blob: 76d22209b3608b4507cd67253db430bf81d217b5 [file] [log] [blame]
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version. (See <>.)
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// "liveMedia"
// Copyright (c) 1996-2020 Live Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
// A parser for a MPEG Transport Stream
// Implementation
#include "MPEG2TransportStreamParser.hh"
#define NUM_PIDS 0x10000
StreamType StreamTypes[0x100];
::MPEG2TransportStreamParser(FramedSource* inputSource,
FramedSource::onCloseFunc* onEndFunc, void* onEndClientData)
: StreamParser(inputSource, onEndFunc, onEndClientData, continueParsing, this),
fInputSource(inputSource), fAmCurrentlyParsing(False),
fOnEndFunc(onEndFunc), fOnEndClientData(onEndClientData),
fLastSeenPCR(0.0) {
if (StreamTypes[0x01].dataType == StreamType::UNKNOWN) { // initialize array with known values
StreamTypes[0x01] = StreamType("MPEG-1 video", StreamType::VIDEO, ".mpv");
StreamTypes[0x02] = StreamType("MPEG-2 video", StreamType::VIDEO, ".mpv");
StreamTypes[0x03] = StreamType("MPEG-1 audio", StreamType::AUDIO, ".mpa");
StreamTypes[0x04] = StreamType("MPEG-2 audio", StreamType::AUDIO, ".mpa");
StreamTypes[0x05] = StreamType("privately-defined data", StreamType::DATA);
StreamTypes[0x06] = StreamType("privately-defined data", StreamType::DATA);
StreamTypes[0x0F] = StreamType("AAC audio", StreamType::AUDIO, ".aac");
StreamTypes[0x10] = StreamType("MPEG-4 H.263 based video", StreamType::VIDEO, ".mpv");
StreamTypes[0x1B] = StreamType("H.264 video", StreamType::VIDEO, ".h264");
StreamTypes[0x1C] = StreamType("MPEG-4 raw audio", StreamType::AUDIO, ".mpa");
StreamTypes[0x1D] = StreamType("MPEG-4 text", StreamType::TEXT, ".txt");
StreamTypes[0x21] = StreamType("JPEG 2000 video", StreamType::VIDEO, ".mjpg");
StreamTypes[0x24] = StreamType("H.265 video", StreamType::VIDEO, ".h265");
StreamTypes[0x81] = StreamType("AC-3 audio", StreamType::AUDIO, ".ac3");
// Create our 'PID state' array:
fPIDState = new PIDState*[NUM_PIDS];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < NUM_PIDS; ++i) fPIDState[i] = NULL;
// Initially, the only PID we know is 0x0000: a Program Association Table:
fPIDState[0x0000] = new PIDState_PAT(*this, 0x0000);
// Begin parsing:
MPEG2TransportStreamParser::~MPEG2TransportStreamParser() {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < NUM_PIDS; ++i) delete fPIDState[i];
delete[] fPIDState;
UsageEnvironment& MPEG2TransportStreamParser::envir() {
return fInputSource->envir();
void MPEG2TransportStreamParser
::continueParsing(void* clientData, unsigned char* ptr, unsigned size, struct timeval presentationTime) {
void MPEG2TransportStreamParser::continueParsing() {
if (fAmCurrentlyParsing) return; // don't allow recursive calls to parse()
if (fInputSource != NULL) {
fAmCurrentlyParsing = True;
Boolean parseSucceeded = parse();
fAmCurrentlyParsing = False;
if (!parseSucceeded) {
// We didn't complete the parsing, because we had to read more data from the source,
// or because we're waiting for another read from downstream.
// Once that happens, we'll get called again.
// We successfully parsed the file. Call our 'done' function now:
if (fOnEndFunc != NULL) (*fOnEndFunc)(fOnEndClientData);
Boolean MPEG2TransportStreamParser::parse() {
if (fInputSource->isCurrentlyAwaitingData()) return False;
// Our input source is currently being read. Wait until that read completes
try {
while (1) {
// Make sure we start with a 'sync byte':
do {
} while (get1Byte() != TRANSPORT_SYNC_BYTE);
// Parse and process each (remaining 187 bytes of a) 'Transport Stream Packet' at a time.
