blob: 816588f0f0e546b310a6c0924485219d0841e6ca [file] [log] [blame]
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version. (See <>.)
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// "liveMedia"
// Copyright (c) 1996-2020 Live Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Implementation
#include "RTCP.hh"
#include "GroupsockHelper.hh"
#include "rtcp_from_spec.h"
#if defined(__WIN32__) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(_QNX4)
#define snprintf _snprintf
////////// RTCPMemberDatabase //////////
class RTCPMemberDatabase {
RTCPMemberDatabase(RTCPInstance& ourRTCPInstance)
: fOurRTCPInstance(ourRTCPInstance), fNumMembers(1 /*ourself*/),
fTable(HashTable::create(ONE_WORD_HASH_KEYS)) {
virtual ~RTCPMemberDatabase() {
delete fTable;
Boolean isMember(u_int32_t ssrc) const {
return fTable->Lookup((char*)(long)ssrc) != NULL;
Boolean noteMembership(u_int32_t ssrc, unsigned curTimeCount) {
Boolean isNew = !isMember(ssrc);
if (isNew) {
// Record the current time, so we can age stale members
fTable->Add((char*)(long)ssrc, (void*)(long)curTimeCount);
return isNew;
Boolean remove(u_int32_t ssrc) {
Boolean wasPresent = fTable->Remove((char*)(long)ssrc);
if (wasPresent) {
return wasPresent;
unsigned numMembers() const {
return fNumMembers;
void reapOldMembers(unsigned threshold);
RTCPInstance& fOurRTCPInstance;
unsigned fNumMembers;
HashTable* fTable;
void RTCPMemberDatabase::reapOldMembers(unsigned threshold) {
Boolean foundOldMember;
u_int32_t oldSSRC = 0;
do {
foundOldMember = False;
HashTable::Iterator* iter
= HashTable::Iterator::create(*fTable);
uintptr_t timeCount;
char const* key;
while ((timeCount = (uintptr_t)(iter->next(key))) != 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "reap: checking SSRC 0x%lx: %ld (threshold %d)\n", (unsigned long)key, timeCount, threshold);
if (timeCount < (uintptr_t)threshold) { // this SSRC is old
uintptr_t ssrc = (uintptr_t)key;
oldSSRC = (u_int32_t)ssrc;
foundOldMember = True;
delete iter;
if (foundOldMember) {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "reap: removing SSRC 0x%x\n", oldSSRC);
fOurRTCPInstance.removeSSRC(oldSSRC, True);
} while (foundOldMember);
////////// RTCPInstance //////////
static double dTimeNow() {
struct timeval timeNow;
gettimeofday(&timeNow, NULL);
return (double) (timeNow.tv_sec + timeNow.tv_usec/1000000.0);
static unsigned const maxRTCPPacketSize = 1438;
// bytes (1500, minus some allowance for IP, UDP, UMTP headers; SRTCP trailers)
static unsigned const preferredRTCPPacketSize = 1000; // bytes
RTCPInstance::RTCPInstance(UsageEnvironment& env, Groupsock* RTCPgs,
unsigned totSessionBW,
unsigned char const* cname,
RTPSink* sink, RTPSource* source,
Boolean isSSMTransmitter,
SRTPCryptographicContext* crypto)
: Medium(env), fRTCPInterface(this, RTCPgs), fTotSessionBW(totSessionBW),
fSink(sink), fSource(source), fIsSSMTransmitter(isSSMTransmitter), fCrypto(crypto),
fCNAME(RTCP_SDES_CNAME, cname), fOutgoingReportCount(1),
fAveRTCPSize(0), fIsInitial(1), fPrevNumMembers(0),
fLastSentSize(0), fLastReceivedSize(0), fLastReceivedSSRC(0),
fHaveJustSentPacket(False), fLastPacketSentSize(0),
fByeHandlerTask(NULL), fByeWithReasonHandlerTask(NULL), fByeHandlerClientData(NULL),
fSRHandlerTask(NULL), fSRHandlerClientData(NULL),
fRRHandlerTask(NULL), fRRHandlerClientData(NULL),
fAppHandlerTask(NULL), fAppHandlerClientData(NULL) {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "RTCPInstance[%p]::RTCPInstance()\n", this);
if (fTotSessionBW == 0) { // not allowed!
env << "RTCPInstance::RTCPInstance error: totSessionBW parameter should not be zero!\n";
fTotSessionBW = 1;
if (isSSMTransmitter) RTCPgs->multicastSendOnly(); // don't receive multicast
double timeNow = dTimeNow();
fPrevReportTime = fNextReportTime = timeNow;
fKnownMembers = new RTCPMemberDatabase(*this);
fInBuf = new unsigned char[maxRTCPPacketSize];
if (fKnownMembers == NULL || fInBuf == NULL) return;
fNumBytesAlreadyRead = 0;
fOutBuf = new OutPacketBuffer(preferredRTCPPacketSize, maxRTCPPacketSize, 1500);
if (fOutBuf == NULL) return;
if (fSource != NULL && fSource->RTPgs() == RTCPgs) {
// We're receiving RTCP reports that are multiplexed with RTP, so ask the RTP source
// to give them to us:
} else {
// Arrange to handle incoming reports from the network:
TaskScheduler::BackgroundHandlerProc* handler
= (TaskScheduler::BackgroundHandlerProc*)&incomingReportHandler;
// Send our first report.
fTypeOfEvent = EVENT_REPORT;
struct RRHandlerRecord {
TaskFunc* rrHandlerTask;
void* rrHandlerClientData;
RTCPInstance::~RTCPInstance() {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "RTCPInstance[%p]::~RTCPInstance()\n", this);
// Begin by sending a BYE. We have to do this immediately, without
// 'reconsideration', because "this" is going away.
