blob: 01bf52f7da1985a796590ba9a984cb5f4ae12235 [file] [log] [blame]
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version. (See <>.)
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// "liveMedia"
// Copyright (c) 1996-2020 Live Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
// A class encapsulating the state of a MP3 stream
// Implementation
#include "MP3StreamState.hh"
#include "InputFile.hh"
#include "GroupsockHelper.hh"
#if defined(__WIN32__) || defined(_WIN32)
#define snprintf _snprintf
#if _MSC_VER >= 1400 // 1400 == vs2005
#define fileno _fileno
#define MILLION 1000000
MP3StreamState::MP3StreamState(UsageEnvironment& env)
: fEnv(env), fFid(NULL), fPresentationTimeScale(1) {
MP3StreamState::~MP3StreamState() {
// Close our open file or socket:
if (fFid != NULL && fFid != stdin) {
if (fFidIsReallyASocket) {
intptr_t fid_long = (intptr_t)fFid;
} else {
void MP3StreamState::assignStream(FILE* fid, unsigned fileSize) {
fFid = fid;
if (fileSize == (unsigned)(-1)) { /*HACK#####*/
fFidIsReallyASocket = 1;
fFileSize = 0;
} else {
fFidIsReallyASocket = 0;
fFileSize = fileSize;
fNumFramesInFile = 0; // until we know otherwise
fIsVBR = fHasXingTOC = False; // ditto
// Set the first frame's 'presentation time' to the current wall time:
gettimeofday(&fNextFramePresentationTime, NULL);
struct timeval MP3StreamState::currentFramePlayTime() const {
unsigned const numSamples = 1152;
unsigned const freq = fr().samplingFreq*(1 + fr().isMPEG2);
// result is numSamples/freq
unsigned const uSeconds
= ((numSamples*2*MILLION)/freq + 1)/2; // rounds to nearest integer
struct timeval result;
result.tv_sec = uSeconds/MILLION;
result.tv_usec = uSeconds%MILLION;
return result;
float MP3StreamState::filePlayTime() const {
unsigned numFramesInFile = fNumFramesInFile;
if (numFramesInFile == 0) {
// Estimate the number of frames from the file size, and the
// size of the current frame:
numFramesInFile = fFileSize/(4 + fCurrentFrame.frameSize);
struct timeval const pt = currentFramePlayTime();
return numFramesInFile*(pt.tv_sec + pt.tv_usec/(float)MILLION);
unsigned MP3StreamState::getByteNumberFromPositionFraction(float fraction) {
if (fHasXingTOC) {
// The file is VBR, with a Xing TOC; use it to determine which byte to seek to:
float percent = fraction*100.0f;
unsigned a = (unsigned)percent;
if (a > 99) a = 99;
unsigned fa = fXingTOC[a];
unsigned fb;
if (a < 99) {
fb = fXingTOC[a+1];
} else {
fb = 256;
fraction = (fa + (fb-fa)*(percent-a))/256.0f;
return (unsigned)(fraction*fFileSize);
void MP3StreamState::seekWithinFile(unsigned seekByteNumber) {
if (fFidIsReallyASocket) return; // it's not seekable
SeekFile64(fFid, seekByteNumber, SEEK_SET);
unsigned MP3StreamState::findNextHeader(struct timeval& presentationTime) {
presentationTime = fNextFramePresentationTime;
if (!findNextFrame()) return 0;
// From this frame, figure out the *next* frame's presentation time:
struct timeval framePlayTime = currentFramePlayTime();
if (fPresentationTimeScale > 1) {
// Scale this value
unsigned secondsRem = framePlayTime.tv_sec % fPresentationTimeScale;
framePlayTime.tv_sec -= secondsRem;
framePlayTime.tv_usec += secondsRem*MILLION;
framePlayTime.tv_sec /= fPresentationTimeScale;
framePlayTime.tv_usec /= fPresentationTimeScale;
fNextFramePresentationTime.tv_usec += framePlayTime.tv_usec;
+= framePlayTime.tv_sec + fNextFramePresentationTime.tv_usec/MILLION;
fNextFramePresentationTime.tv_usec %= MILLION;
return fr().hdr;
Boolean MP3StreamState::readFrame(unsigned char* outBuf, unsigned outBufSize,
unsigned& resultFrameSize,
unsigned& resultDurationInMicroseconds) {
/* We assume that "mp3FindNextHeader()" has already been called */
resultFrameSize = 4 + fr().frameSize;
if (outBufSize < resultFrameSize) {
