleDots, 0, 0, newRuleOffset, newRule,
noback, nofor, table))
ok = 0;
if (ptn_before.chars[0] == '-' && ptn_before.length == 1)
len = _lou_pattern_compile(
&ptn_before.chars[0], 0, &patterns[1], 13841, *table);
len = _lou_pattern_compile(
&ptn_before.chars[0], ptn_before.length, &patterns[1], 13841, *table);
if (!len) {
ok = 0;
mrk = patterns[0] = len + 1;
if (ptn_after.chars[0] == '-' && ptn_after.length == 1)
len = _lou_pattern_compile(
&ptn_after.chars[0], 0, &patterns[mrk], 13841, *table);
len = _lou_pattern_compile(
&ptn_after.chars[0], ptn_after.length, &patterns[mrk], 13841, *table);
if (!len) {
ok = 0;
len += mrk;
if (!allocateSpaceInTable(nested, &offset, len * sizeof(widechar), table)) {
ok = 0;
/* realloc may have moved table, so make sure newRule is still valid */
*newRule = (TranslationTableRule *)&(*table)->ruleArea[*newRuleOffset];
memcpy(&(*table)->ruleArea[offset], patterns, len * sizeof(widechar));
(*newRule)->patterns = offset;
case CTO_BegCapsPhrase:
tmp_offset = (*table)->emphRules[capsRule][begPhraseOffset];
ok = compileBrailleIndicator(nested, "first word capital sign",
CTO_BegCapsPhraseRule, &tmp_offset, &lastToken, newRuleOffset, newRule,
noback, nofor, table);
(*table)->emphRules[capsRule][begPhraseOffset] = tmp_offset;
case CTO_EndCapsPhrase:
switch (compileBeforeAfter(nested, &lastToken)) {
case 1: // before
if ((*table)->emphRules[capsRule][endPhraseAfterOffset]) {
compileError(nested, "Capital sign after last word already defined.");
ok = 0;
tmp_offset = (*table)->emphRules[capsRule][endPhraseBeforeOffset];
ok = compileBrailleIndicator(nested, "capital sign before last word",
CTO_EndCapsPhraseBeforeRule, &tmp_offset, &lastToken, newRuleOffset,
newRule, noback, nofor, table);
(*table)->emphRules[capsRule][endPhraseBeforeOffset] = tmp_offset;
case 2: // after
if ((*table)->emphRules[capsRule][endPhraseBeforeOffset]) {
compileError(nested, "Capital sign before last word already defined.");
ok = 0;
tmp_offset = (*table)->emphRules[capsRule][endPhraseAfterOffset];
ok = compileBrailleIndicator(nested, "capital sign after last word",
CTO_EndCapsPhraseAfterRule, &tmp_offset, &lastToken, newRuleOffset,
newRule, noback, nofor, table);
(*table)->emphRules[capsRule][endPhraseAfterOffset] = tmp_offset;
default: // error
compileError(nested, "Invalid lastword indicator location.");
ok = 0;
case CTO_BegCaps:
tmp_offset = (*table)->emphRules[capsRule][begOffset];
ok = compileBrailleIndicator(nested, "first letter capital sign", CTO_BegCapsRule,
&tmp_offset, &lastToken, newRuleOffset, newRule, noback, nofor, table);
(*table)->emphRules[capsRule][begOffset] = tmp_offset;
case CTO_EndCaps:
tmp_offset = (*table)->emphRules[capsRule][endOffset];
ok = compileBrailleIndicator(nested, "last letter capital sign", CTO_EndCapsRule,
&tmp_offset, &lastToken, newRuleOffset, newRule, noback, nofor, table);
(*table)->emphRules[capsRule][endOffset] = tmp_offset;
case CTO_CapsLetter:
tmp_offset = (*table)->emphRules[capsRule][letterOffset];
ok = compileBrailleIndicator(nested, "single letter capital sign",
CTO_CapsLetterRule, &tmp_offset, &lastToken, newRuleOffset, newRule,
noback, nofor, table);
(*table)->emphRules[capsRule][letterOffset] = tmp_offset;
case CTO_BegCapsWord:
tmp_offset = (*table)->emphRules[capsRule][begWordOffset];
ok = compileBrailleIndicator(nested, "capital word", CTO_BegCapsWordRule,
&tmp_offset, &lastToken, newRuleOffset, newRule, noback, nofor, table);
(*table)->emphRules[capsRule][begWordOffset] = tmp_offset;
case CTO_EndCapsWord:
tmp_offset = (*table)->emphRules[capsRule][endWordOffset];
ok = compileBrailleIndicator(nested, "capital word stop", CTO_EndCapsWordRule,
&tmp_offset, &lastToken, newRuleOffset, newRule, noback, nofor, table);
(*table)->emphRules[capsRule][endWordOffset] = tmp_offset;
case CTO_LenCapsPhrase:
ok = (*table)->emphRules[capsRule][lenPhraseOffset] =
compileNumber(nested, &lastToken);
/* these 9 general purpose emphasis opcodes are compiled further down to more specific
* internal opcodes:
* - emphletter
* - begemphword
* - endemphword
* - begemph
* - endemph
* - begemphphrase
* - endemphphrase
* - lenemphphrase
case CTO_EmphClass:
if (getToken(nested, &token, "emphasis class", &lastToken))
if (parseChars(nested, &emphClass, &token)) {
char *s = malloc(sizeof(char) * (emphClass.length + 1));
for (k = 0; k < emphClass.length; k++) s[k] = (char)emphClass.chars[k];
s[k++] = '\0';
for (i = 0; (*table)->emphClasses[i]; i++)
if (strcmp(s, (*table)->emphClasses[i]) == 0) {
_lou_logMessage(LOG_WARN, "Duplicate emphasis class: %s", s);
return 1;
switch (i) {
/* For backwards compatibility (i.e. because programs will assume the
* first 3
* typeform bits are `italic', `underline' and `bold') we require that
* the first
* 3 emphclass definitions are (in that order):
* emphclass italic
* emphclass underline
* emphclass bold
* While it would be possible to use the emphclass opcode only for
* defining
* _additional_ classes (not allowing for them to be called italic,
* underline or
* bold), thereby reducing the amount of boilerplate, we deliberately
* choose not
* to do that in order to not give italic, underline and bold any
* special
* status. The hope is that eventually all programs will use liblouis
* for
* emphasis the recommended way (i.e. by looking up the supported
* typeforms in
* the documentation or API) so that we can drop this restriction.