fTypeOfEvent = EVENT_BYE; // not used, but...
if (fSource != NULL && fSource->RTPgs() == {
// We were receiving RTCP reports that were multiplexed with RTP, so tell the RTP source
// to stop giving them to us:
// so that the "fRTCPInterface" destructor doesn't turn off background read handling
if (fSpecificRRHandlerTable != NULL) {
AddressPortLookupTable::Iterator iter(*fSpecificRRHandlerTable);
RRHandlerRecord* rrHandler;
while ((rrHandler = (RRHandlerRecord*) != NULL) {
delete rrHandler;
delete fSpecificRRHandlerTable;
delete fKnownMembers;
delete fOutBuf;
delete[] fInBuf;
void RTCPInstance::noteArrivingRR(struct sockaddr_in const& fromAddressAndPort,
int tcpSocketNum, unsigned char tcpStreamChannelId) {
// If a 'RR handler' was set, call it now:
// Specific RR handler:
if (fSpecificRRHandlerTable != NULL) {
netAddressBits fromAddr;
portNumBits fromPortNum;
if (tcpSocketNum < 0) {
// Normal case: We read the RTCP packet over UDP
fromAddr = fromAddressAndPort.sin_addr.s_addr;
fromPortNum = ntohs(fromAddressAndPort.sin_port);
} else {
// Special case: We read the RTCP packet over TCP (interleaved)
// Hack: Use the TCP socket and channel id to look up the handler
fromAddr = tcpSocketNum;
fromPortNum = tcpStreamChannelId;
Port fromPort(fromPortNum);
RRHandlerRecord* rrHandler
= (RRHandlerRecord*)(fSpecificRRHandlerTable->Lookup(fromAddr, (~0), fromPort));
if (rrHandler != NULL) {
if (rrHandler->rrHandlerTask != NULL) {
// General RR handler:
if (fRRHandlerTask != NULL) (*fRRHandlerTask)(fRRHandlerClientData);
RTCPInstance* RTCPInstance::createNew(UsageEnvironment& env, Groupsock* RTCPgs,
unsigned totSessionBW,
unsigned char const* cname,
RTPSink* sink, RTPSource* source,
Boolean isSSMTransmitter,
SRTPCryptographicContext* crypt) {
return new RTCPInstance(env, RTCPgs, totSessionBW, cname, sink, source,
isSSMTransmitter, crypt);
Boolean RTCPInstance::lookupByName(UsageEnvironment& env,
char const* instanceName,
RTCPInstance*& resultInstance) {
resultInstance = NULL; // unless we succeed
Medium* medium;
if (!Medium::lookupByName(env, instanceName, medium)) return False;
if (!medium->isRTCPInstance()) {
env.setResultMsg(instanceName, " is not a RTCP instance");
return False;
resultInstance = (RTCPInstance*)medium;
return True;
Boolean RTCPInstance::isRTCPInstance() const {
return True;
unsigned RTCPInstance::numMembers() const {
if (fKnownMembers == NULL) return 0;
return fKnownMembers->numMembers();
void RTCPInstance::setByeHandler(TaskFunc* handlerTask, void* clientData,
Boolean handleActiveParticipantsOnly) {
fByeHandlerTask = handlerTask;
fByeWithReasonHandlerTask = NULL;
fByeHandlerClientData = clientData;
fByeHandleActiveParticipantsOnly = handleActiveParticipantsOnly;
void RTCPInstance::setByeWithReasonHandler(ByeWithReasonHandlerFunc* handlerTask, void* clientData,
Boolean handleActiveParticipantsOnly) {
fByeHandlerTask = NULL;
fByeWithReasonHandlerTask = handlerTask;
fByeHandlerClientData = clientData;
fByeHandleActiveParticipantsOnly = handleActiveParticipantsOnly;
void RTCPInstance::setSRHandler(TaskFunc* handlerTask, void* clientData) {
fSRHandlerTask = handlerTask;
fSRHandlerClientData = clientData;
void RTCPInstance::setRRHandler(TaskFunc* handlerTask, void* clientData) {
fRRHandlerTask = handlerTask;
fRRHandlerClientData = clientData;
void RTCPInstance
::setSpecificRRHandler(netAddressBits fromAddress, Port fromPort,
TaskFunc* handlerTask, void* clientData) {
if (handlerTask == NULL && clientData == NULL) {
unsetSpecificRRHandler(fromAddress, fromPort);
RRHandlerRecord* rrHandler = new RRHandlerRecord;
rrHandler->rrHandlerTask = handlerTask;
rrHandler->rrHandlerClientData = clientData;
if (fSpecificRRHandlerTable == NULL) {
fSpecificRRHandlerTable = new AddressPortLookupTable;
RRHandlerRecord* existingRecord = (RRHandlerRecord*)fSpecificRRHandlerTable->Add(fromAddress, (~0), fromPort, rrHandler);
delete existingRecord; // if any
void RTCPInstance
::unsetSpecificRRHandler(netAddressBits fromAddress, Port fromPort) {
if (fSpecificRRHandlerTable == NULL) return;
RRHandlerRecord* rrHandler
= (RRHandlerRecord*)(fSpecificRRHandlerTable->Lookup(fromAddress, (~0), fromPort));
if (rrHandler != NULL) {
fSpecificRRHandlerTable->Remove(fromAddress, (~0), fromPort);
delete rrHandler;
void RTCPInstance::setAppHandler(RTCPAppHandlerFunc* handlerTask, void* clientData) {
fAppHandlerTask = handlerTask;
fAppHandlerClientData = clientData;
void RTCPInstance::sendAppPacket(u_int8_t subtype, char const* name,
u_int8_t* appDependentData, unsigned appDependentDataSize) {
// Set up the first 4 bytes: V,PT,subtype,PT,length:
u_int32_t rtcpHdr = 0x80000000; // version 2, no padding
rtcpHdr |= (subtype&0x1F)<<24;
rtcpHdr |= (RTCP_PT_APP<<16);
unsigned length = 2 + (appDependentDataSize+3)/4;
rtcpHdr |= (length&0xFFFF);
