blob: 45bc92841561380315f1c010899fe4a888c35ab9 [file] [log] [blame]
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version. (See <>.)
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// Copyright (c) 1996-2020, Live Networks, Inc. All rights reserved
// A SIP client test program that opens a SIP URL argument,
// and extracts the data from each incoming RTP stream.
#include "playCommon.hh"
#include "SIPClient.hh"
static char* getLine(char* startOfLine) {
// returns the start of the next line, or NULL if none
for (char* ptr = startOfLine; *ptr != '\0'; ++ptr) {
if (*ptr == '\r' || *ptr == '\n') {
// We found the end of the line
*ptr++ = '\0';
if (*ptr == '\n') ++ptr;
return ptr;
return NULL;
SIPClient* ourSIPClient = NULL;
Medium* createClient(UsageEnvironment& env, char const* /*url*/, int verbosityLevel, char const* applicationName) {
// First, trim any directory prefixes from "applicationName":
char const* suffix = &applicationName[strlen(applicationName)];
while (suffix != applicationName) {
if (*suffix == '/' || *suffix == '\\') {
applicationName = ++suffix;
extern unsigned char desiredAudioRTPPayloadFormat;
extern char* mimeSubtype;
return ourSIPClient = SIPClient::createNew(env, desiredAudioRTPPayloadFormat, mimeSubtype, verbosityLevel, applicationName);
// The followign function is implemented, but is not used for "playSIP":
void assignClient(Medium* /*client*/) {
void getOptions(RTSPClient::responseHandler* afterFunc) {
ourSIPClient->envir().setResultMsg("NOT SUPPORTED IN CLIENT");
afterFunc(NULL, -1, strDup(ourSIPClient->envir().getResultMsg()));
void getSDPDescription(RTSPClient::responseHandler* afterFunc) {
extern char* proxyServerName;
if (proxyServerName != NULL) {
// Tell the SIP client about the proxy:
NetAddressList addresses(proxyServerName);
if (addresses.numAddresses() == 0) {
ourSIPClient->envir() << "Failed to find network address for \"" << proxyServerName << "\"\n";
} else {
NetAddress address = *(addresses.firstAddress());
unsigned proxyServerAddress // later, allow for IPv6 #####
= *(unsigned*)(;
extern unsigned short proxyServerPortNum;
if (proxyServerPortNum == 0) proxyServerPortNum = 5060; // default
ourSIPClient->setProxyServer(proxyServerAddress, proxyServerPortNum);
extern unsigned short desiredPortNum;
unsigned short clientStartPortNum = desiredPortNum;
if (clientStartPortNum == 0) clientStartPortNum = 8000; // default
extern char const* streamURL;
char const* username = ourAuthenticator == NULL ? NULL : ourAuthenticator->username();
char const* password = ourAuthenticator == NULL ? NULL : ourAuthenticator->password();
char* result;
if (username != NULL && password != NULL) {
result = ourSIPClient->inviteWithPassword(streamURL, username, password);
} else {
result = ourSIPClient->invite(streamURL);
int resultCode = result == NULL ? -1 : 0;
afterFunc(NULL, resultCode, strDup(result));
void setupSubsession(MediaSubsession* subsession, Boolean /*streamUsingTCP*/, Boolean /*forceMulticastOnUnspecified*/,RTSPClient::responseHandler* afterFunc) {
subsession->setSessionId("mumble"); // anything that's non-NULL will work
////////// BEGIN hack code that should really be implemented in SIPClient //////////
// Parse the "Transport:" header parameters:
// We do not send audio, but we need port for RTCP
char* serverAddressStr;
portNumBits serverPortNum;
unsigned char rtpChannelId, rtcpChannelId;
rtpChannelId = rtcpChannelId = 0xff;
serverPortNum = 0;
serverAddressStr = NULL;
char* sdp = strDup(ourSIPClient->getInviteSdpReply());
char* lineStart;
char* nextLineStart = sdp;
while (1) {
lineStart = nextLineStart;
if (lineStart == NULL) {
nextLineStart = getLine(lineStart);
char* toTagStr = strDupSize(lineStart);
if (sscanf(lineStart, "m=audio %[^/\r\n]", toTagStr) == 1) {
sscanf(toTagStr, "%hu", &serverPortNum);
} else if (sscanf(lineStart, "c=IN IP4 %[^/\r\n]", toTagStr) == 1) {
serverAddressStr = strDup(toTagStr);
delete[] toTagStr;
if(sdp != NULL) {
delete[] sdp;
delete[] subsession->connectionEndpointName();
subsession->connectionEndpointName() = serverAddressStr;
subsession->serverPortNum = serverPortNum;
subsession->rtpChannelId = rtpChannelId;
subsession->rtcpChannelId = rtcpChannelId;
// Set the RTP and RTCP sockets' destination address and port from the information in the SETUP response (if present):
netAddressBits destAddress = subsession->connectionEndpointAddress();
if (destAddress != 0) {
////////// END hack code that should really be implemented in SIPClient //////////
afterFunc(NULL, 0, NULL);
void startPlayingSession(MediaSession* /*session*/, double /*start*/, double /*end*/, float /*scale*/, RTSPClient::responseHandler* afterFunc) {
if (ourSIPClient->sendACK()) {
//##### This isn't quite right, because we should really be allowing
//##### for the possibility of this ACK getting lost, by retransmitting
//##### it *each time* we get a 2xx response from the server.
afterFunc(NULL, 0, NULL);
} else {
afterFunc(NULL, -1, strDup(ourSIPClient->envir().getResultMsg()));
void startPlayingSession(MediaSession* /*session*/, const char* /*start*/, const char* /*end*/, float /*scale*/, RTSPClient::responseHandler* afterFunc) {
void tearDownSession(MediaSession* /*session*/, RTSPClient::responseHandler* afterFunc) {
if (ourSIPClient == NULL || ourSIPClient->sendBYE()) {
afterFunc(NULL, 0, NULL);
} else {
afterFunc(NULL, -1, strDup(ourSIPClient->envir().getResultMsg()));
void setUserAgentString(char const* userAgentString) {
Boolean allowProxyServers = True;
Boolean controlConnectionUsesTCP = False;
Boolean supportCodecSelection = True;
char const* clientProtocolName = "SIP";