Using Configuration Files with TeamCity

The testing environment in TeamCity can be found at



Actions in this file require Project Administrator permissions - ask for these if you are unsure if you have them.

Using configuration files for the first time in a project

At the start, we need to create a project in TeamCity and connect it to our hashicorp/terraform-provider-google repository, so TeamCity can pull in the configuration files to set that project's settings. This will cause all the resources defined in the configuration files to be created within that parent project.

The hashicorp/terraform-provider-google repository contains the entirety of the configuration required for testing both GA and Beta versions of the provider. The process described below only needs to be completed once to provision all required projects.

Note: The steps below require the user to have Admin permissions in TeamCity.

1) Create a parent project to be populated using the TeamCity configuration in GitHub

  • When viewing the Terraform Providers project in TeamCity, click the dropdown next to Edit project... in the top right, and select New subproject...
  • On the Create Project page:
  • Select From a repository URL.
  • Ensure Parent project is ‘Terraform Providers’.
  • Set Repository URL to
  • Leave Username and Password / access token blank; the repository is public access.
  • Click Proceed. You'll then be taken to the Create Project From URL page
  • On the next page, select Import settings from .teamcity/settings.kts and enable synchronization with the VCS repository
  • Set Project name to an appropriate name, e.g. “Google Cloud”
  • Ensure Default branch is refs/heads/main.
  • Empty the Branch specification text box; we don't want to monitor branches other than main.
  • Click Proceed.
    • The button will become disabled and a progress spinner will appear.
    • Wait for the page to reload after the settings are successfully loaded into your new project.

What we‘ve done so far: The process above creates a new project and a VCS Root, through which TeamCity can pull configuration files from GitHub and apply those files to set the new project’s settings. The project's settings will be synchronised with the configuration in GitHub, so if you updated the configuration files in GitHub those changes would automatically be reflected in TeamCity.

The next step is provide some input values that the configuration needs to fully function.