// Set up the next 4 bytes: SSRC:
fOutBuf->enqueueWord(fSource != NULL ? fSource->SSRC() : fSink != NULL ? fSink->SSRC() : 0);
// Set up the next 4 bytes: name:
char nameBytes[4];
nameBytes[0] = nameBytes[1] = nameBytes[2] = nameBytes[3] = '\0'; // by default
if (name != NULL) {
snprintf(nameBytes, 4, "%s", name);
fOutBuf->enqueue((u_int8_t*)nameBytes, 4);
// Set up the remaining bytes (if any): application-dependent data (+ padding):
if (appDependentData != NULL && appDependentDataSize > 0) {
fOutBuf->enqueue(appDependentData, appDependentDataSize);
unsigned modulo = appDependentDataSize%4;
unsigned paddingSize = modulo == 0 ? 0 : 4-modulo;
u_int8_t const paddingByte = 0x00;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < paddingSize; ++i) fOutBuf->enqueue(&paddingByte, 1);
// Finally, send the packet:
void RTCPInstance::setStreamSocket(int sockNum,
unsigned char streamChannelId) {
// Turn off background read handling:
// Switch to RTCP-over-TCP:
fRTCPInterface.setStreamSocket(sockNum, streamChannelId);
// Turn background reading back on:
TaskScheduler::BackgroundHandlerProc* handler
= (TaskScheduler::BackgroundHandlerProc*)&incomingReportHandler;
void RTCPInstance::addStreamSocket(int sockNum,
unsigned char streamChannelId) {
// First, turn off background read handling for the default (UDP) socket:
// Add the RTCP-over-TCP interface:
fRTCPInterface.addStreamSocket(sockNum, streamChannelId);
// Turn on background reading for this socket (in case it's not on already):
TaskScheduler::BackgroundHandlerProc* handler
= (TaskScheduler::BackgroundHandlerProc*)&incomingReportHandler;
void RTCPInstance
::injectReport(u_int8_t const* packet, unsigned packetSize, struct sockaddr_in const& fromAddress) {
if (packetSize > maxRTCPPacketSize) packetSize = maxRTCPPacketSize;
memmove(fInBuf, packet, packetSize);
processIncomingReport(packetSize, fromAddress, -1, 0xFF); // assume report received over UDP
static unsigned const IP_UDP_HDR_SIZE = 28;
// overhead (bytes) of IP and UDP hdrs
#define ADVANCE(n) pkt += (n); packetSize -= (n)
void RTCPInstance::incomingReportHandler(RTCPInstance* instance,
int /*mask*/) {
void RTCPInstance::incomingReportHandler1() {
do {
if (fNumBytesAlreadyRead >= maxRTCPPacketSize) {
envir() << "RTCPInstance error: Hit limit when reading incoming packet over TCP. (fNumBytesAlreadyRead ("
<< fNumBytesAlreadyRead << ") >= maxRTCPPacketSize (" << maxRTCPPacketSize
<< ")). The remote endpoint is using a buggy implementation of RTP/RTCP-over-TCP. Please upgrade it!\n";
unsigned numBytesRead;
struct sockaddr_in fromAddress;
int tcpSocketNum;
unsigned char tcpStreamChannelId;
Boolean packetReadWasIncomplete;
Boolean readResult
= fRTCPInterface.handleRead(&fInBuf[fNumBytesAlreadyRead], maxRTCPPacketSize - fNumBytesAlreadyRead,
numBytesRead, fromAddress,
tcpSocketNum, tcpStreamChannelId,
unsigned packetSize = 0;
if (packetReadWasIncomplete) {
fNumBytesAlreadyRead += numBytesRead;
return; // more reads are needed to get the entire packet
} else { // normal case: We've read the entire packet
packetSize = fNumBytesAlreadyRead + numBytesRead;
fNumBytesAlreadyRead = 0; // for next time
if (!readResult) break;
// Ignore the packet if it was looped-back from ourself:
Boolean packetWasFromOurHost = False;
if (RTCPgs()->wasLoopedBackFromUs(envir(), fromAddress)) {
packetWasFromOurHost = True;
// However, we still want to handle incoming RTCP packets from
// *other processes* on the same machine. To distinguish this
// case from a true loop-back, check whether we've just sent a
// packet of the same size. (This check isn't perfect, but it seems
// to be the best we can do.)
if (fHaveJustSentPacket && fLastPacketSentSize == packetSize) {
// This is a true loop-back:
fHaveJustSentPacket = False;
break; // ignore this packet
if (fIsSSMTransmitter && !packetWasFromOurHost) {
// This packet is assumed to have been received via unicast (because we're
// a SSM transmitter, and SSM receivers send back RTCP "RR" packets via unicast).
// 'Reflect' the packet by resending it to the multicast group, so that any other receivers
// can also get to see it.
// NOTE: Denial-of-service attacks are possible here.
// Users of this software may wish to add their own,
// application-specific mechanism for 'authenticating' the
// validity of this packet before reflecting it.
// NOTE: The test for "!packetWasFromOurHost" means that we won't reflect RTCP packets
// that come from other processes on the same host as us. The reason for this is that the
// 'packet size' test above is not 100% reliable; some packets that were truly looped back
// from us might not be detected as such, and this might lead to infinite
// forwarding/receiving of some packets. To avoid this possibility, we reflect only
// RTCP packets that we know for sure originated elsewhere.
