blob: ffc8bd830453ecd3c451966c88749f45717a4502 [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
#pragma once
/* The head of the linked list. Use this in the structure that shall
* contain the head of the linked list */
#define LIST_HEAD(t,name) \
t *name
/* The pointers in the linked list's items. Use this in the item structure */
#define LIST_FIELDS(t,name) \
t *name##_next, *name##_prev
/* Initialize the list's head */
#define LIST_HEAD_INIT(head) \
do { \
(head) = NULL; \
} while (false)
/* Initialize a list item */
#define LIST_INIT(name,item) \
do { \
typeof(*(item)) *_item = (item); \
assert(_item); \
_item->name##_prev = _item->name##_next = NULL; \
} while (false)
/* Prepend an item to the list */
#define LIST_PREPEND(name,head,item) \
({ \
typeof(*(head)) **_head = &(head), *_item = (item); \
assert(_item); \
if ((_item->name##_next = *_head)) \
_item->name##_next->name##_prev = _item; \
_item->name##_prev = NULL; \
*_head = _item; \
_item; \
/* Append an item to the list */
#define LIST_APPEND(name,head,item) \
({ \
typeof(*(head)) **_hhead = &(head), *_tail; \
_tail = LIST_FIND_TAIL(name, *_hhead); \
LIST_INSERT_AFTER(name, *_hhead, _tail, item); \
/* Remove an item from the list */
#define LIST_REMOVE(name,head,item) \
({ \
typeof(*(head)) **_head = &(head), *_item = (item); \
assert(_item); \
if (_item->name##_next) \
_item->name##_next->name##_prev = _item->name##_prev; \
if (_item->name##_prev) \
_item->name##_prev->name##_next = _item->name##_next; \
else { \
assert(*_head == _item); \
*_head = _item->name##_next; \
} \
_item->name##_next = _item->name##_prev = NULL; \
_item; \
/* Find the head of the list */
#define LIST_FIND_HEAD(name,item) \
({ \
typeof(*(item)) *_item = (item); \
while (_item && _item->name##_prev) \
_item = _item->name##_prev; \
_item; \
/* Find the tail of the list */
#define LIST_FIND_TAIL(name,item) \
({ \
typeof(*(item)) *_item = (item); \
while (_item && _item->name##_next) \
_item = _item->name##_next; \
_item; \
/* Insert an item after another one (a = where, b = what) */
#define LIST_INSERT_AFTER(name,head,a,b) \
({ \
typeof(*(head)) **_head = &(head), *_a = (a), *_b = (b); \
assert(_b); \
if (!_a) { \
if ((_b->name##_next = *_head)) \
_b->name##_next->name##_prev = _b; \
_b->name##_prev = NULL; \
*_head = _b; \
} else { \
if ((_b->name##_next = _a->name##_next)) \
_b->name##_next->name##_prev = _b; \
_b->name##_prev = _a; \
_a->name##_next = _b; \
} \
_b; \
/* Insert an item before another one (a = where, b = what) */
#define LIST_INSERT_BEFORE(name,head,a,b) \
({ \
typeof(*(head)) **_head = &(head), *_a = (a), *_b = (b); \
assert(_b); \
if (!_a) { \
if (!*_head) { \
_b->name##_next = NULL; \
_b->name##_prev = NULL; \
*_head = _b; \
} else { \
typeof(*(head)) *_tail = (head); \
while (_tail->name##_next) \
_tail = _tail->name##_next; \
_b->name##_next = NULL; \
_b->name##_prev = _tail; \
_tail->name##_next = _b; \
} \
} else { \
if ((_b->name##_prev = _a->name##_prev)) \
_b->name##_prev->name##_next = _b; \
else \
*_head = _b; \
_b->name##_next = _a; \
_a->name##_prev = _b; \
} \
_b; \
#define LIST_JUST_US(name,item) \
(!(item)->name##_prev && !(item)->name##_next)
/* The type of the iterator 'i' is automatically determined by the type of 'head', and declared in the
* loop. Hence, do not declare the same variable in the outer scope. Sometimes, we set 'head' through
* hashmap_get(). In that case, you need to explicitly cast the result. */
#define LIST_FOREACH_WITH_NEXT(name,i,n,head) \
for (typeof(*(head)) *n, *i = (head); i && (n = i->name##_next, true); i = n)
#define LIST_FOREACH(name,i,head) \
#define _LIST_FOREACH_WITH_PREV(name,i,p,start) \
for (typeof(*(start)) *p, *i = (start); i && (p = i->name##_prev, true); i = p)
#define LIST_FOREACH_BACKWARDS(name,i,start) \
_LIST_FOREACH_WITH_PREV(name, i, UNIQ_T(p, UNIQ), start)
/* Iterate through all the members of the list p is included in, but skip over p */
#define LIST_FOREACH_OTHERS(name,i,p) \
for (typeof(*(p)) *_p = (p), *i = ({ \
typeof(*_p) *_j = _p; \
while (_j && _j->name##_prev) \
_j = _j->name##_prev; \
if (_j == _p) \
_j = _p->name##_next; \
_j; \
}); \
i; \
i = i->name##_next == _p ? _p->name##_next : i->name##_next)
/* Loop starting from p->next until p->prev. p can be adjusted meanwhile. */
#define LIST_LOOP_BUT_ONE(name,i,head,p) \
for (typeof(*(p)) *i = (p)->name##_next ? (p)->name##_next : (head); \
i != (p); \
i = i->name##_next ? i->name##_next : (head))
/* Join two lists tail to head: a->b, c->d to a->b->c->d and de-initialise second list */
#define LIST_JOIN(name,a,b) \
({ \
assert(b); \
if (!(a)) \
(a) = (b); \
else { \
typeof(*(a)) *_head = (b), *_tail; \
_tail = LIST_FIND_TAIL(name, (a)); \
_tail->name##_next = _head; \
_head->name##_prev = _tail; \
} \
(b) = NULL; \
a; \
#define LIST_POP(name, a) \
({ \
typeof(a)* _a = &(a); \
typeof(a) _p = *_a; \
if (_p) \
LIST_REMOVE(name, *_a, _p); \
_p; \
/* Now include "macro.h", because we want our definition of assert() which the macros above use. We include
* it down here instead of up top, since macro.h pulls in log.h which in turn needs our own definitions. */
#include "macro.h"