blob: 0210a747f7af49ed8b7872f7601ad213fae39c68 [file] [log] [blame]
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version. (See <>.)
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// "liveMedia"
// Copyright (c) 1996-2020 Live Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
// A generic media server class, used to implement a RTSP server, and any other server that uses
// "ServerMediaSession" objects to describe media to be served.
// Implementation
#include "GenericMediaServer.hh"
#include <GroupsockHelper.hh>
#if defined(__WIN32__) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(_QNX4)
#define snprintf _snprintf
////////// GenericMediaServer implementation //////////
void GenericMediaServer::addServerMediaSession(ServerMediaSession* serverMediaSession) {
if (serverMediaSession == NULL) return;
char const* sessionName = serverMediaSession->streamName();
if (sessionName == NULL) sessionName = "";
removeServerMediaSession(sessionName); // in case an existing "ServerMediaSession" with this name already exists
fServerMediaSessions->Add(sessionName, (void*)serverMediaSession);
ServerMediaSession* GenericMediaServer
::lookupServerMediaSession(char const* streamName, Boolean /*isFirstLookupInSession*/) {
// Default implementation:
return (ServerMediaSession*)(fServerMediaSessions->Lookup(streamName));
void GenericMediaServer::removeServerMediaSession(ServerMediaSession* serverMediaSession) {
if (serverMediaSession == NULL) return;
if (serverMediaSession->referenceCount() == 0) {
} else {
serverMediaSession->deleteWhenUnreferenced() = True;
void GenericMediaServer::removeServerMediaSession(char const* streamName) {
void GenericMediaServer::closeAllClientSessionsForServerMediaSession(ServerMediaSession* serverMediaSession) {
if (serverMediaSession == NULL) return;
HashTable::Iterator* iter = HashTable::Iterator::create(*fClientSessions);
GenericMediaServer::ClientSession* clientSession;
char const* key; // dummy
while ((clientSession = (GenericMediaServer::ClientSession*)(iter->next(key))) != NULL) {
if (clientSession->fOurServerMediaSession == serverMediaSession) {
delete clientSession;
delete iter;
void GenericMediaServer::closeAllClientSessionsForServerMediaSession(char const* streamName) {
void GenericMediaServer::deleteServerMediaSession(ServerMediaSession* serverMediaSession) {
if (serverMediaSession == NULL) return;
void GenericMediaServer::deleteServerMediaSession(char const* streamName) {
::GenericMediaServer(UsageEnvironment& env, int ourSocket, Port ourPort,
unsigned reclamationSeconds)
: Medium(env),
fServerSocket(ourSocket), fServerPort(ourPort), fReclamationSeconds(reclamationSeconds),
ignoreSigPipeOnSocket(fServerSocket); // so that clients on the same host that are killed don't also kill us
// Arrange to handle connections from others:
env.taskScheduler().turnOnBackgroundReadHandling(fServerSocket, incomingConnectionHandler, this);
GenericMediaServer::~GenericMediaServer() {
// Turn off background read handling:
void GenericMediaServer::cleanup() {
// This member function must be called in the destructor of any subclass of
// "GenericMediaServer". (We don't call this in the destructor of "GenericMediaServer" itself,
// because by that time, the subclass destructor will already have been called, and this may
// affect (break) the destruction of the "ClientSession" and "ClientConnection" objects, which
// themselves will have been subclassed.)
// Close all client session objects:
GenericMediaServer::ClientSession* clientSession;
while ((clientSession = (GenericMediaServer::ClientSession*)fClientSessions->getFirst()) != NULL) {
delete clientSession;
delete fClientSessions;
// Close all client connection objects:
GenericMediaServer::ClientConnection* connection;
while ((connection = (GenericMediaServer::ClientConnection*)fClientConnections->getFirst()) != NULL) {
delete connection;
delete fClientConnections;
// Delete all server media sessions
ServerMediaSession* serverMediaSession;
while ((serverMediaSession = (ServerMediaSession*)fServerMediaSessions->getFirst()) != NULL) {
removeServerMediaSession(serverMediaSession); // will delete it, because it no longer has any 'client session' objects using it
delete fServerMediaSessions;
int GenericMediaServer::setUpOurSocket(UsageEnvironment& env, Port& ourPort) {
int ourSocket = -1;
do {
// The following statement is enabled by default.