// (Note, though, that if we ever re-enable the code in "Groupsock::multicastSendOnly()",
// then we could remove the test for "!packetWasFromOurHost".)
fRTCPInterface.sendPacket(fInBuf, packetSize);
fHaveJustSentPacket = True;
fLastPacketSentSize = packetSize;
processIncomingReport(packetSize, fromAddress, tcpSocketNum, tcpStreamChannelId);
} while (0);
void RTCPInstance
::processIncomingReport(unsigned packetSize, struct sockaddr_in const& fromAddressAndPort,
int tcpSocketNum, unsigned char tcpStreamChannelId) {
do {
if (fCrypto != NULL) { // The packet is assumed to be SRTCP. Verify/decrypt it first:
unsigned newPacketSize;
if (!fCrypto->processIncomingSRTCPPacket(fInBuf, packetSize, newPacketSize)) break;
packetSize = newPacketSize;
Boolean callByeHandler = False;
char* reason = NULL; // by default, unless/until a BYE packet with a 'reason' arrives
unsigned char* pkt = fInBuf;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "[%p]saw incoming RTCP packet (from ", this);
if (tcpSocketNum < 0) {
// Note that "fromAddressAndPort" is valid only if we're receiving over UDP (not over TCP):
fprintf(stderr, "address %s, port %d", AddressString(fromAddressAndPort).val(), ntohs(fromAddressAndPort.sin_port));
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "TCP socket #%d, stream channel id %d", tcpSocketNum, tcpStreamChannelId);
fprintf(stderr, ")\n");
for (unsigned i = 0; i < packetSize; ++i) {
if (i%4 == 0) fprintf(stderr, " ");
fprintf(stderr, "%02x", pkt[i]);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
int totPacketSize = IP_UDP_HDR_SIZE + packetSize;
// Check the RTCP packet for validity:
// It must at least contain a header (4 bytes), and this header
// must be version=2, with no padding bit, and a payload type of
// SR (200), RR (201), or APP (204):
if (packetSize < 4) break;
unsigned rtcpHdr = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt);
if ((rtcpHdr & 0xE0FE0000) != (0x80000000 | (RTCP_PT_SR<<16)) &&
(rtcpHdr & 0xE0FF0000) != (0x80000000 | (RTCP_PT_APP<<16))) {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "rejected bad RTCP packet: header 0x%08x\n", rtcpHdr);
// Process each of the individual RTCP 'subpackets' in (what may be)
// a compound RTCP packet.
int typeOfPacket = PACKET_UNKNOWN_TYPE;
unsigned reportSenderSSRC = 0;
Boolean packetOK = False;
while (1) {
u_int8_t rc = (rtcpHdr>>24)&0x1F;
u_int8_t pt = (rtcpHdr>>16)&0xFF;
unsigned length = 4*(rtcpHdr&0xFFFF); // doesn't count hdr
ADVANCE(4); // skip over the header
if (length > packetSize) break;
// Assume that each RTCP subpacket begins with a 4-byte SSRC:
if (length < 4) break; length -= 4;
reportSenderSSRC = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
if (reportSenderSSRC == 0x00000001 && pt == RTCP_PT_RR) {
// Chrome (and Opera) WebRTC receivers have a bug that causes them to always send
// SSRC 1 in their "RR"s. To work around this (to help us distinguish between different
// receivers), we use a fake SSRC in this case consisting of the IP address, XORed with
// the port number:
reportSenderSSRC = fromAddressAndPort.sin_addr.s_addr^fromAddressAndPort.sin_port;
Boolean subPacketOK = False;
switch (pt) {
case RTCP_PT_SR: {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "SR\n");
if (length < 20) break; length -= 20;
// Extract the NTP timestamp, and note this:
unsigned NTPmsw = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
unsigned NTPlsw = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
unsigned rtpTimestamp = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
if (fSource != NULL) {
RTPReceptionStatsDB& receptionStats
= fSource->receptionStatsDB();
NTPmsw, NTPlsw, rtpTimestamp);
ADVANCE(8); // skip over packet count, octet count
// If a 'SR handler' was set, call it now:
if (fSRHandlerTask != NULL) (*fSRHandlerTask)(fSRHandlerClientData);
// The rest of the SR is handled like a RR (so, no "break;" here)
case RTCP_PT_RR: {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "RR\n");
unsigned reportBlocksSize = rc*(6*4);
if (length < reportBlocksSize) break;
length -= reportBlocksSize;
if (fSink != NULL) {
// Use this information to update stats about our transmissions:
RTPTransmissionStatsDB& transmissionStats = fSink->transmissionStatsDB();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < rc; ++i) {
unsigned senderSSRC = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
// We care only about reports about our own transmission, not others'
if (senderSSRC == fSink->SSRC()) {
unsigned lossStats = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
unsigned highestReceived = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
unsigned jitter = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
unsigned timeLastSR = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
unsigned timeSinceLastSR = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
transmissionStats.noteIncomingRR(reportSenderSSRC, fromAddressAndPort,
highestReceived, jitter,
timeLastSR, timeSinceLastSR);
} else {
} else {
if (pt == RTCP_PT_RR) { // i.e., we didn't fall through from 'SR'
noteArrivingRR(fromAddressAndPort, tcpSocketNum, tcpStreamChannelId);
subPacketOK = True;
case RTCP_PT_BYE: {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "BYE");
// Check whether there was a 'reason for leaving':
if (length > 0) {
u_int8_t reasonLength = *pkt;
if (reasonLength > length-1) {
// The 'reason' length field is too large!
