blob: 9cd352e356fb339f02bc16744db2ac4751c2de00 [file] [log] [blame]
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version. (See <>.)
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// Copyright (c) 1996-2020 Live Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Basic Usage Environment: for a simple, non-scripted, console application
// Implementation
#include "BasicUsageEnvironment0.hh"
#include "HandlerSet.hh"
////////// A subclass of DelayQueueEntry,
////////// used to implement BasicTaskScheduler0::scheduleDelayedTask()
class AlarmHandler: public DelayQueueEntry {
AlarmHandler(TaskFunc* proc, void* clientData, DelayInterval timeToDelay)
: DelayQueueEntry(timeToDelay), fProc(proc), fClientData(clientData) {
private: // redefined virtual functions
virtual void handleTimeout() {
TaskFunc* fProc;
void* fClientData;
////////// BasicTaskScheduler0 //////////
: fLastHandledSocketNum(-1), fTriggersAwaitingHandling(0), fLastUsedTriggerMask(1), fLastUsedTriggerNum(MAX_NUM_EVENT_TRIGGERS-1) {
fHandlers = new HandlerSet;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_EVENT_TRIGGERS; ++i) {
fTriggeredEventHandlers[i] = NULL;
fTriggeredEventClientDatas[i] = NULL;
BasicTaskScheduler0::~BasicTaskScheduler0() {
delete fHandlers;
TaskToken BasicTaskScheduler0::scheduleDelayedTask(int64_t microseconds,
TaskFunc* proc,
void* clientData) {
if (microseconds < 0) microseconds = 0;
DelayInterval timeToDelay((long)(microseconds/1000000), (long)(microseconds%1000000));
AlarmHandler* alarmHandler = new AlarmHandler(proc, clientData, timeToDelay);
return (void*)(alarmHandler->token());
void BasicTaskScheduler0::unscheduleDelayedTask(TaskToken& prevTask) {
DelayQueueEntry* alarmHandler = fDelayQueue.removeEntry((intptr_t)prevTask);
prevTask = NULL;
delete alarmHandler;
void BasicTaskScheduler0::doEventLoop(char volatile* watchVariable) {
// Repeatedly loop, handling readble sockets and timed events:
while (1) {
if (watchVariable != NULL && *watchVariable != 0) break;
EventTriggerId BasicTaskScheduler0::createEventTrigger(TaskFunc* eventHandlerProc) {
unsigned i = fLastUsedTriggerNum;
EventTriggerId mask = fLastUsedTriggerMask;
do {
mask >>= 1;
if (mask == 0) mask = 0x80000000;
if (fTriggeredEventHandlers[i] == NULL) {
// This trigger number is free; use it:
fTriggeredEventHandlers[i] = eventHandlerProc;
fTriggeredEventClientDatas[i] = NULL; // sanity
fLastUsedTriggerMask = mask;
fLastUsedTriggerNum = i;
return mask;
} while (i != fLastUsedTriggerNum);
// All available event triggers are allocated; return 0 instead:
return 0;
void BasicTaskScheduler0::deleteEventTrigger(EventTriggerId eventTriggerId) {
fTriggersAwaitingHandling &=~ eventTriggerId;
if (eventTriggerId == fLastUsedTriggerMask) { // common-case optimization:
fTriggeredEventHandlers[fLastUsedTriggerNum] = NULL;
fTriggeredEventClientDatas[fLastUsedTriggerNum] = NULL;
} else {
// "eventTriggerId" should have just one bit set.
// However, we do the reasonable thing if the user happened to 'or' together two or more "EventTriggerId"s:
EventTriggerId mask = 0x80000000;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_EVENT_TRIGGERS; ++i) {
if ((eventTriggerId&mask) != 0) {
fTriggeredEventHandlers[i] = NULL;
fTriggeredEventClientDatas[i] = NULL;
mask >>= 1;
void BasicTaskScheduler0::triggerEvent(EventTriggerId eventTriggerId, void* clientData) {
// First, record the "clientData". (Note that we allow "eventTriggerId" to be a combination of bits for multiple events.)
EventTriggerId mask = 0x80000000;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_EVENT_TRIGGERS; ++i) {
if ((eventTriggerId&mask) != 0) {
fTriggeredEventClientDatas[i] = clientData;
mask >>= 1;
// Then, note this event as being ready to be handled.
// (Note that because this function (unlike others in the library) can be called from an external thread, we do this last, to
// reduce the risk of a race condition.)
fTriggersAwaitingHandling |= eventTriggerId;
////////// HandlerSet (etc.) implementation //////////
HandlerDescriptor::HandlerDescriptor(HandlerDescriptor* nextHandler)
: conditionSet(0), handlerProc(NULL) {
// Link this descriptor into a doubly-linked list:
if (nextHandler == this) { // initialization
fNextHandler = fPrevHandler = this;
} else {
fNextHandler = nextHandler;
fPrevHandler = nextHandler->fPrevHandler;
nextHandler->fPrevHandler = this;
fPrevHandler->fNextHandler = this;
HandlerDescriptor::~HandlerDescriptor() {
// Unlink this descriptor from a doubly-linked list:
fNextHandler->fPrevHandler = fPrevHandler;
fPrevHandler->fNextHandler = fNextHandler;
: fHandlers(&fHandlers) {
fHandlers.socketNum = -1; // shouldn't ever get looked at, but in case...
HandlerSet::~HandlerSet() {
// Delete each handler descriptor:
while (fHandlers.fNextHandler != &fHandlers) {
delete fHandlers.fNextHandler; // changes fHandlers->fNextHandler
void HandlerSet
::assignHandler(int socketNum, int conditionSet, TaskScheduler::BackgroundHandlerProc* handlerProc, void* clientData) {
// First, see if there's already a handler for this socket:
HandlerDescriptor* handler = lookupHandler(socketNum);
if (handler == NULL) { // No existing handler, so create a new descr:
handler = new HandlerDescriptor(fHandlers.fNextHandler);
handler->socketNum = socketNum;
handler->conditionSet = conditionSet;
handler->handlerProc = handlerProc;
handler->clientData = clientData;
void HandlerSet::clearHandler(int socketNum) {
HandlerDescriptor* handler = lookupHandler(socketNum);
delete handler;
void HandlerSet::moveHandler(int oldSocketNum, int newSocketNum) {
HandlerDescriptor* handler = lookupHandler(oldSocketNum);
if (handler != NULL) {
handler->socketNum = newSocketNum;
HandlerDescriptor* HandlerSet::lookupHandler(int socketNum) {
HandlerDescriptor* handler;
HandlerIterator iter(*this);
while ((handler = != NULL) {
if (handler->socketNum == socketNum) break;
return handler;
HandlerIterator::HandlerIterator(HandlerSet& handlerSet)
: fOurSet(handlerSet) {
HandlerIterator::~HandlerIterator() {
void HandlerIterator::reset() {
fNextPtr = fOurSet.fHandlers.fNextHandler;
HandlerDescriptor* HandlerIterator::next() {
HandlerDescriptor* result = fNextPtr;
if (result == &fOurSet.fHandlers) { // no more
result = NULL;
} else {
fNextPtr = fNextPtr->fNextHandler;
return result;