// Don't disable it (by defining ALLOW_SERVER_PORT_REUSE) unless you know what you're doing.
// ALLOW_RTSP_SERVER_PORT_REUSE is for backwards-compatibility #####
NoReuse dummy(env); // Don't use this socket if there's already a local server using it
ourSocket = setupStreamSocket(env, ourPort, True, True);
if (ourSocket < 0) break;
// Make sure we have a big send buffer:
if (!increaseSendBufferTo(env, ourSocket, 50*1024)) break;
// Allow multiple simultaneous connections:
if (listen(ourSocket, LISTEN_BACKLOG_SIZE) < 0) {
env.setResultErrMsg("listen() failed: ");
if (ourPort.num() == 0) {
// bind() will have chosen a port for us; return it also:
if (!getSourcePort(env, ourSocket, ourPort)) break;
return ourSocket;
} while (0);
if (ourSocket != -1) ::closeSocket(ourSocket);
return -1;
void GenericMediaServer::incomingConnectionHandler(void* instance, int /*mask*/) {
GenericMediaServer* server = (GenericMediaServer*)instance;
void GenericMediaServer::incomingConnectionHandler() {
void GenericMediaServer::incomingConnectionHandlerOnSocket(int serverSocket) {
struct sockaddr_in clientAddr;
SOCKLEN_T clientAddrLen = sizeof clientAddr;
int clientSocket = accept(serverSocket, (struct sockaddr*)&clientAddr, &clientAddrLen);
if (clientSocket < 0) {
int err = envir().getErrno();
if (err != EWOULDBLOCK) {
envir().setResultErrMsg("accept() failed: ");
ignoreSigPipeOnSocket(clientSocket); // so that clients on the same host that are killed don't also kill us
increaseSendBufferTo(envir(), clientSocket, 50*1024);
#ifdef DEBUG
envir() << "accept()ed connection from " << AddressString(clientAddr).val() << "\n";
// Create a new object for handling this connection:
(void)createNewClientConnection(clientSocket, clientAddr);
////////// GenericMediaServer::ClientConnection implementation //////////
::ClientConnection(GenericMediaServer& ourServer, int clientSocket, struct sockaddr_in clientAddr)
: fOurServer(ourServer), fOurSocket(clientSocket), fClientAddr(clientAddr) {
// Add ourself to our 'client connections' table:
fOurServer.fClientConnections->Add((char const*)this, this);
// Arrange to handle incoming requests:
.setBackgroundHandling(fOurSocket, SOCKET_READABLE|SOCKET_EXCEPTION, incomingRequestHandler, this);
GenericMediaServer::ClientConnection::~ClientConnection() {
// Remove ourself from the server's 'client connections' hash table before we go:
fOurServer.fClientConnections->Remove((char const*)this);
void GenericMediaServer::ClientConnection::closeSockets() {
// Turn off background handling on our socket:
if (fOurSocket>= 0) ::closeSocket(fOurSocket);
fOurSocket = -1;
void GenericMediaServer::ClientConnection::incomingRequestHandler(void* instance, int /*mask*/) {
ClientConnection* connection = (ClientConnection*)instance;
void GenericMediaServer::ClientConnection::incomingRequestHandler() {
struct sockaddr_in dummy; // 'from' address, meaningless in this case
int bytesRead = readSocket(envir(), fOurSocket, &fRequestBuffer[fRequestBytesAlreadySeen], fRequestBufferBytesLeft, dummy);
void GenericMediaServer::ClientConnection::resetRequestBuffer() {
fRequestBytesAlreadySeen = 0;
fRequestBufferBytesLeft = sizeof fRequestBuffer;
////////// GenericMediaServer::ClientSession implementation //////////
::ClientSession(GenericMediaServer& ourServer, u_int32_t sessionId)
: fOurServer(ourServer), fOurSessionId(sessionId), fOurServerMediaSession(NULL),
fLivenessCheckTask(NULL) {
GenericMediaServer::ClientSession::~ClientSession() {
// Turn off any liveness checking:
// Remove ourself from the server's 'client sessions' hash table before we go:
char sessionIdStr[8+1];
sprintf(sessionIdStr, "%08X", fOurSessionId);
if (fOurServerMediaSession != NULL) {
if (fOurServerMediaSession->referenceCount() == 0
&& fOurServerMediaSession->deleteWhenUnreferenced()) {
fOurServerMediaSession = NULL;