case 0:
if (strcmp(s, "italic") != 0) {
"First emphasis class must be \"italic\" but got %s",
return 0;
case 1:
if (strcmp(s, "underline") != 0) {
"Second emphasis class must be \"underline\" but got "
return 0;
case 2:
if (strcmp(s, "bold") != 0) {
"Third emphasis class must be \"bold\" but got %s",
return 0;
(*table)->emphClasses[i] = s;
(*table)->emphClasses[i + 1] = NULL;
ok = 1;
} else {
"Max number of emphasis classes (%i) reached",
ok = 0;
compileError(nested, "emphclass must be followed by a valid class name.");
ok = 0;
case CTO_EmphLetter:
case CTO_BegEmphWord:
case CTO_EndEmphWord:
case CTO_BegEmph:
case CTO_EndEmph:
case CTO_BegEmphPhrase:
case CTO_EndEmphPhrase:
case CTO_LenEmphPhrase:
ok = 0;
if (getToken(nested, &token, "emphasis class", &lastToken))
if (parseChars(nested, &emphClass, &token)) {
char *s = malloc(sizeof(char) * (emphClass.length + 1));
for (k = 0; k < emphClass.length; k++) s[k] = (char)emphClass.chars[k];
s[k++] = '\0';
for (i = 0; (*table)->emphClasses[i]; i++)
if (strcmp(s, (*table)->emphClasses[i]) == 0) break;
if (!(*table)->emphClasses[i]) {
_lou_logMessage(LOG_ERROR, "Emphasis class %s not declared", s);
i++; // in table->emphRules the first index is used for caps
if (opcode == CTO_EmphLetter) {
tmp_offset = (*table)->emphRules[i][letterOffset];
ok = compileBrailleIndicator(nested, "single letter",
CTO_Emph1LetterRule + letterOffset + (8 * i), &tmp_offset,
&lastToken, newRuleOffset, newRule, noback, nofor, table);
(*table)->emphRules[i][letterOffset] = tmp_offset;
} else if (opcode == CTO_BegEmphWord) {
tmp_offset = (*table)->emphRules[i][begWordOffset];
ok = compileBrailleIndicator(nested, "word",
CTO_Emph1LetterRule + begWordOffset + (8 * i), &tmp_offset,
&lastToken, newRuleOffset, newRule, noback, nofor, table);
(*table)->emphRules[i][begWordOffset] = tmp_offset;
} else if (opcode == CTO_EndEmphWord) {
tmp_offset = (*table)->emphRules[i][endWordOffset];
ok = compileBrailleIndicator(nested, "word stop",
CTO_Emph1LetterRule + endWordOffset + (8 * i), &tmp_offset,
&lastToken, newRuleOffset, newRule, noback, nofor, table);
(*table)->emphRules[i][endWordOffset] = tmp_offset;
} else if (opcode == CTO_BegEmph) {
/* fail if both begemph and any of begemphphrase or begemphword are
* defined */
if ((*table)->emphRules[i][begWordOffset] ||
(*table)->emphRules[i][begPhraseOffset]) {
"Cannot define emphasis for both no context and word or "
"phrase context, i.e. cannot have both begemph and "
"begemphword or begemphphrase.");
ok = 0;
tmp_offset = (*table)->emphRules[i][begOffset];
ok = compileBrailleIndicator(nested, "first letter",
CTO_Emph1LetterRule + begOffset + (8 * i), &tmp_offset,
&lastToken, newRuleOffset, newRule, noback, nofor, table);
(*table)->emphRules[i][begOffset] = tmp_offset;
} else if (opcode == CTO_EndEmph) {
if ((*table)->emphRules[i][endWordOffset] ||
(*table)->emphRules[i][endPhraseBeforeOffset] ||
(*table)->emphRules[i][endPhraseAfterOffset]) {
"Cannot define emphasis for both no context and word or "
"phrase context, i.e. cannot have both endemph and "
"endemphword or endemphphrase.");
ok = 0;
tmp_offset = (*table)->emphRules[i][endOffset];
ok = compileBrailleIndicator(nested, "last letter",
CTO_Emph1LetterRule + endOffset + (8 * i), &tmp_offset,
&lastToken, newRuleOffset, newRule, noback, nofor, table);
(*table)->emphRules[i][endOffset] = tmp_offset;
} else if (opcode == CTO_BegEmphPhrase) {
tmp_offset = (*table)->emphRules[i][begPhraseOffset];
ok = compileBrailleIndicator(nested, "first word",
CTO_Emph1LetterRule + begPhraseOffset + (8 * i), &tmp_offset,
&lastToken, newRuleOffset, newRule, noback, nofor, table);
(*table)->emphRules[i][begPhraseOffset] = tmp_offset;
} else if (opcode == CTO_EndEmphPhrase)
switch (compileBeforeAfter(nested, &lastToken)) {
case 1: // before
if ((*table)->emphRules[i][endPhraseAfterOffset]) {
compileError(nested, "last word after already defined.");
ok = 0;
tmp_offset = (*table)->emphRules[i][endPhraseBeforeOffset];
ok = compileBrailleIndicator(nested, "last word before",
CTO_Emph1LetterRule + endPhraseBeforeOffset + (8 * i),
&tmp_offset, &lastToken, newRuleOffset, newRule, noback,
nofor, table);
(*table)->emphRules[i][endPhraseBeforeOffset] = tmp_offset;
case 2: // after
if ((*table)->emphRules[i][endPhraseBeforeOffset]) {
compileError(nested, "last word before already defined.");
ok = 0;
tmp_offset = (*table)->emphRules[i][endPhraseAfterOffset];
ok = compileBrailleIndicator(nested, "last word after",
CTO_Emph1LetterRule + endPhraseAfterOffset + (8 * i),
&tmp_offset, &lastToken, newRuleOffset, newRule, noback,
nofor, table);
(*table)->emphRules[i][endPhraseAfterOffset] = tmp_offset;
default: // error
compileError(nested, "Invalid lastword indicator location.");
ok = 0;
else if (opcode == CTO_LenEmphPhrase)
ok = (*table)->emphRules[i][lenPhraseOffset] =
compileNumber(nested, &lastToken);
case CTO_LetterSign:
tmp_offset = (*table)->letterSign;
ok = compileBrailleIndicator(nested, "letter sign", CTO_LetterRule, &tmp_offset,
&lastToken, newRuleOffset, newRule, noback, nofor, table);
(*table)->letterSign = tmp_offset;
case CTO_NoLetsignBefore:
if (getRuleCharsText(nested, &ruleChars, &lastToken)) {
if (((*table)->noLetsignBeforeCount + ruleChars.length) > LETSIGNSIZE) {
compileError(nested, "More than %d characters", LETSIGNSIZE);
ok = 0;
for (k = 0; k < ruleChars.length; k++)
(*table)->noLetsignBefore[(*table)->noLetsignBeforeCount++] =
case CTO_NoLetsign:
if (getRuleCharsText(nested, &ruleChars, &lastToken)) {
if (((*table)->noLetsignCount + ruleChars.length) > LETSIGNSIZE) {
compileError(nested, "More than %d characters", LETSIGNSIZE);
