blob: 15f8cd0302634959590d89747455080076c09df9 [file] [log] [blame]
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version. (See <>.)
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// "liveMedia"
// Copyright (c) 1996-2020 Live Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
// RTP source for a common kind of payload format: Those that pack multiple,
// complete codec frames (as many as possible) into each RTP packet.
// Implementation
#include "MultiFramedRTPSource.hh"
#include "RTCP.hh"
#include "GroupsockHelper.hh"
#include <string.h>
////////// ReorderingPacketBuffer definition //////////
class ReorderingPacketBuffer {
ReorderingPacketBuffer(BufferedPacketFactory* packetFactory);
virtual ~ReorderingPacketBuffer();
void reset();
BufferedPacket* getFreePacket(MultiFramedRTPSource* ourSource);
Boolean storePacket(BufferedPacket* bPacket);
BufferedPacket* getNextCompletedPacket(Boolean& packetLossPreceded);
void releaseUsedPacket(BufferedPacket* packet);
void freePacket(BufferedPacket* packet) {
if (packet != fSavedPacket) {
delete packet;
} else {
fSavedPacketFree = True;
Boolean isEmpty() const { return fHeadPacket == NULL; }
void setThresholdTime(unsigned uSeconds) { fThresholdTime = uSeconds; }
void resetHaveSeenFirstPacket() { fHaveSeenFirstPacket = False; }
BufferedPacketFactory* fPacketFactory;
unsigned fThresholdTime; // uSeconds
Boolean fHaveSeenFirstPacket; // used to set initial "fNextExpectedSeqNo"
unsigned short fNextExpectedSeqNo;
BufferedPacket* fHeadPacket;
BufferedPacket* fTailPacket;
BufferedPacket* fSavedPacket;
// to avoid calling new/free in the common case
Boolean fSavedPacketFree;
////////// MultiFramedRTPSource implementation //////////
::MultiFramedRTPSource(UsageEnvironment& env, Groupsock* RTPgs,
unsigned char rtpPayloadFormat,
unsigned rtpTimestampFrequency,
BufferedPacketFactory* packetFactory)
: RTPSource(env, RTPgs, rtpPayloadFormat, rtpTimestampFrequency) {
fReorderingBuffer = new ReorderingPacketBuffer(packetFactory);
// Try to use a big receive buffer for RTP:
increaseReceiveBufferTo(env, RTPgs->socketNum(), 50*1024);
void MultiFramedRTPSource::reset() {
fCurrentPacketBeginsFrame = True; // by default
fCurrentPacketCompletesFrame = True; // by default
fAreDoingNetworkReads = False;
fPacketReadInProgress = NULL;
fNeedDelivery = False;
fPacketLossInFragmentedFrame = False;
MultiFramedRTPSource::~MultiFramedRTPSource() {
delete fReorderingBuffer;
Boolean MultiFramedRTPSource
::processSpecialHeader(BufferedPacket* /*packet*/,
unsigned& resultSpecialHeaderSize) {
// Default implementation: Assume no special header:
resultSpecialHeaderSize = 0;
return True;
Boolean MultiFramedRTPSource
::packetIsUsableInJitterCalculation(unsigned char* /*packet*/,
unsigned /*packetSize*/) {
// Default implementation:
return True;
void MultiFramedRTPSource::doStopGettingFrames() {
if (fPacketReadInProgress != NULL) {
fPacketReadInProgress = NULL;
void MultiFramedRTPSource::doGetNextFrame() {
if (!fAreDoingNetworkReads) {
// Turn on background read handling of incoming packets:
fAreDoingNetworkReads = True;
TaskScheduler::BackgroundHandlerProc* handler
= (TaskScheduler::BackgroundHandlerProc*)&networkReadHandler;
fSavedTo = fTo;
fSavedMaxSize = fMaxSize;
fFrameSize = 0; // for now
fNeedDelivery = True;
void MultiFramedRTPSource::doGetNextFrame1() {
while (fNeedDelivery) {
// If we already have packet data available, then deliver it now.
Boolean packetLossPrecededThis;
BufferedPacket* nextPacket
= fReorderingBuffer->getNextCompletedPacket(packetLossPrecededThis);
if (nextPacket == NULL) break;
fNeedDelivery = False;
if (nextPacket->useCount() == 0) {
// Before using the packet, check whether it has a special header
// that needs to be processed:
unsigned specialHeaderSize;
if (!processSpecialHeader(nextPacket, specialHeaderSize)) {
// Something's wrong with the header; reject the packet:
fNeedDelivery = True;
// Check whether we're part of a multi-packet frame, and whether
// there was packet loss that would render this packet unusable:
if (fCurrentPacketBeginsFrame) {
if (packetLossPrecededThis || fPacketLossInFragmentedFrame) {
// We didn't get all of the previous frame.