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "\nError: The 'reason' length %d is too large (it should be <= %d)\n",
reasonLength, length-1);
reasonLength = length-1;
reason = new char[reasonLength + 1];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < reasonLength; ++i) {
reason[i] = pkt[1+i];
reason[reasonLength] = '\0';
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, " (reason:%s)", reason);
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
// If a 'BYE handler' was set, arrange for it to be called at the end of this routine.
// (Note: We don't call it immediately, in case it happens to cause "this" to be deleted.)
if ((fByeHandlerTask != NULL || fByeWithReasonHandlerTask != NULL)
&& (!fByeHandleActiveParticipantsOnly
|| (fSource != NULL
&& fSource->receptionStatsDB().lookup(reportSenderSSRC) != NULL)
|| (fSink != NULL
&& fSink->transmissionStatsDB().lookup(reportSenderSSRC) != NULL))) {
callByeHandler = True;
// We should really check for & handle >1 SSRCs being present #####
subPacketOK = True;
typeOfPacket = PACKET_BYE;
case RTCP_PT_APP: {
u_int8_t& subtype = rc; // In "APP" packets, the "rc" field gets used as "subtype"
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "APP (subtype 0x%02x)\n", subtype);
if (length < 4) {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "\tError: No \"name\" field!\n");
length -= 4;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "\tname:%c%c%c%c\n", pkt[0], pkt[1], pkt[2], pkt[3]);
u_int32_t nameBytes = (pkt[0]<<24)|(pkt[1]<<16)|(pkt[2]<<8)|(pkt[3]);
ADVANCE(4); // skip over "name", to the 'application-dependent data'
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "\tapplication-dependent data size: %d bytes\n", length);
// If an 'APP' packet handler was set, call it now:
if (fAppHandlerTask != NULL) {
(*fAppHandlerTask)(fAppHandlerClientData, subtype, nameBytes, pkt, length);
subPacketOK = True;
typeOfPacket = PACKET_RTCP_APP;
// Other RTCP packet types that we don't yet handle:
case RTCP_PT_SDES: {
#ifdef DEBUG
// 'Handle' SDES packets only in debugging code, by printing out the 'SDES items':
fprintf(stderr, "SDES\n");
// Process each 'chunk':
Boolean chunkOK = False;
ADVANCE(-4); length += 4; // hack so that we see the first SSRC/CSRC again
while (length >= 8) { // A valid chunk must be at least 8 bytes long
chunkOK = False; // until we learn otherwise
u_int32_t SSRC_CSRC = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4); length -= 4;
fprintf(stderr, "\tSSRC/CSRC: 0x%08x\n", SSRC_CSRC);
// Process each 'SDES item' in the chunk:
u_int8_t itemType = *pkt; ADVANCE(1); --length;
while (itemType != 0) {
unsigned itemLen = *pkt; ADVANCE(1); --length;
// Make sure "itemLen" allows for at least 1 zero byte at the end of the chunk:
if (itemLen + 1 > length || pkt[itemLen] != 0) break;
fprintf(stderr, "\t\t%s:%s\n",
itemType == 1 ? "CNAME" :
itemType == 2 ? "NAME" :
itemType == 3 ? "EMAIL" :
itemType == 4 ? "PHONE" :
itemType == 5 ? "LOC" :
itemType == 6 ? "TOOL" :
itemType == 7 ? "NOTE" :
itemType == 8 ? "PRIV" :
itemType < 8 ? (char*)pkt // hack, because we know it's '\0'-terminated
: "???"/* don't try to print out PRIV or unknown items */);
ADVANCE(itemLen); length -= itemLen;
itemType = *pkt; ADVANCE(1); --length;
if (itemType != 0) break; // bad 'SDES item'
// Thus, itemType == 0. This zero 'type' marks the end of the list of SDES items.
// Skip over remaining zero padding bytes, so that this chunk ends on a 4-byte boundary:
while (length%4 > 0 && *pkt == 0) { ADVANCE(1); --length; }
if (length%4 > 0) break; // Bad (non-zero) padding byte
chunkOK = True;
if (!chunkOK || length > 0) break; // bad chunk, or not enough bytes for the last chunk
subPacketOK = True;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "RTPFB(unhandled)\n");
subPacketOK = True;
case RTCP_PT_PSFB: {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "PSFB(unhandled)\n");
// Temporary code to show "Receiver Estimated Maximum Bitrate" (REMB) feedback reports:
if (length >= 12 && pkt[4] == 'R' && pkt[5] == 'E' && pkt[6] == 'M' && pkt[7] == 'B') {
u_int8_t exp = pkt[9]>>2;
u_int32_t mantissa = ((pkt[9]&0x03)<<16)|(pkt[10]<<8)|pkt[11];
double remb = (double)mantissa;
while (exp > 0) {
remb *= 2.0;
exp /= 2;
fprintf(stderr, "\tReceiver Estimated Max Bitrate (REMB): %g bps\n", remb);
subPacketOK = True;
case RTCP_PT_XR: {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "XR(unhandled)\n");
subPacketOK = True;
case RTCP_PT_AVB: {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "AVB(unhandled)\n");
subPacketOK = True;
case RTCP_PT_RSI: {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "RSI(unhandled)\n");
subPacketOK = True;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "TOKEN(unhandled)\n");
subPacketOK = True;
case RTCP_PT_IDMS: {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "IDMS(unhandled)\n");
subPacketOK = True;
