blob: 8d94758c45867840633f127846d1c9df1576ceb4 [file] [log] [blame]
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version. (See <>.)
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
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// "liveMedia"
// Copyright (c) 1996-2020 Live Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
// A filter that parses a DV input stream into DV frames to deliver to the downstream object
// Implementation
// (Thanks to Ben Hutchings for his help, including a prototype implementation.)
#include "DVVideoStreamFramer.hh"
#include "GroupsockHelper.hh"
////////// DVVideoStreamFramer implementation //////////
DVVideoStreamFramer::DVVideoStreamFramer(UsageEnvironment& env, FramedSource* inputSource,
Boolean sourceIsSeekable, Boolean leavePresentationTimesUnmodified)
: FramedFilter(env, inputSource),
fOurProfile(NULL), fInitialBlocksPresent(False), fSourceIsSeekable(sourceIsSeekable) {
fTo = NULL; // hack used when reading "fSavedInitialBlocks"
// Use the current wallclock time as the initial 'presentation time':
gettimeofday(&fNextFramePresentationTime, NULL);
DVVideoStreamFramer::~DVVideoStreamFramer() {
DVVideoStreamFramer::createNew(UsageEnvironment& env, FramedSource* inputSource,
Boolean sourceIsSeekable, Boolean leavePresentationTimesUnmodified) {
return new DVVideoStreamFramer(env, inputSource, sourceIsSeekable, leavePresentationTimesUnmodified);
// Define the parameters for the profiles that we understand:
struct DVVideoProfile {
char const* name;
unsigned apt;
unsigned sType;
unsigned sequenceCount;
unsigned channelCount;
unsigned dvFrameSize; // in bytes (== sequenceCount*channelCount*(DV_NUM_BLOCKS_PER_SEQUENCE*DV_DIF_BLOCK_SIZE i.e. 12000))
double frameDuration; // duration of the above, in microseconds. (1000000/this == frame rate)
static DVVideoProfile const profiles[] = {
{ "SD-VCR/525-60", 0, 0x00, 10, 1, 120000, (1000000*1001)/30000.0 },
{ "SD-VCR/625-50", 0, 0x00, 12, 1, 144000, 1000000/25.0 },
{ "314M-25/525-60", 1, 0x00, 10, 1, 120000, (1000000*1001)/30000.0 },
{ "314M-25/625-50", 1, 0x00, 12, 1, 144000, 1000000/25.0 },
{ "314M-50/525-60", 1, 0x04, 10, 2, 240000, (1000000*1001)/30000.0 },
{ "314M-50/625-50", 1, 0x04, 12, 2, 288000, 1000000/25.0 },
{ "370M/1080-60i", 1, 0x14, 10, 4, 480000, (1000000*1001)/30000.0 },
{ "370M/1080-50i", 1, 0x14, 12, 4, 576000, 1000000/25.0 },
{ "370M/720-60p", 1, 0x18, 10, 2, 240000, (1000000*1001)/60000.0 },
{ "370M/720-50p", 1, 0x18, 12, 2, 288000, 1000000/50.0 },
{ NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 }
char const* DVVideoStreamFramer::profileName() {
if (fOurProfile == NULL) getProfile();
return fOurProfile != NULL ? ((DVVideoProfile const*)fOurProfile)->name : NULL;
Boolean DVVideoStreamFramer::getFrameParameters(unsigned& frameSize, double& frameDuration) {
if (fOurProfile == NULL) getProfile();
if (fOurProfile == NULL) return False;
frameSize = ((DVVideoProfile const*)fOurProfile)->dvFrameSize;
frameDuration = ((DVVideoProfile const*)fOurProfile)->frameDuration;
return True;
void DVVideoStreamFramer::getProfile() {
// To determine the stream's profile, we need to first read a chunk of data that we can parse:
fInputSource->getNextFrame(fSavedInitialBlocks, DV_SAVED_INITIAL_BLOCKS_SIZE,
afterGettingFrame, this, FramedSource::handleClosure, this);
// Handle events until the requested data arrives:
Boolean DVVideoStreamFramer::isDVVideoStreamFramer() const {
return True;
void DVVideoStreamFramer::doGetNextFrame() {
fFrameSize = 0; // initially, until we deliver data
// If we have saved initial blocks (and won't be seeking back to re-read this data), so use this data first.
if (fInitialBlocksPresent && !fSourceIsSeekable) {
// For simplicity, we require the downstream object's buffer to be >= this data's size:
fNumTruncatedBytes = fMaxSize;
memmove(fTo, fSavedInitialBlocks, DV_SAVED_INITIAL_BLOCKS_SIZE);
fInitialBlocksPresent = False; // for the future
// Arrange to read the (rest of the) requested data.
