blob: c82ad761efe682936d4363d4a121c870e8a1e7db [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
#pragma once
#include "macro.h"
typedef enum ExtractFlags {
EXTRACT_RELAX = 1 << 0, /* Allow unbalanced quote and eat up trailing backslash. */
EXTRACT_CUNESCAPE = 1 << 1, /* Unescape known escape sequences. */
EXTRACT_UNESCAPE_RELAX = 1 << 2, /* Allow and keep unknown escape sequences, allow and keep trailing backslash. */
EXTRACT_UNESCAPE_SEPARATORS = 1 << 3, /* Unescape separators (those specified, or whitespace by default). */
EXTRACT_KEEP_QUOTE = 1 << 4, /* Ignore separators in quoting with "" and ''. */
EXTRACT_UNQUOTE = 1 << 5, /* Ignore separators in quoting with "" and '', and remove the quotes. */
EXTRACT_DONT_COALESCE_SEPARATORS = 1 << 6, /* Don't treat multiple adjacent separators as one */
EXTRACT_RETAIN_ESCAPE = 1 << 7, /* Treat escape character '\' as any other character without special meaning */
EXTRACT_RETAIN_SEPARATORS = 1 << 8, /* Do not advance the original string pointer past the separator(s) */
/* Note that if no flags are specified, escaped escape characters will be silently stripped. */
} ExtractFlags;
int extract_first_word(const char **p, char **ret, const char *separators, ExtractFlags flags);
int extract_first_word_and_warn(const char **p, char **ret, const char *separators, ExtractFlags flags, const char *unit, const char *filename, unsigned line, const char *rvalue);
int extract_many_words(const char **p, const char *separators, unsigned flags, ...) _sentinel_;