default: {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "UNKNOWN TYPE(0x%x)\n", pt);
subPacketOK = True;
if (!subPacketOK) break;
// need to check for (& handle) SSRC collision! #####
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "validated RTCP subpacket: rc:%d, pt:%d, bytes remaining:%d, report sender SSRC:0x%08x\n", rc, pt, length, reportSenderSSRC);
// Skip over any remaining bytes in this subpacket:
// Check whether another RTCP 'subpacket' follows:
if (packetSize == 0) {
packetOK = True;
} else if (packetSize < 4) {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "extraneous %d bytes at end of RTCP packet!\n", packetSize);
rtcpHdr = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt);
if ((rtcpHdr & 0xC0000000) != 0x80000000) {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "bad RTCP subpacket: header 0x%08x\n", rtcpHdr);
if (!packetOK) {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "rejected bad RTCP subpacket: header 0x%08x\n", rtcpHdr);
} else {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "validated entire RTCP packet\n");
onReceive(typeOfPacket, totPacketSize, reportSenderSSRC);
// Finally, if we need to call a "BYE" handler, do so now (in case it causes "this" to get deleted):
if (callByeHandler) {
if (fByeHandlerTask != NULL) { // call a BYE handler without including a 'reason'
TaskFunc* byeHandler = fByeHandlerTask;
fByeHandlerTask = NULL; // because we call the handler only once, by default
} else if (fByeWithReasonHandlerTask != NULL) { // call a BYE handler that includes a 'reason'
ByeWithReasonHandlerFunc* byeHandler = fByeWithReasonHandlerTask;
fByeWithReasonHandlerTask = NULL; // because we call the handler only once, by default
(*byeHandler)(fByeHandlerClientData, reason);
// Note that the handler function is responsible for delete[]ing "reason"
} while (0);
void RTCPInstance::onReceive(int typeOfPacket, int totPacketSize, u_int32_t ssrc) {
fTypeOfPacket = typeOfPacket;
fLastReceivedSize = totPacketSize;
fLastReceivedSSRC = ssrc;
int members = (int)numMembers();
int senders = (fSink != NULL) ? 1 : 0;
OnReceive(this, // p
this, // e
&members, // members
&fPrevNumMembers, // pmembers
&senders, // senders
&fAveRTCPSize, // avg_rtcp_size
&fPrevReportTime, // tp
dTimeNow(), // tc
void RTCPInstance::sendReport() {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "sending REPORT\n");
// Begin by including a SR and/or RR report:
if (!addReport()) return;
// Then, include a SDES:
// Send the report:
// Periodically clean out old members from our SSRC membership database:
const unsigned membershipReapPeriod = 5;
if ((++fOutgoingReportCount) % membershipReapPeriod == 0) {
unsigned threshold = fOutgoingReportCount - membershipReapPeriod;
void RTCPInstance::sendBYE(char const* reason) {
#ifdef DEBUG
if (reason != NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "sending BYE (reason:%s)\n", reason);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "sending BYE\n");
// The packet must begin with a SR and/or RR report:
void RTCPInstance::sendBuiltPacket() {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "sending RTCP packet\n");
unsigned char* p = fOutBuf->packet();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < fOutBuf->curPacketSize(); ++i) {
if (i%4 == 0) fprintf(stderr," ");
fprintf(stderr, "%02x", p[i]);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
unsigned reportSize = fOutBuf->curPacketSize();
if (fCrypto != NULL) { // Encrypt/tag the data before sending it:
unsigned newReportSize;
if (!fCrypto->processOutgoingSRTCPPacket(fOutBuf->packet(), reportSize, newReportSize)) return;
reportSize = newReportSize;
fRTCPInterface.sendPacket(fOutBuf->packet(), reportSize);
fLastSentSize = IP_UDP_HDR_SIZE + reportSize;
fHaveJustSentPacket = True;
fLastPacketSentSize = reportSize;
int RTCPInstance::checkNewSSRC() {
return fKnownMembers->noteMembership(fLastReceivedSSRC,
void RTCPInstance::removeLastReceivedSSRC() {
removeSSRC(fLastReceivedSSRC, False/*keep stats around*/);
void RTCPInstance::removeSSRC(u_int32_t ssrc, Boolean alsoRemoveStats) {
if (alsoRemoveStats) {
// Also, remove records of this SSRC from any reception or transmission stats
if (fSource != NULL) fSource->receptionStatsDB().removeRecord(ssrc);
if (fSink != NULL) fSink->transmissionStatsDB().removeRecord(ssrc);
void RTCPInstance::onExpire(RTCPInstance* instance) {
// Member functions to build specific kinds of report:
Boolean RTCPInstance::addReport(Boolean alwaysAdd) {
// Include a SR or a RR, depending on whether we have an associated sink or source:
if (fSink != NULL) {
if (!alwaysAdd) {
if (!fSink->enableRTCPReports()) return False;
// Hack: Don't send a SR during those (brief) times when the timestamp of the
// next outgoing RTP packet has been preset, to ensure that that timestamp gets
// used for that outgoing packet. (David Bertrand, 2006.07.18)
