blob: be8ab3e3322f8867614e760b79b440dafaf01380 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
sourceSets {
main {
resources {
// Stub files,, etc.
srcDirs += ['src/main/java']
sourcesJar {
// The resources duplicate content from the src directory.
duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE
dependencies {
implementation project(':javacutil')
implementation project(':dataflow')
implementation project(':framework')
// AFU is an "includedBuild" imported in checker-framework/settings.gradle, so the version number doesn't matter.
implementation('org.checkerframework:annotation-file-utilities:*') {
exclude group: '', module: 'javac'
implementation project(':checker-qual')
implementation project(':checker-util')
// External dependencies:
// If you add an external dependency, you must shadow its packages.
// See the comment in ../build.gradle in the shadowJar block.
// As of 2019-12-16, the version of reflection-util in the Annotation
// File Utilities takes priority over this version, in the fat jar
// file. :-( So update it and re-build it locally when updating this.
implementation 'org.plumelib:reflection-util:1.0.3'
implementation 'org.plumelib:plume-util:1.5.3'
// Dependencies added to "shadow" appear as dependencies in Maven Central.
shadow project(':checker-qual')
shadow project(':checker-util')
// Called Methods Checker AutoValue + Lombok support
testImplementation ""
testImplementation ""
testImplementation ""
testImplementation "org.projectlombok:lombok:1.18.20"
// Called Methods Checker support for detecting misuses of AWS APIs
testImplementation "com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-ec2"
testImplementation "com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-kms"
// The AWS SDK is used for testing the Called Methods Checker.
testImplementation platform("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-bom:1.11.964")
testImplementation group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.13.2'
testImplementation project(':framework-test')
testImplementation sourceSets.testannotations.output
testannotationsImplementation project(':checker-qual')
jar {
manifest {
attributes("Main-Class": "org.checkerframework.framework.util.CheckerMain")
task copyJarsToDist(dependsOn: shadowJar, group: 'Build') {
description 'Builds or downloads jars required by CheckerMain and puts them in checker/dist.'
dependsOn project(':checker-qual').tasks.jar
doLast {
copy {
from file(project(':checker-qual').tasks.getByName("jar").archivePath)
into "${projectDir}/dist"
rename { String fileName ->
// remove version number on checker-qual.jar
fileName.replace(fileName, "checker-qual.jar")
copy {
from file(project(':checker-util').tasks.getByName("jar").archivePath)
into "${projectDir}/dist"
rename { String fileName ->
// remove version number on checker-util.jar
fileName.replace(fileName, "checker-util.jar")
copy {
from configurations.javacJar
into "${projectDir}/dist"
rename { String fileName ->
fileName.replace(fileName, "javac.jar")
assemble.dependsOn copyJarsToDist
task allSourcesJar(type: Jar, group: 'Build') {
description 'Creates a sources jar that includes sources for all Checker Framework classes in checker.jar'
destinationDirectory = file("${projectDir}/dist")
archiveFileName = "checker-source.jar"
archiveClassifier = "sources"
from (, project(':framework').sourceSets.main.allJava,
project(':dataflow').sourceSets.main.allJava, project(':javacutil').sourceSets.main.allJava,
project(':checker-qual').sourceSets.main.allJava, project(':checker-util').sourceSets.main.allJava)
task allJavadocJar(type: Jar, group: 'Build') {
description 'Creates javadoc jar including Javadoc for all of the Checker Framework'
dependsOn rootProject.tasks.allJavadoc
destinationDirectory = file("${projectDir}/dist")
archiveFileName = "checker-javadoc.jar"
archiveClassifier = "javadoc"
from rootProject.tasks.allJavadoc.destinationDir
// Shadowing Test Sources and Dependencies
import com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.tasks.ShadowJar
task checkerJar(type: ShadowJar, dependsOn: compileJava, group: 'Build') {
description "Builds checker-${project.version}.jar with all dependencies except checker-qual and checker-util."
includeEmptyDirs = false
archivesBaseName = 'checker'
archiveClassifier = ''
from shadowJar.source
configurations = shadowJar.configurations
// To see what files are incorporated into the shadow jar file:
// doLast { println sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath.asPath }
manifest {
attributes("Main-Class": "org.checkerframework.framework.util.CheckerMain")
exclude 'org/checkerframework/**/qual/*'
exclude 'org/checkerframework/checker/*/util/*'
relocators = shadowJar.getRelocators()
jar {
// Never build the skinny jar.
onlyIf {false}
archiveClassifier = 'skinny'
shadowJar {
description 'Creates checker-VERSION-all.jar and copies it to dist/checker.jar.'
