blob: 558907600575df66f2615efa56edf90d832b3a49 [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <linux/fiemap.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "efivars.h"
#include "errno-util.h"
#include "fd-util.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "memory-util.h"
#include "sleep-config.h"
#include "strv.h"
#include "tests.h"
TEST(parse_sleep_config) {
_cleanup_(free_sleep_configp) SleepConfig *sleep_config = NULL;
assert_se(parse_sleep_config(&sleep_config) == 0);
_cleanup_free_ char *sum, *sus, *him, *his, *hym, *hys;
sum = strv_join(sleep_config->modes[SLEEP_SUSPEND], ", ");
sus = strv_join(sleep_config->states[SLEEP_SUSPEND], ", ");
him = strv_join(sleep_config->modes[SLEEP_HIBERNATE], ", ");
his = strv_join(sleep_config->states[SLEEP_HIBERNATE], ", ");
hym = strv_join(sleep_config->modes[SLEEP_HYBRID_SLEEP], ", ");
hys = strv_join(sleep_config->states[SLEEP_HYBRID_SLEEP], ", ");
log_debug(" allow_suspend: %s", yes_no(sleep_config->allow[SLEEP_SUSPEND]));
log_debug(" allow_hibernate: %s", yes_no(sleep_config->allow[SLEEP_HIBERNATE]));
log_debug(" allow_s2h: %s", yes_no(sleep_config->allow[SLEEP_SUSPEND_THEN_HIBERNATE]));
log_debug(" allow_hybrid_sleep: %s", yes_no(sleep_config->allow[SLEEP_HYBRID_SLEEP]));
log_debug(" suspend modes: %s", sum);
log_debug(" states: %s", sus);
log_debug(" hibernate modes: %s", him);
log_debug(" states: %s", his);
log_debug(" hybrid modes: %s", hym);
log_debug(" states: %s", hys);
static int test_fiemap_one(const char *path) {
_cleanup_free_ struct fiemap *fiemap = NULL;
_cleanup_close_ int fd = -EBADF;
int r;
log_info("/* %s */", __func__);
fd = open(path, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC | O_NONBLOCK);
if (fd < 0)
return log_error_errno(errno, "failed to open %s: %m", path);
r = read_fiemap(fd, &fiemap);
if (r == -EOPNOTSUPP)
exit(log_tests_skipped("Not supported"));
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Unable to read extent map for '%s': %m", path);
log_info("extent map information for %s:", path);
log_info("\t start: %" PRIu64, (uint64_t) fiemap->fm_start);
log_info("\t length: %" PRIu64, (uint64_t) fiemap->fm_length);
log_info("\t flags: %" PRIu32, fiemap->fm_flags);
log_info("\t number of mapped extents: %" PRIu32, fiemap->fm_mapped_extents);
log_info("\t extent count: %" PRIu32, fiemap->fm_extent_count);
if (fiemap->fm_extent_count > 0)
log_info("\t first extent location: %" PRIu64,
(uint64_t) (fiemap->fm_extents[0].fe_physical / page_size()));
return 0;
TEST_RET(fiemap) {
int r = 0;
assert_se(test_fiemap_one(saved_argv[0]) == 0);
for (int i = 1; i < saved_argc; i++) {
int k = test_fiemap_one(saved_argv[i]);
if (r == 0)
r = k;
return r;
TEST(sleep) {
_cleanup_strv_free_ char
**standby = strv_new("standby"),
**mem = strv_new("mem"),
**disk = strv_new("disk"),
**suspend = strv_new("suspend"),
**reboot = strv_new("reboot"),
**platform = strv_new("platform"),
**shutdown = strv_new("shutdown"),
**freeze = strv_new("freeze");
int r;
printf("Secure boot: %sd\n", enable_disable(is_efi_secure_boot()));
log_info("/= individual sleep modes =/");
log_info("Standby configured: %s", yes_no(can_sleep_state(standby) > 0));
log_info("Suspend configured: %s", yes_no(can_sleep_state(mem) > 0));
log_info("Hibernate configured: %s", yes_no(can_sleep_state(disk) > 0));
log_info("Hibernate+Suspend (Hybrid-Sleep) configured: %s", yes_no(can_sleep_disk(suspend) > 0));
log_info("Hibernate+Reboot configured: %s", yes_no(can_sleep_disk(reboot) > 0));
log_info("Hibernate+Platform configured: %s", yes_no(can_sleep_disk(platform) > 0));
log_info("Hibernate+Shutdown configured: %s", yes_no(can_sleep_disk(shutdown) > 0));
log_info("Freeze configured: %s", yes_no(can_sleep_state(freeze) > 0));
log_info("/= high-level sleep verbs =/");
r = can_sleep(SLEEP_SUSPEND);
log_info("Suspend configured and possible: %s", r >= 0 ? yes_no(r) : STRERROR(r));
r = can_sleep(SLEEP_HIBERNATE);
log_info("Hibernation configured and possible: %s", r >= 0 ? yes_no(r) : STRERROR(r));
r = can_sleep(SLEEP_HYBRID_SLEEP);
log_info("Hybrid-sleep configured and possible: %s", r >= 0 ? yes_no(r) : STRERROR(r));
log_info("Suspend-then-Hibernate configured and possible: %s", r >= 0 ? yes_no(r) : STRERROR(r));
TEST(fetch_batteries_capacity_by_name) {
_cleanup_hashmap_free_ Hashmap *capacity = NULL;
int r;
assert_se(fetch_batteries_capacity_by_name(&capacity) >= 0);
log_debug("fetch_batteries_capacity_by_name: %u entries", hashmap_size(capacity));
const char *name;
void *cap;
HASHMAP_FOREACH_KEY(cap, name, capacity) {
assert(cap); /* Anything non-null is fine. */
log_info("Battery %s: capacity = %i", name, get_capacity_by_name(capacity, name));
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
usec_t interval;
if (i > 0)
r = get_total_suspend_interval(capacity, &interval);
assert_se(r >= 0 || r == -ENOENT);
log_info("%d: get_total_suspend_interval: %s", i,
static int intro(void) {
if (getuid() != 0)
log_warning("This program is unlikely to work for unprivileged users");