if (fSink->nextTimestampHasBeenPreset()) return False;
if (fSource != NULL) {
if (!alwaysAdd) {
if (!fSource->enableRTCPReports()) return False;
return True;
void RTCPInstance::addSR() {
// ASSERT: fSink != NULL
enqueueCommonReportPrefix(RTCP_PT_SR, fSink->SSRC(),
5 /* extra words in a SR */);
// Now, add the 'sender info' for our sink
// Insert the NTP and RTP timestamps for the 'wallclock time':
struct timeval timeNow;
gettimeofday(&timeNow, NULL);
fOutBuf->enqueueWord(timeNow.tv_sec + 0x83AA7E80);
// NTP timestamp most-significant word (1970 epoch -> 1900 epoch)
double fractionalPart = (timeNow.tv_usec/15625.0)*0x04000000; // 2^32/10^6
// NTP timestamp least-significant word
unsigned rtpTimestamp = fSink->convertToRTPTimestamp(timeNow);
fOutBuf->enqueueWord(rtpTimestamp); // RTP ts
// Insert the packet and byte counts:
void RTCPInstance::addRR() {
// ASSERT: fSource != NULL
enqueueCommonReportPrefix(RTCP_PT_RR, fSource->SSRC());
void RTCPInstance::enqueueCommonReportPrefix(unsigned char packetType,
u_int32_t SSRC,
unsigned numExtraWords) {
unsigned numReportingSources;
if (fSource == NULL) {
numReportingSources = 0; // we don't receive anything
} else {
RTPReceptionStatsDB& allReceptionStats
= fSource->receptionStatsDB();
numReportingSources = allReceptionStats.numActiveSourcesSinceLastReset();
// This must be <32, to fit in 5 bits:
if (numReportingSources >= 32) { numReportingSources = 32; }
// Later: support adding more reports to handle >32 sources (unlikely)#####
unsigned rtcpHdr = 0x80000000; // version 2, no padding
rtcpHdr |= (numReportingSources<<24);
rtcpHdr |= (packetType<<16);
rtcpHdr |= (1 + numExtraWords + 6*numReportingSources);
// each report block is 6 32-bit words long
void RTCPInstance::enqueueCommonReportSuffix() {
// Output the report blocks for each source:
if (fSource != NULL) {
RTPReceptionStatsDB& allReceptionStats
= fSource->receptionStatsDB();
RTPReceptionStatsDB::Iterator iterator(allReceptionStats);
while (1) {
RTPReceptionStats* receptionStats =;
if (receptionStats == NULL) break;
allReceptionStats.reset(); // because we have just generated a report
RTCPInstance::enqueueReportBlock(RTPReceptionStats* stats) {
unsigned highestExtSeqNumReceived = stats->highestExtSeqNumReceived();
unsigned totNumExpected
= highestExtSeqNumReceived - stats->baseExtSeqNumReceived();
int totNumLost = totNumExpected - stats->totNumPacketsReceived();
// 'Clamp' this loss number to a 24-bit signed value:
if (totNumLost > 0x007FFFFF) {
totNumLost = 0x007FFFFF;
} else if (totNumLost < 0) {
if (totNumLost < -0x00800000) totNumLost = 0x00800000; // unlikely, but...
totNumLost &= 0x00FFFFFF;
unsigned numExpectedSinceLastReset
= highestExtSeqNumReceived - stats->lastResetExtSeqNumReceived();
int numLostSinceLastReset
= numExpectedSinceLastReset - stats->numPacketsReceivedSinceLastReset();
unsigned char lossFraction;
if (numExpectedSinceLastReset == 0 || numLostSinceLastReset < 0) {
lossFraction = 0;
} else {
lossFraction = (unsigned char)
((numLostSinceLastReset << 8) / numExpectedSinceLastReset);
fOutBuf->enqueueWord((lossFraction<<24) | totNumLost);
unsigned NTPmsw = stats->lastReceivedSR_NTPmsw();
unsigned NTPlsw = stats->lastReceivedSR_NTPlsw();
unsigned LSR = ((NTPmsw&0xFFFF)<<16)|(NTPlsw>>16); // middle 32 bits
// Figure out how long has elapsed since the last SR rcvd from this src:
struct timeval const& LSRtime = stats->lastReceivedSR_time(); // "last SR"
struct timeval timeNow, timeSinceLSR;
gettimeofday(&timeNow, NULL);
if (timeNow.tv_usec < LSRtime.tv_usec) {
timeNow.tv_usec += 1000000;
timeNow.tv_sec -= 1;
timeSinceLSR.tv_sec = timeNow.tv_sec - LSRtime.tv_sec;
timeSinceLSR.tv_usec = timeNow.tv_usec - LSRtime.tv_usec;
// The enqueued time is in units of 1/65536 seconds.
// (Note that 65536/1000000 == 1024/15625)
unsigned DLSR;
if (LSR == 0) {
DLSR = 0;
} else {
DLSR = (timeSinceLSR.tv_sec<<16)
| ( (((timeSinceLSR.tv_usec<<11)+15625)/31250) & 0xFFFF);
void RTCPInstance::addSDES() {
// For now we support only the CNAME item; later support more #####
// Begin by figuring out the size of the entire SDES report:
unsigned numBytes = 4;
// counts the SSRC, but not the header; it'll get subtracted out
numBytes += fCNAME.totalSize(); // includes id and length
numBytes += 1; // the special END item
unsigned num4ByteWords = (numBytes + 3)/4;
unsigned rtcpHdr = 0x81000000; // version 2, no padding, 1 SSRC chunk
rtcpHdr |= (RTCP_PT_SDES<<16);
rtcpHdr |= num4ByteWords;
if (fSource != NULL) {
} else if (fSink != NULL) {
// Add the CNAME:
fOutBuf->enqueue(, fCNAME.totalSize());
// Add the 'END' item (i.e., a zero byte), plus any more needed to pad:
unsigned numPaddingBytesNeeded = 4 - (fOutBuf->curPacketSize() % 4);
unsigned char const zero = '\0';
while (numPaddingBytesNeeded-- > 0) fOutBuf->enqueue(&zero, 1);
void RTCPInstance::addBYE(char const* reason) {