// To see what files are incorporated into the shadow jar file:
// doFirst { println sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath.asPath }
copy {
from archiveFile.get()
into file("${projectDir}/dist")
rename 'checker.*', 'checker.jar'
artifacts {
// Don't add this here or else the Javadoc and the sources jar is built during the assemble task.
// archives allJavadocJar
// archives allSourcesJar
archives shadowJar
archives checkerJar
clean {
delete "${projectDir}/dist"
delete "tests/calledmethods-delomboked"
// Add non-junit tests
createCheckTypeTask(,, "CompilerMessages",
checkCompilerMessages {
doFirst {
options.compilerArgs += [
'-Apropfiles=' + sourceSets.main.resources.filter { file ->'') }.asPath + ":"
+ project(':framework').sourceSets.main.resources.filter { file ->'') }.asPath
task nullnessExtraTests(type: Exec, dependsOn: copyJarsToDist, group: 'Verification') {
description 'Run extra tests for the Nullness Checker.'
executable 'make'
environment JAVAC: "${projectDir}/bin/javac", JAVAP: 'javap'
args = ['-C', 'tests/nullness-extra/']
task commandLineTests(type: Exec, dependsOn: copyJarsToDist, group: 'Verification') {
description 'Run tests that need a special command line.'
executable 'make'
environment JAVAC: "${projectDir}/bin/javac"
args = ['-C', 'tests/command-line/']
task tutorialTests(dependsOn: copyJarsToDist, group: 'Verification') {
description 'Test that the tutorial is working as expected.'
doLast {
ant.ant(dir: "${rootDir}/docs/tutorial/tests", useNativeBasedir: 'true', inheritAll: 'false') {
target(name: 'check-tutorial')
task exampleTests(type: Exec, dependsOn: copyJarsToDist, group: 'Verification') {
description 'Run tests for the example programs.'
executable 'make'
environment JAVAC: "${projectDir}/bin/javac"
args = ['-C', '../docs/examples']
task demosTests(dependsOn: copyJarsToDist, group: 'Verification') {
description 'Test that the demos are working as expected.'
doLast {
if (JavaVersion.current() == JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8) {
File demosDir = new File(projectDir, '../../checker-framework.demos');
if (!demosDir.exists()) {
exec {
workingDir file(demosDir.toString() + '/../')
executable 'git'
args = ['clone', '--depth', '1', '']
} else {
exec {
workingDir demosDir
executable 'git'
args = ['pull', '']
ignoreExitValue = true
}'checker.lib', file("${projectDir}/dist/checker.jar").absolutePath)
ant.ant(dir: demosDir.toString())
} else {
println("Skipping demosTests because they only work with Java 8.")
task allNullnessTests(type: Test, group: 'Verification') {
description 'Run all Junit tests for the Nullness Checker.'
include '**/Nullness*.class'
task allCalledMethodsTests(type: Test, group: 'Verification') {
description 'Run all Junit tests for the Called Methods Checker.'
include '**/CalledMethods*.class'
dependsOn 'delombok'
// These are tests that should only be run with JDK 11.
task jtregJdk11Tests(dependsOn: ':downloadJtreg', group: 'Verification') {
description 'Run the jtreg tests made for JDK 11.'
String jtregOutput = "${buildDir}/jtregJdk11"
String name = 'all'
doLast {
if (isJava8) {
println "This test is only run with JDK 11."
exec {
executable "${jtregHome}/bin/jtreg"
args = [
"-javacoptions:-classpath ${tasks.shadowJar.archiveFile.get()}:${sourceSets.test.output.asPath}",
"-vmoptions:-classpath ${tasks.shadowJar.archiveFile.get()}:${sourceSets.test.output.asPath}",
"-javacoptions:-classpath ${sourceSets.testannotations.output.asPath}",
// Location of jtreg tests
// JSpecify tests are excluded by default. To run them:
// ./gradlew NullnessJSpecifySamplesTest
test {
exclude '**/org/checkerframework/checker/test/junit/NullnessJSpecifySamplesTest.class'
task delombok {
description 'Delomboks the source code tree in tests/calledmethods-lombok'
def srcDelomboked = 'tests/calledmethods-delomboked'
def srcJava = 'tests/calledmethods-lombok'
inputs.files file(srcJava)
outputs.dir file(srcDelomboked)
// Because there are Checker Framework annotations in the test source.
