Use LPCVOID instead of 'const LPVOID' for VerQueryValue.

Apparently "const LPVOID" is different from "LPCVOID".  You can see
the difference for yourself by trying to compile this small bit of C

  #include <windows.h>
  void x(const LPVOID);
  void y(LPCVOID);
  void test() {
    const char * data;

Signed-off-by: Liu Hao <>
(cherry picked from commit 2de76d264f1aeda834cb6613fc054d3270410399)
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Yong <>
diff --git a/mingw-w64-headers/include/winver.h b/mingw-w64-headers/include/winver.h
index a905c9f..065f5c0 100644
--- a/mingw-w64-headers/include/winver.h
+++ b/mingw-w64-headers/include/winver.h
@@ -144,8 +144,8 @@
   WINBOOL WINAPI GetFileVersionInfoW(LPCWSTR lptstrFilename,DWORD dwHandle,DWORD dwLen,LPVOID lpData);
   DWORD WINAPI VerLanguageNameA(DWORD wLang,LPSTR szLang,DWORD nSize);
   DWORD WINAPI VerLanguageNameW(DWORD wLang,LPWSTR szLang,DWORD nSize);
-  WINBOOL WINAPI VerQueryValueA(const LPVOID pBlock,LPCSTR lpSubBlock,LPVOID *lplpBuffer,PUINT puLen);
-  WINBOOL WINAPI VerQueryValueW(const LPVOID pBlock,LPCWSTR lpSubBlock,LPVOID *lplpBuffer,PUINT puLen);
+  WINBOOL WINAPI VerQueryValueA(LPCVOID pBlock,LPCSTR lpSubBlock,LPVOID *lplpBuffer,PUINT puLen);
+  WINBOOL WINAPI VerQueryValueW(LPCVOID pBlock,LPCWSTR lpSubBlock,LPVOID *lplpBuffer,PUINT puLen);
 #ifdef __cplusplus