blob: d6c5ad11d29a56a305caeafed511696d8e1d0208 [file] [log] [blame]
// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
// under the License.
// The Original Code is MP4v2.
// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Kona Blend.
// Portions created by Kona Blend are Copyright (C) 2008.
// All Rights Reserved.
// Contributors:
// Kona Blend,
// Note that we have a separate platform_win32_impl.h to deal with the fact that windows.h defines a macro
// called FindAtom, which mp4v2 also defines. In older versions of visual studio, this actually causes
// some pretty seriously issues with naming collisions and the defined macros (think infamous min/max macro
// of windows.h vs stdc++'s min/max template functions)
#include <windows.h>
namespace mp4v2 { namespace platform { namespace win32 {
class Utf8ToFilename
Utf8ToFilename( const string &utf8string );
~Utf8ToFilename( );
bool IsUTF16Valid( ) const;
operator LPCWSTR( ) const { return _wideCharString; }
operator LPWSTR( ) const { return _wideCharString; }
Utf8ToFilename ( const Utf8ToFilename &src );
Utf8ToFilename &operator= ( const Utf8ToFilename &src );
wchar_t *ConvertToUTF16 ( const string &utf8 );
static int ConvertToUTF16Buf ( const char *utf8,
wchar_t *utf16_buf,
size_t num_bytes );
static int GetPrefixLen ( const string &utf8string );
static int IsAbsolute ( const string &utf8string );
static int IsPathSeparator ( char c );
static int IsUncPath ( const string &utf8string );
static const UINT8 *Utf8DecodeChar (
const UINT8 *utf8_char,
size_t num_bytes,
wchar_t *utf16,
int *invalid
static size_t Utf8LenFromUcs4 ( UINT32 ucs4 );
static UINT8 Utf8NumOctets ( UINT8 utf8_first_byte );
* The UTF-8 encoding of the filename actually used
string _utf8;
* The UTF-16 encoding of the filename actually used
wchar_t* _wideCharString;
* Accessor for @p _utf8
const string& utf8;
}}} // namespace mp4v2::platform::win32