blob: 39a6a46d1f99f42b9c3b3610f8ba90e382d3421b [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
#pragma once
#include <sys/types.h>
int namespace_open(pid_t pid, int *pidns_fd, int *mntns_fd, int *netns_fd, int *userns_fd, int *root_fd);
int namespace_enter(int pidns_fd, int mntns_fd, int netns_fd, int userns_fd, int root_fd);
int fd_is_ns(int fd, unsigned long nsflag);
int detach_mount_namespace(void);
static inline bool userns_shift_range_valid(uid_t shift, uid_t range) {
/* Checks that the specified userns range makes sense, i.e. contains at least one UID, and the end
* doesn't overflow uid_t. */
assert_cc((uid_t) -1 > 0); /* verify that uid_t is unsigned */
if (range <= 0)
return false;
if (shift > (uid_t) -1 - range)
return false;
return true;