2) Provide inputs via Context Parameters and Tokens

  • Following the previous steps you should have been redirected to the Project settings page for your new project. If needed, navigate to this page manually.
  • Next, click Versioned Settings in the left menu
    • You should see that, from the previous steps, versioned settings is active and Synchronization enabled is selected.
  • Click on the Context Parameters tab at the top of the page
    • On this page you can add key:value pairs, which are used as input to the configuration in .teamcity/settings.kts
  • First, we need to enter credentials information in a special way that keeps the values secure. Here is the process for the credentials to the GA nightly test project:
    • Find the credentials JSON file for that project, ensure that the value has no newlines
    • Click the dropdown menu next to Actions in the top right and click Generate token for a secure value...
    • Paste the credentials JSON string into the Secure value field nd click Generate Token.
    • Copy the value shown below the field, which should look like credentialsJSON:<uuid>
    • Click Close
    • Still on the Context Parameters page, create a new entry where the key is credentialsGa and the value is that secure token
  • Repeat the above process for all 3 GCP projects, one for each row below:
credentialsGaUSE SECURE TOKENS TO ENTER THIS VALUE. Used to set the GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS environment variable in acceptance tests - GA nightly test project specific
credentialsBetaUSE SECURE TOKENS TO ENTER THIS VALUE. Used to set the GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS environment variable in acceptance tests - Beta nightly test project specific
credentialsVcrUSE SECURE TOKENS TO ENTER THIS VALUE. Used to set the GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS environment variable in acceptance tests - VCR test project specific
  • Next, enter values for all the context parameters below. These don't use secure tokens:
serviceAccountGaUsed to set the GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT environment variable in acceptance tests - GA specific
serviceAccountBetaUsed to set the GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT environment variable in acceptance tests - Beta specific
serviceAccountVcrUsed to set the GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT environment variable in acceptance tests - VCR specific
projectGaUsed to set the GOOGLE_PROJECT environment variable in acceptance tests- GA specific
projectBetaUsed to set the GOOGLE_PROJECT environment variable in acceptance tests- Beta specific
projectVcrUsed to set the GOOGLE_PROJECT environment variable in acceptance tests- VCR specific
projectNumberGaUsed to set the GOOGLE_PROJECT_NUMBER environment variable in acceptance tests - GA specific
projectNumberBetaUsed to set the GOOGLE_PROJECT_NUMBER environment variable in acceptance tests - Beta specific
projectNumberVcrUsed to set the GOOGLE_PROJECT_NUMBER environment variable in acceptance tests - VCR specific
identityUserGaUsed to set the GOOGLE_IDENTITY_USER environment variable in acceptance tests - GA specific
identityUserBetaUsed to set the GOOGLE_IDENTITY_USER environment variable in acceptance tests - Beta specific
identityUserVcrUsed to set the GOOGLE_IDENTITY_USER environment variable in acceptance tests - VCR specific
masterBillingAccountGaUsed to set the GOOGLE_MASTER_BILLING_ACCOUNT environment variable in acceptance tests - GA specific
masterBillingAccountBetaUsed to set the GOOGLE_MASTER_BILLING_ACCOUNT environment variable in acceptance tests - Beta specific
masterBillingAccountVcrUsed to set the GOOGLE_MASTER_BILLING_ACCOUNT environment variable in acceptance tests - VCR specific
org2GaUsed to set the GOOGLE_ORG_2 environment variable in acceptance tests - GA specific
org2BetaUsed to set the GOOGLE_ORG_2 environment variable in acceptance tests - Beta specific
org2VcrUsed to set the GOOGLE_ORG_2 environment variable in acceptance tests - VCR specific
billingAccountUsed to set the GOOGLE_BILLING_ACCOUNT ALL environment variable in acceptance tests
billingAccount2Used to set the GOOGLE_BILLING_ACCOUNT_2 environment variable in ALL acceptance tests
custIdUsed to set the GOOGLE_CUST_ID environment variable in ALL acceptance tests
orgUsed to set the GOOGLE_ORG environment variable in ALL acceptance tests
orgDomainUsed to set the GOOGLE_ORG_DOMAIN environment variable in ALL acceptance tests
regionUsed to set the GOOGLE_REGION environment variable in ALL acceptance tests
zoneUsed to set the GOOGLE_ZONE environment variable in ALL acceptance tests
infraProjectUsed to set an environment variable GOOGLE_INFRA_PROJECT that's used to control the bucket used by VCR testing builds
vcrBucketNameUsed to set an environment variable VCR_BUCKET_NAME that's used to control the bucket used by VCR testing builds
  • Click Save
    • TeamCity will take some time to process the new values. The status of loading the new values will show at the bottom of the Versioned Settings page
    • You can check if values are being set by navigating to an acceptance test or VCR recording build configuration clicking View configuration settings in the top right, and clicking Parameters in the left menu. Credentials values will be obscured as ****** but all other values will be human-readable.

Editing configuration files


Pushing configuration changes to TeamCity

When changes to files in .teamcity/ are merged into the main branch of the hashicorp/terraform-provider-google repository TeamCity will detect these changes and attempt to apply them.

Speeding up new changes being reflected in TeamCity

  • Navigate to the Versioned Settings page on the parent project.
  • Click the Change Log tab at the top.
  • Click the Check for changes button.
    • This will cause TeamCity to immediately look for changes in the configuration, ahead of the normal schedule.

Bugs in the TeamCity configuration files

If an update to the TeamCity configuration isn't valid, for example there is a syntax issue in a Kotlin file, then TeamCity will detect the problem and revert to using the config in the last known good commit.

In scenarios liek this, you will see an error shown at the bottom of the Versioned Settings page. Builds will continue to run using the last version of the configuration files.

To avoid bugs reaching TeamCity, validate all changes to the TeamCity configuration files locally before merging a PR:

  • Generate the GA provider from Magic Modules
  • In the GA provider repo, run cd .teamcity
  • Validate the configuration using make validate