blob: defecd3a51182ce83919eabddf04984d50fdac30 [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
#include <net/if.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "af-list.h"
#include "alloc-util.h"
#include "dlfcn-util.h"
#include "env-util.h"
#include "errno-list.h"
#include "format-util.h"
#include "hexdecoct.h"
#include "hostname-util.h"
#include "in-addr-util.h"
#include "local-addresses.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "main-func.h"
#include "nss-test-util.h"
#include "nss-util.h"
#include "parse-util.h"
#include "path-util.h"
#include "socket-util.h"
#include "stdio-util.h"
#include "string-util.h"
#include "strv.h"
#include "tests.h"
static size_t arg_bufsize = 1024;
static const char* af_to_string(int family, char *buf, size_t buf_len) {
const char *name;
if (family == AF_UNSPEC)
return "*";
name = af_to_name(family);
if (name)
return name;
(void) snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%i", family);
return buf;
static int print_gaih_addrtuples(const struct gaih_addrtuple *tuples) {
int r, n = 0;
for (const struct gaih_addrtuple *it = tuples; it; it = it->next) {
_cleanup_free_ char *a = NULL;
union in_addr_union u;
char family_name[DECIMAL_STR_MAX(int)];
memcpy(&u, it->addr, 16);
r = in_addr_to_string(it->family, &u, &a);
assert_se(IN_SET(r, 0, -EAFNOSUPPORT));
assert_se(a = hexmem(it->addr, 16));
log_info(" \"%s\" %s %s %s",
af_to_string(it->family, family_name, sizeof family_name),
return n;
static void print_struct_hostent(struct hostent *host, const char *canon) {
log_info(" \"%s\"", host->h_name);
STRV_FOREACH(s, host->h_aliases)
log_info(" alias \"%s\"", *s);
STRV_FOREACH(s, host->h_addr_list) {
union in_addr_union u;
_cleanup_free_ char *a = NULL;
char family_name[DECIMAL_STR_MAX(int)];
int r;
assert_se((unsigned) host->h_length == FAMILY_ADDRESS_SIZE(host->h_addrtype));
memcpy(&u, *s, host->h_length);
r = in_addr_to_string(host->h_addrtype, &u, &a);
assert_se(r == 0);
log_info(" %s %s",
af_to_string(host->h_addrtype, family_name, sizeof family_name),
if (canon)
log_info(" canonical: \"%s\"", canon);
static void test_gethostbyname4_r(void *handle, const char *module, const char *name) {
const char *fname;
_nss_gethostbyname4_r_t f;
char buffer[arg_bufsize];
struct gaih_addrtuple *pat = NULL;
int errno1 = 999, errno2 = 999; /* nss-dns doesn't set those */
int32_t ttl = INT32_MAX; /* nss-dns wants to return the lowest ttl,
and will access this variable through *ttlp,
so we need to set it to something.
