blob: 67e5c503ab7a67c0a69928b9d1eb960220a78d58 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain.
* This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package.
* No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER.PD within this package.
long double fmal(long double x, long double y, long double z);
#if defined(_ARM_) || defined(__arm__) || defined(_ARM64_) || defined(__aarch64__)
double fma(double x, double y, double z);
/* On ARM `long double` is 64 bits. And ARM has hardware FMA. */
long double fmal(long double x, long double y, long double z){
return fma(x, y, z);
#elif defined(_AMD64_) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_X86_) || defined(__i386__)
* x87-specific software-emulated FMA by LH_Mouse (lh_mouse at 126 dot com).
* This file is donated to the mingw-w64 project.
* Note: This file requires C99 support to compile.
#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
/* See <>.
* Note the higher half of the mantissa has fewer significant bits than the lower
* half, which reduces rounding errors in the more significant position but increases
* them in the other end.
typedef union x87reg_ {
struct __attribute__((__packed__)) {
uint64_t mlo : 33;
uint64_t mhi : 31;
uint16_t exp : 15;
uint16_t sgn : 1;
long double f;
} x87reg;
static inline void break_down(x87reg *restrict lo, x87reg *restrict hi, long double x) {
hi->f = x;
/* Erase low-order significant bits. `hi->f` now has only 31 significant bits. */
hi->mlo = 0;
/* Store the low-order half. It will be normalized by the hardware. */
lo->f = x - hi->f;
/* Preserve signness in case of zero. */
lo->sgn = hi->sgn;
long double fmal(long double x, long double y, long double z) {
1. If x or y are NaN, a NaN shall be returned.
2. If x multiplied by y is an exact infinity and z is also an infinity
but with the opposite sign, a domain error shall occur, and either a NaN
(if supported), or an implementation-defined value shall be returned.
3. If one of x and y is infinite, the other is zero, and z is not a NaN,
a domain error shall occur, and either a NaN (if supported), or an
implementation-defined value shall be returned.
4. If one of x and y is infinite, the other is zero, and z is a NaN, a NaN
shall be returned and a domain error may occur.
5. If x* y is not 0*Inf nor Inf*0 and z is a NaN, a NaN shall be returned.
/* Check whether the result is finite. */
long double ret = x * y + z;
if(!isfinite(ret)) {
return ret; /* If this naive check doesn't yield a finite value, the FMA isn't
likely to return one either. Forward the value as is. */
x87reg xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi;
break_down(&xlo, &xhi, x);
break_down(&ylo, &yhi, y);
/* The order of these four statements is essential. Don't move them around. */
ret = z;
ret += xhi.f * yhi.f; /* The most significant item comes first. */
ret += xhi.f * ylo.f + xlo.f * yhi.f; /* They are equally significant. */
ret += xlo.f * ylo.f; /* The least significant item comes last. */
return ret;
#error Please add FMA implementation for this platform.