blob: aa0e7e918bcad9f9535537520dd4e629a9392aee [file] [log] [blame]
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version. (See <>.)
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// "liveMedia"
// Copyright (c) 1996-2020 Live Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Vorbis Audio RTP Sources
// Implementation
#include "VorbisAudioRTPSource.hh"
#include "Base64.hh"
////////// VorbisBufferedPacket and VorbisBufferedPacketFactory //////////
class VorbisBufferedPacket: public BufferedPacket {
virtual ~VorbisBufferedPacket();
private: // redefined virtual functions
virtual unsigned nextEnclosedFrameSize(unsigned char*& framePtr,
unsigned dataSize);
class VorbisBufferedPacketFactory: public BufferedPacketFactory {
private: // redefined virtual functions
virtual BufferedPacket* createNewPacket(MultiFramedRTPSource* ourSource);
///////// VorbisAudioRTPSource implementation ////////
VorbisAudioRTPSource::createNew(UsageEnvironment& env, Groupsock* RTPgs,
unsigned char rtpPayloadFormat,
unsigned rtpTimestampFrequency) {
return new VorbisAudioRTPSource(env, RTPgs, rtpPayloadFormat, rtpTimestampFrequency);
::VorbisAudioRTPSource(UsageEnvironment& env, Groupsock* RTPgs,
unsigned char rtpPayloadFormat,
unsigned rtpTimestampFrequency)
: MultiFramedRTPSource(env, RTPgs, rtpPayloadFormat, rtpTimestampFrequency,
new VorbisBufferedPacketFactory),
fCurPacketIdent(0) {
VorbisAudioRTPSource::~VorbisAudioRTPSource() {
Boolean VorbisAudioRTPSource
::processSpecialHeader(BufferedPacket* packet,
unsigned& resultSpecialHeaderSize) {
unsigned char* headerStart = packet->data();
unsigned packetSize = packet->dataSize();
resultSpecialHeaderSize = 4;
if (packetSize < resultSpecialHeaderSize) return False; // packet was too small
// The first 3 bytes of the header are the "Ident" field:
fCurPacketIdent = (headerStart[0]<<16) | (headerStart[1]<<8) | headerStart[2];
// The 4th byte is F|VDT|numPkts.
// Reject any packet with VDT == 3:
if ((headerStart[3]&0x30) == 0x30) return False;
u_int8_t F = headerStart[3]>>6;
fCurrentPacketBeginsFrame = F <= 1; // "Not Fragmented" or "Start Fragment"
fCurrentPacketCompletesFrame = F == 0 || F == 3; // "Not Fragmented" or "End Fragment"
return True;
char const* VorbisAudioRTPSource::MIMEtype() const {
return "audio/VORBIS";
////////// VorbisBufferedPacket and VorbisBufferedPacketFactory implementation //////////
VorbisBufferedPacket::VorbisBufferedPacket() {
VorbisBufferedPacket::~VorbisBufferedPacket() {
unsigned VorbisBufferedPacket
::nextEnclosedFrameSize(unsigned char*& framePtr, unsigned dataSize) {
if (dataSize < 2) {
// There's not enough space for a 2-byte header. TARFU! Just return the data that's left:
return dataSize;
unsigned frameSize = (framePtr[0]<<8) | framePtr[1];
framePtr += 2;
if (frameSize > dataSize - 2) return dataSize - 2; // inconsistent frame size => just return all the data that's left
return frameSize;
BufferedPacket* VorbisBufferedPacketFactory
::createNewPacket(MultiFramedRTPSource* /*ourSource*/) {
return new VorbisBufferedPacket();
////////// parseVorbisOrTheoraConfigStr() implementation //////////
#define ADVANCE(n) do { p += (n); rem -= (n); } while (0)
#define GET_ENCODED_VAL(n) do { u_int8_t byte; n = 0; do { if (rem == 0) break; byte = *p; n = (n*128) + (byte&0x7F); ADVANCE(1); } while (byte&0x80); } while (0); if (rem == 0) break
void parseVorbisOrTheoraConfigStr(char const* configStr,
u_int8_t*& identificationHdr, unsigned& identificationHdrSize,
u_int8_t*& commentHdr, unsigned& commentHdrSize,
u_int8_t*& setupHdr, unsigned& setupHdrSize,
u_int32_t& identField) {
identificationHdr = commentHdr = setupHdr = NULL; // default values, if an error occur
identificationHdrSize = commentHdrSize = setupHdrSize = 0; // ditto
identField = 0; // ditto
// Begin by Base64-decoding the configuration string:
unsigned configDataSize;
u_int8_t* configData = base64Decode(configStr, configDataSize);
u_int8_t* p = configData;
unsigned rem = configDataSize;
do {
if (rem < 4) break;
u_int32_t numPackedHeaders = (p[0]<<24)|(p[1]<<16)|(p[2]<<8)|p[3]; ADVANCE(4);
if (numPackedHeaders == 0) break;
// Use the first 'packed header' only.
if (rem < 3) break;
identField = (p[0]<<16)|(p[1]<<8)|p[2]; ADVANCE(3);
if (rem < 2) break;
u_int16_t length = (p[0]<<8)|p[1]; ADVANCE(2);
unsigned numHeaders;
Boolean success = False;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numHeaders+1 && i < 3; ++i) {
success = False;
unsigned headerSize;
if (i < numHeaders) {
// The header size is encoded:
if (headerSize > length) break;
length -= headerSize;
} else {
// The last header is implicit:
headerSize = length;
// Allocate space for the header bytes; we'll fill it in later
if (i == 0) {
identificationHdrSize = headerSize;
identificationHdr = new u_int8_t[identificationHdrSize];
} else if (i == 1) {
commentHdrSize = headerSize;
commentHdr = new u_int8_t[commentHdrSize];
} else { // i == 2
setupHdrSize = headerSize;
setupHdr = new u_int8_t[setupHdrSize];
success = True;
if (!success) break;
// Copy the remaining config bytes into the appropriate 'header' buffers:
if (identificationHdr != NULL) {
memmove(identificationHdr, p, identificationHdrSize); ADVANCE(identificationHdrSize);
if (commentHdr != NULL) {
memmove(commentHdr, p, commentHdrSize); ADVANCE(commentHdrSize);
if (setupHdr != NULL) {
memmove(setupHdr, p, setupHdrSize); ADVANCE(setupHdrSize);
} while (0);
delete[] configData;