blob: 21b9f8f348ec5d73b1eecbfd534ef78e783e1a70 [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
#pragma once
typedef struct User User;
#include "conf-parser.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "logind.h"
#include "user-record.h"
typedef enum UserState {
USER_OFFLINE, /* Not logged in at all */
USER_OPENING, /* Is logging in */
USER_LINGERING, /* Lingering has been enabled by the admin for this user */
USER_ONLINE, /* User logged in */
USER_ACTIVE, /* User logged in and has a session in the fg */
USER_CLOSING, /* User logged out, but processes still remain and lingering is not enabled */
} UserState;
struct User {
Manager *manager;
UserRecord *user_record;
char *state_file;
char *runtime_path;
char *slice; /* user-UID.slice */
char *service; /* user@UID.service */
char *runtime_dir_service; /* user-runtime-dir@UID.service */
char *service_job;
Session *display;
dual_timestamp timestamp; /* When this User object was 'started' the first time */
usec_t last_session_timestamp; /* When the number of sessions of this user went from 1 to 0 the last time */
/* Set up when the last session of the user logs out */
sd_event_source *timer_event_source;
bool in_gc_queue:1;
bool started:1; /* Whenever the user being started, has been started or is being stopped again. */
bool stopping:1; /* Whenever the user is being stopped or has been stopped. */
LIST_HEAD(Session, sessions);
LIST_FIELDS(User, gc_queue);
int user_new(User **out, Manager *m, UserRecord *ur);
User *user_free(User *u);
bool user_may_gc(User *u, bool drop_not_started);
void user_add_to_gc_queue(User *u);
int user_start(User *u);
int user_stop(User *u, bool force);
int user_finalize(User *u);
UserState user_get_state(User *u);
int user_get_idle_hint(User *u, dual_timestamp *t);
int user_save(User *u);
int user_load(User *u);
int user_kill(User *u, int signo);
int user_check_linger_file(User *u);
void user_elect_display(User *u);
void user_update_last_session_timer(User *u);
const char* user_state_to_string(UserState s) _const_;
UserState user_state_from_string(const char *s) _pure_;