I'm not sure if this is a bug in nss-dns
or not. */
enum nss_status status;
char pretty_status[DECIMAL_STR_MAX(enum nss_status)];
int n;
fname = strjoina("_nss_", module, "_gethostbyname4_r");
f = dlsym(handle, fname);
log_debug("dlsym(0x%p, %s) → 0x%p", handle, fname, f);
if (!f) {
log_info("%s not defined", fname);
status = f(name, &pat, buffer, sizeof buffer, &errno1, &errno2, &ttl);
if (status == NSS_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
log_info("%s(\"%s\") → status=%s%-20spat=buffer+0x%"PRIxPTR" errno=%d/%s h_errno=%d/%s ttl=%"PRIi32,
fname, name,
nss_status_to_string(status, pretty_status, sizeof pretty_status), "\n",
pat ? (uintptr_t) pat - (uintptr_t) buffer : 0,
errno1, errno_to_name(errno1) ?: "---",
errno2, hstrerror(errno2),
n = print_gaih_addrtuples(pat);
} else {
log_info("%s(\"%s\") → status=%s%-20spat=0x%p errno=%d/%s h_errno=%d/%s",
fname, name,
nss_status_to_string(status, pretty_status, sizeof pretty_status), "\n",
errno1, errno_to_name(errno1) ?: "---",
errno2, hstrerror(errno2));
n = 0;
if (STR_IN_SET(module, "resolve", "mymachines") && status == NSS_STATUS_UNAVAIL)
if (streq(name, "localhost")) {
if (streq(module, "myhostname")) {
assert_se(status == NSS_STATUS_SUCCESS);
assert_se(n == socket_ipv6_is_enabled() + 1);
} else if (streq(module, "resolve") && getenv_bool_secure("SYSTEMD_NSS_RESOLVE_SYNTHESIZE") != 0) {
assert_se(status == NSS_STATUS_SUCCESS);
if (socket_ipv6_is_enabled())
assert_se(n == 2);
assert_se(n <= 2); /* Even if IPv6 is disabled, /etc/hosts may contain ::1. */
static void test_gethostbyname3_r(void *handle, const char *module, const char *name, int af) {
const char *fname;
_nss_gethostbyname3_r_t f;
char buffer[arg_bufsize];
int errno1 = 999, errno2 = 999; /* nss-dns doesn't set those */
int32_t ttl = INT32_MAX; /* nss-dns wants to return the lowest ttl,
and will access this variable through *ttlp,
so we need to set it to something.
I'm not sure if this is a bug in nss-dns
or not. */
enum nss_status status;
char pretty_status[DECIMAL_STR_MAX(enum nss_status)];
struct hostent host;
char *canon;
char family_name[DECIMAL_STR_MAX(int)];
fname = strjoina("_nss_", module, "_gethostbyname3_r");
f = dlsym(handle, fname);
log_debug("dlsym(0x%p, %s) → 0x%p", handle, fname, f);
if (!f) {
log_info("%s not defined", fname);
status = f(name, af, &host, buffer, sizeof buffer, &errno1, &errno2, &ttl, &canon);
log_info("%s(\"%s\", %s) → status=%s%-20serrno=%d/%s h_errno=%d/%s ttl=%"PRIi32,
fname, name, af_to_string(af, family_name, sizeof family_name),
nss_status_to_string(status, pretty_status, sizeof pretty_status), "\n",
errno1, errno_to_name(errno1) ?: "---",
errno2, hstrerror(errno2),
if (status == NSS_STATUS_SUCCESS)
print_struct_hostent(&host, canon);
static void test_gethostbyname2_r(void *handle, const char *module, const char *name, int af) {
const char *fname;
_nss_gethostbyname2_r_t f;
char buffer[arg_bufsize];
int errno1 = 999, errno2 = 999; /* nss-dns doesn't set those */
enum nss_status status;
char pretty_status[DECIMAL_STR_MAX(enum nss_status)];
struct hostent host;
char family_name[DECIMAL_STR_MAX(int)];
fname = strjoina("_nss_", module, "_gethostbyname2_r");
f = dlsym(handle, fname);
log_debug("dlsym(0x%p, %s) → 0x%p", handle, fname, f);
if (!f) {
log_info("%s not defined", fname);
status = f(name, af, &host, buffer, sizeof buffer, &errno1, &errno2);
log_info("%s(\"%s\", %s) → status=%s%-20serrno=%d/%s h_errno=%d/%s",
