blob: 6e9722314ebd7a18adc4b79bbb21daf92c661d0e [file] [log] [blame]
#version 150 core
in vec3 worldPosition;
in vec3 worldNormal;
in vec4 worldTangent;
in vec2 texCoord;
in vec2 waveTexCoord;
in vec2 movtexCoord;
in vec2 multexCoord;
in vec2 skyTexCoord;
in vec3 vpos;
in vec3 color;
uniform sampler2D diffuseTexture;
uniform sampler2D specularTexture;
uniform sampler2D normalTexture;
uniform sampler2D waveTexture;
uniform sampler2D skyTexture;
uniform sampler2D foamTexture;
uniform float offsetx;
uniform float offsety;
uniform float specularity;
uniform float waveStrenght;
uniform vec4 ka;
uniform vec3 specularColor;
uniform float shininess;
uniform float normalAmount;
uniform vec3 eyePosition;
out vec4 fragColor;
#pragma include
#pragma include
void main()
// Move waveTexCoords
vec2 waveMovCoord = waveTexCoord;
waveMovCoord.x += offsetx;
waveMovCoord.y -= offsety;
vec4 wave = texture(waveTexture, waveMovCoord);
//Wiggle the newCoord by r and b colors of waveTexture
vec2 newCoord = texCoord;
newCoord.x += wave.r * waveStrenght;
newCoord.y -= wave.b * waveStrenght;
// Sample the textures at the interpolated texCoords
// Use default texCoord for diffuse (it does not move on x or y, so it can be used as "ground under the water").
vec4 diffuseTextureColor = texture(diffuseTexture, texCoord);
// 2 Animated Layers of specularTexture mixed with the newCoord
vec4 specularTextureColor = texture( specularTexture, multexCoord+newCoord) + (texture( specularTexture, movtexCoord+newCoord ));
// 2 Animated Layers of normalTexture mixed with the newCoord
vec3 tNormal = normalAmount * texture( normalTexture, movtexCoord+newCoord ).rgb - vec3( 1.0 )+(normalAmount * texture( normalTexture, multexCoord+newCoord ).rgb - vec3( 1.0 ));
// Animated skyTexture layer
vec4 skycolor = texture(skyTexture, skyTexCoord);
skycolor = skycolor * 0.4;
//Animated foamTexture layer
vec4 foamTextureColor = texture(foamTexture, texCoord);
mat3 tangentMatrix = calcWorldSpaceToTangentSpaceMatrix(worldNormal, worldTangent);
mat3 invertTangentMatrix = transpose(tangentMatrix);
vec3 wNormal = normalize(invertTangentMatrix * tNormal);
vec3 worldView = normalize(eyePosition - worldPosition);
vec4 diffuse = vec4(diffuseTextureColor.rgb, vpos.y);
vec4 specular = vec4(specularTextureColor.a*specularity);
vec4 outputColor = phongFunction(ka, diffuse, specular, shininess, worldPosition, worldView, wNormal);
outputColor += vec4(skycolor.rgb, vpos.y);
outputColor += (foamTextureColor.rgba*vpos.y);
fragColor = vec4(outputColor.rgb,1.0);