fprintf(stderr, "Insufficient buffer size for reading input frame (%d, need %d)\n",
outBufSize, resultFrameSize);
if (outBufSize < 4) outBufSize = 0;
resultFrameSize = outBufSize;
return False;
if (resultFrameSize >= 4) {
unsigned& hdr = fr().hdr;
*outBuf++ = (unsigned char)(hdr>>24);
*outBuf++ = (unsigned char)(hdr>>16);
*outBuf++ = (unsigned char)(hdr>>8);
*outBuf++ = (unsigned char)(hdr);
memmove(outBuf, fr().frameBytes, resultFrameSize-4);
struct timeval const pt = currentFramePlayTime();
resultDurationInMicroseconds = pt.tv_sec*MILLION + pt.tv_usec;
return True;
void MP3StreamState::getAttributes(char* buffer, unsigned bufferSize) const {
char const* formatStr
= "bandwidth %d MPEGnumber %d MPEGlayer %d samplingFrequency %d isStereo %d playTime %d isVBR %d";
unsigned fpt = (unsigned)(filePlayTime() + 0.5); // rounds to nearest integer
#if defined(IRIX) || defined(ALPHA) || defined(_QNX4) || defined(IMN_PIM) || defined(CRIS)
/* snprintf() isn't defined, so just use sprintf() - ugh! */
sprintf(buffer, formatStr,
fr().bitrate, fr().isMPEG2 ? 2 : 1, fr().layer, fr().samplingFreq, fr().isStereo,
fpt, fIsVBR);
snprintf(buffer, bufferSize, formatStr,
fr().bitrate, fr().isMPEG2 ? 2 : 1, fr().layer, fr().samplingFreq, fr().isStereo,
fpt, fIsVBR);
// This is crufty old code that needs to be cleaned up #####
#define HDRCMPMASK 0xfffffd00
Boolean MP3StreamState::findNextFrame() {
unsigned char hbuf[8];
unsigned l; int i;
int attempt = 0;
if (readFromStream(hbuf, 4) != 4) return False;
fr().hdr = ((unsigned long) hbuf[0] << 24)
| ((unsigned long) hbuf[1] << 16)
| ((unsigned long) hbuf[2] << 8)
| (unsigned long) hbuf[3];
fprintf(stderr, "fr().hdr: 0x%08x\n", fr().hdr);
if (fr().oldHdr != fr().hdr || !fr().oldHdr) {
i = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "init_resync: fr().hdr: 0x%08x\n", fr().hdr);
if ( (fr().hdr & 0xffe00000) != 0xffe00000
|| (fr().hdr & 0x00060000) == 0 // undefined 'layer' field
|| (fr().hdr & 0x0000F000) == 0 // 'free format' bitrate index
|| (fr().hdr & 0x0000F000) == 0x0000F000 // undefined bitrate index
|| (fr().hdr & 0x00000C00) == 0x00000C00 // undefined frequency index
|| (fr().hdr & 0x00000003) != 0x00000000 // 'emphasis' field unexpectedly set
) {
/* RSF: Do the following test even if we're not at the
start of the file, in case we have two or more
separate MP3 files cat'ed together:
/* Check for RIFF hdr */
if (fr().hdr == ('R'<<24)+('I'<<16)+('F'<<8)+'F') {
unsigned char buf[70 /*was: 40*/];
fprintf(stderr,"Skipped RIFF header\n");
readFromStream(buf, 66); /* already read 4 */
goto read_again;
/* Check for ID3 hdr */
if ((fr().hdr&0xFFFFFF00) == ('I'<<24)+('D'<<16)+('3'<<8)) {
unsigned tagSize, bytesToSkip;
unsigned char buf[1000];
readFromStream(buf, 6); /* already read 4 */
tagSize = ((buf[2]&0x7F)<<21) + ((buf[3]&0x7F)<<14) + ((buf[4]&0x7F)<<7) + (buf[5]&0x7F);
bytesToSkip = tagSize;
while (bytesToSkip > 0) {
unsigned bytesToRead = sizeof buf;
if (bytesToRead > bytesToSkip) {
bytesToRead = bytesToSkip;
readFromStream(buf, bytesToRead);
bytesToSkip -= bytesToRead;
fprintf(stderr,"Skipped %d-byte ID3 header\n", tagSize);
goto read_again;
/* give up after 20,000 bytes */
if (i++ < 20000/*4096*//*1024*/) {
memmove (&hbuf[0], &hbuf[1], 3);
if (readFromStream(hbuf+3,1) != 1) {
return False;
fr().hdr <<= 8;
fr().hdr |= hbuf[3];
fr().hdr &= 0xffffffff;
fprintf(stderr, "calling init_resync %d\n", i);
goto init_resync;
fprintf(stderr,"Giving up searching valid MPEG header\n");
return False;
fprintf(stderr,"Illegal Audio-MPEG-Header 0x%08lx at offset 0x%lx.\n",
/* Read more bytes until we find something that looks
reasonably like a valid header. This is not a
perfect strategy, but it should get us back on the