dependsOn project(':checker-qual').tasks.jar
doLast {
def collection = files(configurations.testCompileClasspath)
ant.taskdef(name: 'delombok', classname: 'lombok.delombok.ant.Tasks$Delombok',
classpath: collection.asPath)
ant.delombok(from: srcJava, to: srcDelomboked, classpath: collection.asPath)
/// Whole-program inference tests
test {
useJUnit {
// These are run in task wholeProgramInferenceTests.
excludeCategories 'org.checkerframework.checker.test.junit.wpirunners.WholeProgramInferenceTestCheckerJaifsTest'
excludeCategories 'org.checkerframework.checker.test.junit.wpirunners.WholeProgramInferenceTestCheckerStubsTest'
excludeCategories 'org.checkerframework.checker.test.junit.wpirunners.WholeProgramInferenceTestCheckerAjavaTest'
excludeCategories 'org.checkerframework.checker.test.junit.wpirunners.WholeProgramInferenceNullnessJaifsTest'
task testWpiTestCheckerStubs(type: Test) {
description 'Internal task. Users should run wholeProgramInferenceTestCheckerStubTests instead. This runs the wpi-testchecker tests with -Ainfer=stubs to generate stub files'
doFirst {
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
include '**/WholeProgramInferenceTestCheckerStubsTest.class'
testLogging {
// Always run the tests
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
// Show the found unexpected diagnostics and the expected diagnostics not found.
exceptionFormat "full"
events "passed", "skipped", "failed"
doLast {
// The stub file format doesn't support annotations on anonymous inner classes, so
// this test also expects errors on
copy {
from file('tests/wpi-testchecker/non-annotated/')
into file('tests/wpi-testchecker/annotated')
task testWpiTestCheckerStubsValidate(type: Test) {
description 'Internal task. Users should run wholeProgramInferenceTestCheckerStubTests instead. This re-runs the wpi-testchecker tests using the stub files generated by testWpiTestCheckerStubs'
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
include '**/WholeProgramInferenceTestCheckerStubsValidationTest.class'
testLogging {
// Always run the tests
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
// Show the found unexpected diagnostics and the expected diagnostics not found.
exceptionFormat "full"
events "passed", "skipped", "failed"
task testWpiTestCheckerAjava(type: Test) {
description 'Internal task. Users sholud run wholeProgramInferenceTestCheckerAjavaTests instead. This runs the wpi-testchecker tests with -Ainfer=ajava to generate stub files'
doFirst {
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
include '**/WholeProgramInferenceTestCheckerAjavaTest.class'
testLogging {
// Always run the tests
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
// Show the found unexpected diagnostics and the expected diagnostics not found.
exceptionFormat "full"
events "passed", "skipped", "failed"
doLast {
task testWpiTestCheckerAjavaValidate(type: Test) {
description 'Internal task. Users should run wholeProgramInferenceTestCheckerAjavaTests instead. This re-runs the wpi-testchecker tests using the ajava files generated by testWpiTestCheckerAjava'
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
include '**/WholeProgramInferenceTestCheckerAjavaValidationTest.class'
testLogging {
// Always run the tests
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
// Show the found unexpected diagnostics and the expected diagnostics not found.
exceptionFormat "full"
events "passed", "skipped", "failed"
// Copies directories as needed by WPI tests.
// Formal parameter testdir is, for example, "wpi-testchecker".
// Does work in directory "tests/${testdir}/".
// 1. Copies whole-program inference test source code from the non-annotated/ to the annotated/ directory.
// 2. Copies WPI output, such as .jaif or .stub files, to the inferference-output/ directory.
void copyNonannotatedToAnnotatedDirectory(String testdir) {
// Copying all test files to another directory, removing all expected errors that should not
// occur after inserting inferred annotations from .jaif files.
copy {
from files("tests/${testdir}/non-annotated")
into file("tests/${testdir}/annotated")
filter { String line ->
line.contains('// :: error:') || line.contains('// :: warning:') ? null : line
// The only file for which expected errors are maintained is, so we copy it over.
copy {
from file("tests/${testdir}/non-annotated/")
into file("tests/${testdir}/annotated")
// This task is similar to the wholeProgramInferenceTestCheckerJaifTests task below, but it doesn't
// run the insert-annotations-to-source tool. Instead, it tests the -Ainfer=stubs feature
// and the -AmergeStubsWithSource feature to do WPI using stub files.