ok = 0;
for (k = 0; k < ruleChars.length; k++)
(*table)->noLetsign[(*table)->noLetsignCount++] = ruleChars.chars[k];
case CTO_NoLetsignAfter:
if (getRuleCharsText(nested, &ruleChars, &lastToken)) {
if (((*table)->noLetsignAfterCount + ruleChars.length) > LETSIGNSIZE) {
compileError(nested, "More than %d characters", LETSIGNSIZE);
ok = 0;
for (k = 0; k < ruleChars.length; k++)
(*table)->noLetsignAfter[(*table)->noLetsignAfterCount++] =
case CTO_NumberSign:
tmp_offset = (*table)->numberSign;
ok = compileBrailleIndicator(nested, "number sign", CTO_NumberRule, &tmp_offset,
&lastToken, newRuleOffset, newRule, noback, nofor, table);
(*table)->numberSign = tmp_offset;
case CTO_Attribute:
c = NULL;
ok = 1;
if (!getToken(nested, &ruleChars, "attribute number", &lastToken)) {
compileError(nested, "Expected attribute number.");
ok = 0;
k = -1;
switch (ruleChars.chars[0]) {
case '0':
k = 0;
case '1':
k = 1;
case '2':
k = 2;
case '3':
k = 3;
case '4':
k = 4;
case '5':
k = 5;
case '6':
k = 6;
case '7':
k = 7;
if (k == -1) {
compileError(nested, "Invalid attribute number.");
ok = 0;
if (getRuleCharsText(nested, &ruleChars, &lastToken)) {
for (i = 0; i < ruleChars.length; i++) {
c = compile_findCharOrDots(ruleChars.chars[i], 0, *table);
if (c)
c->attributes |= (CTC_UserDefined0 << k);
else {
compileError(nested, "Attribute character undefined");
ok = 0;
case CTO_NumericModeChars:
c = NULL;
ok = 1;
if (getRuleCharsText(nested, &ruleChars, &lastToken)) {
for (k = 0; k < ruleChars.length; k++) {
c = compile_findCharOrDots(ruleChars.chars[k], 0, *table);
if (c)
c->attributes |= CTC_NumericMode;
else {
compileError(nested, "Numeric mode character undefined");
ok = 0;
(*table)->usesNumericMode = 1;
case CTO_NumericNoContractChars:
c = NULL;
ok = 1;
if (getRuleCharsText(nested, &ruleChars, &lastToken)) {
for (k = 0; k < ruleChars.length; k++) {
c = compile_findCharOrDots(ruleChars.chars[k], 0, *table);
if (c)
c->attributes |= CTC_NumericNoContract;
else {
compileError(nested, "Numeric no contraction character undefined");
ok = 0;
(*table)->usesNumericMode = 1;
case CTO_NoContractSign:
tmp_offset = (*table)->noContractSign;
ok = compileBrailleIndicator(nested, "no contractions sign", CTO_NoContractRule,
&tmp_offset, &lastToken, newRuleOffset, newRule, noback, nofor, table);
(*table)->noContractSign = tmp_offset;
case CTO_SeqDelimiter:
c = NULL;
ok = 1;
if (getRuleCharsText(nested, &ruleChars, &lastToken)) {
for (k = 0; k < ruleChars.length; k++) {
c = compile_findCharOrDots(ruleChars.chars[k], 0, *table);
if (c)
c->attributes |= CTC_SeqDelimiter;
else {
compileError(nested, "Sequence delimiter character undefined");
ok = 0;
(*table)->usesSequences = 1;
case CTO_SeqBeforeChars:
c = NULL;
ok = 1;
if (getRuleCharsText(nested, &ruleChars, &lastToken)) {
for (k = 0; k < ruleChars.length; k++) {
c = compile_findCharOrDots(ruleChars.chars[k], 0, *table);
if (c)
c->attributes |= CTC_SeqBefore;
else {
compileError(nested, "Sequence before character undefined");
ok = 0;
case CTO_SeqAfterChars:
c = NULL;
ok = 1;
if (getRuleCharsText(nested, &ruleChars, &lastToken)) {
for (k = 0; k < ruleChars.length; k++) {
c = compile_findCharOrDots(ruleChars.chars[k], 0, *table);
if (c)
c->attributes |= CTC_SeqAfter;
else {
compileError(nested, "Sequence after character undefined");
ok = 0;
case CTO_SeqAfterPattern:
if (getRuleCharsText(nested, &ruleChars, &lastToken)) {
if (((*table)->seqPatternsCount + ruleChars.length + 1) > SEQPATTERNSIZE) {
compileError(nested, "More than %d characters", SEQPATTERNSIZE);
ok = 0;
for (k = 0; k < ruleChars.length; k++)
(*table)->seqPatterns[(*table)->seqPatternsCount++] = ruleChars.chars[k];
(*table)->seqPatterns[(*table)->seqPatternsCount++] = 0;
case CTO_SeqAfterExpression:
if (getRuleCharsText(nested, &ruleChars, &lastToken)) {
for ((*table)->seqAfterExpressionLength = 0;
(*table)->seqAfterExpressionLength < ruleChars.length;
(*table)->seqAfterExpression[(*table)->seqAfterExpressionLength] =
(*table)->seqAfterExpression[(*table)->seqAfterExpressionLength] = 0;
case CTO_CapsModeChars:
c = NULL;
ok = 1;
if (getRuleCharsText(nested, &ruleChars, &lastToken)) {
for (k = 0; k < ruleChars.length; k++) {
c = compile_findCharOrDots(ruleChars.chars[k], 0, *table);
if (c)
c->attributes |= CTC_CapsMode;
else {
compileError(nested, "Capital mode character undefined");
ok = 0;
case CTO_BegComp:
tmp_offset = (*table)->begComp;
ok = compileBrailleIndicator(nested, "begin computer braille", CTO_BegCompRule,
&tmp_offset, &lastToken, newRuleOffset, newRule, noback, nofor, table);
(*table)->begComp = tmp_offset;
case CTO_EndComp:
tmp_offset = (*table)->endComp;
ok = compileBrailleIndicator(nested, "end computer braslle", CTO_EndCompRule,
&tmp_offset, &lastToken, newRuleOffset, newRule, noback, nofor, table);
(*table)->endComp = tmp_offset;
case CTO_Syllable:
(*table)->syllables = 1;
case CTO_Always:
case CTO_NoCross:
case CTO_LargeSign:
case CTO_WholeWord:
case CTO_PartWord:
case CTO_JoinNum:
case CTO_JoinableWord:
case CTO_LowWord:
case CTO_SuffixableWord:
case CTO_PrefixableWord:
case CTO_BegWord:
case CTO_BegMidWord:
case CTO_MidWord:
case CTO_MidEndWord:
case CTO_EndWord:
case CTO_PrePunc:
case CTO_PostPunc:
case CTO_BegNum:
case CTO_MidNum:
case CTO_EndNum:
case CTO_Repeated:
case CTO_RepWord:
if (getRuleCharsText(nested, &ruleChars, &lastToken))
if (getRuleDotsPattern(nested, &ruleDots, &lastToken))
if (!addRule(nested, opcode, &ruleChars, &ruleDots, after, before,
newRuleOffset, newRule, noback, nofor, table))
ok = 0;
// if (opcode == CTO_MidNum)
// {
// TranslationTableCharacter *c = compile_findCharOrDots(ruleChars.chars[0], 0);
