blob: 1ee640ecac886022314ca4aefa064e782696dfea [file] [log] [blame]
# (C) 2008-2009 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# This file is part of libacml_mv.
# libacml_mv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# libacml_mv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with libacml_mv. If not, see
# <>.
# vrdaexp.asm
# An array implementation of the exp libm function.
# Prototype:
# void vrda_exp(int n, double *x, double *y);
# Computes e raised to the x power for an array of input values.
# Places the results into the supplied y array.
# Does not perform error checking. Denormal results are truncated to 0.
#ifdef __ELF__
.section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
# define local variable storage offsets
.equ p_temp,0 # temporary for get/put bits operation
.equ p_temp1,0x10 # temporary for exponent multiply
.equ save_xa,0x020 #qword
.equ save_ya,0x028 #qword
.equ save_nv,0x030 #qword
.equ p_iter,0x038 # qword storage for number of loop iterations
.equ p2_temp,0x40 # second temporary for get/put bits operation
# large enough for two vectors
.equ p2_temp1,0x60 # second temporary for exponent multiply
# large enough for two vectors
.equ save_rbx,0x080 #qword
.equ stack_size,0x088
.weak vrda_exp_
.set vrda_exp_,__vrda_exp__
.weak vrda_exp__
.set vrda_exp__,__vrda_exp__
.align 16
.p2align 4,,15
#x/* a FORTRAN subroutine implementation of array exp
# C equivalent*/
#void vrda_exp__(int * n, double *x, double *y)
# vrda_exp(*n,x,y);
.globl __vrda_exp__
.type __vrda_exp__,@function
mov (%rdi),%edi
.align 16
.p2align 4,,15
# parameters are passed in by gcc as:
# edi - int n
# rsi - double *x
# rdx - double *y
.globl vrda_exp
.type vrda_exp,@function
sub $stack_size,%rsp
mov %rbx,save_rbx(%rsp)
# save the arguments
mov %rsi,save_xa(%rsp) # save x_array pointer
mov %rdx,save_ya(%rsp) # save y_array pointer
#ifdef INTEGER64
mov %rdi,%rax
mov %edi,%eax
mov %rax,%rdi
mov %rdi,save_nv(%rsp) # save number of values
# see if too few values to call the main loop
shr $2,%rax # get number of iterations
jz .L__vda_cleanup # jump if only single calls
# prepare the iteration counts
mov %rax,p_iter(%rsp) # save number of iterations
shl $2,%rax
sub %rax,%rdi # compute number of extra single calls
mov %rdi,save_nv(%rsp) # save number of left over values
# In this second version, process the array 4 values at a time.
# build the input _m128d
movapd .L__real_thirtytwo_by_log2(%rip),%xmm3 #
mov save_xa(%rsp),%rsi # get x_array pointer
movlpd (%rsi),%xmm0
movhpd 8(%rsi),%xmm0
prefetch 64(%rsi)
add $32,%rsi
mov %rsi,save_xa(%rsp) # save x_array pointer
# compute the exponents
# Step 1. Reduce the argument.
# /* Find m, z1 and z2 such that exp(x) = 2**m * (z1 + z2) */
# r = x * thirtytwo_by_logbaseof2;
movapd %xmm3,%xmm7
movapd %xmm0,p_temp(%rsp)
maxpd .L__real_C0F0000000000000(%rip),%xmm0 # protect against very large negative, non-infinite numbers
mulpd %xmm0,%xmm3
movlpd -16(%rsi),%xmm6
movhpd -8(%rsi),%xmm6
movapd %xmm6,p2_temp(%rsp)