fname, name, af_to_string(af, family_name, sizeof family_name),
nss_status_to_string(status, pretty_status, sizeof pretty_status), "\n",
errno1, errno_to_name(errno1) ?: "---",
errno2, hstrerror(errno2));
if (status == NSS_STATUS_SUCCESS)
print_struct_hostent(&host, NULL);
static void test_gethostbyname_r(void *handle, const char *module, const char *name) {
const char *fname;
_nss_gethostbyname_r_t f;
char buffer[arg_bufsize];
int errno1 = 999, errno2 = 999; /* nss-dns doesn't set those */
enum nss_status status;
char pretty_status[DECIMAL_STR_MAX(enum nss_status)];
struct hostent host;
fname = strjoina("_nss_", module, "_gethostbyname_r");
f = dlsym(handle, fname);
log_debug("dlsym(0x%p, %s) → 0x%p", handle, fname, f);
if (!f) {
log_info("%s not defined", fname);
status = f(name, &host, buffer, sizeof buffer, &errno1, &errno2);
log_info("%s(\"%s\") → status=%s%-20serrno=%d/%s h_errno=%d/%s",
fname, name,
nss_status_to_string(status, pretty_status, sizeof pretty_status), "\n",
errno1, errno_to_name(errno1) ?: "---",
errno2, hstrerror(errno2));
if (status == NSS_STATUS_SUCCESS)
print_struct_hostent(&host, NULL);
static void test_gethostbyaddr2_r(void *handle,
const char *module,
const void* addr, socklen_t len,
int af) {
const char *fname;
_nss_gethostbyaddr2_r_t f;
char buffer[arg_bufsize];
int errno1 = 999, errno2 = 999; /* nss-dns doesn't set those */
enum nss_status status;
char pretty_status[DECIMAL_STR_MAX(enum nss_status)];
struct hostent host;
int32_t ttl = INT32_MAX;
_cleanup_free_ char *addr_pretty = NULL;
fname = strjoina("_nss_", module, "_gethostbyaddr2_r");
f = dlsym(handle, fname);
log_full_errno(f ? LOG_DEBUG : LOG_INFO, errno,
"dlsym(0x%p, %s) → 0x%p: %m", handle, fname, f);
if (!f) {
log_info("%s not defined", fname);
assert_se(in_addr_to_string(af, addr, &addr_pretty) >= 0);
status = f(addr, len, af, &host, buffer, sizeof buffer, &errno1, &errno2, &ttl);
log_info("%s(\"%s\") → status=%s%-20serrno=%d/%s h_errno=%d/%s ttl=%"PRIi32,
fname, addr_pretty,
nss_status_to_string(status, pretty_status, sizeof pretty_status), "\n",
errno1, errno_to_name(errno1) ?: "---",
errno2, hstrerror(errno2),
if (status == NSS_STATUS_SUCCESS)
print_struct_hostent(&host, NULL);
static void test_gethostbyaddr_r(void *handle,
const char *module,
const void* addr, socklen_t len,
int af) {
const char *fname;
_nss_gethostbyaddr_r_t f;
char buffer[arg_bufsize];
int errno1 = 999, errno2 = 999; /* nss-dns doesn't set those */
enum nss_status status;
char pretty_status[DECIMAL_STR_MAX(enum nss_status)];
struct hostent host;
_cleanup_free_ char *addr_pretty = NULL;
fname = strjoina("_nss_", module, "_gethostbyaddr_r");
f = dlsym(handle, fname);
log_full_errno(f ? LOG_DEBUG : LOG_INFO, errno,
"dlsym(0x%p, %s) → 0x%p: %m", handle, fname, f);
if (!f) {
log_info("%s not defined", fname);
assert_se(in_addr_to_string(af, addr, &addr_pretty) >= 0);
status = f(addr, len, af, &host, buffer, sizeof buffer, &errno1, &errno2);
log_info("%s(\"%s\") → status=%s%-20serrno=%d/%s h_errno=%d/%s",
fname, addr_pretty,
nss_status_to_string(status, pretty_status, sizeof pretty_status), "\n",
errno1, errno_to_name(errno1) ?: "---",
errno2, hstrerror(errno2));
if (status == NSS_STATUS_SUCCESS)
print_struct_hostent(&host, NULL);
static void test_byname(void *handle, const char *module, const char *name) {
test_gethostbyname4_r(handle, module, name);
