blob: 2586e16c7c4bdd323c6ecee1cfb8d1af6c3ee186 [file] [log] [blame]
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version. (See <>.)
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// "liveMedia"
// Copyright (c) 1996-2020 Live Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
// A filter for converting one or more MPEG Elementary Streams
// to a MPEG-2 Transport Stream
// Implementation
#include "MPEG2TransportStreamFromESSource.hh"
#define INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE (SIMPLE_PES_HEADER_SIZE + 2*MPEG2TransportStreamFromESSource::maxInputESFrameSize)
#define LOW_WATER_MARK 1000 // <= MPEG2TransportStreamFromESSource::maxInputESFrameSize
////////// InputESSourceRecord definition //////////
class InputESSourceRecord {
InputESSourceRecord(MPEG2TransportStreamFromESSource& parent,
FramedSource* inputSource,
u_int8_t streamId, int mpegVersion,
InputESSourceRecord* next, int16_t PID = -1);
virtual ~InputESSourceRecord();
InputESSourceRecord* next() const { return fNext; }
FramedSource* inputSource() const { return fInputSource; }
void askForNewData();
Boolean deliverBufferToClient();
unsigned char* buffer() const { return fInputBuffer; }
void reset() {
// Reset the buffer for future use:
fInputBufferBytesAvailable = 0;
fInputBufferInUse = False;
static void afterGettingFrame(void* clientData, unsigned frameSize,
unsigned numTruncatedBytes,
struct timeval presentationTime,
unsigned durationInMicroseconds);
void afterGettingFrame1(unsigned frameSize,
unsigned numTruncatedBytes,
struct timeval presentationTime);
InputESSourceRecord* fNext;
MPEG2TransportStreamFromESSource& fParent;
FramedSource* fInputSource;
u_int8_t fStreamId;
int fMPEGVersion;
unsigned char* fInputBuffer;
unsigned fInputBufferBytesAvailable;
Boolean fInputBufferInUse;
MPEG1or2Demux::SCR fSCR;
int16_t fPID;
////////// MPEG2TransportStreamFromESSource implementation //////////
unsigned MPEG2TransportStreamFromESSource::maxInputESFrameSize = 100000; // bytes
MPEG2TransportStreamFromESSource* MPEG2TransportStreamFromESSource
::createNew(UsageEnvironment& env) {
return new MPEG2TransportStreamFromESSource(env);
void MPEG2TransportStreamFromESSource
::addNewVideoSource(FramedSource* inputSource, int mpegVersion, int16_t PID) {
u_int8_t streamId = 0xE0 | (fVideoSourceCounter++&0x0F);
addNewInputSource(inputSource, streamId, mpegVersion, PID);
fHaveVideoStreams = True;
void MPEG2TransportStreamFromESSource
::addNewAudioSource(FramedSource* inputSource, int mpegVersion, int16_t PID) {
u_int8_t streamId = 0xC0 | (fAudioSourceCounter++&0x0F);
addNewInputSource(inputSource, streamId, mpegVersion, PID);
::MPEG2TransportStreamFromESSource(UsageEnvironment& env)
: MPEG2TransportStreamMultiplexor(env),
fInputSources(NULL), fVideoSourceCounter(0), fAudioSourceCounter(0),
fAwaitingBackgroundDelivery(False) {
fHaveVideoStreams = False; // unless we add a video source
MPEG2TransportStreamFromESSource::~MPEG2TransportStreamFromESSource() {
delete fInputSources;
void MPEG2TransportStreamFromESSource::doStopGettingFrames() {
// Stop each input source:
for (InputESSourceRecord* sourceRec = fInputSources; sourceRec != NULL;
sourceRec = sourceRec->next()) {
void MPEG2TransportStreamFromESSource
::awaitNewBuffer(unsigned char* oldBuffer) {
InputESSourceRecord* sourceRec;
// Begin by resetting the old buffer:
if (oldBuffer != NULL) {
for (sourceRec = fInputSources; sourceRec != NULL;
sourceRec = sourceRec->next()) {
if (sourceRec->buffer() == oldBuffer) {
fAwaitingBackgroundDelivery = False;
if (isCurrentlyAwaitingData()) {
// Try to deliver one filled-in buffer to the client:
for (sourceRec = fInputSources; sourceRec != NULL;
sourceRec = sourceRec->next()) {
if (sourceRec->deliverBufferToClient()) return;
fAwaitingBackgroundDelivery = True;
// No filled-in buffers are available. Ask each of our inputs for data:
for (sourceRec = fInputSources; sourceRec != NULL;
sourceRec = sourceRec->next()) {
void MPEG2TransportStreamFromESSource