maxpd .L__real_C0F0000000000000(%rip),%xmm6
mulpd %xmm6,%xmm7
# save x for later.
minpd .L__real_40F0000000000000(%rip),%xmm3 # protect against very large, non-infinite numbers
# /* Set n = nearest integer to r */
cvtpd2dq %xmm3,%xmm4
lea .L__two_to_jby32_lead_table(%rip),%rdi
lea .L__two_to_jby32_trail_table(%rip),%rsi
cvtdq2pd %xmm4,%xmm1
minpd .L__real_40F0000000000000(%rip),%xmm7 # protect against very large, non-infinite numbers
# r1 = x - n * logbaseof2_by_32_lead;
movapd .L__real_log2_by_32_lead(%rip),%xmm2 #
mulpd %xmm1,%xmm2 #
movq %xmm4,p_temp1(%rsp)
subpd %xmm2,%xmm0 # r1 in xmm0,
cvtpd2dq %xmm7,%xmm2
cvtdq2pd %xmm2,%xmm8
# r2 = - n * logbaseof2_by_32_trail;
mulpd .L__real_log2_by_32_tail(%rip),%xmm1 # r2 in xmm1
# j = n & 0x0000001f;
mov $0x01f,%r9
mov %r9,%r8
mov p_temp1(%rsp),%ecx
and %ecx,%r9d
movq %xmm2,p2_temp1(%rsp)
movapd .L__real_log2_by_32_lead(%rip),%xmm9
mulpd %xmm8,%xmm9
subpd %xmm9,%xmm6 # r1b in xmm6
mulpd .L__real_log2_by_32_tail(%rip),%xmm8 # r2b in xmm8
mov p_temp1+4(%rsp),%edx
and %edx,%r8d
# f1 = two_to_jby32_lead_table[j];
# f2 = two_to_jby32_trail_table[j];
# *m = (n - j) / 32;
sub %r9d,%ecx
sar $5,%ecx #m
sub %r8d,%edx
sar $5,%edx
movapd %xmm0,%xmm2
addpd %xmm1,%xmm2 # r = r1 + r2
mov $0x01f,%r11
mov %r11,%r10
mov p2_temp1(%rsp),%ebx
and %ebx,%r11d
# Step 2. Compute the polynomial.
# q = r1 + (r2 +
# r*r*( 5.00000000000000008883e-01 +
# r*( 1.66666666665260878863e-01 +
# r*( 4.16666666662260795726e-02 +
# r*( 8.33336798434219616221e-03 +
# r*( 1.38889490863777199667e-03 ))))));
# q = r + r^2/2 + r^3/6 + r^4/24 + r^5/120 + r^6/720
movapd %xmm2,%xmm1
movapd .L__real_3f56c1728d739765(%rip),%xmm3 # 1/720
movapd .L__real_3FC5555555548F7C(%rip),%xmm0 # 1/6
# deal with infinite results
mov $1024,%rax
movsx %ecx,%rcx
cmp %rax,%rcx
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm3 # *x
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm0 # *x
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm1 # x*x
movapd %xmm1,%xmm4
cmovg %rax,%rcx ## if infinite, then set rcx to multiply
# by infinity
movsx %edx,%rdx
cmp %rax,%rdx
movapd %xmm6,%xmm9
addpd %xmm8,%xmm9 # rb = r1b + r2b
addpd .L__real_3F811115B7AA905E(%rip),%xmm3 # + 1/120
addpd .L__real_3fe0000000000000(%rip),%xmm0 # + .5
mulpd %xmm1,%xmm4 # x^4
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm3 # *x
cmovg %rax,%rdx ## if infinite, then set rcx to multiply
# by infinity
# deal with denormal results
xor %rax,%rax
add $1023,%rcx # add bias
mulpd %xmm1,%xmm0 # *x^2
addpd .L__real_3FA5555555545D4E(%rip),%xmm3 # + 1/24
addpd %xmm2,%xmm0 # + x
mulpd %xmm4,%xmm3 # *x^4
# check for infinity or nan
movapd p_temp(%rsp),%xmm2
cmovs %rax,%rcx ## if denormal, then multiply by 0
shl $52,%rcx # build 2^n
sub %r11d,%ebx
movapd %xmm9,%xmm1