// Forget any data that we used from it:
fTo = fSavedTo; fMaxSize = fSavedMaxSize;
fFrameSize = 0;
fPacketLossInFragmentedFrame = False;
} else if (packetLossPrecededThis) {
// We're in a multi-packet frame, with preceding packet loss
fPacketLossInFragmentedFrame = True;
if (fPacketLossInFragmentedFrame) {
// This packet is unusable; reject it:
fNeedDelivery = True;
// The packet is usable. Deliver all or part of it to our caller:
unsigned frameSize;
nextPacket->use(fTo, fMaxSize, frameSize, fNumTruncatedBytes,
fCurPacketRTPSeqNum, fCurPacketRTPTimestamp,
fPresentationTime, fCurPacketHasBeenSynchronizedUsingRTCP,
fFrameSize += frameSize;
if (!nextPacket->hasUsableData()) {
// We're completely done with this packet now
if (fCurrentPacketCompletesFrame && fFrameSize > 0) {
// We have all the data that the client wants.
if (fNumTruncatedBytes > 0) {
envir() << "MultiFramedRTPSource::doGetNextFrame1(): The total received frame size exceeds the client's buffer size ("
<< fSavedMaxSize << "). "
<< fNumTruncatedBytes << " bytes of trailing data will be dropped!\n";
// Call our own 'after getting' function, so that the downstream object can consume the data:
if (fReorderingBuffer->isEmpty()) {
// Common case optimization: There are no more queued incoming packets, so this code will not get
// executed again without having first returned to the event loop. Call our 'after getting' function
// directly, because there's no risk of a long chain of recursion (and thus stack overflow):
} else {
// Special case: Call our 'after getting' function via the event loop.
nextTask() = envir().taskScheduler().scheduleDelayedTask(0,
(TaskFunc*)FramedSource::afterGetting, this);
} else {
// This packet contained fragmented data, and does not complete
// the data that the client wants. Keep getting data:
fTo += frameSize; fMaxSize -= frameSize;
fNeedDelivery = True;
void MultiFramedRTPSource
::setPacketReorderingThresholdTime(unsigned uSeconds) {
#define ADVANCE(n) do { bPacket->skip(n); } while (0)
void MultiFramedRTPSource::networkReadHandler(MultiFramedRTPSource* source, int /*mask*/) {
void MultiFramedRTPSource::networkReadHandler1() {
BufferedPacket* bPacket = fPacketReadInProgress;
if (bPacket == NULL) {
// Normal case: Get a free BufferedPacket descriptor to hold the new network packet:
bPacket = fReorderingBuffer->getFreePacket(this);
// Read the network packet, and perform sanity checks on the RTP header:
Boolean readSuccess = False;
do {
struct sockaddr_in fromAddress;
Boolean packetReadWasIncomplete = fPacketReadInProgress != NULL;
if (!bPacket->fillInData(fRTPInterface, fromAddress, packetReadWasIncomplete)) {
if (bPacket->bytesAvailable() == 0) { // should not happen??
envir() << "MultiFramedRTPSource internal error: Hit limit when reading incoming packet over TCP\n";
fPacketReadInProgress = NULL;
if (packetReadWasIncomplete) {
// We need additional read(s) before we can process the incoming packet:
fPacketReadInProgress = bPacket;
} else {
fPacketReadInProgress = NULL;
#ifdef TEST_LOSS
// don't wait for 'lost' packets to arrive out-of-order later
if ((our_random()%10) == 0) break; // simulate 10% packet loss
if (fCrypto != NULL) { // The packet is SRTP; authenticate/decrypt it first
unsigned newPacketSize;
if (!fCrypto->processIncomingSRTPPacket(bPacket->data(), bPacket->dataSize(), newPacketSize)) break;
if (newPacketSize > bPacket->dataSize()) break; // sanity check; shouldn't happen
bPacket->removePadding(bPacket->dataSize() - newPacketSize); // treat MKI+auth as padding
// Check for the 12-byte RTP header:
if (bPacket->dataSize() < 12) break;
unsigned rtpHdr = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)(bPacket->data())); ADVANCE(4);
Boolean rtpMarkerBit = (rtpHdr&0x00800000) != 0;
unsigned rtpTimestamp = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)(bPacket->data()));ADVANCE(4);
unsigned rtpSSRC = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)(bPacket->data())); ADVANCE(4);
// Check the RTP version number (it should be 2):
if ((rtpHdr&0xC0000000) != 0x80000000) break;
// Check the Payload Type.