track within a short time (and hopefully without
too much distortion in the audio output). */
do {
memmove (&hbuf[0], &hbuf[1], 7);
if (readFromStream(&hbuf[3],1) != 1) {
return False;
/* This is faster than combining fr().hdr from scratch */
fr().hdr = ((fr().hdr << 8) | hbuf[3]) & 0xffffffff;
if (!fr().oldHdr)
goto init_resync; /* "considered harmful", eh? */
} while ((fr().hdr & HDRCMPMASK) != (fr().oldHdr & HDRCMPMASK)
&& (fr().hdr & HDRCMPMASK) != (fr().firstHdr & HDRCMPMASK));
fprintf (stderr, "Skipped %d bytes in input.\n", attempt);
if (!fr().firstHdr) {
fr().firstHdr = fr().hdr;
fr().setBytePointer(fr().frameBytes, fr().frameSize);
fr().oldHdr = fr().hdr;
if (fr().isFreeFormat) {
fprintf(stderr,"Free format not supported.\n");
return False;
#ifdef MP3_ONLY
if (fr().layer != 3) {
fprintf(stderr, "MPEG layer %d is not supported!\n", fr().layer);
return False;
if ((l = readFromStream(fr().frameBytes, fr().frameSize))
!= fr().frameSize) {
if (l == 0) return False;
memset(fr().frameBytes+1, 0, fr().frameSize-1);
return True;
static Boolean socketIsReadable(int socket) {
const unsigned numFds = socket+1;
fd_set rd_set;
FD_SET((unsigned)socket, &rd_set);
struct timeval timeout;
timeout.tv_sec = timeout.tv_usec = 0;
int result = select(numFds, &rd_set, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
return result != 0; // not > 0, because windows can return -1 for file sockets
static char watchVariable;
static void checkFunc(void* /*clientData*/) {
watchVariable = ~0;
static void waitUntilSocketIsReadable(UsageEnvironment& env, int socket) {
while (!socketIsReadable(socket)) {
// Delay a short period of time before checking again.
unsigned usecsToDelay = 1000; // 1 ms
(TaskFunc*)checkFunc, (void*)NULL);
watchVariable = 0;
// This allows other tasks to run while we're waiting:
unsigned MP3StreamState::readFromStream(unsigned char* buf,
unsigned numChars) {
// Hack for doing socket I/O instead of file I/O (e.g., on Windows)
if (fFidIsReallyASocket) {
intptr_t fid_long = (intptr_t)fFid;
int sock = (int)fid_long;
unsigned totBytesRead = 0;
do {
waitUntilSocketIsReadable(fEnv, sock);
int bytesRead
= recv(sock, &((char*)buf)[totBytesRead], numChars-totBytesRead, 0);
if (bytesRead < 0) return 0;
totBytesRead += (unsigned)bytesRead;
} while (totBytesRead < numChars);
return totBytesRead;
} else {
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
waitUntilSocketIsReadable(fEnv, (int)fileno(fFid));
return fread(buf, 1, numChars, fFid);
#define XING_FRAMES_FLAG 0x0001
#define XING_BYTES_FLAG 0x0002
#define XING_TOC_FLAG 0x0004
#define XING_VBR_SCALE_FLAG 0x0008
void MP3StreamState::checkForXingHeader() {
// Look for 'Xing' in the first 4 bytes after the 'side info':
if (fr().frameSize < fr().sideInfoSize) return;
unsigned bytesAvailable = fr().frameSize - fr().sideInfoSize;
unsigned char* p = &(fr().frameBytes[fr().sideInfoSize]);
if (bytesAvailable < 8) return;
if (p[0] != 'X' || p[1] != 'i' || p[2] != 'n' || p[3] != 'g') return;
// We found it.
fIsVBR = True;
u_int32_t flags = (p[4]<<24) | (p[5]<<16) | (p[6]<<8) | p[7];
unsigned i = 8;
bytesAvailable -= 8;
if (flags&XING_FRAMES_FLAG) {
// The next 4 bytes are the number of frames:
if (bytesAvailable < 4) return;
fNumFramesInFile = (p[i]<<24)|(p[i+1]<<16)|(p[i+2]<<8)|(p[i+3]);
i += 4; bytesAvailable -= 4;
if (flags&XING_BYTES_FLAG) {
// The next 4 bytes is the file size:
if (bytesAvailable < 4) return;
fFileSize = (p[i]<<24)|(p[i+1]<<16)|(p[i+2]<<8)|(p[i+3]);
i += 4; bytesAvailable -= 4;
if (flags&XING_TOC_FLAG) {
// Fill in the Xing 'table of contents':
if (bytesAvailable < XING_TOC_LENGTH) return;
fHasXingTOC = True;
for (unsigned j = 0; j < XING_TOC_LENGTH; ++j) {
fXingTOC[j] = p[i+j];
i += XING_TOC_FLAG; bytesAvailable -= XING_TOC_FLAG;