blob: b0f7e31f98bb6fc8ddba088fc04518182f0d743f [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
#pragma once
#include <alloca.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "macro.h"
# include <sanitizer/msan_interface.h>
typedef void (*free_func_t)(void *p);
typedef void* (*mfree_func_t)(void *p);
/* If for some reason more than 4M are allocated on the stack, let's abort immediately. It's better than
* proceeding and smashing the stack limits. Note that by default RLIMIT_STACK is 8M on Linux. */
#define ALLOCA_MAX (4U*1024U*1024U)
#define new(t, n) ((t*) malloc_multiply(sizeof(t), (n)))
#define new0(t, n) ((t*) calloc((n) ?: 1, sizeof(t)))
#define alloca_safe(n) \
({ \
size_t _nn_ = n; \
assert(_nn_ <= ALLOCA_MAX); \
alloca(_nn_ == 0 ? 1 : _nn_); \
}) \
#define newa(t, n) \
({ \
size_t _n_ = n; \
assert(!size_multiply_overflow(sizeof(t), _n_)); \
(t*) alloca_safe(sizeof(t)*_n_); \
#define newa0(t, n) \
({ \
size_t _n_ = n; \
assert(!size_multiply_overflow(sizeof(t), _n_)); \
(t*) alloca0((sizeof(t)*_n_)); \
#define newdup(t, p, n) ((t*) memdup_multiply(p, sizeof(t), (n)))
#define newdup_suffix0(t, p, n) ((t*) memdup_suffix0_multiply(p, sizeof(t), (n)))
#define malloc0(n) (calloc(1, (n) ?: 1))
#define free_and_replace_full(a, b, free_func) \
({ \
typeof(a)* _a = &(a); \
typeof(b)* _b = &(b); \
free_func(*_a); \
*_a = *_b; \
*_b = NULL; \
0; \
#define free_and_replace(a, b) \
free_and_replace_full(a, b, free)
/* This is similar to free_and_replace_full(), but NULL is not assigned to 'b', and its reference counter is
* increased. */
#define unref_and_replace_full(a, b, ref_func, unref_func) \
({ \
typeof(a)* _a = &(a); \
typeof(b) _b = ref_func(b); \
unref_func(*_a); \
*_a = _b; \
0; \
void* memdup(const void *p, size_t l) _alloc_(2);
void* memdup_suffix0(const void *p, size_t l); /* We can't use _alloc_() here, since we return a buffer one byte larger than the specified size */
#define memdupa(p, l) \
({ \
void *_q_; \
size_t _l_ = l; \
_q_ = alloca_safe(_l_); \
memcpy_safe(_q_, p, _l_); \
#define memdupa_suffix0(p, l) \
({ \
void *_q_; \
size_t _l_ = l; \
_q_ = alloca_safe(_l_ + 1); \
((uint8_t*) _q_)[_l_] = 0; \
memcpy_safe(_q_, p, _l_); \
static inline void unsetp(void *p) {
/* A trivial "destructor" that can be used in cases where we want to
* unset a pointer from a _cleanup_ function. */
*(void**)p = NULL;
static inline void freep(void *p) {
*(void**)p = mfree(*(void**) p);
#define _cleanup_free_ _cleanup_(freep)
static inline bool size_multiply_overflow(size_t size, size_t need) {
return _unlikely_(need != 0 && size > (SIZE_MAX / need));
_malloc_ _alloc_(1, 2) static inline void *malloc_multiply(size_t size, size_t need) {
if (size_multiply_overflow(size, need))
return NULL;
return malloc(size * need ?: 1);
#ifdef __GLIBC__
#if !__GLIBC_PREREQ(2, 26)
_alloc_(2, 3) static inline void *reallocarray(void *p, size_t need, size_t size) {
if (size_multiply_overflow(size, need))
return NULL;
return realloc(p, size * need ?: 1);
_alloc_(2, 3) static inline void *memdup_multiply(const void *p, size_t size, size_t need) {
if (size_multiply_overflow(size, need))
return NULL;
return memdup(p, size * need);
/* Note that we can't decorate this function with _alloc_() since the returned memory area is one byte larger
* than the product of its parameters. */