unsigned char rtpPayloadType = (unsigned char)((rtpHdr&0x007F0000)>>16);
if (rtpPayloadType != rtpPayloadFormat()) {
if (fRTCPInstanceForMultiplexedRTCPPackets != NULL
&& rtpPayloadType >= 64 && rtpPayloadType <= 95) {
// This is a multiplexed RTCP packet, and we've been asked to deliver such packets.
// Do so now:
->injectReport(bPacket->data()-12, bPacket->dataSize()+12, fromAddress);
// Skip over any CSRC identifiers in the header:
unsigned cc = (rtpHdr>>24)&0x0F;
if (bPacket->dataSize() < cc*4) break;
// Check for (& ignore) any RTP header extension
if (rtpHdr&0x10000000) {
if (bPacket->dataSize() < 4) break;
unsigned extHdr = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)(bPacket->data())); ADVANCE(4);
unsigned remExtSize = 4*(extHdr&0xFFFF);
if (bPacket->dataSize() < remExtSize) break;
// Discard any padding bytes:
if (rtpHdr&0x20000000) {
if (bPacket->dataSize() == 0) break;
unsigned numPaddingBytes
= (unsigned)(bPacket->data())[bPacket->dataSize()-1];
if (bPacket->dataSize() < numPaddingBytes) break;
// The rest of the packet is the usable data. Record and save it:
if (rtpSSRC != fLastReceivedSSRC) {
// The SSRC of incoming packets has changed. Unfortunately we don't yet handle streams that contain multiple SSRCs,
// but we can handle a single-SSRC stream where the SSRC changes occasionally:
fLastReceivedSSRC = rtpSSRC;
unsigned short rtpSeqNo = (unsigned short)(rtpHdr&0xFFFF);
Boolean usableInJitterCalculation
= packetIsUsableInJitterCalculation((bPacket->data()),
struct timeval presentationTime; // computed by:
Boolean hasBeenSyncedUsingRTCP; // computed by:
.noteIncomingPacket(rtpSSRC, rtpSeqNo, rtpTimestamp,
usableInJitterCalculation, presentationTime,
hasBeenSyncedUsingRTCP, bPacket->dataSize());
// Fill in the rest of the packet descriptor, and store it:
struct timeval timeNow;
gettimeofday(&timeNow, NULL);
bPacket->assignMiscParams(rtpSeqNo, rtpTimestamp, presentationTime,
hasBeenSyncedUsingRTCP, rtpMarkerBit,
if (!fReorderingBuffer->storePacket(bPacket)) break;
readSuccess = True;
} while (0);
if (!readSuccess) fReorderingBuffer->freePacket(bPacket);
// If we didn't get proper data this time, we'll get another chance
////////// BufferedPacket and BufferedPacketFactory implementation /////
#define MAX_PACKET_SIZE 65536
: fPacketSize(MAX_PACKET_SIZE),
fBuf(new unsigned char[MAX_PACKET_SIZE]),
fNextPacket(NULL) {
BufferedPacket::~BufferedPacket() {
delete fNextPacket;
delete[] fBuf;
void BufferedPacket::reset() {
fHead = fTail = 0;
fUseCount = 0;
fIsFirstPacket = False; // by default
// The following function has been deprecated:
unsigned BufferedPacket
::nextEnclosedFrameSize(unsigned char*& /*framePtr*/, unsigned dataSize) {
// By default, use the entire buffered data, even though it may consist
// of more than one frame, on the assumption that the client doesn't
// care. (This is more efficient than delivering a frame at a time)
return dataSize;
void BufferedPacket
::getNextEnclosedFrameParameters(unsigned char*& framePtr, unsigned dataSize,
unsigned& frameSize,
unsigned& frameDurationInMicroseconds) {
// By default, use the entire buffered data, even though it may consist
// of more than one frame, on the assumption that the client doesn't
// care. (This is more efficient than delivering a frame at a time)
// For backwards-compatibility with existing uses of (the now deprecated)
// "nextEnclosedFrameSize()", call that function to implement this one:
frameSize = nextEnclosedFrameSize(framePtr, dataSize);
frameDurationInMicroseconds = 0; // by default. Subclasses should correct this.