// if(c)
// c->attributes |= CTC_NumericMode;
// }
case CTO_CompDots:
case CTO_Comp6:
if (!getRuleCharsText(nested, &ruleChars, &lastToken)) return 0;
if (ruleChars.length != 1 || ruleChars.chars[0] > 255) {
compileError(nested, "first operand must be 1 character and < 256");
return 0;
if (!getRuleDotsPattern(nested, &ruleDots, &lastToken)) return 0;
if (!addRule(nested, opcode, &ruleChars, &ruleDots, after, before, newRuleOffset,
newRule, noback, nofor, table))
ok = 0;
(*table)->compdotsPattern[ruleChars.chars[0]] = *newRuleOffset;
case CTO_ExactDots:
if (!getRuleCharsText(nested, &ruleChars, &lastToken)) return 0;
if (ruleChars.chars[0] != '@') {
compileError(nested, "The operand must begin with an at sign (@)");
return 0;
for (k = 1; k < ruleChars.length; k++)
scratchPad.chars[k - 1] = ruleChars.chars[k];
scratchPad.length = ruleChars.length - 1;
if (!parseDots(nested, &ruleDots, &scratchPad)) return 0;
if (!addRule(nested, opcode, &ruleChars, &ruleDots, before, after, newRuleOffset,
newRule, noback, nofor, table))
ok = 0;
case CTO_CapsNoCont:
ruleChars.length = 1;
ruleChars.chars[0] = 'a';
if (!addRule(nested, CTO_CapsNoContRule, &ruleChars, NULL, after, before,
newRuleOffset, newRule, noback, nofor, table))
ok = 0;
(*table)->capsNoCont = *newRuleOffset;
case CTO_Replace:
if (getRuleCharsText(nested, &ruleChars, &lastToken)) {
if (lastToken)
ruleDots.length = ruleDots.chars[0] = 0;
else {
getRuleDotsText(nested, &ruleDots, &lastToken);
if (ruleDots.chars[0] == '#')
ruleDots.length = ruleDots.chars[0] = 0;
else if (ruleDots.chars[0] == '\\' && ruleDots.chars[1] == '#')
memcpy(&ruleDots.chars[0], &ruleDots.chars[1],
ruleDots.length-- * CHARSIZE);
for (k = 0; k < ruleChars.length; k++)
addCharOrDots(nested, ruleChars.chars[k], 0, table);
for (k = 0; k < ruleDots.length; k++)
addCharOrDots(nested, ruleDots.chars[k], 0, table);
if (!addRule(nested, opcode, &ruleChars, &ruleDots, after, before, newRuleOffset,
newRule, noback, nofor, table))
ok = 0;
case CTO_Correct:
(*table)->corrections = 1;
goto doPass;
case CTO_Pass2:
if ((*table)->numPasses < 2) (*table)->numPasses = 2;
goto doPass;
case CTO_Pass3:
if ((*table)->numPasses < 3) (*table)->numPasses = 3;
goto doPass;
case CTO_Pass4:
if ((*table)->numPasses < 4) (*table)->numPasses = 4;
case CTO_Context:
if (!(nofor || noback)) {
compileError(nested, "%s or %s must be specified.",
_lou_findOpcodeName(CTO_NoFor), _lou_findOpcodeName(CTO_NoBack));
ok = 0;
if (!compilePassOpcode(nested, opcode, *characterClasses, newRuleOffset, newRule,
noback, nofor, *ruleNames, table))
ok = 0;
case CTO_Contraction:
case CTO_NoCont:
case CTO_CompBrl:
case CTO_Literal:
if (getRuleCharsText(nested, &ruleChars, &lastToken))
if (!addRule(nested, opcode, &ruleChars, NULL, after, before, newRuleOffset,
newRule, noback, nofor, table))
ok = 0;
case CTO_MultInd: {
int t;
ruleChars.length = 0;
if (getToken(nested, &token, "multiple braille indicators", &lastToken) &&
parseDots(nested, &cells, &token)) {
while ((t = getToken(nested, &token, "multind opcodes", &lastToken))) {
opcode = getOpcode(nested, &token, opcodeLengths);
if (opcode >= CTO_CapsLetter && opcode < CTO_MultInd)
ruleChars.chars[ruleChars.length++] = (widechar)opcode;
else {
compileError(nested, "Not a braille indicator opcode.");
ok = 0;
if (t == 2) break;
} else
ok = 0;
if (!addRule(nested, CTO_MultInd, &ruleChars, &cells, after, before,
newRuleOffset, newRule, noback, nofor, table))
ok = 0;
case CTO_Class: {
CharsString characters;
const CharacterClass *class;
if (!*characterClasses) {
if (!allocateCharacterClasses(characterClasses, characterClassAttribute))
ok = 0;
if (getToken(nested, &token, "character class name", &lastToken)) {
if ((class = findCharacterClass(&token, *characterClasses))) {
compileError(nested, "character class already defined.");
} else if ((class = addCharacterClass(nested, &token.chars[0], token.length,
characterClasses, characterClassAttribute))) {
if (getCharacters(nested, &characters, &lastToken)) {
int index;
for (index = 0; index < characters.length; ++index) {
TranslationTableRule *defRule;
TranslationTableCharacter *character = definedCharOrDots(
nested, characters.chars[index], 0, *table);
character->attributes |= class->attribute;
defRule = (TranslationTableRule *)&(
if (defRule->dotslen == 1) {
character = definedCharOrDots(nested,
defRule->charsdots[defRule->charslen], 1, *table);
character->attributes |= class->attribute;
TranslationTableCharacterAttributes *attributes;
const CharacterClass *class;
case CTO_After:
attributes = &after;
goto doClass;
case CTO_Before:
attributes = &before;
if (!*characterClasses) {
if (!allocateCharacterClasses(characterClasses, characterClassAttribute))
ok = 0;
if (getCharacterClass(nested, &class, *characterClasses, &lastToken)) {
*attributes |= class->attribute;
goto doOpcode;
case CTO_NoBack:
if (nofor) {
compileError(nested, "%s already specified.", _lou_findOpcodeName(CTO_NoFor));
ok = 0;
noback = 1;
goto doOpcode;
case CTO_NoFor:
if (noback) {
nested, "%s already specified.", _lou_findOpcodeName(CTO_NoBack));
ok = 0;
nofor = 1;
goto doOpcode;
case CTO_EmpMatchBefore:
before |= CTC_EmpMatch;
goto doOpcode;
case CTO_EmpMatchAfter:
after |= CTC_EmpMatch;
goto doOpcode;
case CTO_SwapCc:
case CTO_SwapCd:
case CTO_SwapDd:
if (!compileSwap(nested, opcode, &lastToken, newRuleOffset, newRule, noback,
nofor, ruleNames, table))
ok = 0;
case CTO_Hyphen:
case CTO_DecPoint:
// case CTO_Apostrophe:
// case CTO_Initial:
if (getRuleCharsText(nested, &ruleChars, &lastToken))
if (getRuleDotsPattern(nested, &ruleDots, &lastToken)) {
if (ruleChars.length != 1 || ruleDots.length < 1) {