test_gethostbyname3_r(handle, module, name, AF_INET);
test_gethostbyname3_r(handle, module, name, AF_INET6);
test_gethostbyname3_r(handle, module, name, AF_UNSPEC);
test_gethostbyname3_r(handle, module, name, AF_UNIX);
test_gethostbyname2_r(handle, module, name, AF_INET);
test_gethostbyname2_r(handle, module, name, AF_INET6);
test_gethostbyname2_r(handle, module, name, AF_UNSPEC);
test_gethostbyname2_r(handle, module, name, AF_UNIX);
test_gethostbyname_r(handle, module, name);
static void test_byaddr(void *handle,
const char *module,
const void* addr, socklen_t len,
int af) {
test_gethostbyaddr2_r(handle, module, addr, len, af);
test_gethostbyaddr_r(handle, module, addr, len, af);
static int make_addresses(struct local_address **addresses) {
int n;
_cleanup_free_ struct local_address *addrs = NULL;
n = local_addresses(NULL, 0, AF_UNSPEC, &addrs);
if (n < 0)
log_info_errno(n, "Failed to query local addresses: %m");
assert_se(GREEDY_REALLOC(addrs, n + 3));
addrs[n++] = (struct local_address) { .family = AF_INET, = { htobe32(0x7F000001) } };
addrs[n++] = (struct local_address) { .family = AF_INET, = { htobe32(0x7F000002) } };
addrs[n++] = (struct local_address) { .family = AF_INET6,
.address.in6 = in6addr_loopback };
return 0;
static int test_one_module(const char *dir,
const char *module,
char **names,
struct local_address *addresses,
int n_addresses) {
log_info("======== %s ========", module);
_cleanup_(dlclosep) void *handle = nss_open_handle(dir, module, RTLD_LAZY|RTLD_NODELETE);
if (!handle)
return -EINVAL;
STRV_FOREACH(name, names)
test_byname(handle, module, *name);
for (int i = 0; i < n_addresses; i++)
test_byaddr(handle, module,
log_info(" ");
return 0;
static int parse_argv(int argc, char **argv,
char ***the_modules,
char ***the_names,
struct local_address **the_addresses, int *n_addresses) {
_cleanup_strv_free_ char **modules = NULL, **names = NULL;
_cleanup_free_ struct local_address *addrs = NULL;
const char *p;
int r, n = 0;
if (p) {
r = safe_atozu(p, &arg_bufsize);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to parse $SYSTEMD_TEST_NSS_BUFSIZE");
if (argc > 1)
modules = strv_new(argv[1]);
modules = strv_new(
if (argc > 2) {
int family;
union in_addr_union address;
STRV_FOREACH(name, argv + 2) {
r = in_addr_from_string_auto(*name, &family, &address);
if (r < 0) {
/* assume this is a name */
r = strv_extend(&names, *name);
if (r < 0)
return r;
} else {
assert_se(GREEDY_REALLOC0(addrs, n + 1));
addrs[n++] = (struct local_address) { .family = family,
.address = address };
} else {
_cleanup_free_ char *hostname;
assert_se(hostname = gethostname_malloc());
assert_se(names = strv_new("localhost", "_gateway", "_outbound", "foo_no_such_host", hostname));
n = make_addresses(&addrs);
assert_se(n >= 0);
*the_modules = TAKE_PTR(modules);
*the_names = TAKE_PTR(names);
*the_addresses = TAKE_PTR(addrs);
*n_addresses = n;
return 0;
static int run(int argc, char **argv) {
_cleanup_free_ char *dir = NULL;
_cleanup_strv_free_ char **modules = NULL, **names = NULL;
_cleanup_free_ struct local_address *addresses = NULL;
int n_addresses = 0;
int r;
r = parse_argv(argc, argv, &modules, &names, &addresses, &n_addresses);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to parse arguments: %m");
assert_se(path_extract_directory(argv[0], &dir) >= 0);
STRV_FOREACH(module, modules) {
r = test_one_module(dir, *module, names, addresses, n_addresses);
if (r < 0)
return r;
return 0;