// (Because these are a lot smaller than the "StreamParser" BANK_SIZE, we don't save
// parser state in the middle of processing each such 'Transport Stream Packet'.
// Therefore, processing of each 'Transport Stream Packet' needs to be idempotent.)
u_int16_t flagsPlusPID = get2Bytes();
// Check the "transport_error_indicator" flag; reject the packet if it's set:
if ((flagsPlusPID&0x8000) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "MPEG2TransportStreamParser::parse() Rejected packet with \"transport_error_indicator\" flag set!\n");
Boolean pusi = (flagsPlusPID&0x4000) != 0; // payload_unit_start_indicator
// Ignore "transport_priority"
u_int16_t PID = flagsPlusPID&0x1FFF;
fprintf(stderr, "\nTransport Packet: payload_unit_start_indicator: %d; PID: 0x%04x\n",
pusi, PID);
u_int8_t controlPlusContinuity_counter = get1Byte();
// Reject any packets where the "transport_scrambling_control" field is not zero:
if ((controlPlusContinuity_counter&0xC0) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "MPEG2TransportStreamParser::parse() Rejected packet with \"transport_scrambling_control\" set to non-zero value %d!\n", (controlPlusContinuity_counter&0xC0)>>6);
u_int8_t adaptation_field_control = (controlPlusContinuity_counter&0x30)>>4; // 2 bits
u_int8_t continuity_counter = (controlPlusContinuity_counter&0x0F); // 4 bits
fprintf(stderr, "adaptation_field_control: %d; continuity_counter: 0x%X\n", adaptation_field_control, continuity_counter);
u_int8_t totalAdaptationFieldSize = adaptation_field_control < 2 ? 0 : parseAdaptationField();
if (adaptation_field_control == 2 && totalAdaptationFieldSize != 1+183) {
fprintf(stderr, "MPEG2TransportStreamParser::parse() Warning: Got an inconsistent \"totalAdaptationFieldSize\" %d for adaptation_field_control == 2\n", totalAdaptationFieldSize);
int numDataBytes = TRANSPORT_PACKET_SIZE-4-totalAdaptationFieldSize;
if (numDataBytes > 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "+%d data bytes:\n", numDataBytes);
if (!processDataBytes(PID, pusi, numDataBytes)) {
// The parsing got deferred (to be resumed later when a pending read happens)
restoreSavedParserState(); // so that we later resume parsing at the start of the packet
return False;
} catch (int /*e*/) {
fprintf(stderr, "MPEG2TransportStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not* an error)\n");
return False; // the parsing got interrupted
u_int8_t MPEG2TransportStreamParser::parseAdaptationField() {
unsigned startPos = curOffset();
fprintf(stderr, "\tAdaptation Field:\n");
u_int8_t adaptation_field_length = get1Byte();
fprintf(stderr, "\t\tadaptation_field_length: %d\n", adaptation_field_length);
if (adaptation_field_length > 0) {
u_int8_t flags = get1Byte();
fprintf(stderr, "\t\tadaptation field flags: 0x%02x\n", flags);
if ((flags&0x10) != 0) { // PCR_flag
u_int32_t first32PCRBits = get4Bytes();
u_int16_t last16PCRBits = get2Bytes();
// program_clock_reference_base = "first32PCRBits" and high bit of "last16PCRBits" (33 bits)
// program_clock_reference_extension = last 9 bits of "last16PCRBits" (9 bits)
double PCR = first32PCRBits/45000.0;
if ((last16PCRBits&0x8000) != 0) PCR += 1/90000.0; // add in low-bit (if set)
PCR += (last16PCRBits&0x01FF)/27000000.0; // add in extension
fprintf(stderr, "\t\tPCR: %.10f\n", PCR);
if ((flags&0x08) != 0) { // OPCR_flag
u_int32_t first32OPCRBits = get4Bytes();
u_int16_t last16OPCRBits = get2Bytes();
// original_program_clock_reference_base = "first32OPCRBits" and high bit of "last16OPCRBits" (33 bits)