u_int32_t rtcpHdr = 0x81000000; // version 2, no padding, 1 SSRC
rtcpHdr |= (RTCP_PT_BYE<<16);
u_int16_t num32BitWords = 2; // by default, two 32-bit words total (i.e., with 1 SSRC)
u_int8_t reasonLength8Bits = 0; // by default
if (reason != NULL) {
// We need to add more 32-bit words for the 'length+reason':
unsigned const reasonLength = strlen(reason);
reasonLength8Bits = reasonLength < 0xFF ? (u_int8_t)reasonLength : 0xFF;
unsigned numExtraWords = ((1/*reason length field*/+reasonLength8Bits)+3)/4;
num32BitWords += numExtraWords;
rtcpHdr |= (num32BitWords-1); // length field
if (fSource != NULL) {
} else if (fSink != NULL) {
num32BitWords -= 2; // ASSERT: num32BitWords >= 0
if (num32BitWords > 0) {
// Add a length+'reason for leaving':
// First word:
u_int32_t lengthPlusFirst3ReasonBytes = reasonLength8Bits<<24;
unsigned index = 0;
if (reasonLength8Bits > index) lengthPlusFirst3ReasonBytes |= ((u_int8_t)reason[index++])<<16;
if (reasonLength8Bits > index) lengthPlusFirst3ReasonBytes |= ((u_int8_t)reason[index++])<<8;
if (reasonLength8Bits > index) lengthPlusFirst3ReasonBytes |= (u_int8_t)reason[index++];
// Any subsequent words:
if (reasonLength8Bits > 3) {
// ASSERT: num32BitWords > 1
while (--num32BitWords > 0) {
u_int32_t fourMoreReasonBytes = 0;
if (reasonLength8Bits > index) fourMoreReasonBytes |= ((u_int8_t)reason[index++])<<24;
if (reasonLength8Bits > index) fourMoreReasonBytes |= ((u_int8_t)reason[index++])<<16;
if (reasonLength8Bits > index) fourMoreReasonBytes |= ((u_int8_t)reason[index++])<<8;
if (reasonLength8Bits > index) fourMoreReasonBytes |= (u_int8_t)reason[index++];
void RTCPInstance::schedule(double nextTime) {
fNextReportTime = nextTime;
double secondsToDelay = nextTime - dTimeNow();
if (secondsToDelay < 0) secondsToDelay = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "schedule(%f->%f)\n", secondsToDelay, nextTime);
int64_t usToGo = (int64_t)(secondsToDelay * 1000000);
nextTask() = envir().taskScheduler().scheduleDelayedTask(usToGo,
(TaskFunc*)RTCPInstance::onExpire, this);
void RTCPInstance::reschedule(double nextTime) {
void RTCPInstance::onExpire1() {
nextTask() = NULL;
// Note: fTotSessionBW is kbits per second
double rtcpBW = 0.05*fTotSessionBW*1024/8; // -> bytes per second
OnExpire(this, // event
numMembers(), // members
(fSink != NULL) ? 1 : 0, // senders
rtcpBW, // rtcp_bw
(fSink != NULL) ? 1 : 0, // we_sent
&fAveRTCPSize, // ave_rtcp_size
&fIsInitial, // initial
dTimeNow(), // tc
&fPrevReportTime, // tp
&fPrevNumMembers // pmembers
////////// SDESItem //////////
SDESItem::SDESItem(unsigned char tag, unsigned char const* value) {
unsigned length = strlen((char const*)value);
if (length > 0xFF) length = 0xFF; // maximum data length for a SDES item
fData[0] = tag;
fData[1] = (unsigned char)length;
memmove(&fData[2], value, length);
unsigned SDESItem::totalSize() const {
return 2 + (unsigned)fData[1];
////////// Implementation of routines imported by the "rtcp_from_spec" C code
extern "C" void Schedule(double nextTime, event e) {
RTCPInstance* instance = (RTCPInstance*)e;
if (instance == NULL) return;
extern "C" void Reschedule(double nextTime, event e) {
RTCPInstance* instance = (RTCPInstance*)e;
if (instance == NULL) return;
extern "C" void SendRTCPReport(event e) {
RTCPInstance* instance = (RTCPInstance*)e;
if (instance == NULL) return;
extern "C" void SendBYEPacket(event e) {
RTCPInstance* instance = (RTCPInstance*)e;
if (instance == NULL) return;
extern "C" int TypeOfEvent(event e) {
RTCPInstance* instance = (RTCPInstance*)e;
if (instance == NULL) return EVENT_UNKNOWN;
return instance->typeOfEvent();
extern "C" int SentPacketSize(event e) {
RTCPInstance* instance = (RTCPInstance*)e;
if (instance == NULL) return 0;
return instance->sentPacketSize();
extern "C" int PacketType(packet p) {
RTCPInstance* instance = (RTCPInstance*)p;
if (instance == NULL) return PACKET_UNKNOWN_TYPE;
return instance->packetType();
extern "C" int ReceivedPacketSize(packet p) {
RTCPInstance* instance = (RTCPInstance*)p;
if (instance == NULL) return 0;
return instance->receivedPacketSize();
extern "C" int NewMember(packet p) {
RTCPInstance* instance = (RTCPInstance*)p;
if (instance == NULL) return 0;
return instance->checkNewSSRC();
extern "C" int NewSender(packet /*p*/) {
return 0; // we don't yet recognize senders other than ourselves #####
extern "C" void AddMember(packet /*p*/) {
// Do nothing; all of the real work was done when NewMember() was called
extern "C" void AddSender(packet /*p*/) {
// we don't yet recognize senders other than ourselves #####
extern "C" void RemoveMember(packet p) {
RTCPInstance* instance = (RTCPInstance*)p;
if (instance == NULL) return;
extern "C" void RemoveSender(packet /*p*/) {
// we don't yet recognize senders other than ourselves #####
extern "C" double drand30() {
unsigned tmp = our_random()&0x3FFFFFFF; // a random 30-bit integer
return tmp/(double)(1024*1024*1024);