addpd %xmm3,%xmm0 # q = final sum
movapd .L__real_3f56c1728d739765(%rip),%xmm7 # 1/720
movapd .L__real_3FC5555555548F7C(%rip),%xmm3 # 1/6
# *z2 = f2 + ((f1 + f2) * q);
movlpd (%rsi,%r9,8),%xmm5 # f2
movlpd (%rsi,%r8,8),%xmm4 # f2
addsd (%rdi,%r8,8),%xmm4 # f1 + f2
addsd (%rdi,%r9,8),%xmm5 # f1 + f2
mov p2_temp1+4(%rsp),%r8d
and %r8d,%r10d
sar $5,%ebx #m
mulpd %xmm9,%xmm7 # *x
mulpd %xmm9,%xmm3 # *x
mulpd %xmm9,%xmm1 # x*x
sub %r10d,%r8d
sar $5,%r8d
# check for infinity or nan
andpd .L__real_infinity(%rip),%xmm2
cmppd $0,.L__real_infinity(%rip),%xmm2
add $1023,%rdx # add bias
shufpd $0,%xmm4,%xmm5
movapd %xmm1,%xmm4
cmovs %rax,%rdx ## if denormal, then multiply by 0
shl $52,%rdx # build 2^n
mulpd %xmm5,%xmm0
mov %rcx,p_temp1(%rsp) # get 2^n to memory
mov %rdx,p_temp1+8(%rsp) # get 2^n to memory
addpd %xmm5,%xmm0 #z = z1 + z2 done with 1,2,3,4,5
mov $1024,%rax
movsx %ebx,%rbx
cmp %rax,%rbx
# end of splitexp
# /* Scale (z1 + z2) by 2.0**m */
# r = scaleDouble_1(z, n);
cmovg %rax,%rbx ## if infinite, then set rcx to multiply
# by infinity
movsx %r8d,%rdx
cmp %rax,%rdx
movmskpd %xmm2,%r8d
addpd .L__real_3F811115B7AA905E(%rip),%xmm7 # + 1/120
addpd .L__real_3fe0000000000000(%rip),%xmm3 # + .5
mulpd %xmm1,%xmm4 # x^4
mulpd %xmm9,%xmm7 # *x
cmovg %rax,%rdx ## if infinite, then set rcx to multiply
xor %rax,%rax
add $1023,%rbx # add bias
mulpd %xmm1,%xmm3 # *x^2
addpd .L__real_3FA5555555545D4E(%rip),%xmm7 # + 1/24
addpd %xmm9,%xmm3 # + x
mulpd %xmm4,%xmm7 # *x^4
cmovs %rax,%rbx ## if denormal, then multiply by 0
shl $52,%rbx # build 2^n
# Step 3. Reconstitute.
mulpd p_temp1(%rsp),%xmm0 # result *= 2^n
addpd %xmm7,%xmm3 # q = final sum
movlpd (%rsi,%r11,8),%xmm5 # f2
movlpd (%rsi,%r10,8),%xmm4 # f2
addsd (%rdi,%r10,8),%xmm4 # f1 + f2
addsd (%rdi,%r11,8),%xmm5 # f1 + f2
add $1023,%rdx # add bias
cmovs %rax,%rdx ## if denormal, then multiply by 0
shufpd $0,%xmm4,%xmm5
shl $52,%rdx # build 2^n
mulpd %xmm5,%xmm3
mov %rbx,p2_temp1(%rsp) # get 2^n to memory
mov %rdx,p2_temp1+8(%rsp) # get 2^n to memory
addpd %xmm5,%xmm3 #z = z1 + z2
movapd p2_temp(%rsp),%xmm2
andpd .L__real_infinity(%rip),%xmm2
cmppd $0,.L__real_infinity(%rip),%xmm2
movmskpd %xmm2,%ebx
test $3,%r8d
mulpd p2_temp1(%rsp),%xmm3 # result *= 2^n
# we'd like to avoid a branch, and can use cmp's and and's to
# eliminate them. But it adds cycles for normal cases which
# are supposed to be exceptions. Using this branch with the
# check above results in faster code for the normal cases.
jnz .L__exp_naninf
# store the result _m128d
mov save_ya(%rsp),%rdi # get y_array pointer
movlpd %xmm0,(%rdi)
movhpd %xmm0,8(%rdi)
test $3,%ebx
jnz .L__exp_naninf2
prefetch 64(%rdi)
add $32,%rdi
mov %rdi,save_ya(%rsp) # save y_array pointer
# store the result _m128d
movlpd %xmm3,-16(%rdi)
movhpd %xmm3,-8(%rdi)