"One Unicode character and at least one cell are required.");
ok = 0;
if (!addRule(nested, opcode, &ruleChars, &ruleDots, after, before,
newRuleOffset, newRule, noback, nofor, table))
ok = 0;
// if (opcode == CTO_DecPoint)
// {
// TranslationTableCharacter *c =
// compile_findCharOrDots(ruleChars.chars[0], 0);
// if(c)
// c->attributes |= CTC_NumericMode;
// }
case CTO_Space:
compileCharDef(nested, opcode, CTC_Space, &lastToken, newRuleOffset, newRule,
noback, nofor, table);
case CTO_Digit:
compileCharDef(nested, opcode, CTC_Digit, &lastToken, newRuleOffset, newRule,
noback, nofor, table);
case CTO_LitDigit:
compileCharDef(nested, opcode, CTC_LitDigit, &lastToken, newRuleOffset, newRule,
noback, nofor, table);
case CTO_Punctuation:
compileCharDef(nested, opcode, CTC_Punctuation, &lastToken, newRuleOffset,
newRule, noback, nofor, table);
case CTO_Math:
compileCharDef(nested, opcode, CTC_Math, &lastToken, newRuleOffset, newRule,
noback, nofor, table);
case CTO_Sign:
compileCharDef(nested, opcode, CTC_Sign, &lastToken, newRuleOffset, newRule,
noback, nofor, table);
case CTO_Letter:
compileCharDef(nested, opcode, CTC_Letter, &lastToken, newRuleOffset, newRule,
noback, nofor, table);
case CTO_UpperCase:
compileCharDef(nested, opcode, CTC_UpperCase, &lastToken, newRuleOffset, newRule,
noback, nofor, table);
case CTO_LowerCase:
compileCharDef(nested, opcode, CTC_LowerCase, &lastToken, newRuleOffset, newRule,
noback, nofor, table);
case CTO_Grouping:
ok = compileGrouping(nested, &lastToken, newRuleOffset, newRule, noback, nofor,
ruleNames, table);
case CTO_UpLow:
ok = compileUplow(
nested, &lastToken, newRuleOffset, newRule, noback, nofor, table);
case CTO_Display:
if (getRuleCharsText(nested, &ruleChars, &lastToken))
if (getRuleDotsPattern(nested, &ruleDots, &lastToken)) {
if (ruleChars.length != 1 || ruleDots.length != 1) {
nested, "Exactly one character and one cell are required.");
ok = 0;
putCharAndDots(nested, ruleChars.chars[0], ruleDots.chars[0], table);
compileError(nested, "unimplemented opcode.");
ok = 0;
if (patterns != NULL) free(patterns);
return ok;
lou_readCharFromFile(const char *fileName, int *mode) {
/* Read a character from a file, whether big-endian, little-endian or
* ASCII8 */
int ch;
static FileInfo nested;
if (fileName == NULL) return 0;
if (*mode == 1) {
*mode = 0;
nested.fileName = fileName;
nested.encoding = noEncoding;
nested.status = 0;
nested.lineNumber = 0;
if (!( = fopen(nested.fileName, "r"))) {
_lou_logMessage(LOG_ERROR, "Cannot open file '%s'", nested.fileName);
*mode = 1;
return EOF;
if ( == NULL) {
*mode = 1;
return EOF;
ch = getAChar(&nested);
if (ch == EOF) {
fclose(; = NULL;
*mode = 1;
return ch;
static int
compileString(const char *inString, CharacterClass **characterClasses,
TranslationTableCharacterAttributes *characterClassAttribute,
short opcodeLengths[], TranslationTableOffset *newRuleOffset,
TranslationTableRule **newRule, RuleName **ruleNames,
TranslationTableHeader **table) {
/* This function can be used to make changes to tables on the fly. */
int k;
FileInfo nested;
if (inString == NULL) return 0;
memset(&nested, 0, sizeof(nested));
nested.fileName = inString;
nested.encoding = noEncoding;
nested.lineNumber = 1;
nested.status = 0;
nested.linepos = 0;
for (k = 0; inString[k]; k++) nested.line[k] = inString[k];
nested.line[k] = 0;
nested.linelen = k;
return compileRule(&nested, characterClasses, characterClassAttribute, opcodeLengths,
newRuleOffset, newRule, ruleNames, table);
static int
makeDoubleRule(TranslationTableOpcode opcode, TranslationTableOffset *singleRule,
TranslationTableOffset *doubleRule, TranslationTableOffset *newRuleOffset,
TranslationTableRule **newRule, int noback, int nofor,
TranslationTableHeader **table) {
CharsString dots;
TranslationTableRule *rule;
if (!*singleRule || *doubleRule) return 1;
rule = (TranslationTableRule *)&(*table)->ruleArea[*singleRule];
memcpy(dots.chars, &rule->charsdots[0], rule->dotslen * CHARSIZE);
memcpy(&dots.chars[rule->dotslen], &rule->charsdots[0], rule->dotslen * CHARSIZE);
dots.length = 2 * rule->dotslen;
if (!addRule(NULL, opcode, NULL, &dots, 0, 0, newRuleOffset, newRule, noback, nofor,
return 0;
*doubleRule = *newRuleOffset;
return 1;
static int
setDefaults(TranslationTableHeader *table) {
// makeDoubleRule (CTO_FirstWordItalRule,
// &table->emphRules[emph1Rule][lastWordBeforeOffset],
// &table->emphRules[emph1Rule][firstWordOffset]);
if (!table->emphRules[emph1Rule][lenPhraseOffset])
table->emphRules[emph1Rule][lenPhraseOffset] = 4;
// makeDoubleRule (CTO_FirstWordUnderRule,
// &table->emphRules[emph2Rule][lastWordBeforeOffset],
// &table->emphRules[emph2Rule][firstWordOffset]);
if (!table->emphRules[emph2Rule][lenPhraseOffset])
table->emphRules[emph2Rule][lenPhraseOffset] = 4;
// makeDoubleRule (CTO_FirstWordBoldRule,
// &table->emphRules[emph3Rule][lastWordBeforeOffset],
// &table->emphRules[emph3Rule][firstWordOffset]);
if (!table->emphRules[emph3Rule][lenPhraseOffset])
table->emphRules[emph3Rule][lenPhraseOffset] = 4;
if (table->numPasses == 0) table->numPasses = 1;
return 1;
/* =============== *
* =============== *
* A table resolver is a function that resolves a `tableList` path against a
* `base` path, and returns the resolved table(s) as a list of absolute file
* paths.
* The function must have the following signature:
* char ** (const char * tableList, const char * base)
* In general, `tableList` is a path in the broad sense. The default
* implementation accepts only *file* paths. But another implementation could
* for instance handle URI's. `base` is always a file path however.