void GenericMediaServer::ClientSession::noteLiveness() {
#ifdef DEBUG
char const* streamName
= (fOurServerMediaSession == NULL) ? "???" : fOurServerMediaSession->streamName();
fprintf(stderr, "Client session (id \"%08X\", stream name \"%s\"): Liveness indication\n",
fOurSessionId, streamName);
if (fOurServerMediaSession != NULL) fOurServerMediaSession->noteLiveness();
if (fOurServer.fReclamationSeconds > 0) {
(TaskFunc*)livenessTimeoutTask, this);
void GenericMediaServer::ClientSession::noteClientLiveness(ClientSession* clientSession) {
void GenericMediaServer::ClientSession::livenessTimeoutTask(ClientSession* clientSession) {
// If this gets called, the client session is assumed to have timed out, so delete it:
#ifdef DEBUG
char const* streamName
= (clientSession->fOurServerMediaSession == NULL) ? "???" : clientSession->fOurServerMediaSession->streamName();
fprintf(stderr, "Client session (id \"%08X\", stream name \"%s\") has timed out (due to inactivity)\n",
clientSession->fOurSessionId, streamName);
clientSession->fLivenessCheckTask = NULL;
delete clientSession;
GenericMediaServer::ClientSession* GenericMediaServer::createNewClientSessionWithId() {
u_int32_t sessionId;
char sessionIdStr[8+1];
// Choose a random (unused) 32-bit integer for the session id
// (it will be encoded as a 8-digit hex number). (We avoid choosing session id 0,
// because that has a special use by some servers. Similarly, we avoid choosing the same
// session id twice in a row.)
do {
sessionId = (u_int32_t)our_random32();
snprintf(sessionIdStr, sizeof sessionIdStr, "%08X", sessionId);
} while (sessionId == 0 || sessionId == fPreviousClientSessionId
|| lookupClientSession(sessionIdStr) != NULL);
fPreviousClientSessionId = sessionId;
ClientSession* clientSession = createNewClientSession(sessionId);
if (clientSession != NULL) fClientSessions->Add(sessionIdStr, clientSession);
return clientSession;
GenericMediaServer::lookupClientSession(u_int32_t sessionId) {
char sessionIdStr[8+1];
snprintf(sessionIdStr, sizeof sessionIdStr, "%08X", sessionId);
return lookupClientSession(sessionIdStr);
GenericMediaServer::lookupClientSession(char const* sessionIdStr) {
return (GenericMediaServer::ClientSession*)fClientSessions->Lookup(sessionIdStr);
////////// ServerMediaSessionIterator implementation //////////
::ServerMediaSessionIterator(GenericMediaServer& server)
: fOurIterator((server.fServerMediaSessions == NULL)
? NULL : HashTable::Iterator::create(*server.fServerMediaSessions)) {
GenericMediaServer::ServerMediaSessionIterator::~ServerMediaSessionIterator() {
delete fOurIterator;
ServerMediaSession* GenericMediaServer::ServerMediaSessionIterator::next() {
if (fOurIterator == NULL) return NULL;
char const* key; // dummy
return (ServerMediaSession*)(fOurIterator->next(key));
////////// UserAuthenticationDatabase implementation //////////
UserAuthenticationDatabase::UserAuthenticationDatabase(char const* realm,
Boolean passwordsAreMD5)
: fTable(HashTable::create(STRING_HASH_KEYS)),
fRealm(strDup(realm == NULL ? "LIVE555 Streaming Media" : realm)),
fPasswordsAreMD5(passwordsAreMD5) {
UserAuthenticationDatabase::~UserAuthenticationDatabase() {
delete[] fRealm;
// Delete the allocated 'password' strings that we stored in the table, and then the table itself:
char* password;
while ((password = (char*)fTable->RemoveNext()) != NULL) {
delete[] password;
delete fTable;
void UserAuthenticationDatabase::addUserRecord(char const* username,
char const* password) {
char* oldPassword = (char*)fTable->Add(username, (void*)(strDup(password)));
delete[] oldPassword; // if any
void UserAuthenticationDatabase::removeUserRecord(char const* username) {
char* password = (char*)(fTable->Lookup(username));
delete[] password;
char const* UserAuthenticationDatabase::lookupPassword(char const* username) {
return (char const*)(fTable->Lookup(username));