mov p_iter(%rsp),%rax # get number of iterations
sub $1,%rax
mov %rax,p_iter(%rsp) # save number of iterations
jnz .L__vda_top
# see if we need to do any extras
mov save_nv(%rsp),%rax # get number of values
test %rax,%rax
jnz .L__vda_cleanup
mov save_rbx(%rsp),%rbx # restore rbx
add $stack_size,%rsp
# at least one of the numbers needs special treatment
lea p_temp(%rsp),%rcx
call .L__naninf
jmp .L__vda_bottom1
lea p2_temp(%rsp),%rcx
mov %ebx,%r8d
movapd %xmm3,%xmm0
call .L__naninf
movapd %xmm0,%xmm3
jmp .L__vda_bottom2
# This subroutine checks a double pair for nans and infinities and
# produces the proper result from the exceptional inputs
# Register assumptions:
# Inputs:
# r8d - mask of errors
# xmm0 - computed result vector
# rcx - pointing to memory image of inputs
# Outputs:
# xmm0 - new result vector
# %rax,rdx,,%xmm2 all modified.
# check the first number
test $1,%r8d
jz .L__check2
mov (%rcx),%rdx
mov $0x0000FFFFFFFFFFFFF,%rax
test %rax,%rdx
jnz .L__enan1 # jump if mantissa not zero, so it's a NaN
# inf
mov %rdx,%rax
rcl $1,%rax
jnc .L__r1 # exp(+inf) = inf
xor %rdx,%rdx # exp(-inf) = 0
jmp .L__r1
mov $0x00008000000000000,%rax # convert to quiet
or %rax,%rdx
movd %rdx,%xmm2
shufpd $2,%xmm0,%xmm2
movsd %xmm2,%xmm0
# check the second number
test $2,%r8d
jz .L__r3
mov 8(%rcx),%rdx
mov $0x0000FFFFFFFFFFFFF,%rax
test %rax,%rdx
jnz .L__enan2 # jump if mantissa not zero, so it's a NaN
# inf
mov %rdx,%rax
rcl $1,%rax
jnc .L__r2 # exp(+inf) = inf
xor %rdx,%rdx # exp(-inf) = 0
jmp .L__r2
mov $0x00008000000000000,%rax # convert to quiet
or %rax,%rdx
movd %rdx,%xmm2
shufpd $0,%xmm2,%xmm0
.align 16
# we jump here when we have an odd number of exp calls to make at the
# end
# we assume that rdx is pointing at the next x array element,
# r8 at the next y array element. The number of values left is in
# save_nv
mov save_nv(%rsp),%rax # get number of values
test %rax,%rax # are there any values
jz .L__final_check # exit if not
mov save_xa(%rsp),%rsi
mov save_ya(%rsp),%rdi
# fill in a m128d with zeroes and the extra values and then make a recursive call.
xorpd %xmm0,%xmm0
movlpd %xmm0,p2_temp+8(%rsp)
movapd %xmm0,p2_temp+16(%rsp)
mov (%rsi),%rcx # we know there's at least one
mov %rcx,p2_temp(%rsp)
cmp $2,%rax
jl .L_vdacg
mov 8(%rsi),%rcx # do the second value
mov %rcx,p2_temp+8(%rsp)
cmp $3,%rax
jl .L_vdacg
mov 16(%rsi),%rcx # do the third value
mov %rcx,p2_temp+16(%rsp)
mov $4,%rdi # parameter for N
lea p2_temp(%rsp),%rsi # &x parameter
lea p2_temp1(%rsp),%rdx # &y parameter
call vrda_exp@PLT # call recursively to compute four values
# now copy the results to the destination array
mov save_ya(%rsp),%rdi
mov save_nv(%rsp),%rax # get number of values
mov p2_temp1(%rsp),%rcx
mov %rcx,(%rdi) # we know there's at least one
cmp $2,%rax
jl .L_vdacgf
mov p2_temp1+8(%rsp),%rcx
mov %rcx,8(%rdi) # do the second value
cmp $3,%rax
jl .L_vdacgf
mov p2_temp1+16(%rsp),%rcx
mov %rcx,16(%rdi) # do the third value
jmp .L__final_check
.align 64
.L__real_3ff0000000000000: .quad 0x03ff0000000000000 # 1.0
.quad 0x03ff0000000000000 # for alignment
.L__real_4040000000000000: .quad 0x04040000000000000 # 32
.quad 0x04040000000000000
.L__real_40F0000000000000: .quad 0x040F0000000000000 # 65536, to protect against really large numbers
.quad 0x040F0000000000000
.L__real_C0F0000000000000: .quad 0x0C0F0000000000000 # -65536, to protect against really large negative numbers
.quad 0x0C0F0000000000000
.L__real_3FA0000000000000: .quad 0x03FA0000000000000 # 1/32