// original_program_clock_reference_extension = last 9 bits of "last16OPCRBits" (9 bits)
double OPCR = first32OPCRBits/45000.0;
if ((last16OPCRBits&0x8000) != 0) OPCR += 1/90000.0; // add in low-bit (if set)
OPCR += (last16OPCRBits&0x01FF)/27000000.0; // add in extension
fprintf(stderr, "\t\tOPCR: %.10f\n", OPCR);
if ((flags&0x04) != 0) { // splicing_point_flag
skipBytes(1); // splice_countdown
if ((flags&0x02) != 0) { // transport_private_data_flag
u_int8_t transport_private_data_length = get1Byte();
fprintf(stderr, "\t\ttransport_private_data_length: %d\n", transport_private_data_length);
skipBytes(transport_private_data_length); // "private_data_byte"s
if ((flags&0x01) != 0) { // adaptation_field_extension_flag
u_int8_t adaptation_field_extension_length = get1Byte();
fprintf(stderr, "\t\tadaptation_field_extension_length: %d\n", adaptation_field_extension_length);
skipBytes(1); // adaptation_field_extension_length
u_int8_t flagsPlusReserved = get1Byte();
fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\tflagsPlusReserved: 0x%02x\n", flagsPlusReserved);
if ((flagsPlusReserved&0x80) != 0) { // ltw_flag
skipBytes(2); // "ltw_valid_flag" + "ltw_offset"
if ((flagsPlusReserved&0x40) != 0) { // piecewise_rate_flag
skipBytes(3); // reserved + "piecewise_rate"
if ((flagsPlusReserved&0x20) != 0) { // seamless_splice_flag
skipBytes(5); // DTS_next_...
// Skip reserved bytes to the end of the adaptation_field:
int numBytesLeft = (1 + adaptation_field_length) - (curOffset() - startPos);
if (numBytesLeft > 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "\t\t+%d reserved bytes\n", numBytesLeft);
// Skip "stuffing_byte"s to the end of the adaptation_field:
int numBytesLeft = (1 + adaptation_field_length) - (curOffset() - startPos);
if (numBytesLeft > 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "\t\t+%d stuffing bytes\n", numBytesLeft);
for (int i = 0; i < numBytesLeft; ++i) {
if (get1Byte() != 0xFF) {
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: non-stuffing byte in adaptation_field\n");
// Finally, figure out how many bytes we parsed, and compare it to what we expected:
unsigned totalAdaptationFieldSize = curOffset() - startPos;
if (totalAdaptationFieldSize != 1 + adaptation_field_length) {
fprintf(stderr, "MPEG2TransportStreamParser::parseAdaptationField() Warning: Got an inconsistent \"totalAdaptationFieldSize\" %d; expected %d\n", totalAdaptationFieldSize, 1 + adaptation_field_length);
return totalAdaptationFieldSize;
Boolean MPEG2TransportStreamParser
::processDataBytes(u_int16_t PID, Boolean pusi, unsigned numDataBytes) {
PIDState* pidState = fPIDState[PID];
if (pidState == NULL) { // unknown PID
fprintf(stderr, "\tUnknown PID\n");
return True;
switch (pidState->type) {
case PAT: {
parsePAT(pusi, numDataBytes);
return True;
case PMT: {
parsePMT((PIDState_PMT*)pidState, pusi, numDataBytes);
return True;
case STREAM: {
return processStreamPacket((PIDState_STREAM*)pidState, pusi, numDataBytes);
default: { // Never reached, but eliminates a possible error with dumb compilers
return False;
void MPEG2TransportStreamParser::restoreSavedParserState() {
fAmCurrentlyParsing = False;
//########## PIDState implementation ##########
PIDState::PIDState(MPEG2TransportStreamParser& parser, u_int16_t pid, PIDType pidType)
: ourParser(parser), PID(pid), type(pidType) {
PIDState::~PIDState() {
//######### StreamType implementation ########
::StreamType(char const* description, enum dataType dataType, char const* filenameSuffix)
: description(description), dataType(dataType), filenameSuffix(filenameSuffix) {