::addNewInputSource(FramedSource* inputSource,
u_int8_t streamId, int mpegVersion, int16_t PID) {
if (inputSource == NULL) return;
fInputSources = new InputESSourceRecord(*this, inputSource, streamId,
mpegVersion, fInputSources, PID);
////////// InputESSourceRecord implementation //////////
::InputESSourceRecord(MPEG2TransportStreamFromESSource& parent,
FramedSource* inputSource,
u_int8_t streamId, int mpegVersion,
InputESSourceRecord* next, int16_t PID)
: fNext(next), fParent(parent), fInputSource(inputSource),
fStreamId(streamId), fMPEGVersion(mpegVersion), fPID(PID) {
fInputBuffer = new unsigned char[INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];
InputESSourceRecord::~InputESSourceRecord() {
delete[] fInputBuffer;
delete fNext;
void InputESSourceRecord::askForNewData() {
if (fInputBufferInUse) return;
if (fInputBufferBytesAvailable == 0) {
// Reset our buffer, by adding a simple PES header at the start:
fInputBuffer[0] = 0; fInputBuffer[1] = 0; fInputBuffer[2] = 1;
fInputBuffer[3] = fStreamId;
fInputBuffer[4] = 0; fInputBuffer[5] = 0; // fill in later with the length
fInputBuffer[6] = 0x80;
fInputBuffer[7] = 0x80; // include a PTS
fInputBuffer[8] = 5; // PES_header_data_length (enough for a PTS)
// fInputBuffer[9..13] will be the PTS; fill this in later
fInputBufferBytesAvailable = SIMPLE_PES_HEADER_SIZE;
if (fInputBufferBytesAvailable < LOW_WATER_MARK &&
!fInputSource->isCurrentlyAwaitingData()) {
// We don't yet have enough data in our buffer. Arrange to read more:
afterGettingFrame, this,
FramedSource::handleClosure, &fParent);
Boolean InputESSourceRecord::deliverBufferToClient() {
if (fInputBufferInUse || fInputBufferBytesAvailable < LOW_WATER_MARK) return False;
// Fill in the PES_packet_length field that we left unset before:
unsigned PES_packet_length = fInputBufferBytesAvailable - 6;
if (PES_packet_length > 0xFFFF) {
// Set the PES_packet_length field to 0. This indicates an unbounded length (see ISO 13818-1,
PES_packet_length = 0;
fInputBuffer[4] = PES_packet_length>>8;
fInputBuffer[5] = PES_packet_length;
// Fill in the PES PTS (from our SCR):
fInputBuffer[9] = 0x20|(fSCR.highBit<<3)|(fSCR.remainingBits>>29)|0x01;
fInputBuffer[10] = fSCR.remainingBits>>22;
fInputBuffer[11] = (fSCR.remainingBits>>14)|0x01;
fInputBuffer[12] = fSCR.remainingBits>>7;
fInputBuffer[13] = (fSCR.remainingBits<<1)|0x01;
fInputBufferInUse = True;
// Do the delivery:
fParent.handleNewBuffer(fInputBuffer, fInputBufferBytesAvailable,
fMPEGVersion, fSCR, fPID);
return True;
void InputESSourceRecord
::afterGettingFrame(void* clientData, unsigned frameSize,
unsigned numTruncatedBytes,
struct timeval presentationTime,
unsigned /*durationInMicroseconds*/) {
InputESSourceRecord* source = (InputESSourceRecord*)clientData;
source->afterGettingFrame1(frameSize, numTruncatedBytes, presentationTime);
void InputESSourceRecord
::afterGettingFrame1(unsigned frameSize, unsigned numTruncatedBytes,
struct timeval presentationTime) {
if (numTruncatedBytes > 0) {
fParent.envir() << "MPEG2TransportStreamFromESSource: input buffer too small; increase \"MPEG2TransportStreamFromESSource::maxInputESFrameSize\" by at least "
<< numTruncatedBytes << " bytes!\n";
if (fInputBufferBytesAvailable == SIMPLE_PES_HEADER_SIZE) {
// Use this presentationTime for our SCR:
= ((presentationTime.tv_sec*45000 + (presentationTime.tv_usec*9)/200)&
0x80000000) != 0;
= presentationTime.tv_sec*90000 + (presentationTime.tv_usec*9)/100;
fSCR.extension = (presentationTime.tv_usec*9)%100;
#ifdef DEBUG_SCR
fprintf(stderr, "PES header: stream_id 0x%02x, pts: %u.%06u => SCR 0x%x%08x:%03x\n", fStreamId, (unsigned)presentationTime.tv_sec, (unsigned)presentationTime.tv_usec, fSCR.highBit, fSCR.remainingBits, fSCR.extension);
fInputBufferBytesAvailable += frameSize;
fParent.fPresentationTime = presentationTime;
// Now that we have new input data, check if we can deliver to the client:
if (fParent.fAwaitingBackgroundDelivery) {
fParent.fAwaitingBackgroundDelivery = False;