static inline void *memdup_suffix0_multiply(const void *p, size_t size, size_t need) {
if (size_multiply_overflow(size, need))
return NULL;
return memdup_suffix0(p, size * need);
void* greedy_realloc(void **p, size_t need, size_t size);
void* greedy_realloc0(void **p, size_t need, size_t size);
#define GREEDY_REALLOC(array, need) \
greedy_realloc((void**) &(array), (need), sizeof((array)[0]))
#define GREEDY_REALLOC0(array, need) \
greedy_realloc0((void**) &(array), (need), sizeof((array)[0]))
#define alloca0(n) \
({ \
char *_new_; \
size_t _len_ = n; \
_new_ = alloca_safe(_len_); \
memset(_new_, 0, _len_); \
/* It's not clear what alignment glibc/gcc alloca() guarantee, hence provide a guaranteed safe version */
#define alloca_align(size, align) \
({ \
void *_ptr_; \
size_t _mask_ = (align) - 1; \
size_t _size_ = size; \
_ptr_ = alloca_safe(_size_ + _mask_); \
(void*)(((uintptr_t)_ptr_ + _mask_) & ~_mask_); \
#define alloca0_align(size, align) \
({ \
void *_new_; \
size_t _xsize_ = (size); \
_new_ = alloca_align(_xsize_, (align)); \
memset(_new_, 0, _xsize_); \
# define msan_unpoison(r, s) __msan_unpoison(r, s)
# define msan_unpoison(r, s)
/* Dummy allocator to tell the compiler that the new size of p is newsize. The implementation returns the
* pointer as is; the only reason for its existence is as a conduit for the _alloc_ attribute. This must not
* be inlined (hence a non-static function with _noinline_ because LTO otherwise tries to inline it) because
* gcc then loses the attributes on the function.
* See: */
void *expand_to_usable(void *p, size_t newsize) _alloc_(2) _returns_nonnull_ _noinline_;
static inline size_t malloc_sizeof_safe(void **xp) {
if (_unlikely_(!xp || !*xp))
return 0;
size_t sz = malloc_usable_size(*xp);
*xp = expand_to_usable(*xp, sz);
/* GCC doesn't see the _returns_nonnull_ when built with ubsan, so yet another hint to make it doubly
* clear that expand_to_usable won't return NULL.
* See: */
if (!*xp)
return sz;
/* This returns the number of usable bytes in a malloc()ed region as per malloc_usable_size(), which may
* return a value larger than the size that was actually allocated. Access to that additional memory is
* discouraged because it violates the C standard; a compiler cannot see that this as valid. To help the
* compiler out, the MALLOC_SIZEOF_SAFE macro 'allocates' the usable size using a dummy allocator function
* expand_to_usable. There is a possibility of malloc_usable_size() returning different values during the
* lifetime of an object, which may cause problems, but the glibc allocator does not do that at the moment. */
malloc_sizeof_safe((void**) &__builtin_choose_expr(__builtin_constant_p(x), (void*) { NULL }, (x)))
/* Inspired by ELEMENTSOF() but operates on malloc()'ed memory areas: typesafely returns the number of items
* that fit into the specified memory block */
(__builtin_choose_expr( \
__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(x), typeof(&*(x))), \
MALLOC_SIZEOF_SAFE(x)/sizeof((x)[0]), \
/* These are like strdupa()/strndupa(), but honour ALLOCA_MAX */
#define strdupa_safe(s) \
({ \
const char *_t = (s); \
(char*) memdupa_suffix0(_t, strlen(_t)); \
#define strndupa_safe(s, n) \
({ \
const char *_t = (s); \
(char*) memdupa_suffix0(_t, strnlen(_t, (n))); \
#include "memory-util.h"