* The idea is to give other programs that use liblouis the ability to define
* their own table resolver (in C, Java, Python, etc.) when the default
* resolver is not satisfying. (see also lou_registerTableResolver)
* Resolve a single (sub)table.
* Tries to resolve `table` against `base` if base is an absolute path. If
* that fails, searches `searchPath`.
static char *
resolveSubtable(const char *table, const char *base, const char *searchPath) {
char *tableFile;
static struct stat info;
if (table == NULL || table[0] == '\0') return NULL;
tableFile = (char *)malloc(MAXSTRING * sizeof(char) * 2);
// First try to resolve against base
if (base) {
int k;
strcpy(tableFile, base);
k = (int)strlen(tableFile);
while (k >= 0 && tableFile[k] != '/' && tableFile[k] != '\\') k--;
tableFile[++k] = '\0';
strcat(tableFile, table);
if (stat(tableFile, &info) == 0 && !(info.st_mode & S_IFDIR)) {
_lou_logMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "found table %s", tableFile);
return tableFile;
// It could be an absolute path, or a path relative to the current working
// directory
strcpy(tableFile, table);
if (stat(tableFile, &info) == 0 && !(info.st_mode & S_IFDIR)) {
_lou_logMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "found table %s", tableFile);
return tableFile;
// Then search `LOUIS_TABLEPATH`, `dataPath` and `programPath`
if (searchPath[0] != '\0') {
char *dir;
int last;
char *cp;
char *searchPath_copy = strdup(searchPath);
for (dir = searchPath_copy;; dir = cp + 1) {
for (cp = dir; *cp != '\0' && *cp != ','; cp++)
last = (*cp == '\0');
*cp = '\0';
if (dir == cp) dir = ".";
sprintf(tableFile, "%s%c%s", dir, DIR_SEP, table);
if (stat(tableFile, &info) == 0 && !(info.st_mode & S_IFDIR)) {
_lou_logMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "found table %s", tableFile);
return tableFile;
if (last) break;
sprintf(tableFile, "%s%c%s%c%s%c%s", dir, DIR_SEP, "liblouis", DIR_SEP,
"tables", DIR_SEP, table);
if (stat(tableFile, &info) == 0 && !(info.st_mode & S_IFDIR)) {
_lou_logMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "found table %s", tableFile);
return tableFile;
if (last) break;
return NULL;
_lou_getTablePath() {
char searchPath[MAXSTRING];
char *path;
char *cp;
cp = searchPath;
path = getenv("LOUIS_TABLEPATH");
if (path != NULL && path[0] != '\0') cp += sprintf(cp, ",%s", path);
path = lou_getDataPath();
if (path != NULL && path[0] != '\0')
cp += sprintf(cp, ",%s%c%s%c%s", path, DIR_SEP, "liblouis", DIR_SEP, "tables");
#ifdef _WIN32
path = lou_getProgramPath();
if (path != NULL) {
if (path[0] != '\0')
cp += sprintf(cp, ",%s%s", path, "\\share\\liblouis\\tables");
cp += sprintf(cp, ",%s", TABLESDIR);
if (searchPath[0] != '\0')
return strdup(&searchPath[1]);
return strdup(".");
* The default table resolver
* Tries to resolve tableList against base. The search path is set to
* `LOUIS_TABLEPATH`, `dataPath` and `programPath` (in that order).
* @param table A file path, may be absolute or relative. May be a list of
* tables separated by comma's. In that case, the first table
* is used as the base for the other subtables.
* @param base A file path or directory path, or NULL.
* @return The file paths of the resolved subtables, or NULL if the table
* could not be resolved.
_lou_defaultTableResolver(const char *tableList, const char *base) {
char *searchPath;
char **tableFiles;
char *subTable;
char *tableList_copy;
char *cp;
int last;
int k;
/* Set up search path */
searchPath = _lou_getTablePath();
/* Count number of subtables in table list */
k = 0;
for (cp = (char *)tableList; *cp != '\0'; cp++)
if (*cp == ',') k++;
tableFiles = (char **)malloc((k + 2) * sizeof(char *));
/* Resolve subtables */
k = 0;
tableList_copy = strdup(tableList);
for (subTable = tableList_copy;; subTable = cp + 1) {
for (cp = subTable; *cp != '\0' && *cp != ','; cp++)
last = (*cp == '\0');
*cp = '\0';
if (!(tableFiles[k++] = resolveSubtable(subTable, base, searchPath))) {
char *path;
_lou_logMessage(LOG_ERROR, "Cannot resolve table '%s'", subTable);
path = getenv("LOUIS_TABLEPATH");
if (path != NULL && path[0] != '\0')
_lou_logMessage(LOG_ERROR, "LOUIS_TABLEPATH=%s", path);
return NULL;
if (k == 1) base = subTable;
if (last) break;
tableFiles[k] = NULL;
return tableFiles;
static char **(EXPORT_CALL *tableResolver)(
const char *tableList, const char *base) = &_lou_defaultTableResolver;
static char **
copyStringArray(char **array) {
int len;
char **copy;
if (!array) return NULL;
len = 0;
while (array[len]) len++;
copy = malloc((len + 1) * sizeof(char *));
copy[len] = NULL;
while (len) {
copy[len] = strdup(array[len]);
return copy;
_lou_resolveTable(const char *tableList, const char *base) {
return copyStringArray((*tableResolver)(tableList, base));
* Register a new table resolver. Overrides the default resolver.
* @param resolver The new resolver as a function pointer.
