blob: ac4d1890b09c90a93305eaef0232e78ce17fbbfe [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
#pragma once
#include <errno.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "json.h"
#include "set.h"
#include "string-util.h"
typedef enum BootEntryType {
BOOT_ENTRY_CONF, /* Boot Loader Specification Type #1 entries: *.conf files */
BOOT_ENTRY_UNIFIED, /* Boot Loader Specification Type #2 entries: *.efi files */
BOOT_ENTRY_LOADER, /* Additional entries augmented from LoaderEntries EFI variable (regular entries) */
BOOT_ENTRY_LOADER_AUTO, /* Additional entries augmented from LoaderEntries EFI variable (special "automatic" entries) */
} BootEntryType;
typedef struct BootEntry {
BootEntryType type;
bool reported_by_loader;
char *id; /* This is the file basename (including extension!) */
char *id_old; /* Old-style ID, for deduplication purposes. */
char *path; /* This is the full path to the drop-in file */
char *root; /* The root path in which the drop-in was found, i.e. to which 'kernel', 'efi' and 'initrd' are relative */
char *title;
char *show_title;
char *sort_key;
char *version;
char *machine_id;
char *architecture;
char **options;
char *kernel; /* linux is #defined to 1, yikes! */
char *efi;
char **initrd;
char *device_tree;
char **device_tree_overlay;
unsigned tries_left;
unsigned tries_done;
} BootEntry;
#define BOOT_ENTRY_INIT(t) \
{ \
.type = (t), \
.tries_left = UINT_MAX, \
.tries_done = UINT_MAX, \
typedef struct BootConfig {
char *default_pattern;
char *timeout;
char *editor;
char *auto_entries;
char *auto_firmware;
char *console_mode;
char *beep;
char *entry_oneshot;
char *entry_default;
char *entry_selected;
BootEntry *entries;
size_t n_entries;
ssize_t default_entry;
ssize_t selected_entry;
Set *inodes_seen;
} BootConfig;
{ \
.default_entry = -1, \
.selected_entry = -1, \
const char* boot_entry_type_to_string(BootEntryType);
BootEntry* boot_config_find_entry(BootConfig *config, const char *id);
static inline const BootEntry* boot_config_default_entry(const BootConfig *config) {
if (config->default_entry < 0)
return NULL;
assert((size_t) config->default_entry < config->n_entries);
return config->entries + config->default_entry;
void boot_config_free(BootConfig *config);
int boot_loader_read_conf(BootConfig *config, FILE *file, const char *path);
int boot_config_load_type1(
BootConfig *config,
FILE *f,
const char *root,
const char *dir,
const char *id);
int boot_config_finalize(BootConfig *config);
int boot_config_load(BootConfig *config, const char *esp_path, const char *xbootldr_path);
int boot_config_load_auto(BootConfig *config, const char *override_esp_path, const char *override_xbootldr_path);
int boot_config_augment_from_loader(BootConfig *config, char **list, bool only_auto);
int boot_config_select_special_entries(BootConfig *config, bool skip_efivars);
static inline const char* boot_entry_title(const BootEntry *entry) {
return ASSERT_PTR(entry->show_title ?: entry->title ?: entry->id);
int show_boot_entry(
const BootEntry *e,
bool show_as_default,
bool show_as_selected,
bool show_reported);
int show_boot_entries(
const BootConfig *config,
JsonFormatFlags json_format);
int boot_filename_extract_tries(const char *fname, char **ret_stripped, unsigned *ret_tries_left, unsigned *ret_tries_done);