.quad 0x03FA0000000000000
.L__real_3fe0000000000000: .quad 0x03fe0000000000000 # 1/2
.quad 0x03fe0000000000000
.L__real_infinity: .quad 0x07ff0000000000000 #
.quad 0x07ff0000000000000 # for alignment
.L__real_ninfinity: .quad 0x0fff0000000000000 #
.quad 0x0fff0000000000000 # for alignment
.L__real_thirtytwo_by_log2: .quad 0x040471547652b82fe # thirtytwo_by_log2
.quad 0x040471547652b82fe
.L__real_log2_by_32_lead: .quad 0x03f962e42fe000000 # log2_by_32_lead
.quad 0x03f962e42fe000000
.L__real_log2_by_32_tail: .quad 0x0Bdcf473de6af278e # -log2_by_32_tail
.quad 0x0Bdcf473de6af278e
.L__real_3f56c1728d739765: .quad 0x03f56c1728d739765 # 1.38889490863777199667e-03
.quad 0x03f56c1728d739765
.L__real_3F811115B7AA905E: .quad 0x03F811115B7AA905E # 8.33336798434219616221e-03
.quad 0x03F811115B7AA905E
.L__real_3FA5555555545D4E: .quad 0x03FA5555555545D4E # 4.16666666662260795726e-02
.quad 0x03FA5555555545D4E
.L__real_3FC5555555548F7C: .quad 0x03FC5555555548F7C # 1.66666666665260878863e-01
.quad 0x03FC5555555548F7C
.quad 0x03ff0000000000000 # 1
.quad 0x03ff059b0d0000000 # 1.0219
.quad 0x03ff0b55860000000 # 1.04427
.quad 0x03ff11301d0000000 # 1.06714
.quad 0x03ff172b830000000 # 1.09051
.quad 0x03ff1d48730000000 # 1.11439
.quad 0x03ff2387a60000000 # 1.13879
.quad 0x03ff29e9df0000000 # 1.16372
.quad 0x03ff306fe00000000 # 1.18921
.quad 0x03ff371a730000000 # 1.21525
.quad 0x03ff3dea640000000 # 1.24186
.quad 0x03ff44e0860000000 # 1.26905
.quad 0x03ff4bfdad0000000 # 1.29684
.quad 0x03ff5342b50000000 # 1.32524
.quad 0x03ff5ab07d0000000 # 1.35426
.quad 0x03ff6247eb0000000 # 1.38391
.quad 0x03ff6a09e60000000 # 1.41421
.quad 0x03ff71f75e0000000 # 1.44518
.quad 0x03ff7a11470000000 # 1.47683
.quad 0x03ff8258990000000 # 1.50916
.quad 0x03ff8ace540000000 # 1.54221
.quad 0x03ff93737b0000000 # 1.57598
.quad 0x03ff9c49180000000 # 1.61049
.quad 0x03ffa5503b0000000 # 1.64576
.quad 0x03ffae89f90000000 # 1.68179
.quad 0x03ffb7f76f0000000 # 1.71862
.quad 0x03ffc199bd0000000 # 1.75625
.quad 0x03ffcb720d0000000 # 1.79471
.quad 0x03ffd5818d0000000 # 1.83401
.quad 0x03ffdfc9730000000 # 1.87417
.quad 0x03ffea4afa0000000 # 1.91521
.quad 0x03fff507650000000 # 1.95714
.quad 0 # for alignment
.quad 0x00000000000000000 # 0
.quad 0x03e48ac2ba1d73e2a # 1.1489e-008
.quad 0x03e69f3121ec53172 # 4.83347e-008
.quad 0x03df25b50a4ebbf1b # 2.67125e-010
.quad 0x03e68faa2f5b9bef9 # 4.65271e-008
.quad 0x03e368b9aa7805b80 # 5.24924e-009
.quad 0x03e6ceac470cd83f6 # 5.38622e-008
.quad 0x03e547f7b84b09745 # 1.90902e-008
.quad 0x03e64636e2a5bd1ab # 3.79764e-008
.quad 0x03e5ceaa72a9c5154 # 2.69307e-008
.quad 0x03e682468446b6824 # 4.49684e-008
.quad 0x03e18624b40c4dbd0 # 1.41933e-009
.quad 0x03e54d8a89c750e5e # 1.94147e-008
.quad 0x03e5a753e077c2a0f # 2.46409e-008
.quad 0x03e6a90a852b19260 # 4.94813e-008
.quad 0x03e0d2ac258f87d03 # 8.48872e-010
.quad 0x03e59fcef32422cbf # 2.42032e-008
.quad 0x03e61d8bee7ba46e2 # 3.3242e-008
.quad 0x03e4f580c36bea881 # 1.45957e-008
.quad 0x03e62999c25159f11 # 3.46453e-008
.quad 0x03e415506dadd3e2a # 8.0709e-009
.quad 0x03e29b8bc9e8a0388 # 2.99439e-009
.quad 0x03e451f8480e3e236 # 9.83622e-009
.quad 0x03e41f12ae45a1224 # 8.35492e-009
.quad 0x03e62b5a75abd0e6a # 3.48493e-008
.quad 0x03e47daf237553d84 # 1.11085e-008
.quad 0x03e6b0aa538444196 # 5.03689e-008
.quad 0x03e69df20d22a0798 # 4.81896e-008
.quad 0x03e69f7490e4bb40b # 4.83654e-008
.quad 0x03e4bdcdaf5cb4656 # 1.29746e-008
.quad 0x03e452486cc2c7b9d # 9.84533e-009
.quad 0x03e66dc8a80ce9f09 # 4.25828e-008
.quad 0 # for alignment