// (But first, make sure that we read an integral multiple of the DV block size.)
fMaxSize -= fMaxSize%DV_DIF_BLOCK_SIZE;
void DVVideoStreamFramer::getAndDeliverData() {
unsigned const totFrameSize
= fOurProfile != NULL ? ((DVVideoProfile const*)fOurProfile)->dvFrameSize : DV_SMALLEST_POSSIBLE_FRAME_SIZE;
unsigned totBytesToDeliver = totFrameSize < fMaxSize ? totFrameSize : fMaxSize;
unsigned numBytesToRead = totBytesToDeliver - fFrameSize;
fInputSource->getNextFrame(fTo, numBytesToRead, afterGettingFrame, this, FramedSource::handleClosure, this);
void DVVideoStreamFramer::afterGettingFrame(void* clientData, unsigned frameSize,
unsigned numTruncatedBytes,
struct timeval presentationTime, unsigned /*durationInMicroseconds*/) {
DVVideoStreamFramer* source = (DVVideoStreamFramer*)clientData;
source->afterGettingFrame(frameSize, numTruncatedBytes, presentationTime);
#define DVSectionId(n) ptr[(n)*DV_DIF_BLOCK_SIZE + 0]
#define DVData(n,i) ptr[(n)*DV_DIF_BLOCK_SIZE + 3+(i)]
#define DV_PACK_HEADER_10 0x3F
#define DV_PACK_HEADER_12 0xBF
#define DV_SECTION_VAUX_MIN 0x50
#ifndef MILLION
#define MILLION 1000000
void DVVideoStreamFramer::afterGettingFrame(unsigned frameSize, unsigned numTruncatedBytes, struct timeval presentationTime) {
if (fOurProfile == NULL && frameSize >= DV_SAVED_INITIAL_BLOCKS_SIZE) {
// (Try to) parse this data enough to figure out its profile.
// We assume that the data begins on a (80-byte) block boundary, but not necessarily on a (150-block) sequence boundary.
// We therefore scan each 80-byte block, until we find the 6-block header that begins a sequence:
u_int8_t const* data = (fTo == NULL) ? fSavedInitialBlocks : fTo;
for (u_int8_t const* ptr = data; ptr + 6*DV_DIF_BLOCK_SIZE <= &data[DV_SAVED_INITIAL_BLOCKS_SIZE]; ptr += DV_DIF_BLOCK_SIZE) {
// Check whether "ptr" points to an appropriate header:
u_int8_t const sectionHeader = DVSectionId(0);
u_int8_t const sectionVAUX = DVSectionId(5);
u_int8_t const packHeaderNum = DVData(0,0);
if (sectionHeader == DV_SECTION_HEADER
&& (packHeaderNum == DV_PACK_HEADER_10 || packHeaderNum == DV_PACK_HEADER_12)
&& (sectionVAUX >= DV_SECTION_VAUX_MIN && sectionVAUX <= DV_SECTION_VAUX_MAX)) {
// This data begins a sequence; look up the DV profile from this:
u_int8_t const apt = DVData(0,1)&0x07;
u_int8_t const sType = DVData(5,48)&0x1F;
u_int8_t const sequenceCount = (packHeaderNum == DV_PACK_HEADER_10) ? 10 : 12;
// Use these three parameters (apt, sType, sequenceCount) to look up the DV profile:
for (DVVideoProfile const* profile = profiles; profile->name != NULL; ++profile) {
if (profile->apt == apt && profile->sType == sType && profile->sequenceCount == sequenceCount) {
fOurProfile = profile;
break; // because we found a correct sequence header (even if we don't happen to define a profile for it)
if (fTo != NULL) { // There is a downstream object; complete delivery to it (or read more data, if necessary)
unsigned const totFrameSize
= fOurProfile != NULL ? ((DVVideoProfile const*)fOurProfile)->dvFrameSize : DV_SMALLEST_POSSIBLE_FRAME_SIZE;
fFrameSize += frameSize;
fTo += frameSize;
fPresentationTime = presentationTime; // by default; may get changed below
if (fFrameSize < totFrameSize && fFrameSize < fMaxSize && numTruncatedBytes == 0) {
// We have more data to deliver; get it now:
} else {
// We're done delivering this DV frame (but check for truncation):
fNumTruncatedBytes = totFrameSize - fFrameSize;
if (fOurProfile != NULL) {
// Also set the presentation time, and increment it for next time,
// based on the length of this frame:
if (!fLeavePresentationTimesUnmodified) fPresentationTime = fNextFramePresentationTime;
DVVideoProfile const* ourProfile =(DVVideoProfile const*)fOurProfile;
double durationInMicroseconds = (fFrameSize*ourProfile->frameDuration)/ourProfile->dvFrameSize;
fDurationInMicroseconds = (unsigned)durationInMicroseconds;
fNextFramePresentationTime.tv_usec += fDurationInMicroseconds;
fNextFramePresentationTime.tv_sec += fNextFramePresentationTime.tv_usec/MILLION;
fNextFramePresentationTime.tv_usec %= MILLION;
} else {
// We read data into our special buffer; signal that it has arrived:
fInitialBlocksPresent = True;