blob: e933c20aff4118e3eabd21995332dfae0f38b557 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.checkerframework.checker.mustcall.qual;
import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Repeatable;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import org.checkerframework.checker.calledmethods.qual.CalledMethods;
import org.checkerframework.framework.qual.InheritedAnnotation;
import org.checkerframework.framework.qual.JavaExpression;
* Indicates that the method resets the target's must-call type to its declared type. This
* effectively undoes flow-sensitive type refinement. The target is the {@code value}
* argument/element. More precisely, the method resets the target's must-call type to the least
* upper bound of its current must-call type and its declared must-call type.
* <p>When calling a method annotated as {@code @CreatesObligation("}<em>target</em>{@code ")}, the
* expression {@code target} must not have type {@code @}{@link CalledMethods}{@code ({})}. That is,
* {@code target}'s CalledMethods type must be non-empty.
* <p>{@code @CreatesObligation("this")} must be written on any method that assigns a non-final,
* owning field whose declared type has a must-call obligation.
* <p>This annotation is trusted, not checked. (Because this annotation can only add obligations,
* the analysis remains sound.)
* <p>For example, consider the following code, which uses a {@code @CreatesObligation} annotation
* to indicate that the {@code reset()} method re-assigns the {@code socket} field:
* <pre>
* &#64;MustCall("stop")
* class SocketContainer {
* // Note that @MustCall("close") is the default type for, but it
* // is included on the next line for illustrative purposes. This example would function
* // identically if that qualifier were omitted.
* private @Owning @MustCall("close") Socket socket = ...;
* &#64;EnsuresCalledMethods(value="this.socket", methods="close")
* public void stop() throws IOException {
* socket.close();
* }
* &#64;CreatesObligation("this")
* public void reset() {
* if (socket.isClosed()) {
* socket = new Socket(...);
* }
* }
* }
* </pre>
* A client of {@code SocketContainer} is permitted to call {@code reset()} arbitrarily many times.
* Each time it does so, a new {@code Socket} might be created. A {@code SocketContainer}'s
* must-call obligation of "stop" is fulfilled only if {@code stop()} is called after the last call
* to {@code reset()}. The {@code @CreatesObligation} annotation on {@code reset()}'s declaration
* enforces this requirement: at any call to {@code reset()}, all called-methods information about
* the receiver is removed from the store of the Must Call Checker and the store of the Called
* Methods Checker, so the client has to "start over" as if a fresh {@code SocketContainer} object
* had been created.
* <p>When the -AnoAccumulationFrames command-line argument is passed to the checker, this
* annotation is ignored and all fields are treated as non-owning.
* @checker_framework.manual #must-call-checker Must Call Checker
public @interface CreatesObligation {
* The target of this annotation is stored in this field. The target must be an expression which
* can be refined in the store, such as a local variable or field.
* @return the expression to which must-call obligations are added when the annotated method is
* invoked
String value() default "this";
* A wrapper annotation that makes the {@link CreatesObligation} annotation repeatable.
* <p>Programmers generally do not need to write this. It is created by Java when a programmer
* writes more than one {@link CreatesObligation} annotation at the same location.
* @checker_framework.manual #must-call-checker Must Call Checker
@interface List {
* Return the repeatable annotations.
* @return the repeatable annotations
CreatesObligation[] value();