blob: 7905bc18779c0beeecbd8c639adf5e80235555bc [file] [log] [blame]
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version. (See <>.)
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// "liveMedia"
// Copyright (c) 1996-2020 Live Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Media
// Implementation
#include "Media.hh"
#include "HashTable.hh"
////////// Medium //////////
Medium::Medium(UsageEnvironment& env)
: fEnviron(env), fNextTask(NULL) {
// First generate a name for the new medium:
MediaLookupTable::ourMedia(env)->generateNewName(fMediumName, mediumNameMaxLen);
// Then add it to our table:
MediaLookupTable::ourMedia(env)->addNew(this, fMediumName);
Medium::~Medium() {
// Remove any tasks that might be pending for us:
Boolean Medium::lookupByName(UsageEnvironment& env, char const* mediumName,
Medium*& resultMedium) {
resultMedium = MediaLookupTable::ourMedia(env)->lookup(mediumName);
if (resultMedium == NULL) {
env.setResultMsg("Medium ", mediumName, " does not exist");
return False;
return True;
void Medium::close(UsageEnvironment& env, char const* name) {
void Medium::close(Medium* medium) {
if (medium == NULL) return;
close(medium->envir(), medium->name());
Boolean Medium::isSource() const {
return False; // default implementation
Boolean Medium::isSink() const {
return False; // default implementation
Boolean Medium::isRTCPInstance() const {
return False; // default implementation
Boolean Medium::isRTSPClient() const {
return False; // default implementation
Boolean Medium::isRTSPServer() const {
return False; // default implementation
Boolean Medium::isMediaSession() const {
return False; // default implementation
Boolean Medium::isServerMediaSession() const {
return False; // default implementation
////////// _Tables implementation //////////
_Tables* _Tables::getOurTables(UsageEnvironment& env, Boolean createIfNotPresent) {
if (env.liveMediaPriv == NULL && createIfNotPresent) {
env.liveMediaPriv = new _Tables(env);
return (_Tables*)(env.liveMediaPriv);
void _Tables::reclaimIfPossible() {
if (mediaTable == NULL && socketTable == NULL) {
fEnv.liveMediaPriv = NULL;
delete this;
_Tables::_Tables(UsageEnvironment& env)
: mediaTable(NULL), socketTable(NULL), fEnv(env) {
_Tables::~_Tables() {
////////// MediaLookupTable implementation //////////
MediaLookupTable* MediaLookupTable::ourMedia(UsageEnvironment& env) {
_Tables* ourTables = _Tables::getOurTables(env);
if (ourTables->mediaTable == NULL) {
// Create a new table to record the media that are to be created in
// this environment:
ourTables->mediaTable = new MediaLookupTable(env);
return ourTables->mediaTable;
Medium* MediaLookupTable::lookup(char const* name) const {
return (Medium*)(fTable->Lookup(name));
void MediaLookupTable::addNew(Medium* medium, char* mediumName) {
fTable->Add(mediumName, (void*)medium);
void MediaLookupTable::remove(char const* name) {
Medium* medium = lookup(name);
if (medium != NULL) {
if (fTable->IsEmpty()) {
// We can also delete ourselves (to reclaim space):
_Tables* ourTables = _Tables::getOurTables(fEnv);
delete this;
ourTables->mediaTable = NULL;
delete medium;
void MediaLookupTable::generateNewName(char* mediumName,
unsigned /*maxLen*/) {
// We should really use snprintf() here, but not all systems have it
sprintf(mediumName, "liveMedia%d", fNameGenerator++);
MediaLookupTable::MediaLookupTable(UsageEnvironment& env)
: fEnv(env), fTable(HashTable::create(STRING_HASH_KEYS)), fNameGenerator(0) {
MediaLookupTable::~MediaLookupTable() {
delete fTable;