task wholeProgramInferenceTestCheckerStubTests(dependsOn: 'shadowJar', group: 'Verification') {
description 'Run tests for whole-program inference using stub files'
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
// Like wholeProgramInferenceTestCheckerStubTests, but with ajava files instead
task wholeProgramInferenceTestCheckerAjavaTests(dependsOn: 'shadowJar', group: 'Verification') {
description 'Run tests for whole-program inference using ajava files'
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
task testWpiTestCheckerJaifs(type: Test) {
description 'Internal task. Users should run wholeProgramInferenceNullnessJaifTests instead. This runs the wpi-testchecker tests with -Ainfer=jaifs to generate .jaif files'
dependsOn(':checker-qual:jar') // For the Value Checker annotations.
doFirst {
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
include '**/WholeProgramInferenceTestCheckerJaifsTest.class'
testLogging {
// Always run the tests
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
// Show the found unexpected diagnostics and expected diagnostics not found.
exceptionFormat "full"
events "passed", "skipped", "failed"
doLast {
// JAIF-based WPI fails these tests, which was added for stub-based WPI.
// See issue here:
// Inserting annotations from .jaif files in-place.
String jaifsDir = "tests/wpi-testchecker/inference-output";
List<File> jaifs = fileTree(jaifsDir).matching {
include '*.jaif'
if (jaifs.isEmpty()) {
throw new GradleException("no .jaif files found in ${jaifsDir}")
String javasDir = "tests/wpi-testchecker/annotated/";
List<File> javas = fileTree(javasDir).matching {
include '*.java'
if (javas.isEmpty()) {
throw new GradleException("no .java files found in ${javasDir}")
exec {
executable "${afu}/scripts/insert-annotations-to-source"
// Script argument -cp must precede Java program argument -i.
// checker-qual is needed for Constant Value Checker annotations.
args = ['-cp', "${sourceSets.test.output.asPath}:${project(':checker-qual').tasks.jar.archivePath}"]
args += ['-i']
for (File jaif : jaifs) {
args += [jaif.toString()]
for (File javaFile : javas) {
args += [javaFile.toString()]
task testWpiTestCheckerJaifsValidate(type: Test) {
description 'Internal task. Users should run wholeProgramInferenceNullnessJaifTests instead. This re-runs the wpi-testchecker tests using the .jaif files generated by testWpiTestCheckerJaifs'
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
include '**/WholeProgramInferenceTestCheckerJaifsValidationTest.class'
testLogging {
// Always run the tests
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
// Show the found unexpected diagnostics and expected diagnostics not found.
exceptionFormat "full"
events "passed", "skipped", "failed"
task wholeProgramInferenceTestCheckerJaifTests(dependsOn: 'shadowJar', group: 'Verification') {
description 'Run tests for whole-program inference using .jaif files'
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
task testWpiNullnessJaifs(type: Test) {
description 'Internal task. Users should run wholeProgramInferenceNullnessJaifTests instead. This runs the wpi-nullness tests with -Ainfer=jaifs to generate .jaif files'
doFirst {
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
include '**/WholeProgramInferenceNullnessJaifsTest.class'
testLogging {
// Always run the tests
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
// Show the found unexpected diagnostics and expected diagnostics not found.
exceptionFormat "full"
events "passed", "skipped", "failed"
doLast {
// JAIF-based WPI fails these tests, which was added for stub-based WPI.
// See issue here:
// Inserting annotations from .jaif files in-place.
String jaifsDir = "tests/wpi-nullness/inference-output";
List<File> jaifs = fileTree(jaifsDir).matching {
include '*.jaif'
if (jaifs.isEmpty()) {
throw new GradleException("no .jaif files found in ${jaifsDir}")
String javasDir = "tests/wpi-nullness/annotated/";
List<File> javas = fileTree(javasDir).matching {
include '*.java'
if (javas.isEmpty()) {
throw new GradleException("no .java files found in ${javasDir}")
exec {
executable "${afu}/scripts/insert-annotations-to-source"
// Script argument -cp must precede Java program argument -i.
args = ['-cp', "${sourceSets.test.output.asPath}"]
args += ['-i']
for (File jaif : jaifs) {
args += [jaif.toString()]
for (File javaFile : javas) {
args += [javaFile.toString()]
task testWpiNullnessJaifsValidate(type: Test) {
description 'Internal task. Users should run wholeProgramInferenceNullnessJaifTests instead. This re-runs the wpi-nullness tests using the .jaif files generated by testWpiNullnessJaifs'
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
include '**/WholeProgramInferenceNullnessJaifsValidationTest.class'
testLogging {
// Always run the tests
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
// Show the found unexpected diagnostics and expected diagnostics not found.
exceptionFormat "full"
events "passed", "skipped", "failed"
task wholeProgramInferenceNullnessJaifTests(dependsOn: 'shadowJar', group: 'Verification') {
description 'Run tests for whole-program inference using .jaif files'
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
// Empty task that just runs both the jaif and stub WPI tests.