char **(EXPORT_CALL *resolver)(const char *tableList, const char *base)) {
tableResolver = resolver;
static int fileCount = 0;
* Compile a single file
static int
compileFile(const char *fileName, CharacterClass **characterClasses,
TranslationTableCharacterAttributes *characterClassAttribute,
short opcodeLengths[], TranslationTableOffset *newRuleOffset,
TranslationTableRule **newRule, RuleName **ruleNames,
TranslationTableHeader **table) {
FileInfo nested;
nested.fileName = fileName;
nested.encoding = noEncoding;
nested.status = 0;
nested.lineNumber = 0;
if (( = fopen(nested.fileName, "rb"))) {
while (_lou_getALine(&nested))
compileRule(&nested, characterClasses, characterClassAttribute, opcodeLengths,
newRuleOffset, newRule, ruleNames, table);
return 1;
} else
_lou_logMessage(LOG_ERROR, "Cannot open table '%s'", nested.fileName);
return 0;
* Free a char** array
static void
free_tablefiles(char **tables) {
char **table;
if (!tables) return;
for (table = tables; *table; table++) free(*table);
* Implement include opcode
static int
includeFile(FileInfo *nested, CharsString *includedFile,
CharacterClass **characterClasses,
TranslationTableCharacterAttributes *characterClassAttribute,
short opcodeLengths[], TranslationTableOffset *newRuleOffset,
TranslationTableRule **newRule, RuleName **ruleNames,
TranslationTableHeader **table) {
int k;
char includeThis[MAXSTRING];
char **tableFiles;
int rv;
for (k = 0; k < includedFile->length; k++)
includeThis[k] = (char)includedFile->chars[k];
includeThis[k] = 0;
tableFiles = _lou_resolveTable(includeThis, nested->fileName);
if (tableFiles == NULL) {
return 0;
if (tableFiles[1] != NULL) {
"Table list not supported in include statement: 'include %s'",
return 0;
rv = compileFile(*tableFiles, characterClasses, characterClassAttribute,
opcodeLengths, newRuleOffset, newRule, ruleNames, table);
return rv;
* Compile source tables into a table in memory
static TranslationTableHeader *
compileTranslationTable(const char *tableList, CharacterClass **characterClasses,
TranslationTableCharacterAttributes *characterClassAttribute,
short opcodeLengths[], TranslationTableOffset *newRuleOffset,
TranslationTableRule **newRule, RuleName **ruleNames) {
TranslationTableHeader *table = NULL;
char **tableFiles;
char **subTable;
errorCount = warningCount = fileCount = 0;
*characterClasses = NULL;
*ruleNames = NULL;
if (tableList == NULL) return NULL;
if (!opcodeLengths[0]) {
TranslationTableOpcode opcode;
for (opcode = 0; opcode < CTO_None; opcode++)
opcodeLengths[opcode] = (short)strlen(opcodeNames[opcode]);
allocateHeader(NULL, &table);
/* Initialize emphClasses array */
table->emphClasses[0] = NULL;
/* Compile things that are necesary for the proper operation of
* liblouis or liblouisxml or liblouisutdml */
compileString("space \\s 0", characterClasses, characterClassAttribute, opcodeLengths,
newRuleOffset, newRule, ruleNames, &table);
compileString("noback sign \\x0000 0", characterClasses, characterClassAttribute,
opcodeLengths, newRuleOffset, newRule, ruleNames, &table);
compileString("space \\x00a0 a unbreakable space", characterClasses,
characterClassAttribute, opcodeLengths, newRuleOffset, newRule, ruleNames,
compileString("space \\x001b 1b escape", characterClasses, characterClassAttribute,
opcodeLengths, newRuleOffset, newRule, ruleNames, &table);
compileString("space \\xffff 123456789abcdef ENDSEGMENT", characterClasses,
characterClassAttribute, opcodeLengths, newRuleOffset, newRule, ruleNames,
/* Compile all subtables in the list */
if (!(tableFiles = _lou_resolveTable(tableList, NULL))) {
goto cleanup;
for (subTable = tableFiles; *subTable; subTable++)
if (!compileFile(*subTable, characterClasses, characterClassAttribute,
opcodeLengths, newRuleOffset, newRule, ruleNames, &table))
goto cleanup;
/* Clean up after compiling files */
if (*characterClasses) deallocateCharacterClasses(characterClasses);
if (*ruleNames) deallocateRuleNames(ruleNames);
if (warningCount) _lou_logMessage(LOG_WARN, "%d warnings issued", warningCount);
if (!errorCount) {
table->tableSize = tableSize;
table->bytesUsed = tableUsed;
} else {
_lou_logMessage(LOG_ERROR, "%d errors found.", errorCount);
if (table) free(table);
table = NULL;
return table;
static ChainEntry *lastTrans = NULL;
_lou_getLastTableList(void) {
static char scratchBuf[MAXSTRING];
if (lastTrans == NULL) return NULL;
strncpy(scratchBuf, lastTrans->tableList, lastTrans->tableListLength);
scratchBuf[lastTrans->tableListLength] = 0;
return scratchBuf;
/* Return the emphasis classes declared in tableList. */
char const **EXPORT_CALL
lou_getEmphClasses(const char *tableList) {
const char *names[MAX_EMPH_CLASSES + 1];
unsigned int count = 0;
const TranslationTableHeader *table = lou_getTable(tableList);
if (!table) return NULL;
while (count < MAX_EMPH_CLASSES) {
char const *name = table->emphClasses[count];
if (!name) break;
names[count++] = name;
names[count++] = NULL;
unsigned int size = count * sizeof(names[0]);
char const **result = malloc(size);
if (!result) return NULL;
/* The void* cast is necessary to stop MSVC from warning about
* different 'const' qualifiers (C4090). */
memcpy((void *)result, names, size);
return result;
/* Checks and loads tableList. */
lou_getTable(const char *tableList) {
/* Keep track of which tables have already been compiled */
int tableListLen;
ChainEntry *currentEntry = NULL;
ChainEntry *lastEntry = NULL;
TranslationTableHeader *newTable;
if (tableList == NULL || *tableList == 0) return NULL;
errorCount = fileCount = 0;
tableListLen = (int)strlen(tableList);
/* See if this is the last table used. */
if (lastTrans != NULL)
if (tableListLen == lastTrans->tableListLength &&
(memcmp(&lastTrans->tableList[0], tableList, tableListLen)) == 0)
return (gTable = lastTrans->table);
/* See if Table has already been compiled */
currentEntry = tableChain;
while (currentEntry != NULL) {
if (tableListLen == currentEntry->tableListLength &&
(memcmp(&currentEntry->tableList[0], tableList, tableListLen)) == 0) {
lastTrans = currentEntry;
return (gTable = currentEntry->table);
lastEntry = currentEntry;
currentEntry = currentEntry->next;
if ((newTable = compileTranslationTable(tableList, &gCharacterClasses,
&gCharacterClassAttribute, gOpcodeLengths, &gNewRuleOffset, &gNewRule,
&gRuleNames))) {
/* Add a new entry to the table chain. */
int entrySize = sizeof(ChainEntry) + tableListLen;
ChainEntry *newEntry = malloc(entrySize);
if (!newEntry) _lou_outOfMemory();
if (tableChain == NULL)
tableChain = newEntry;
lastEntry->next = newEntry;
newEntry->next = NULL;
newEntry->table = newTable;
newEntry->tableListLength = tableListLen;
memcpy(&newEntry->tableList[0], tableList, tableListLen);
lastTrans = newEntry;
return (gTable = newEntry->table);
_lou_logMessage(LOG_ERROR, "%s could not be found", tableList);
return NULL;
lou_checkTable(const char *tableList) {
if (lou_getTable(tableList)) return 1;
return 0;
formtype EXPORT_CALL
lou_getTypeformForEmphClass(const char *tableList, const char *emphClass) {
int i;
TranslationTableHeader *table = lou_getTable(tableList);
if (!table) return 0;
for (i = 0; table->emphClasses[i]; i++)
if (strcmp(emphClass, table->emphClasses[i]) == 0) return italic << i;
return 0;
static unsigned char *destSpacing = NULL;
static int sizeDestSpacing = 0;
static formtype *typebuf = NULL;
static unsigned int *wordBuffer = NULL;
static unsigned int *emphasisBuffer = NULL;
static unsigned int *transNoteBuffer = NULL;
static int sizeTypebuf = 0;
static widechar *passbuf1 = NULL;
static int sizePassbuf1 = 0;
static widechar *passbuf2 = NULL;
static int sizePassbuf2 = 0;
static int *posMapping1 = NULL;
static int sizePosMapping1 = 0;
static int *posMapping2 = NULL;
static int sizePosMapping2 = 0;
static int *posMapping3 = NULL;
static int sizePosMapping3 = 0;
_lou_allocMem(AllocBuf buffer, int srcmax, int destmax) {
if (srcmax < 1024) srcmax = 1024;
if (destmax < 1024) destmax = 1024;
switch (buffer) {
case alloc_typebuf:
if (destmax > sizeTypebuf) {
if (typebuf != NULL) free(typebuf);
// TODO: should this be srcmax?