Boolean BufferedPacket::fillInData(RTPInterface& rtpInterface, struct sockaddr_in& fromAddress,
Boolean& packetReadWasIncomplete) {
if (!packetReadWasIncomplete) reset();
unsigned const maxBytesToRead = bytesAvailable();
if (maxBytesToRead == 0) return False; // exceeded buffer size when reading over TCP
unsigned numBytesRead;
int tcpSocketNum; // not used
unsigned char tcpStreamChannelId; // not used
if (!rtpInterface.handleRead(&fBuf[fTail], maxBytesToRead,
numBytesRead, fromAddress,
tcpSocketNum, tcpStreamChannelId,
packetReadWasIncomplete)) {
return False;
fTail += numBytesRead;
return True;
void BufferedPacket
::assignMiscParams(unsigned short rtpSeqNo, unsigned rtpTimestamp,
struct timeval presentationTime,
Boolean hasBeenSyncedUsingRTCP, Boolean rtpMarkerBit,
struct timeval timeReceived) {
fRTPSeqNo = rtpSeqNo;
fRTPTimestamp = rtpTimestamp;
fPresentationTime = presentationTime;
fHasBeenSyncedUsingRTCP = hasBeenSyncedUsingRTCP;
fRTPMarkerBit = rtpMarkerBit;
fTimeReceived = timeReceived;
void BufferedPacket::skip(unsigned numBytes) {
fHead += numBytes;
if (fHead > fTail) fHead = fTail;
void BufferedPacket::removePadding(unsigned numBytes) {
if (numBytes > fTail-fHead) numBytes = fTail-fHead;
fTail -= numBytes;
void BufferedPacket::appendData(unsigned char* newData, unsigned numBytes) {
if (numBytes > fPacketSize-fTail) numBytes = fPacketSize - fTail;
memmove(&fBuf[fTail], newData, numBytes);
fTail += numBytes;
void BufferedPacket::use(unsigned char* to, unsigned toSize,
unsigned& bytesUsed, unsigned& bytesTruncated,
unsigned short& rtpSeqNo, unsigned& rtpTimestamp,
struct timeval& presentationTime,
Boolean& hasBeenSyncedUsingRTCP,
Boolean& rtpMarkerBit) {
unsigned char* origFramePtr = &fBuf[fHead];
unsigned char* newFramePtr = origFramePtr; // may change in the call below
unsigned frameSize, frameDurationInMicroseconds;
getNextEnclosedFrameParameters(newFramePtr, fTail - fHead,
frameSize, frameDurationInMicroseconds);
if (frameSize > toSize) {
bytesTruncated += frameSize - toSize;
bytesUsed = toSize;
} else {
bytesTruncated = 0;
bytesUsed = frameSize;
memmove(to, newFramePtr, bytesUsed);
fHead += (newFramePtr - origFramePtr) + frameSize;
rtpSeqNo = fRTPSeqNo;
rtpTimestamp = fRTPTimestamp;
presentationTime = fPresentationTime;
hasBeenSyncedUsingRTCP = fHasBeenSyncedUsingRTCP;
rtpMarkerBit = fRTPMarkerBit;
// Update "fPresentationTime" for the next enclosed frame (if any):
fPresentationTime.tv_usec += frameDurationInMicroseconds;
if (fPresentationTime.tv_usec >= 1000000) {
fPresentationTime.tv_sec += fPresentationTime.tv_usec/1000000;
fPresentationTime.tv_usec = fPresentationTime.tv_usec%1000000;
BufferedPacketFactory::BufferedPacketFactory() {
BufferedPacketFactory::~BufferedPacketFactory() {
BufferedPacket* BufferedPacketFactory
::createNewPacket(MultiFramedRTPSource* /*ourSource*/) {
return new BufferedPacket;
////////// ReorderingPacketBuffer implementation //////////
::ReorderingPacketBuffer(BufferedPacketFactory* packetFactory)
: fThresholdTime(100000) /* default reordering threshold: 100 ms */,
fHaveSeenFirstPacket(False), fHeadPacket(NULL), fTailPacket(NULL), fSavedPacket(NULL), fSavedPacketFree(True) {
fPacketFactory = (packetFactory == NULL)
? (new BufferedPacketFactory)
: packetFactory;
ReorderingPacketBuffer::~ReorderingPacketBuffer() {
delete fPacketFactory;
void ReorderingPacketBuffer::reset() {
if (fSavedPacketFree) delete fSavedPacket; // because fSavedPacket is not in the list
delete fHeadPacket; // will also delete fSavedPacket if it's in the list
fHeadPacket = fTailPacket = fSavedPacket = NULL;
BufferedPacket* ReorderingPacketBuffer::getFreePacket(MultiFramedRTPSource* ourSource) {
if (fSavedPacket == NULL) { // we're being called for the first time
fSavedPacket = fPacketFactory->createNewPacket(ourSource);
fSavedPacketFree = True;
if (fSavedPacketFree == True) {
fSavedPacketFree = False;
return fSavedPacket;
} else {
return fPacketFactory->createNewPacket(ourSource);
Boolean ReorderingPacketBuffer::storePacket(BufferedPacket* bPacket) {
unsigned short rtpSeqNo = bPacket->rtpSeqNo();
if (!fHaveSeenFirstPacket) {
fNextExpectedSeqNo = rtpSeqNo; // initialization
bPacket->isFirstPacket() = True;
fHaveSeenFirstPacket = True;
// Ignore this packet if its sequence number is less than the one
// that we're looking for (in this case, it's been excessively delayed).