// It is run as part of the inferenceTests task.
task wholeProgramInferenceTests(group: 'Verification') {
description "Run tests for all whole program inference modes."
// This is run as part of the inferenceTests task.
task wpiManyTests(group: "Verification") {
description 'Tests the script (and indirectly the script). Requires an Internet connection.'
// This test must always be re-run when requested.
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
doFirst {
// is run in skip mode so that logs are preserved, but
// we don't actually want to skip previously-failing tests when we
// re-run the tests locally.
delete fileTree("${project.projectDir}/build/wpi-many-tests") {
include '**/.cannot-run-wpi'
doLast {
// Run
def typecheckFilesDir = "${project.projectDir}/build/wpi-many-tests-results/"
try {
exec {
commandLine 'bin/',
'-i', "${project.projectDir}/tests/wpi-many/testin.txt",
'-o', "${project.projectDir}/build/wpi-many-tests",
'--', '--checker', 'nullness,interning,lock,regex,signature'
} catch (Exception e) {
println("Failure: Running failed with a non-zero exit code.")
File wpiOut = new File("${typecheckFilesDir}/wpi-out")
if (wpiOut.exists()) {
println("========= Output from last run of (${typecheckFilesDir}/wpi-out): ========")
exec {
commandLine 'cat', "${typecheckFilesDir}/wpi-out"
println("========= End of output from last run of (${typecheckFilesDir}/wpi-out): ========")
throw e
// collect the logs from running WPI
def typecheckFiles = fileTree(typecheckFilesDir).matching {
include "**/*-typecheck.out"
if (typecheckFiles.size() == 0) {
println("Failure: No *-typecheck.out files in ${typecheckFilesDir}")
println("========= Output from last run of (${typecheckFilesDir}/wpi-out): ========")
exec {
commandLine 'cat', "${typecheckFilesDir}/wpi-out"
println("========= End of output from last run of (${typecheckFilesDir}/wpi-out): ========")
def logFiles = fileTree(typecheckFilesDir).matching {
include "**/*.log"
logFiles.visit { FileVisitDetails details ->
def filename = "${typecheckFilesDir}" + details.getName()
println("======== printing contents of ${filename} ========")
details.getFile().eachLine { line -> println(line) }
println("======== end of contents of ${filename} ========")
throw new GradleException("Failure: No *-typecheck.out files in ${project.projectDir}/build/wpi-many-tests-results/")
// check that WPI causes the expected builds to succeed
typecheckFiles.visit { FileVisitDetails details ->
def filename = "${project.projectDir}/build/wpi-many-tests-results/" + details.getName()
def file = details.getFile()
if (file.length() == 0) {
throw new GradleException("Failure: WPI produced empty typecheck file " + filename)
file.eachLine { line ->
if (
// Ignore the line that WPI echoes with the javac command being run.
line.startsWith("Running ")
// Warnings about bad path elements aren't related to WPI and are ignored.
|| line.startsWith("warning: [path]")
// Ignore the summary line that reports the total number of warnings.
|| line.endsWith("warnings")) {
if (!line.trim().equals("")) {
throw new GradleException("Failure: WPI scripts produced an unexpected output in " + filename + ". " +
"Failing line is the following: " + line)
// This is run as part of the inferenceTests task.
task wpiPlumeLibTests(group: "Verification") {
description 'Tests whole-program inference on the plume-lib projects. Requires an Internet connection.'
// This test must always be re-run when requested.
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
doLast {
exec {
commandLine 'bin-devel/wpi-plumelib/'
ignoreExitValue = false
apply from: rootProject.file("gradle-mvn-push.gradle")
/** Adds information to the publication for uploading to Maven repositories. */
final checkerPom(publication) {
// Don't use publication.from which would publish the skinny jar as checker.jar.
publication.pom {
name = 'Checker Framework'
description = 'The Checker Framework enhances Java\'s type system to\n' +
'make it more powerful and useful. This lets software developers\n' +
'detect and prevent errors in their Java programs.\n' +
'The Checker Framework includes compiler plug-ins ("checkers")\n' +
'that find bugs or verify their absence. It also permits you to\n' +
'write your own compiler plug-ins.'
licenses {
license {
name = 'GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL2), with the classpath exception'
url = ''
distribution = 'repo'
publishing {
publications {
checker(MavenPublication) {
project.shadow.component it
checkerPom it
artifact checkerJar
artifact allSourcesJar
artifact allJavadocJar
signing {
sign publishing.publications.checker