typebuf = malloc((destmax + 4) * sizeof(formtype));
if (!typebuf) _lou_outOfMemory();
sizeTypebuf = destmax;
return typebuf;
case alloc_wordBuffer:
if (wordBuffer != NULL) free(wordBuffer);
wordBuffer = malloc((srcmax + 4) * sizeof(unsigned int));
if (!wordBuffer) _lou_outOfMemory();
return wordBuffer;
case alloc_emphasisBuffer:
if (emphasisBuffer != NULL) free(emphasisBuffer);
emphasisBuffer = malloc((srcmax + 4) * sizeof(unsigned int));
if (!emphasisBuffer) _lou_outOfMemory();
return emphasisBuffer;
case alloc_transNoteBuffer:
if (transNoteBuffer != NULL) free(transNoteBuffer);
transNoteBuffer = malloc((srcmax + 4) * sizeof(unsigned int));
if (!transNoteBuffer) _lou_outOfMemory();
return transNoteBuffer;
case alloc_destSpacing:
if (destmax > sizeDestSpacing) {
if (destSpacing != NULL) free(destSpacing);
destSpacing = malloc(destmax + 4);
if (!destSpacing) _lou_outOfMemory();
sizeDestSpacing = destmax;
return destSpacing;
case alloc_passbuf1:
if (destmax > sizePassbuf1) {
if (passbuf1 != NULL) free(passbuf1);
passbuf1 = malloc((destmax + 4) * CHARSIZE);
if (!passbuf1) _lou_outOfMemory();
sizePassbuf1 = destmax;
return passbuf1;
case alloc_passbuf2:
if (destmax > sizePassbuf2) {
if (passbuf2 != NULL) free(passbuf2);
passbuf2 = malloc((destmax + 4) * CHARSIZE);
if (!passbuf2) _lou_outOfMemory();
sizePassbuf2 = destmax;
return passbuf2;
case alloc_posMapping1: {
int mapSize;
if (srcmax >= destmax)
mapSize = srcmax;
mapSize = destmax;
if (mapSize > sizePosMapping1) {
if (posMapping1 != NULL) free(posMapping1);
posMapping1 = malloc((mapSize + 4) * sizeof(int));
if (!posMapping1) _lou_outOfMemory();
sizePosMapping1 = mapSize;
return posMapping1;
case alloc_posMapping2: {
int mapSize;
if (srcmax >= destmax)
mapSize = srcmax;
mapSize = destmax;
if (mapSize > sizePosMapping2) {
if (posMapping2 != NULL) free(posMapping2);
posMapping2 = malloc((mapSize + 4) * sizeof(int));
if (!posMapping2) _lou_outOfMemory();
sizePosMapping2 = mapSize;
return posMapping2;
case alloc_posMapping3: {
int mapSize;
if (srcmax >= destmax)
mapSize = srcmax;
mapSize = destmax;
if (mapSize > sizePosMapping3) {
if (posMapping3 != NULL) free(posMapping3);
posMapping3 = malloc((mapSize + 4) * sizeof(int));
if (!posMapping3) _lou_outOfMemory();
sizePosMapping3 = mapSize;
return posMapping3;
return NULL;
lou_free(void) {
ChainEntry *currentEntry;
ChainEntry *previousEntry;
if (tableChain != NULL) {
currentEntry = tableChain;
while (currentEntry) {
int i;
TranslationTableHeader *t = (TranslationTableHeader *)currentEntry->table;
for (i = 0; t->emphClasses[i]; i++) free(t->emphClasses[i]);
previousEntry = currentEntry;
currentEntry = currentEntry->next;
tableChain = NULL;
lastTrans = NULL;
if (typebuf != NULL) free(typebuf);
typebuf = NULL;
if (wordBuffer != NULL) free(wordBuffer);
wordBuffer = NULL;
if (emphasisBuffer != NULL) free(emphasisBuffer);
emphasisBuffer = NULL;
if (transNoteBuffer != NULL) free(transNoteBuffer);
transNoteBuffer = NULL;
sizeTypebuf = 0;
if (destSpacing != NULL) free(destSpacing);
destSpacing = NULL;
sizeDestSpacing = 0;
if (passbuf1 != NULL) free(passbuf1);
passbuf1 = NULL;
sizePassbuf1 = 0;
if (passbuf2 != NULL) free(passbuf2);
passbuf2 = NULL;
sizePassbuf2 = 0;
if (posMapping1 != NULL) free(posMapping1);
posMapping1 = NULL;
sizePosMapping1 = 0;
if (posMapping2 != NULL) free(posMapping2);
posMapping2 = NULL;
sizePosMapping2 = 0;
if (posMapping3 != NULL) free(posMapping3);
posMapping3 = NULL;
sizePosMapping3 = 0;
gOpcodeLengths[0] = 0;
lou_version(void) {
static char *version = PACKAGE_VERSION;
return version;
lou_charSize(void) {
return CHARSIZE;
lou_compileString(const char *tableList, const char *inString) {
int r;
TranslationTableHeader *table = lou_getTable(tableList);
if (!table) return 0;
r = compileString(inString, &gCharacterClasses, &gCharacterClassAttribute,
gOpcodeLengths, &gNewRuleOffset, &gNewRule, &gRuleNames, &table);
gTable = table;
return r;
* This procedure provides a target for cals that serve as breakpoints
* for gdb.
// char *EXPORT_CALL
// lou_getTablePaths (void)
// {
// static char paths[MAXSTRING];
// static char scratchBuf[MAXSTRING];
// char *pathList;
// strcpy (paths, tablePath);
// strcat (paths, ",");
// pathList = getenv ("LOUIS_TABLEPATH");
// if (pathList)
// {
// strcat (paths, pathList);
// strcat (paths, ",");
// }
// pathList = getcwd (scratchBuf, MAXSTRING);
// if (pathList)
// {
// strcat (paths, pathList);
// strcat (paths, ",");
// }
// pathList = lou_getDataPath ();
// if (pathList)
// {
// strcat (paths, pathList);
// strcat (paths, ",");
// }
// #ifdef _WIN32
// strcpy (paths, lou_getProgramPath ());
// strcat (paths, "\\share\\liblouss\\tables\\");
// #else
// strcpy (paths, TABLESDIR);
// #endif
// return paths;
// }