if (seqNumLT(rtpSeqNo, fNextExpectedSeqNo)) return False;
if (fTailPacket == NULL) {
// Common case: There are no packets in the queue; this will be the first one:
bPacket->nextPacket() = NULL;
fHeadPacket = fTailPacket = bPacket;
return True;
if (seqNumLT(fTailPacket->rtpSeqNo(), rtpSeqNo)) {
// The next-most common case: There are packets already in the queue; this packet arrived in order => put it at the tail:
bPacket->nextPacket() = NULL;
fTailPacket->nextPacket() = bPacket;
fTailPacket = bPacket;
return True;
if (rtpSeqNo == fTailPacket->rtpSeqNo()) {
// This is a duplicate packet - ignore it
return False;
// Rare case: This packet is out-of-order. Run through the list (from the head), to figure out where it belongs:
BufferedPacket* beforePtr = NULL;
BufferedPacket* afterPtr = fHeadPacket;
while (afterPtr != NULL) {
if (seqNumLT(rtpSeqNo, afterPtr->rtpSeqNo())) break; // it comes here
if (rtpSeqNo == afterPtr->rtpSeqNo()) {
// This is a duplicate packet - ignore it
return False;
beforePtr = afterPtr;
afterPtr = afterPtr->nextPacket();
// Link our new packet between "beforePtr" and "afterPtr":
bPacket->nextPacket() = afterPtr;
if (beforePtr == NULL) {
fHeadPacket = bPacket;
} else {
beforePtr->nextPacket() = bPacket;
return True;
void ReorderingPacketBuffer::releaseUsedPacket(BufferedPacket* packet) {
// ASSERT: packet == fHeadPacket
// ASSERT: fNextExpectedSeqNo == packet->rtpSeqNo()
++fNextExpectedSeqNo; // because we're finished with this packet now
fHeadPacket = fHeadPacket->nextPacket();
if (!fHeadPacket) {
fTailPacket = NULL;
packet->nextPacket() = NULL;
BufferedPacket* ReorderingPacketBuffer
::getNextCompletedPacket(Boolean& packetLossPreceded) {
if (fHeadPacket == NULL) return NULL;
// Check whether the next packet we want is already at the head
// of the queue:
// ASSERT: fHeadPacket->rtpSeqNo() >= fNextExpectedSeqNo
if (fHeadPacket->rtpSeqNo() == fNextExpectedSeqNo) {
packetLossPreceded = fHeadPacket->isFirstPacket();
// (The very first packet is treated as if there was packet loss beforehand.)
return fHeadPacket;
// We're still waiting for our desired packet to arrive. However, if
// our time threshold has been exceeded, then forget it, and return
// the head packet instead:
Boolean timeThresholdHasBeenExceeded;
if (fThresholdTime == 0) {
timeThresholdHasBeenExceeded = True; // optimization
} else {
struct timeval timeNow;
gettimeofday(&timeNow, NULL);
unsigned uSecondsSinceReceived
= (timeNow.tv_sec - fHeadPacket->timeReceived().tv_sec)*1000000
+ (timeNow.tv_usec - fHeadPacket->timeReceived().tv_usec);
timeThresholdHasBeenExceeded = uSecondsSinceReceived > fThresholdTime;
if (timeThresholdHasBeenExceeded) {
fNextExpectedSeqNo = fHeadPacket->rtpSeqNo();
// we've given up on earlier packets now
packetLossPreceded = True;
return fHeadPacket;
// Otherwise, keep waiting for our desired packet to arrive:
return NULL;